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From studies in the field, botanic garden and herbarium we concluded that the following four species of Dryopteris grow on the Canary Islands: D. aemula (n = 41) so far found only on Gomera; D. pseudomas (n = 82, apogamous) similarly recorded only for Gomera; D. oligodonta (n = 41) the most common representative of the genus in the Islands is possibly an old Canary endemic related to some African species; D. guanchica a new tetraploid species ( n = 82) hitherto confused with D. austriaca (D. dilatata). On four islands of the Azores the following were found: D. aemula (n = 41); D. azorica (n = 41); D. pseudomas (n = 82, apogamous); and D. crispifolia a new tetraploid species ( n = 82) which is very distinct when living but in the dried pressed state is difficult to differentiate from D. austriaca and D. guanchica.  相似文献   
Niche variation between hybrid taxa and their parental species has been deemed imperative to the persistence of hybrid populations in nature. However, the ecological factors promoting hybrid establishment remain poorly understood. Through the application of a multidisciplinary approach integrating genetics, morphometry, life‐history, and trophic ecology, we studied the hybrids of roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and bream (Abramis brama L.), and their parental species inhabiting an Irish lake. The roach × bream hybrid exhibited a body shape intermediate of that of the parental species. Diet analyses depicted the hybrid as a generalist, feeding on all prey items consumed by either parental species. Stable isotope data confirm the trophic niche breadth of hybrids. A significant correlation between body shape and diet was detected, suggesting that the intermediate phenotype of hybrids might play a role in their feeding abilities, resulting in the utilization of a broader trophic spectrum than the parental species. Growth and age class structure analyses also yielded a scenario that is consistent with the ecological success of hybrids. Genetic analyses suggest that the majority of hybrids result from first‐generation crosses between the parental species; however, a potentially significant proportion of back‐crosses with bream were also detected. The recent introduction of roach and bream into Irish waters, as well as the climatic and ecological features of the colonized habitats, can explain the remarkable success of the roach × bream hybrid in Ireland. The adaptive significance of hybridization and its demographic consequences for the parental species are discussed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 768–783.  相似文献   
The Point Arena mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra) is an endangered subspecies. Efforts to recover this sub‐species will be aided by advances in molecular genetics, specifically the ability to estimate population size using noninvasive genetic sampling. Here we report on the development of nine polymorphic loci for the Point Arena mountain beaver. These markers provide us sufficient power to distinguish individuals, and thus can be used for calculating population size and delineating population substructure.  相似文献   
The occurrence of intermediate-sized filaments containing prekeratin-like proteins ('cytokeratins') has been examined in various organs of rat and cow by electron microscopy and by immunofluorescence microscopy on frozen sections using antibodies to defined constitutive proteins of various types of intermediate-sized filaments (prekeratin, vimentin, desmin). Positive cytokeratin reaction and tonofilament-like structures have been observed in the following epithelia: epidermis; ductal, secretory, and myoepithelial cells of sweat glands; mammary gland duct; myoepithelial cells of lactating mammary gland; milk secreting cells of cow; ductal, secretory, and myoepithelial cells of various salivary glands; tongue mucosa; bile duct; excretory duct of pancreas; intestinal mucosa; urothelium; trachea; bronchi; thymus reticulum, including Hassall corpuscles; mesothelium; uterus; and ciliated cells of oviduct. None of the epithelial cells mentioned has shown significant reaction with antibodies to vimentin, the major component of the type of intermediate-sized filaments predominant in mesenchymal cells. The widespread, if not general occurrence of cytokeratin filaments in epithelial cells is emphasized, and it is proposed to use this specific structure as a criterion for true epithelial character or origin.  相似文献   
Cell membrane potentials have been measured both in epidermalstrips and intact leaf sections of Tradescantia virginiana andCommelina communis, and in epidermal cells over green and overalbino mesophyll cells of T. albiflora var. albovittata. Membranepotentials (cell) in strips were considerably lower than thosein intact sections and were insensitive to light and to theabsence or presence of calcium. Their response to external cationlevels was indifferent to ionic species. However, in intactleaf sections incubated with calcium present, membrane potentialsresponded to K+ levels but not to Na+. were more negative thancells in epidermal strips, and responded to changes in illumination. Long-term recordings of cell and vacuolar K+ levels in T. virginianaduring stomatal closure suggest that the fluctuations of cellwere unrelated to K+ movement (which we could not detect) andthus probably to stomatal movement as well. Turgor pressures measured in epidermal cells of intact leafsections of T. virginiana were found to be of the same magnitudeas those previously reported for epidermal strips. It is concludedthat epidermal cells maintain their solute contents during strippingwithout the involvement of an electrophysiological transportsystem. With the possible exception of lateral subsidiary cells,there was no evidence suggesting that ordinary epidermal cellsare capable of osmotic adjustment even when additional KCI wassupplied in the osmoticum. Absolute turgor levels in intactleaf sections kept at constant external KCI were unrelated tosteady state cell.  相似文献   
Eggs of Blanding's turtles ( Emydoidea blandingii ) were incubated in the laboratory under hydric conditions eliciting different patterns of net water exchange between eggs and surrounding air and substrate. Eggs incubated on wet and intermediate substrates increased in mass during the first half of incubation and decreased in mass during the second half, and their mass just before hatching was slightly lower than at oviposition. Eggs incubated on dry substrates and on platforms above substrates declined in mass throughout incubation, with a rate of decline greater in the second half of incubation than in the first. The size of hatchlings was related to the hydric environment in which eggs were incubated and, possibly, to the net flux of water across eggshells. However, variation in size of hatchlings was not as great as has been reported for other species with flexible-shelled eggs, owing presumably to the constraints on water exchange imposed by the more complex eggshells of Blanding's turtles.  相似文献   
Membrane enriched fractions of eggs show changes in relativelipid and acylglyceride fatty acid content at maturation andfertilization, when many critical membrane changes occur. Manyof the changes in lipids seen at fertilization in sea urchinsare reversed from those seen at maturation in starfish. Maybea special permissive lipid content appears at maturation anddisappears at fertilization. Mycostatin alters the lipid contentof unfertilized eggs, prevents fertilization, blastula cellaggregation and normal development, with decreasing susceptibilitywith age, suggesting altered cell surfaces during development.Membrane enriched fractions also show changes in enzyme specificactivity at fertilization. Attempts were made to localize theseenzymes in various surface components (membrane or associatedcoats or adherent cortex) and several fractions were separated.Egg surfaces are complex and therefore difficult to study. DTTor pronase treatment, for example, changes the activity of G6PDin the surface of whole eggs, with further changes occurringin such eggs following fertilization. Increases in G6PD activityin ghosts and supernate of fertilized eggs appear due to isoenzymechanges instead of one enzyme changing compartment. Isozymepatterns of G6PD extracted from pellets differ from those ofsupernates. Patterns also differ following fertilization orpartial activation by ammonia or calcium ionophore. Some isozymesseem to be breakdown products of larger forms, and can be producedby treatment with papain, DTT, or urea. Isozyme studies supporta dynamic model of the egg surface. Surface changes may occurenzymatically, by insertion of vesicles, or by release of materialfrom vesicles.  相似文献   
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