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1. When available, Daphnia spp. are often preferred by age‐0 yellow perch and bluegill sunfish because of energetic profitability. We hypothesised that predation by age‐0 yellow perch could lead to a midsummer decline (MSD) of Daphnia spp. and that priority effects may favour yellow perch because they hatch before bluegill, allowing them to capitalise on Daphnia spp. prior to bluegill emergence. 2. Data were collected from 2004 to 2010 in Pelican Lake, Nebraska, U.S.A. The lake experienced a prolonged MSD in all but 1 year (2005), generally occurring within the first 2 weeks of June except in 2008 and 2010 when it occurred at the end of June. MSD timing is not solely related to seasonal patterns of age‐0 yellow perch consumption. Nevertheless, when Daphnia spp. biomass was low during 2004 and 2006–2010 (<4 mg wet weight L?1), predation by age‐0 yellow perch seems to have suppressed Daphnia spp. biomass (i.e. <1.0 mg wet weight L?1). The exception was 2005 when age‐0 yellow perch were absent. 3. Growth of age‐0 bluegill was significantly faster in 2005, when Daphnia spp. were available in greater densities (>4 mg wet weight L?1) compared with the other years (<0.2 mg wet weight L?1). 4. We conclude that age‐0 yellow perch are capable of reducing Daphnia biomass prior to the arrival of age‐0 bluegill, ultimately slowing bluegill growth. Thus, priority effects favour age‐0 yellow perch when competing with age‐0 bluegill for Daphnia. However, these effects may be minimised if there is a shorter time between hatching of the two species, higher Daphnia spp. densities or lower age‐0 yellow perch densities.  相似文献   
The Kanosh Shale (Upper Arenig, Lower Ordovician) of west-central Utah. USA. contains abundant carbonate hardgrounds and one of the earliest diverse hardground communities. The hardgrounds were formed through a combination of processes including the development of early digenetic nodules in clay sediments which were exhumed and concentrated as lags by storms. These cobble deposits. together with plentiful biogenic metrical. were cemented by inorganically precipitated calcite on the sea floor. forming intraformational conglomerate hardgrounds. Echinoderms may have -played a critical role in the development of hardground faunas since their disarticulated calcite ossicles were rapidly cemented by syntaxial overgrowths. forming additional cobbles and hardgrounds. The echinoderms thus may have taphonomically facilitated the development of some of the hard substrates they required. A significant portion of the hardground cements may have been derived from the early dissolution of aragonitic mollusk shells. Kanosh hardground species include the earliest bryozoans recorded on hardgrounds and large numbers of stemmed echinoderms. primarily rhipidocystid cocrinoids. Bryozoans and echinoderms covered nearly equal areas of the hardground surfaces. and there was a distinct polarization between species which preferred the upper. exposed portions of the hardgrounds and others which were most common on undercut. overhang surfaces. The Kanosh Shale hardground fossils combine elements of Late Cambrian assemblages and Middle Ordovician faunas, thus confirming predicted trends in hardground community evolution. especially the replacement of cocrinoids by bryozoans and. to a lesser extent, by other stemmed echinoderms, especially crinoids. The Kanosh community marks the transition from the Cambrian Fauna to The Paleozoic Fauna in The hardground ecosystem. *Carbonate hardgrounds, aragonite dissolution, calcite cement, Echinodermara, Trepostomata, Nicholsonclla. Dianulites. Porifpra. taphonomic facilitation, Utah. Pogonip Group, Kanosh Shale. Ordovician.  相似文献   
As a part of the innate immune system, natural killer (NK) cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes that can exert cytotoxic activity against infected or transformed cells. Furthermore, due to their expression of a functional Fc receptor, they have also been eluded as a major effector fraction in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. These characteristics have led to multiple efforts to use them for adoptive immunotherapy against various malignancies.  There are now at least 70 clinical trials testing the safety and efficacy of NK cell products around the world in early-phase clinical trials. NK cells are also being tested in the context of tumor retargeting via chimeric antigen receptors, other genetic modification strategies, as well as tumor-specific activation strategies such as bispecific engagers with or without cytokine stimulations. One advantage of the use of NK cells for adoptive immunotherapy is their potential to overcome HLA barriers. This has led to a plethora of sources, such as cord blood hematopoietic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, which can generate comparatively high cytotoxic NK cells to peripheral blood counterparts. However, the variety of the sources has led to a heterogeneity in the characterization of the final infusion product. Therefore, in this review, we will discuss a comparative assessment strategy, from characterization of NK cells at collection to final product release by various phenotypic and functional assays, in an effort to predict potency of the cellular product.  相似文献   
The differentiation of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes into trypomastigotes was studied in diffusion chambers sub-cutaneously implanted in mice. Using epimastigotes of the Tulahuén strain, transformation was first evident at 16 h after implantation and reached its maximum (92% trypomastigotes) by 24 h. Shortly before their differentiation into trypomastigotes, epimastigotes were found to develop resistance to lysis by the alternative pathway of complement. Furthermore, implantation of stationary-phase (as opposed to log-phase) parasites resulted in the accumulation of large numbers of complement-resistant epimastigotes in the chambers. These observations suggest that epimastigotes pass through a complement-resistant transitional stage before differentiating into trypomastigotes and that transformation may require cell division. In a further series of experiments, epimastigotes recovered 7 h after implantation in mice were found to differentiate into trypomastigotes when cultured in vitro for an additional 17 h at 37°C. This observation indicates that the events which trigger the morphologic transformation of epimastigotes into trypomastigotes can be dissociated operationally from the differentiation process itself.  相似文献   
Abstract Results are presented on vascular species richness in three representative alpine plant communities at 1040–1410 m on Mt Burns in the perhumid Fiordland region, a hotspot of alpine plant diversity, in south‐western South Island, New Zealand. Overall species richness was not dissimilar between the three communities in any of the eight plot sizes (mean values of 20.8–24.4 species in the largest plots of 100 m2), even though coefficients of floristic similarity were small (17.9; 23.5) between both low‐alpine communities (snow tussock‐shrubland and snow tussock grassland) and the high‐alpine cushion fellfield. Vascular species richness was generally similar to that in the few other oceanic New Zealand alpine communities for which data are available. The decline in richness from the low‐alpine to high‐alpine zones, revealed in more comprehensive records from two other regions with generally similar oceanic environments, was not recorded, indeed was reversed, on Mt Burns. Whether the recognized biodiversity hotspot of Fiordland has a generally richer high‐alpine flora than other regions in New Zealand needs further examination. The general pattern of alpine floristic richness in relation to elevation, in New Zealand, also prevails in most alpine regions abroad, usually under much more extreme continental environments. This pattern is usually ascribed to the associated decrease in temperature. Both the small size of the land mass and/or associated environmental conditions may be implicated but clarification awaits further data, preferably collected with standardized procedures.  相似文献   
This paper describes the distribution and behaviour of passerine birds within 1 km of Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus eyries in western Greenland. Passerine populations were censused in 1983 around six cliffs occupied by nesting Peregrines and at six sites on the open tundra, and in 1984 at two unoccupied sites suitable for Peregrine nesting.
Four passerine species accounted for over 90% of birds seen. Within 400 m of Peregrine occupied cliffs, three species, Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus . Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe , and Common Redpoll Carduelisflammea , were found in lower than average abundance while the fourth, Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis , was found in increased abundance. Our indirect tests suggest that Peregrine presence, rather than direct predation, was responsible for the distributions of the first three species. The Snow Bunting, however, behaviourally adapts to Peregrine presence in order to exploit nesting habitat available at the cliff base.
These results contrast strongly with those reported by other Arctic workers, where increased abundances of potential prey were observed in close proximity to nesting Peregrines.  相似文献   
Species‐specific climate responses within ecological communities may disrupt the synchrony of co‐evolved mutualisms that are based on the shared timing of seasonal events, such as seed dispersal by ants (myrmecochory). The spring phenology of plants and ants coincides with marked changes in temperature, light and moisture. We investigate how these environmental drivers influence both seed release by early and late spring woodland herb species, and initiation of spring foraging by seed‐dispersing ants. We pair experimental herbaceous transplants with artificial ant bait stations across north‐ and south‐facing slopes at two contrasting geographic locations. This use of space enables robust identification of plant fruiting and ant foraging cues, and the use of transplants permits us to assess plasticity in plant phenology. We find that warming temperatures act as the primary phenological cue for plant fruiting and ant foraging. Moreover, the plasticity in plant response across locations, despite transplants being from the same source, suggests a high degree of portability in the seed‐dispersing mutualism. However, we also find evidence for potential climate‐driven facilitative failure that may lead to phenological asynchrony. Specifically, at the location where the early flowering species (Hepatica nobilis) is decreasing in abundance and distribution, we find far fewer seed‐dispersing ants foraging during its fruit set than during that of the later flowering Hexastylis arifolia. Notably, the key seed disperser, Aphaenogaster rudis, fails to emerge during early fruit set at this location. At the second location, A. picea forages equally during early and late seed release. These results indicate that climate‐driven changes might shift species‐specific interactions in a plant–ant mutualism resulting in winners and losers within the myrmecochorous plant guild.  相似文献   
To accurately predict ecosystem responses induced by climate warming at local‐to‐global scales, models are in need of more precise knowledge of response during periods of environmental stress such as drought. In this paper, we studied environmental control of canopy‐level water use efficiency (WUE) during drought at an eddy flux site in an oak‐hickory forest in central Missouri, USA. Two consecutive severe droughts in the summers of 2006 and 2007 afforded coverage of a broad range of environmental conditions. We stratified data to obtain subranges that minimized cross‐correlations among putative WUE‐controlling factors. Our results showed that WUE was subject to control by atmospheric saturation deficit (ASD), soil water potential (SWP) and the ratio of diffuse to total photosynthetically active radiation (If/It). Generally, WUE was found to scale with 1/(ASD)0.5, consistent with predictions from stomatal optimization theory. In contrast, SWP and If/It were related to WUE in a linear fashion. ASD was better correlated with WUE than either of the other two factors. It was also observed that the relationship between WUE and any single controlling factor was subject to influence of the other two. One such example was an opposite response of WUE to SWP between low and high ASD values, suggesting a breakdown of stomatal optimality under severe environmental stresses and a shift from optimal stomatal regulation to nonstomatal regulation at leaf scale. We have demonstrated that different data handling (stratified vs. nonstratified) or selection (hourly vs. daily) could lead to different conclusions on the relationship between WUE and its controls. For this reason, we recommend modelers to be cautious when applying WUE‐response formulas at environmental conditions or at time scales different from those at which they are derived.  相似文献   
1. In situ measurements of nitrogen fixation rates for Aphanizomenon in fertile Colorado lakes with low inorganic nitrogen concentrations demonstrated high efficiency of nitrogen fixation at low irradiance. 2. For study populations, rates of N2 fixation in darkness and with alternating exposure to light and darkness were a higher percentage of light‐saturated rates for Aphanizomenon than for Anabaena, suggesting storage of reduced metabolites at high irradiance that are used subsequently by Aphanizomenon when cells are forced by mixing into zones of low irradiance. Also, saturation of N2 fixation occurred over a lower range of irradiance for Aphanizomenon than for Anabaena. 3. High efficiency of N2 fixation in Aphanizomenon at low or fluctuating irradiance is complementary to its previously demonstrated high efficiency of photosynthesis at low irradiance. Nitrogen fixation rate was also strongly related to DIN concentration; fixation was highest at low DIN (maximum < 5 μg L?1) but was also most vulnerable to photoinhibition under such conditions. 4. The fixation capabilities of Aphanizomenon under weak or varying irradiance could explain its commonly observed domination over Anabaena when transparency is low and available nitrogen is scarce.  相似文献   
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