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Asymmetrical Lipid Bilayer Structure for Biological Membranes   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
IT is generally accepted that the matrix of cellular membranes is a bimolecular leaflet of phospholipid molecules in which the phospholipids are oriented so that their polar heads reside on the outer surfaces of the bilayer, in contact with the aqueous environment, the interior of the sandwich being composed of hydrophobic lipid chains1–5. To this basic structure proteins cholesterol, glycolipids and other molecules are usually inserted in such a way as to confer on the bilayer the functional properties appropriate for the particular membrane.  相似文献   
Acaenitus dubitator (Panzer) is found to be a koinobiont endoparasitoid of the larva of an endophytic beetle, Cleonis piger (Scopoli) (Curculionidae), in Britain, suggesting a similar mode of development for the ichneumonid subfamily Acaenitinae as a whole. The parasitoid can overwinter in its cocoon in one of two ways. Individuals overwintering as essentially unaltered mature larvae do not become adult the following summer, while those that overwinter as morphologically distinct prepupae are committed to pupate and become adult immediately afterwards. The change from mature larva to prepupa takes place in late summer, soon after the time of cocoon formation, but a proportion of mature larvae lie over in the first year, and perhaps subsequently. This appears to be an adaptation to life in a particularly harsh and uncertain environment. The egg, prepupa, and first, second and final instar larvae are described and figured. Previous interpretations of the cephalic sclerites of final instar acaenitines are revised.  相似文献   
Abstract Establishing what are the underlying causes of species range limits is of fundamental interest in ecology. We followed the fate of individually mapped plants of three endemic New Zealand high‐alpine species of Myosotis, over a period of 9 years. The species provide contrasts in their geographical range and their demography. Myosotis oreophila Petrie is rare and extremely localized (c. 0.5 ha extent), Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie is regionally endemic, and Myosotis pulvinaris Hook. f. is more widespread. All three occur on the Dunstan Mountains, Central Otago, South Island, New Zealand within a 1‐km radius, and individual plants were followed in four permanent plots. The three species differed in their longevity and in population variability, with the most widespread species (M. pulvinaris) having the lowest survival (61% per year), the fewest old plants (only 3% of plants present in 1993 surviving until 2001), no increase in survival rates with age, and the most variability in total numbers across years. Both of the rare species, M. oreophila and M. cheesemanii, had higher survival (75% and 88%, respectively, per year) especially for older plants, many older plants (20% and 59%, respectively, of 1993 plants surviving until 2001), and lower variability in total numbers across years. These results are consistent with other studies showing that rare plant species tend to have higher inertia than more common congeners. The range limits of M. oreophila showed a high level of spatial constancy on a scale of metres over the 9 years, despite 80% turnover in plants during that time. The M. oreophila population showed lower mean densities of plants near to the population boundaries, identical age‐specific survival rates, but lower flowering probabilities, than the core of the population. We were unable to detect any abiotic differences between inside and outside the M. oreophila range in terms of topography, soil parent materials, microclimate or through manipulation of snow cover. Disturbance may be a factor affecting the distribution of M. cheesemanii but limiting factors for M. oreophila and M. pulvinaris are likely to be biotic (competition, seed limitation, dispersal capacity) and/or historic. Further experimentation is recommended.  相似文献   
During the past century, the upland breeding areas of Hen Harriers in Ireland have been extensively afforested. There is no evidence that this species avoids breeding in heavily forested landscapes and, indeed, young commercial forests in their second rotation are often selected as nest‐sites. However, Hen Harriers have coexisted with these forested areas for only a few decades and it is possible that such landscapes are suboptimal. We examined the relationship between breeding success and habitat using a dataset spanning three years and four study areas in the south and west of Ireland. We assessed whether nest success and fledged brood size were related to habitat type, both at the nest‐site and in the surrounding landscape. Neither measure of breeding productivity was related to total forest cover or to percentage cover of closed canopy forest in the landscape. However, in a subset of areas, high cover of second‐rotation pre‐thicket (young forests planted on land from which a first rotation has already been harvested) in the surrounding landscape was associated with low levels of breeding success. This may be due to factors related to predation, disturbance or prey availability. The fact that second‐rotation pre‐thicket is a preferred habitat for nesting in Ireland suggests that Hen Harriers may be making suboptimal decisions in the landscapes available to them.  相似文献   
The present study examined the contemporary genetic composition of the Eurasian badger, Meles meles, in Ireland, Britain and Western Europe, using six nuclear microsatellite loci and a 215‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region. Significant population structure was evident within Europe (global multilocus microsatellite FST = 0.205, P < 0.001; global mitochondrial control region ΦST = 0.399, P < 0.001). Microsatellite‐based cluster analyses detected one population in Ireland, whereas badgers from Britain could be subdivided into several populations. Excluding the island populations of Ireland and Britain, badgers from Western Europe showed further structuring, with evidence of discrete Scandinavian, Central European, and Spanish populations. Mitochondrial DNA cluster analysis grouped the Irish population with Scandinavia and Spain, whereas the majority of British haplotypes grouped with those from Central Europe. The findings of the present study suggest that British and Irish badger populations colonized from different refugial areas, or that there were different waves of colonization from the source population. There are indications for the presence of an Atlantic fringe element, which has been seen in other Irish species. We discuss the results in light of the controversy about natural versus human‐mediated introductions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   
Morphometric analysis of graptolites from the persculptus and acuminatus biozones of central Wales identifies four successive morphospecies of normalograptids. These graptolites can be used for biostratigraphical subdivision of these strata as follows: (i) an early persculptus Biozone interval containing broad forms with geniculate thecae that have the morphology of Persculptograptus persculptus with an early insertion point for the full median septum (theca 11); (ii) a supra‐adjacent level of early persculptus Biozone age, with narrower, parallel‐sided forms, that have been referred to as Normalograptus? aff. parvulus and have a slightly later insertion point for the full median septum (theca 12); (iii) a third interval, encompassing the later part of the persculptus Biozone to the early acuminatus Biozone, with Normalograptus? cf. parvulus, which has the full median septum delayed to the level of theca 3–7; and (iv) a younger interval, in the mid‐acuminatus Biozone with Persculptograptus cf. persculptus specimens that do not display the median septum on its reverse side. These taxa can be used for refined biostratigraphy and correlation in the late Ordovician and early Silurian of central Wales. The progressive delay in the insertion of the median septum in these taxa may have wider application for the correlation of the interval immediately after the Hirnantian glacial maximum.  相似文献   
In theory, pheromones important in specific mate recognition should evolve via large shifts in composition (saltational changes) at speciation events. However, where other mechanisms exist to ensure reproductive isolation, no such selection for rapid divergence is expected. In Bactrocera fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae), males produce volatile chemicals to attract females for mating. Bactrocera species exhibit great ecological diversity, with a wide range of geographical locations and host plants used. They also have other mechanisms, including temporal and behavioural differences, which ensure reproductive isolation. Therefore, we predicted that their sex pheromones would not exhibit rapid divergence at speciation events. In the present study, we tested this idea by combining data on male sex pheromone composition for 19 species of Bactrocera with a phylogeny constructed from DNA sequence data. Analyses of the combined data revealed positive correlations between pheromone differences and nucleotide divergence between species, and between the number of pheromone changes along the phylogeny and the branch lengths associated with these changes. These results suggest a gradual rather than saltational mode of evolution. However, remarkable differences in sex pheromones composition exist, even between closely-related species. It appears therefore that the mode of evolution of sex pheromones in Bactrocera is best described by rapid saltational changes associated with speciation, followed by gradual divergence thereafter. Furthermore, species that do not overlap ecologically are just as different pheromonally as species that do. Thus, large changes in pheromone composition appear to be achieved, even in cases where other mechanisms to ensure reproductive isolation exist. We suggest that these differences are closely associated with rapid changes in host plant use, which is a characteristic feature of Bactrocera speciation. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97 , 594–603.  相似文献   
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