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During the past 15 years in the Ina Valley, Japan, mature fifth instar larvae of the yellow hornet, Vespa simillima, have been occasionally ejected from colonies during September. During 2005, this unusual behavior was particularly widespread, and collection of several V. simillima colonies confirmed that very few fifth instar larvae were present. When compared with an average colony, constructed from 41 colonies collected 20 years previously, colonies in 2005 had 80% fewer fifth instar larvae, despite queen egg‐laying rates remaining similar. It may be that the amount of food provided to the larvae by workers is less than the amount of larval secretions received by workers, which is causing the larvae to become emaciated and preventing them from pupating. This phenomenon normally occurs naturally at the end of the colony cycle in November, when prey abundance decreases and larval secretions or other sources of carbohydrates, for example from ripe fruit, tree sap, or aphid secretions, are needed by sexuals to build up fat reserves. However, another possibility is that the unexplained appearance of this phenomenon in September, which is causing colonies to collapse without producing any or very few sexuals, is due to foragers feeding the larvae prey that are contaminated with insect growth regulators, via pesticides, which are known to prevent successful pupation.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. We monitored three different‐sized wood ant (Formica aquilonia Yarrow) mounds over a 3‐year period in Finnish boreal forests dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.), to assess the seasonal temperature dependency of ant activity. Additionally, we also monitored Norway spruce trees around the mounds for descending honeydew foragers. 2. The amount of collected honeydew and prey and its composition, as well as the carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in honeydew and invertebrate prey was also investigated. 3. The number of warm days (average temperature above 20 °C) and the amount of precipitation differed among the years. Ant activity at the mounds (but not on the trees) was highly correlated with air temperature throughout the ant‐active season (May–September), but ant activity in spring and autumn was lower than in summer at similar temperatures. During all 3 years, honeydew played a major role in wood ant nutrition (78–92% of dry mass). Invertebrate prey was mainly Diptera (on average 26.2%), Coleoptera (12.5%), Aphidina (9.3%), and Arachnoida (8.5%). 4. The total amounts of C, N, and P input brought into the ant mounds in the form of food (both honeydew and prey) on the stand level were 12.6–39.0, 1.6–4.6 and 0.1–0.4 kg ha?1 year?1, respectively, which is equivalent to 2–6%, 12–33% and 27–58% of the fluxes in annual needle litterfall in typical boreal Norway spruce forests. Thus, wood ants can play a significant role in short term and local N and P cycling of boreal forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
The main aspects of seed ontogeny in Senna corymbosa were studied by standard anatomical microtechniques for light microscope observations. The results revealed an ana-campylotropous, bitegmic, and crassinucelate mature ovule. A single archesporocyte developed by an archesporial cell enlargement from the subhypodermal multicellular archesporium. Meiosis originated linear or T-shaped megasporic tetrads. The functional megaspore was the chalazal one. Megagametophytic development conformed to the Polygonum type. Fertilization was porogamic. Endosperm development was free nuclear and conformed to a chalazal haustorium. Cellular endosperm was initiated from the micropylar end during the globular embryo stage. Embryogeny derived from a linear proembryonal tetrad. The mature embryo showed an oblique axis. The testa derived from the outer ovular integument. Nucellar and endosperm remnants, and the micropylar region of the inner ovular integument, persisted at embryo maturity. The absence of a pleurogram would be adaptative to wetland habitats. The taxonomic use of the mature embryo axis in the Cassieae and the phylogenetic employment of megasporic arrangements in Leguminosae needs some reinterpretation.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 169–179.  相似文献   
Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix in Britain have declined through the 20th century, and most birds are now in Scotland. Many causes for this decline have been suggested, notably agricultural intensification, increased grazing levels and moorland afforestation. We examine habitat correlates of Black Grouse distribution and population change from a 700-km2 area in the core of the Scottish range, where the numbers of lekking male Black Grouse declined by an estimated 70% to 270 between 1990 and 2002. Habitat data were derived from satellite imagery, in combination with map and field-collected data. Lek occurrence, lek size and changes in lek size were all correlated with forest structure, either positively with the amount of pre-thicket forest cover, or negatively with closed canopy cover. Additional effects of the cover of grass moor and dry heath suggest that Black Grouse are most likely to occur where moorland comprises Heather Calluna vulgaris and grass mosaics. Analysis of the change in Black Grouse abundance within 1.5 km of discrete forest blocks suggests that forest maturation, which has been the dominant habitat change during the course of the study, alone accounts for 58–78% of the decline. Given the close association of Black Grouse and the occurrence of woodland (and particularly conifer plantation) throughout much of their British range, these findings can be used to inform the design of management schemes for the recovery of Black Grouse.  相似文献   
Abstract The birds nest fern, Asplenium nidus, contributes greatly to the epiphytic biomass in the canopies of both south‐east Asia and tropical north Queensland rainforests. It is generally believed that their abundance and their capacity to store water is an important feature for habitat fragmentation in the canopy. We investigated the microclimate of A. nidus and the effects of severe drought periods on the A. nidus population over a 20‐year period, hypothesizing that water availability is the most important factor controlling the population under drought conditions. One of two neighbouring A. nidus plants of the same size and age was irrigated artificially before, during and after a significant dry period in 2000. By monitoring the microclimate within and around both ferns we were able to estimate that four continuous weeks of rainless weather completely dried out the accumulated humus of the non‐irrigated A. nidus fern. Prolonged dry periods were shown to kill the roots of A. nidus, which attach the fern to the bark and eventually the affected A. nidus on verticals stems fell to the ground. Periods longer than 8 weeks may even kill adult plants sitting in more protected branch forks. Analysis of the whole A. nidus population within the 1‐ha Canopy Crane plot and the determination of the morphological age of all plants enabled an evaluation of the historical development of the population. The oldest plant originated in 1985, just 1 year after the longest recorded drought for the site. We suspect that the 1984 drought killed every A. nidus plant within the study plot. Years with low recruitment coincide with years with long drought periods.  相似文献   
Bacterial populations can display high levels of genetic structuring but the forces that influence this are incompletely understood. Here, by combining modelling approaches with multilocus sequence data for the zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter, we investigated how ecological factors such as niche (host) separation relate to population structure. We analysed seven housekeeping genes from published C. jejuni and C. coli isolate collections from a range of food and wild animal sources as well as abiotic environments. By reconstructing genetic structure and the patterns of ancestry, we quantified C. jejuni host association, inferred ancestral populations, investigated genetic admixture in different hosts and determined the host origin of recombinant C. jejuni alleles found in hybrid C. coli lineages. Phylogenetically distinct C. jejuni lineages were associated with phylogenetically distinct wild birds. However, in the farm environment, phylogenetically distant host animals shared several C. jejuni lineages that could not be segregated according to host origin using these analyses. Furthermore, of the introgressed C. jejuni alleles found in C. coli lineages, 73% were attributed to genotypes associated with food animals. Our results are consistent with an evolutionary scenario where distinct Campylobacter lineages are associated with different host species but the ecological factors that maintain this are different in domestic animals such that phylogenetically distant animals can harbour closely related strains.  相似文献   
Gecarcinus lateralis can take moisture from a clamp substratumin amounts adequate for the needs of the entire intermolt cycle.It can also rehydrate in this way, even after severe dehydration. This crab is able to survive for many months when free waterof a wide range of salinities (0.30; = parts per thousand)is made available in a shallow dish. The crab dies within sevenweeks when the salinity of this water is 35. During proecdysisthe pericardial sacs of eyestalkless crabs become most swollenwhen the salinity of the available water is 15 or 23, and survivalduring and after ecdysis is greatest with water of 15. A crab in proecdysis shows no increase in the rate at whichwater enters following dehydration. Yet large amounts of waterare retained, particularly at the intermediate salinities. Maximalswelling of the pericardial sacs just prior to ecdysis is essentiallyequivalent in crabs with eyestalks, in eyestalkless crabs, andin eyestalkless crabs that have received an implant of centralnervous tissue. Hence, we conclude that a hormone causing theretention of water exists, but not in the eyestalks, in thebrain, or in the thoracic ganglionic mass. At ecdysis eyestalkless crabs show large increases in the dimensionsof the carapace, while crabs with eyestalks and eyestalklesscrabs that have received an implant of certain central nervoustissues show much less increase and may even show a decrease.Thus, we conclude that a hormone causing a release of waterat ecdysis is produced in the central nervous system. The advantages to the crab of a dual hormonal control of itswater balance are discussed.  相似文献   
Several models of activation mechanisms were proposed for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), yet no direct methods exist for their elucidation. The availability of constitutively active mutants has given an opportunity to study active receptor conformations within acceptable limits using models such as the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1)1 receptor mutant N111G-hAT1 which displays an important constitutive activity. Recently, by using methionine proximity assay, we showed for the hAT1 receptor that TMD III, VI, and VII form the ligand-binding pocket of the C-terminal amino acid of an antagonistic AngII analogue. In the present contribution, we investigated whether the same residues would also constitute the ligand-binding contacts in constitutively activated mutant (CAM) receptors. For this purpose, the same Met mutagenesis strategy was carried out on the N111G double mutants. Analysis of 43 receptors mutants in the N111G-hAT1 series, photolabeled and CNBr digested, showed that there were only subtle structural changes between the wt-receptor and its constitutively active form.  相似文献   
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