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Within‐shoot vertical distributions of the scale insect Nipponaclerda biwakoensis, five species of gregarious parasitoid wasps attacking the scale, and successful multiparasitism (emergence of multiple parasitoid species from a single host) by the parasitoids on the common reed were investigated. Each reed shoot collected was longer than 2.0 m, and was divided into pieces of 0.5 m each from the base of the shoot. The mean number of adult female scales per 0.5 m of shoot increased with height, but the mean rate of overall parasitism of the female scales decreased with height. The five parasitoids showed species‐specific within‐shoot distribution patterns, with respect to the rate of parasitism: Astymachus japonicus, Boucekiella depressa and Encyrtidae sp. 2 showed the greatest rates of parasitism at heights of 0–0.5, 0.5–1.0 and 1.0–1.5 m, respectively. The parasitism rate by Aprostocetus sp. was higher at the lower half of the shoots, whereas that by Encyrtidae sp. 1 was higher at the central positions. The distribution of the five parasitoids largely overlapped with each other at the level of scale aggregations. Nevertheless, successful multiparasitism occurred frequently only in several types of species combinations that involved two parasitoid species showing similar within‐shoot distribution patterns. The rate of successful multiparasitism by B. depressa with A. japonicus or Aprostocetus sp., and that by Encyrtidae sp. 2 with Encyrtidae sp. 1 was constantly high at different vertical positions on the shoots. This may be because B. depressa and Encyrtidae sp. 2 preferentially oviposit into scales previously parasitized by these other species.  相似文献   
UV‐induced melanogenesis is a well known physiological response of human skin exposed to solar radiation; however, the signaling molecules involved in the stimulation of melanogenesis in melanocytes following UV exposure remain unclear. In this study we induced melanogenesis in vitro in normal human epidermal melanocytes using a single irradiation with UVA at 1 kJ/m2 and examined the potential involvement of mitogen‐activated protein kinases (MAPK) as UVA‐responsive signaling molecules in those cells. UVA irradiation did not affect the proliferation of melanocytes, but it did increase tyrosinase mRNA expression, which reached a maximum level 4 hr after UVA irradiation. The amount of tyrosinase protein, as quantitated by immunoblotting, was also increased at 24 hr following UVA irradiation. Among the MAPK examined, extracellular signal‐related kinase (ERK) 1/2 was phosphorylated within 15 min of UVA irradiation, but no such phosphorylation was observed for c‐Jun N‐terminal kinases (JNK) or p38. Accordingly, the activity of ERK1/2 was also increased shortly after UVA irradiation. These responses of ERK1/2 to UVA irradiation were markedly inhibited when cells were pre‐treated with N‐acetyl‐l ‐cysteine, an antioxidant, or with suramin, a tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitor. The formation of (6‐4)photoproducts or cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers was not detected in cellular DNA after UVA irradiation. These findings suggest that a single UVA irradiation‐induced melanogenesis is associated with the activation of ERK1/2 by upstream signals that originate from reactive oxygen species or from activated tyrosine kinase receptors, but not from damaged DNA.  相似文献   
Population outbreaks of the coral-eating starfish, Acanthaster planci , are hypothesized to spread to many localities in the Indo-Pacific Ocean through dispersal of planktonic larvae. To elucidate the gene flow of A. planci across the Indo-Pacific in relation to ocean currents and to test the larval dispersal hypothesis, the genetic structure among 23 samples over the Indo-Pacific was analysed using seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. The F -statistics and genetic admixture analysis detected genetically distinct groups in accordance with ocean current systems, that is, the Southeast African group (Kenya and Mayotte), the Northwestern Pacific group (the Philippines and Japan), Palau, the North Central Pacific group (Majuro and Pohnpei), the Great Barrier Reef, Fiji, and French Polynesia, with a large genetic break between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. A pattern of significant isolation by distance was observed among all samples ( P =  0.001, r  = 0.88, n  = 253, Mantel test), indicating restricted gene flow among the samples in accordance with geographical distances. The data also indicated strong gene flow within the Southeast African, Northwestern Pacific, and Great Barrier Reef groups. These results suggest that the western boundary currents have strong influence on gene flow of this species and may trigger secondary outbreaks.  相似文献   
The changes in activities and intracellular locations of glycerol kinase in rat brain and liver during development were compared. Glycerol kinase activity was consistently much higher in the liver than in the brain from just before the birth to the adult stage. Most of the activity was bound to mitochondria in the brain, but the intracellular distribution of the activity in the liver changed during development, the amount of activity bound to mitochondria being high just after birth and then decreasing gradually. These changes of glycerol kinase during development were compared with those of hexokinase, and the significance of the changes in the two enzymes is discussed in relation to dietary changes during development.  相似文献   
1. The composition of fatty acids (FA) from C14 to C18 was measured for edible seston and for individual Daphnia galeata , Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Eodiaptomus japonicus from Lake Biwa using a pyrolysis–gas chromatography (Py–GC) method. Based on the relative abundance of the FA, inter-and intraspecific differences in composition were examined.
2. Among the FA, C16 : 0 was the most abundant, both in the three zooplankton species and in edible seston smaller than 20 μm, suggesting that the composition of the zooplankton was roughly reflected by their diet. However, the abundance of C18 : 1 relative to C16 : 1 and C18 : 0 was much higher in each zooplankton species than in the diet.
3. Comparison of the relative abundance of FA among the three zooplankton species revealed that intraspecific differences in FA composition are greater than interspecific differences. These results indicate that variability in FA composition is not necessarily species-specific, and can be obscured by variation in composition between individuals.  相似文献   
The growth of Escherichia coli strain B in a liquid medium wasfound to cease at a cell density of 5x109 cells per ml. (Thiscritical concentration is designated as the maximum or M-concentration.)Even cells harvested from the logarithmic growth phase couldnot divide at this or higher cell densities. Investigationson the metabolic activities of such cultures, however, showedthat the synthesis of cellular protein and nucleic acid wastaking place under such circumstances, showing that only someprocess (or processes) particularly related to cell divisionwas suppressed at the critical cell concentration in question. This finding led us to devise a new method of synchronizationof E. coli: cells harvested from a logarithmic phase were preincubatedat the critical concentration of 5x109 cells per ml for 45 minutes,and then diluted 100 times with fresh medium. This led to synchronizationof cell division, as shown by a stepwise multiplication in cellnumber. (Received June 20, 1961; )  相似文献   
1. We examined the effects of habitat fragmentation caused by dams on freshwater fish species using a database of 7848 fish presence/absence surveys, conducted between 1953–2003 in Hokkaido, Japan. 2. A series of generalised linear models showed that for 11 of 41 taxa examined, the probability of occurrence had been influenced either negatively (eight taxa) or positively (three taxa) by the presence of a dam downstream from their habitat. 3. Maps of modelled predictions revealed that dams had had widespread negative impacts on certain taxa, while for other taxa the impact was limited to specific basins. Two of the three taxa whose probability of occurrence was increased in areas above dams have long been transplanted into reservoirs in Japan. 4. For four of the eight taxa whose probability of occurrence was reduced above dams and all three taxa whose probability of occurrence increased above dams, the temporal length of habitat isolation (i.e. the number of years between dam construction and sampling) was also a significant predictor of the probability of occurrence. This pattern indicates that these taxa experienced a gradual rather than an instantaneous population impact as a result of dam construction. 5. The eight taxa whose probability of occurrence was reduced as a consequence of dams all exhibit migratory life cycles. Although migratory taxa are probably more susceptible to the negative effect of dams, we could not detect significant relationships between migration life histories and the effect of fragmentation by dams. 6. These analyses enable stream and fisheries managers to quantify the impacts of habitat fragmentation because of dams for individual species. The spatially explicit nature of our analyses also enables identification of the areas of the impact at broad geographical scales. Using our results, managers can take effective conservation and restoration measures to predict, mitigate or remove the impact of dams. For example, our results can be used to prioritise dams for removal or to predict losses of biodiversity and ecosystem services in advance of dam construction.  相似文献   
Conservation of endemic species on oceanic islands is an essential issue for biodiversity conservation. Metrosideros boninensis (Myrtaceae) is an endangered tree species endemic to the Bonin Islands of the western North Pacific Ocean. This species is considered to be extremely rare with less than 400 adult individuals, a number that has fluctuated between the 1880s and 1980s through human influence. We analyzed the genetic diversity and genetic structure of this species using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers and microsatellite markers. Genetic diversity of M. boninensis was extremely low compared to related taxa and similar endemic species from small islands. This low genetic diversity might be attributed to a stepwise colonization process with repeated founder bottlenecks in the dispersal pathway to the Bonin Islands. Populations of M. boninensis showed significant genetic differentiation and isolation by distance over a small geographical scale, despite the fact that this species should have extensive gene dispersal ability. This genetic differentiation might be caused by limited gene flow via pollen and seed among populations and genetic drift amid a small number of remnant individuals. Taken together, these findings suggest that the genetic diversity and connectivity of tree populations on islands are more vulnerable to habitat fragmentation than previously thought. We offer some recommendations for management to ameliorate habitat fragmentation and biological invasion.  相似文献   
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