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Abstract. 1. Ecological assemblages frequently show nestedness patterns of species distribution. Despite the common occurrence, the causality for nestedness patterns remains unclear. The effects of environmental and spatial factors on the patterns of insect species distributions were examined on 28 small islands in central Exuma, Bahamas. 2. Flying insects on each island were surveyed by Malaise traps, island area and vegetation height being used as environmental factors, and the degree of island isolation as a spatial factor. Body and relative wing length, and abundance of insect species were also considered as species traits which, together with environmental and spatial factors, determine insect distributions. 3. Island isolation was determined from distance to the mainland, greatest distance in a stepping‐stone pathway, distance to the nearest island, and the island area within 250, 500 and 1000 m of each island’s perimeter. 4. The pattern of island‐insect nestedness was examined for the overall insect assemblage and those of five dominant insect orders on the islands. The order of island ranking in the nested matrix was tested relative to area, isolation and vegetation height, the rank order of insect species then being examined relative to body and wing length, and abundance of species. 5. Significant nestedness was found in all assemblages. Significant contributions of environmental factors were found in Diptera and Hemiptera assemblages, whereas relatively large contributions of spatial factors were found in Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera assemblages. These results illustrated the need to include spatial factors in analyses on the assembly of insular insect assemblages.  相似文献   
  • 1 Light traps have been widely used for surveying insect community structure, but some biases are known to occur under certain meteorological conditions.
  • 2 In addition to weather factors, we raise the novel hypothesis that if the daily movement distance of focal insects is shorter than the effective range of the light trap, then the species richness and abundance of the daily captures will increase during the course of the night.
  • 3 This study examined the daily attraction patterns of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera to light traps and the factors affecting the attraction of these communities. Light traps were run for three consecutive nights in each month from April to October 2001 in a cool‐temperate forest in Japan.
  • 4 The species richness and abundance of Coleoptera increased during trap nights, whereas lepidopteran captures remained constant. Meteorological factors influenced the capture of both communities throughout the sampling season, but the daily increment in Coleoptera was not explained by the daily trends in weather conditions.
  • 5 We argue that the daily augmentation of Coleoptera capture rate results from the daily movement distance of Coleoptera being generally shorter than the effective and perceivable range of the light traps. These results suggest that consideration of the typical daily movement of a focal taxon is required when conducting biological monitoring using light trap sampling.
  • 1 The behaviour of nectar-collecting Bombus hypocrita sapporensis Cockerell queens was observed on a population of a spring ephemeral plant Corydalis ambigua Cham, et Schlecht.
  • 2 Daily patterns of activity and behaviour changed with the progress of flowering. Activity peaked shortly before sunset early in the flowering season but approximately at noon towards the end of flowering. In the peak flowering period the queens tended to visit nearby plants and to change direction often, whereas early or late in the flowering period they flew further between visits and were less likely to change direction.
  • 3 Each plant was visited 0 to 24 times (mean 9.4 ±SD 5.2) by the queens during the whole flowering season.
  • 4 The queens collected nectar, rarely through the front of the flowers but mostly through the spurs perforated by themselves or predecessors. At the beginning of the flowering season the illegitimate foragers often visited the front of the flowers before moving to the spurs; later, most queens quickly learned to land directly on the spurs.
  • 5 Even the 59.7% of plants that were visited only by illegitimate foragers set seeds. Close observation confirmed that the illegitimate foragers opened the inner petals enclosing anthers and stigma frequently when visiting the front of the flowers before robbing, or occasionally when walking about on the flowers or collecting nectar through the perforated spurs.
To increase systemic resistance to herbivory, some clonal plants transmit internal cues among clonal ramets to prevent widespread damage to genets. Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) (Asteraceae) is known to use volatile cues to induce resistance within and between plants (so‐called volatile communication). In the present study, we observed the extent and frequency of clonal growth in a natural sagebrush population in western North America to understand the influence of clonal growth on volatile communication. We used genetic analysis involving microsatellite markers and excavation of the root systems. In addition, we characterized the volatile profiles from the headspace of sagebrush ramets. Excavation of the root system of sagebrush plants revealed that sagebrush propagates clonally below ground and that daughter ramets grow near the mother stem. Volatiles were variable among genetically different ramets, although clonal ramets (genetically identical ramets) released similar volatiles, suggesting a genetic basis for volatile similarity. Sagebrush has been shown to be most responsive to volatiles released from artificially produced clones and suffers less herbivore damage as a result. Therefore, these results, taken into consideration together, imply that volatile communication may occur among genetically identical ramets under natural conditions, and that volatile similarity between the releaser and receiver may be recognized by the receiver and increase resistance against herbivory.  相似文献   
The karyomorphology of 11 species of the genus Incarvillea Juss. is reported. The chromosome numbers of all species studied are 2 n  = 22. The interphase nuclei and prophase chromosomes were found to be of the simple chromocentre type and the interstitial type, respectively. The asymmetry of the karyotype of I. arguta (two populations) in subgenus Amphicome is type 2A. The karyotypes of Incarvillea s inensis var. sinensis , I.  s inensis var. przewalskii, and I. olgae in subgenus Incarvillea are of asymmetry type 3A. The remaining nine species and one variety in subgenus Pteroscleris are also of asymmetry 3A. Data on three species and one variety studied are first reports. This study indicates that karyotype variation at the diploid level appears to be the predominant feature of chromosome evolution in the genus Incarvillea . According to this study of karyomorphology, morphological characteristics and geographical distribution, it seems that the three subgenera should be regarded as three independent genera. The geography of the genus is discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 113–121.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The gymnotiform electric fish, Eigenmannia, exhibitsextraordinary sensitivity to small timing differences betweensensory signals. The jamming avoidance response, gradual frequencyshifts of the electric organ discharges, requires the detectionof temporal disparities between sensory signals impinging upondifferent electroreceptors. This behavior occurs reliably evenwith temporal disparities being smaller than one microsecond.Since individual sensory receptors are not capable of encodingsuch minute timing with certainty, the high behavioral sensitivitymust, therefore, emerge from signal processing within the centralnervous system. Individual neurons, at the top of a well definedneuronal hierarchy have been found to be sensitive to temporaldisparities in the range of 1 microsecond. The response propertiesof these neurons as well as behavioral results suggest thatspatial convergence of sensory information plays a major rolein the emergence of this temporal hyperacuity.  相似文献   
The K, Na and Cl concentrations of the chloroplast layer andthe flowing cytoplasm of Nitella flexilis have been determinedby applying an internal perfusion technique, which enabled usto avoid contamination of ions from the cell sap. K, Na andCl concentrations of the chloroplast layer are 110, 26 and 136mM and those of the flowing cytoplasm are 125, 5 and 36 mM respectively.The cell sap contains 80 mM K, 28 mM Na and 136 mM Cl. Althoughthere are some variations in these values among samples, theflowing cytoplasm is rich in K and poor in Cl and especiallyin Na. The exchange of K and Na across the tonoplasl occursfairly easily (half-time, a few hours), while that of Cl occursextremely slowly (half-time, a few days). 1This work was supported by Research Grants from the Ministryof Education of Japan  相似文献   
To investigate the connection between demographic strategies and reproductive strategies of a polycarpic perennial herb, Trillium apetalon Makino, we conducted three studies. First, we monitored the fate of individuals and the flowering behavior of T. apetalon for 12 years and used a transition matrix model to analyze the demography of the population. The analysis revealed that it takes a long time for individuals to go through one-leaf stage in juveniles. Elasticity analysis showed that the survival of flowering individuals was a decisive factor in the dynamics of the population. Furthermore, we found that the average remaining lifetime of flowering individuals was high relative to the other three stages. Second, to elucidate the demographic consequences of organ preformation, we investigated the development of flower buds for future years. We observed three to six flower buds per rhizome, suggesting that flower buds for the next 3–6 years were ready in advance in this plant. Third, the results of breeding experiments clarified that although this species appears to have a substantial capacity for both inbreeding and outbreeding, inbreeding plays an important role in seed production, and that crossing experiments (direct cross-pollination and self pollination) yielded similar seed-ovule ratios to those obtained from open-pollinated individuals. Our three studies suggest that the adult survival and continuous flowering strategies of T. apetalon obtained from demographic analysis are closely interlinked with breeding systems and preformation of flower buds.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Forest entomofauna retain high diversity, and examining beta diversity, or species turnover, among assemblages in a forest community is vital to elucidate the source of this diversity.
2. Under the DIVERSITAS in Western Pacific and Asia–International Biodiversity Observation Year (DIWPA–IBOY) project for simultaneously documenting biodiversity throughout the Western Pacific and Asian Region, 892 lepidopteran species (51 742 specimens) and 355 coleopteran species (11 633 specimens) were collected in 2001 by light traps in a cool–temperate forest in northern Japan.
3. This study evaluated the beta diversity of lepidopteran and coleopteran communities by ecological categories (i.e. trap location, forest strata, sampling days, and months), and assessed the habitat preferences of lepidopteran and coleopteran species.
4.  anova -like additive apportioning models were used to quantify the beta diversity among the categories. The models simultaneously provide assessments of whether species distributions are biased in favour of particular habitats.
5. Significantly high beta diversity was observed among months for both Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. The category of months corresponded fairly well to the number of specialist species detected in the category, although a remarkably large number of significant specialists in Coleoptera were observed on strata.
6. The high beta diversity and number of specialist species among strata in both communities indicate that stratification between canopy and ground, and seasonal variation, played major roles in species composition and the rich entomofauna in the forest. Highly mobile adults were influenced by the vertical spatial scale, as previously suggested for larvae.  相似文献   
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