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Understanding the mechanisms that influence variation in sexually selected ornaments in seabirds has been challenging owing to the difficulty of capturing and sampling individuals outside of the breeding period when ornaments are usually grown. Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes were used to examine the influence of pre-breeding diet composition on ornament size in the Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata , a socially monogamous seabird that breeds in the North Pacific. We analysed stable isotopes in adult feathers grown during the pre-alternate moult, which allowed us to infer diet composition during the pre-breeding (February–March) period. Females that fed more on inshore fish had larger horns than females that fed more on euphausiids (also known as krill; Euphausiacea). Body size was a stronger predictor of horn height in males than females, suggesting that ornaments may serve as different signals for each sex. This study provides evidence that diet during the pre-breeding period can influence ornament size and emphasizes the importance of understanding individual ecology throughout the annual cycle for determining the factors that influence mate choice and fitness.  相似文献   
Castor bean seeds germinated for 40 br under a condition ofunlimited water availability were placed for 1 to 5 days ina condition such as to interrupt any further water uptake. Thefollowing phenomena were observed: a) the rate of synthesisof glucose-6-phosphate, phosphogluconate and NADP isocitratedehydrogenases progressively decreased, then completely stopped;b) polysomes disappeared while monosomes correspondingly increased;c) the endogenous capacity of isolated ribosomes to incorporateamino acid into proteins fell to zero, while in the presenceof poly-U phenylalanine incorporation remained practically constant.When the seeds were placed again in contact with water, theenzyme activities began to increase again; polyribosomes werereformed both from old ribosomes preexisting in the treatedendosperms and from new synthesized ribosomes; the endogenouscapacity of the ribosomes to perform protein synthesis (on anRNA basis) regained their original levels. These data suggest that some factor affecting mRNA or its interactionwith ribosomes, rather than a modification of ribosomal structureis responsible for the stoppage of protein synthesis causedby interrupting water uptake. (Received July 15, 1968; )  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Legal removal of migratory birds from the wild occurs for several reasons, including subsistence, sport harvest, damage control, and the pet trade. We argue that harvest theory provides the basis for assessing the impact of authorized take, advance a simplified rendering of harvest theory known as potential biological removal as a useful starting point for assessing take, and demonstrate this approach with a case study of depredation control of black vultures (Coragyps atratus) in Virginia, USA. Based on data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey and other sources, we estimated that the black vulture population in Virginia was 91,190 (95% credible interval = 44,520-212,100) in 2006. Using a simple population model and available estimates of life-history parameters, we estimated the intrinsic rate of growth (rmax) to be in the range 7–14%, with 10.6% a plausible point estimate. For a take program to seek an equilibrium population size on the conservative side of the yield curve, the rate of take needs to be less than that which achieves a maximum sustained yield (0.5 × rmax). Based on the point estimate for rmax and using the lower 60% credible interval for population size to account for uncertainty, these conditions would be met if the take of black vultures in Virginia in 2006 was <3,533 birds. Based on regular monitoring data, allowable harvest should be adjusted annually to reflect changes in population size. To initiate discussion about how this assessment framework could be related to the laws and regulations that govern authorization of such take, we suggest that the Migratory Bird Treaty Act requires only that take of native migratory birds be sustainable in the long-term, that is, sustained harvest rate should be <rmax. Further, the ratio of desired harvest rate to 0.5 X rmax may be a useful metric for ascertaining the applicability of specific requirements of the National Environmental Protection Act.  相似文献   
Abstract: Home-range estimators are commonly tested with simulated animal locational data in the laboratory before the estimators are used in practice. Although kernel density estimation (KDE) has performed well as a home-range estimator for simulated data, several recent studies have reported its poor performance when used with data collected in the field. This difference may be because KDE and other home-range estimators are generally tested with simulated point locations that follow known statistical distributions, such as bivariate normal mixtures, which may not represent well the space-use patterns of all wildlife species. We used simulated animal locational data of 5 point pattern shapes that represent a range of wildlife utilization distributions to test 4 methods of home-range estimation: 1) KDE with reference bandwidths, 2) KDE with least-squares cross-validation, 3) KDE with plug-in bandwidths, and 4) minimum convex polygon (MCP). For the point patterns we simulated, MCP tended to produce more accurate area estimates than KDE methods. However, MCP estimates were markedly unstable, with bias varying widely with both sample size and point pattern shape. The KDE methods performed best for concave distributions, which are similar to bivariate normal mixtures, but still overestimated home ranges by about 40–50% even in the best cases. For convex, linear, perforated, and disjoint point patterns, KDE methods overestimated home-range sizes by 50–300%, depending on sample size and method of bandwidth selection. These results indicate that KDE does not produce home-range estimates that are as accurate as the literature suggests, and we recommend exploring other techniques of home-range estimation.  相似文献   
Abstract: We studied the behavioral effects of necklace-style radiotransmitters on breeding male western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in 2 areas of northwestern Texas, USA, in 2004 and 2005. We tested the hypothesis that transmittered owls would spend time interacting with their necklaces and as a result spend less time in vigilance and resting activities than would nontransmittered owls. Nontransmittered owls (n = 6) spent significantly more time being vigilant (P = 0.007) than did transmittered owls (n = 3) in 2004, who spent significant amounts of time interacting with their necklaces. In 2005, behaviors of transmittered owls (n = 8) were significantly different (P < 0.001) from control individuals (n = 4), but behaviors did not vary consistently by treatment period (prenecklace vs. necklace vs. postnecklace periods). Behavioral activity budgets varied considerably among individuals. Although the owls spent a significant amount of time interacting with their necklaces, they appeared to habituate to the presence of the transmitters within a relatively short period (<1week), and necklaces did not affect survivorship or fitness in the short-term.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Unionid clams from Narrow Lake, Alberta, were collected to quantify the natural variation in growth, to assess the natural variation in abundance, age and size distribution, and growth with water depth in the lake, and to conduct in situ experiments to directly test the effects of water depth (temperature) and clam abundance on clam growth. 2. The unionid clam, Anodonta grandis simpsoniana, showed wide variation in length at a given age. There were no significant differences in growth between clams collected at 1,3, 5, and 7m depths in the lake despite marked differences in water temperature. The wide variation in clam biomass within each depth zone may have masked possible effects of water depth. 3. The effect of water depth and variation in clam density on clam growth was tested directly by stocking clams into small enclosures at densities equivalent to 50, 150, 250, 350 and 450g m-2 (live weight) at each of 1, 3, 5 and 7 m depths in Narrow Lake (each depth and abundance treatment in triplicate). A uniform sandy substrate was used in all enclosures to eliminate any possible effect of substrate type on growth. 4. Mortality was negligible (0.9%) during the experiment. Clam density had no significant effect on clam growth which suggests that clam growth was not food limited in the lake. 5. Clams reared at 7 m grew more slowly than clams reared at 1, 3 and 5 m. Clams reared at 5 m grew more slowly than clams reared at 1 and 3m. Growth of clams reared at 1 and 3m did not differ. These differences in growth were strongly correlated with the measured differences in water temperature between depths. 6. Migration between depths probably accounts for the lack of a depth effect on clams growing in the natural habitat.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The potential reproductive success of a food energymaximizer increases with foraging time, while that of a foragingtime minimizer increases with time spent in nonforaging activitiesgiven a set energy requirement has been met. How can these foraging"goals" be distinguished for nonbreeding animals in the field?If individuals of two species occupying the same habitat consumethe same foods, face similar foraging constraints, and havesimilar meal sizes (food intake per foraging bout), then relativeto a time minimizer, an energy maximizer should: (1) spend moretime foraging, with greater foragingbout frequency, but no differencein foraging-bout duration; (2) spend less time sitting, withlower sitting-bout duration yet greater sitting-bout frequency;(3) gain mass more rapidly, if net energy intake results inmass accumulation; and (4) exhibit no other differences in timebudgeting. These assumptions and predictions were verified bypopulation- and individual-level comparisons of immature malesof two species of nectar-feeding hummingbirds studied over threefield seasons. The results suggest that, relative to each other,migrant Rufous Hummingbirds are energy maximizers and nonmigrantCosta Hummingbirds are time minimizers. Despite significantdifferences in time budgeting, by far the most striking differencebetween the species was that the Rufous gained mass four toeight times as rapidly as the Costa. This was due to the Rufousentering torpor at night, resulting in relatively little overnightloss in body mass. These patterns underscore the importanceof measuring net energy intake as directly as possible (in thiscase by fat accumulation) in testing foraging theory. Indirectmeasures (such as time budgets) may not always provide the resolutionnecessary to detect important energetic differences betweendifferent foragers.  相似文献   
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