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Cicadas of the genera Derotettix in Argentina and Okanagodes in the south-western United States resemble each other in colour, live on salt-tolerant plants ( Atriplex spp. etc.), nearly match the colour of their respective host plants and produce songs above the range of avian hearing. The Argentine cicadas are smaller, but have nearly identical thermal limits for activity measured by the minimum temperature for flight (20–24 °C) and a body temperature at heat torpor (48–49 °C). The species shift activity from basking sites to shade at temperatures above 37 °C, although O .  gracilis rises to a significantly higher temperature (40.7 °C) than its congener (38.2 °C) or Derotettix (37.2 °C). The thermal tolerances are the highest reported for cicada species. A third group using halophytes in Argentina ( Babras sonorivox ) has similar temperature tolerances and is cryptically coloured. The genera are convergent with respect to morphology, coloration, body size, behaviour, habitat choice and host plant selection. The similarities of thermal tolerances and their influence on behaviour can be viewed as parallelism because the underlying mechanisms are the same in all species studied.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 281–288.  相似文献   
Growth and foraging strategies in procellariiforms show a great deal of variation, but the fulmarine petrels are notable in that chicks are fed frequently and develop unusually rapidly. This study examined age-related and daily variation in provisioning of the Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis throughout the chick-rearing period at Fair Isle in 1997. In common with many other petrels, meal mass showed an initial rise with age, probably because of a gradual increase in chick gut capacity, but then levelled off. By comparison, feeding frequency showed little age-specific variation until chicks reached the oldest age-class, when the number of meals declined to less than a third of the previous level as chicks underwent mass recession prior to fledging. Compared with the limited day-to-day variation in mean provisioning rates for the whole sample, food delivery to particular chicks was much more variable, suggesting that differences in feeding rates were determined by stochastic factors influencing the feeding success of individual parents. The caloric density of feeds and their size in relation to adult mass were lower in Northern Fulmars than in most other Procellariiformes. This implies that adults are not heavily dependent on stomach oil formation to raise the energy content of the payload, but rely on a high feeding frequency to maintain adequate rates of energy transfer to chicks.  相似文献   
One of the key predictions of general life-history theory is that reproduction incurs a survival cost. Although there is a convincing body of evidence to support this prediction at the intraspecific level in insects, evidence at the interspecific level is relatively scarce, as is the case for other animals. By employing two methods of phylogenetically controlled analysis, we demonstrate the existence of a negative correlation between life-span and early life investment in reproduction, across a wide diversity of Lepidoptera. The measure of initial reproductive effort used was the 'ovigeny index', defined as the proportion of the lifetime potential egg complement that is mature (ready to lay) upon female emergence. We present a graphical model for holometabolous insects, illustrating the trade-offs that are hypothesized to occur among capital resources (soma vs non-soma and initial eggs vs storage) in relation to variation in ovigeny index. These trade-offs, for which there is some empirical support, are postulated to underlie the life-span/ovigeny index relationship observed in the Lepidoptera and also in other insect orders.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 293–302.  相似文献   
Although predation of individual social insect workers has little effect on colony fitness, nest predation may be a significant selective agent because it can result in substantial loss of reproductive success. Surprisingly, the consequences of predation on social insect nests are poorly understood. In the present study, we investigate the factors that correlate with the probability of predation by echidnas, Tachyglossus aculeatus , on nests and colonies of the facultatively polydomous meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus. In particular, we investigate whether colony fragmentation provides a mechanism for reducing the costs of echidna predation. Over 2 years, 138 of the 140 colonies on our study site were depredated. Nest predation was most common in woodlands but with no obvious seasonal patterns. The probability of nest predation was positively correlated with the size of the nest, and negatively correlated with the density of surrounding nests. Although polydomous colonies are at a similar risk of predation by echidnas, the proportion of depredated nests is negatively correlated with the number of nests; thus, the probability that one or more nests avoid predation is increased with increasing nest numbers. Surprisingly, we found no influence of the level of echidna predation on colony growth, measured by either changes in the number of nests or the number of nest entrance holes.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 1–8.  相似文献   
Although Grey-headed Albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma are usually regarded as biennial breeders, taking a year off following a successful breeding attempt, a small proportion of successful birds attempt to breed annually. This proportion was higher at Marion Island (5.4%) than at Bird Island, South Georgia (1.0%), suggesting that conditions are more favourable at Marion Island. This hypothesis is supported by higher average breeding success and shorter lags following both successful and failed breeding attempts at Marion Island. Factors favouring reproduction at Marion Island may include reduced intraspecific competition (given the much smaller breeding population) and/or more predictable food supply (owing to production of meso-scale eddies associated with the Indian Ocean Ridge). Although annual breeding appeared to increase the risk of adult mortality, with several birds that attempted to breed annually found dead the following year, at least some birds greatly enhanced their reproductive output, with one male raising five chicks in five successive years. Contrary to life-history theory, there was no evidence that older birds were more likely to attempt annual breeding because of declining reproductive value.  相似文献   
Kinship, Contract, Community, and State: Anthropological Perspectives on China. Myron L. Cohen. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005. 359 pp.  相似文献   
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