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Climatic effects on the decomposition rates of various litter types in different environments must be known to predict how climatic changes would affect key functions of terrestrial ecosystems, such as nutrient and carbon cycling and plant growth. We developed regression models of the climatic effects on the first‐year mass loss of Scots pine needle litter in boreal and temperate forests across Europe (34 sites), and tested the applicability of these models for other litter types in different ecosystems from arctic tundra to tropical rainforest in Canada (average three year mass loss of 11 litter types at 18 sites), the USA and Central America (four litter types at 26 sites). A temperature variable (annual mean temperature, effective temperature sum or its logarithm) combined with a summer drought indicator (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration between May and September) explained the first‐year mass loss of the Scots pine needle litter across Europe with a higher R2 value than actual evapotranspiration (0.68–0.74 vs. 0.51) and with less systematic error for any sub‐region. The model with temperature sum and the summer drought indicator appeared best suited to the other litter types and environments. It predicted the climatic effects on the decomposition rates in North and Central America with least systematic error and highest R2 values (0.72–0.80). Compared with Europe, the decomposition rate was significantly less sensitive to annual mean temperature in Canada, and to changes in actual evapotranspiration in the USA and Central America. A simple model distinguishing temperature and drought effects was able to explain the majority of climatic effects on the decomposition rates of the various litter types tested in the varying environments over the large geographical areas. Actual evapotranspiration summarizing the temperature and drought effects was not as general climatic predictor of the decomposition rate.  相似文献   
A strategy to assess river restoration success   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. Elaborate restoration attempts are underway worldwide to return human‐impacted rivers to more natural conditions. Assessing the outcome of river restoration projects is vital for adaptive management, evaluating project efficiency, optimising future programmes and gaining public acceptance. An important reason why assessment is often omitted is lack of appropriate guidelines. 2. Here we present guidelines for assessing river restoration success. They are based on a total of 49 indicators and 13 specific objectives elaborated for the restoration of low‐ to mid‐order rivers in Switzerland. Most of these objectives relate to ecological attributes of rivers, but socio‐economic aspects are also considered. 3. A strategy is proposed according to which a set of indicators is selected from the total of 49 indicators to ensure that indicators match restoration objectives and measures, and that the required effort for survey and analysis of indicators is appropriate to the project budget. 4. Indicator values are determined according to methods described in detailed method sheets. Restoration success is evaluated by comparing indicator values before and after restoration measures have been undertaken. To this end, values are first standardised on a dimensionless scale ranging from 0 to 1, then averaged across different indicators for a given project objective, and finally assigned to one of five overall success categories. 5. To illustrate the application of this scheme, a case study on the Thur River, Switzerland, is presented. Seven indicators were selected to meet a total of five project objectives. The project was successful in achieving ‘provision of high recreational value’, ‘lateral connectivity’ and ‘vertical connectivity’ but failed to meet the objectives ‘morphological and hydraulic variability’ and ‘near natural abundance and diversity of fauna’. Results from this assessment allowed us to identify potential deficits and gaps in the restoration project. To gain information on the sensitivity of the assessment scheme would require a set of complementary indicators for each restoration objective.  相似文献   
The area under the cultivation of perennial bioenergy crops on organic soils in the northern countries is fast increasing. To understand the impact of reed canary grass (RCG, Phalaris arundinaceae L.) cultivation on the carbon dioxide (CO2) balance of an organic soil, net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) was measured for four years in a RCG cultivated cutover peatland in eastern Finland using the eddy covariance technique. There were striking differences among the years in the annual precipitation. The annual precipitation was higher during 2004 and 2007 and lower during 2005 and 2006 than the 1971–2000 regional mean. During wet growing seasons, moderate temperatures, high surface soil moisture and low evaporative demand favoured high CO2 uptake. During dry seasons, owing to soil moisture and atmospheric stress, photosynthetic activity was severely restricted. The CO2 uptake [gross primary productivity (GPP)] was positively correlated with soil moisture, air temperature and inversely with vapour pressure deficit. Total ecosystem respiration (TER) increased with increasing soil temperature but decreased with increasing soil moisture. The relative responses of GPP and TER to moisture stress were different. While changes in TER for a given change in soil moisture were moderate, variations in GPP were drastic. Also, the seasonal variations in TER were not as conspicuous as those in GPP implying that GPP is the primary regulator of the interannual variability in NEE in this ecosystem. The ecosystem accumulated a total of 398 g C m?2 from the beginning of 2004 until the end of 2007. It retained some carbon during a wet year such as 2004 even after accounting for the loss of carbon in the form of harvested biomass. Based on this CO2 balance analysis, RCG cultivation is found to be a promising after‐use option on an organic soil.  相似文献   
1. Variation in larval food composition can have far‐reaching effects on the adult phenotype of insects. To maximise reproductive output, it is therefore beneficial if insects are able to plastically adapt to nutritional cues in their larval diet. 2. The expression of sexual traits implicated in pre‐ and postcopulatory sexual selection of the lesser wax moth, Achroia grisella Fabricius, across different rearing environments of varying diet composition was investigated. 3. Moths reared on diet with relatively low amounts of carbohydrate, but more protein and fats, had lower survival rates, decreased body mass, and longer development times. Males reared on this diet produced songs with higher pulse pair rates (which are attractive to females) and transferred more sperm per copulation than males reared on the alternative diets. 4. There was no evidence for a trade‐off between pre‐ and postcopulatory traits. Interestingly, individuals with both higher pulse pair rates and more transferred sperm came from the treatment group with higher mortality rates and generally poorer development. The present results suggest that both of these sexual characteristics are developmentally plastic, but that only moths reared on the protein‐rich diet were able to benefit from this plasticity.  相似文献   
1. Mobility is important for the understanding of how species survive in fragmented landscapes and cope with increasing rates of habitat and climate change. However, mobility is a difficult trait to explore and is poorly known in most taxa. Species traits have been studied in relation to range shifts, extinction risks, and responses to habitat area and isolation, and have also been suggested as good estimators of mobility. Here we explore the relation between mobility and species traits in noctuid moths. 2. We sampled noctuid moths by an automatic light‐trap on an island far out in the Baltic Sea. We compared traits of the non‐resident species on the island with traits of a species pool of assumed potential migrants from the Swedish mainland. 3. Mobility was significantly related to adult activity period, length of flight period, and the interaction between host‐plant specificity and distribution area. Widely distributed host‐plant generalists were more mobile than host‐plant specialists with more restricted distribution, and species with an adult activity period in August to September moved to the island to a higher extent than species with an adult activity period in May to July. Our results remained qualitatively robust in additional analyses, after controlling for phylogeny and including all species recorded on the island, except for the trait ‘length of flight period’. 4. Our results highlight the importance of the relation between mobility and species traits. Noctuid moths with certain traits move over longer distances than earlier known. This finding is important to include when predicting range dynamics in fragmented and changing landscapes, and when conservation measures of species are devised.  相似文献   
Abstract: Knowledge of the possible role of cyclic behavior in wildlife dynamics assists in understanding and managing populations. Using spectrum, we analyzed time series (1978-2002) on the abundance of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) and scaled quail (Callipepla squamata) in several ecological regions in Texas, USA, to test for the presence of cycles; we also tested whether drought severity (Modified Palmer Drought Severity Index) exhibited cyclic dynamics and whether quail and drought cycles were synchronized among regions. We found evidence of population cyclicity in all ecoregions we tested (5 for bobwhites, 4 for scaled quail) based on both Texas Parks and Wildlife and North American Breeding Bird Survey count data. Periods of the observed cycles generally were 5-6 years (bobwhites) or 2-3 years (scaled quail), depending on ecoregion and data source. Cyclicity was most pronounced for bobwhites in the Rolling Plains (north TX) and the South Texas Plains. The Palmer Index exhibited a roughly 5-year cycle in 5 of 6 regions we tested. A 5-year bobwhite and Palmer Index cycle were synchronous in 3 contiguous ecoregions totaling 27,200,000 ha. Wet-dry cycles seemed to synchronize bobwhite cycles in Texas. Our results suggest that habitat manipulations aimed at improving habitat conditions during dry periods, such as reducing livestock stocking rates, could provide ground cover similar to that available in wet periods.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Within forests susceptible to wildfire and insect infestations, land managers need to balance dead tree removal and habitat requirements for wildlife species associated with snags. We used Mahalanobis distance methods to develop predictive models of white-headed woodpecker (Picoides albolarvatus) nesting habitat in postfire ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)-dominated landscapes on the Fremont-Winema National Forests in south central Oregon, USA. The 1-km radius (314 ha) surrounding 45 nest sites was open-canopied before fire and a mosaic of burn severities after wildfire. The 1-ha surrounding nests of white-headed woodpeckers had fewer live trees per hectare and more decayed and larger diameter snags than at non-nest sites. The leading cause of nest failure seemed to be predation. Habitat and abiotic features were not associated with nest survival. High daily survival rates and little variation within habitat features among nest locations suggest white-headed woodpeckers were consistently selecting high suitability habitats. Management activities that open the forest canopy and create conditions conducive to a mosaic burn pattern will probably provide suitable white-headed woodpecker nesting habitat after wildfire. When making postfire salvage logging decisions, we suggest that retention of larger, more decayed snags will provide nesting habitat in recently burned forests.  相似文献   
A simple two-step method for the identification of Gram negative fermentative rods is based on interpretation of test results by means of a computer-generated diagnostic register. The first step is based on 10 tests, the second on six. Of 1451 strains routinely isolated in clinical laboratories 84% were identified in the first step. If the second step was included, the efficacy of the system rose to 99.17%. Disagreements with the conventional method in the first step are discussed.  相似文献   
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