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This paper describes the distribution and behaviour of passerine birds within 1 km of Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus eyries in western Greenland. Passerine populations were censused in 1983 around six cliffs occupied by nesting Peregrines and at six sites on the open tundra, and in 1984 at two unoccupied sites suitable for Peregrine nesting.
Four passerine species accounted for over 90% of birds seen. Within 400 m of Peregrine occupied cliffs, three species, Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus . Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe , and Common Redpoll Carduelisflammea , were found in lower than average abundance while the fourth, Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis , was found in increased abundance. Our indirect tests suggest that Peregrine presence, rather than direct predation, was responsible for the distributions of the first three species. The Snow Bunting, however, behaviourally adapts to Peregrine presence in order to exploit nesting habitat available at the cliff base.
These results contrast strongly with those reported by other Arctic workers, where increased abundances of potential prey were observed in close proximity to nesting Peregrines.  相似文献   
The current/voltage {I/V) relations of the plasma membrane ofChara corallina cells are characteristic when the bathing mediumhas elevated (5-0 mM) concentrations of potassium Addition ofeither 0-5 mM femcyanide or 0-5 mM ferrocyanide usually induceda qualitatively similar increase in the ‘leak’ current,with a concomitant increase in membrane conductance. Both redoxreactants failed for unknown reasons to affect the I/V profileof some of the cells tested In the sensitive cells, femcyanidewas unable to generate extra current over that found upon additionof ferrocyanide Because the feiTocyanide oxidation rate of thecells is only 10% of the femcyanide reduction rate, we concludethat both forms, fern- and ferrocyanide, affect the 'leak' conductanceindependent of the redox state of the reactants, i e ferrocyanidedoes not act indirectly via an oxidation to femcyanide Hence,under the experimental conditions, we were unable to detecta current that could be assigned to the operation of a transmembraneredox system Furthermore, the fern- and ferrocyanide inducedshift in the I/V profile only reversed slowly after withdrawalof the redox reactants. This suggests that the elicited currentis independent of the presence of an extracellular electronacceptor, i.e on the continuous operation of a proposed transmembraneredox system Key words: Current/voltage curves, transmembrane reductase, voltage clamp, femcyanide, ferrocyanide, Chara  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We encourage informed and transparent decision-making processes concerning the recently expanded programs in Alaska, USA, to reduce predation on moose (Alces alces). The decision whether to implement predator control ultimately concerns what society should value; therefore, policymakers, not objective biologists, play a leadership role. From a management and scientific standpoint, biological support for these predator-control programs requires convincing evidence that 1) predators kill substantial numbers of moose that would otherwise mostly live and be available for harvest, 2) low predation can facilitate reliably higher harvests of moose, 3) given less predation, habitats can sustain more moose and be protected from too many moose, and 4) sustainable populations of Alaska's brown bears (Ursus arctos), black bears (Ursus americanus), and wolves (Canis lupus) will exist in and out of control areas. We reviewed 10 moose mortality studies, 36 case histories, 10 manipulative studies, 15 moose nutrition studies, and 3 recent successful uses of nutrition-based management to harvest excess female moose. Results of these studies support application of long-term, substantial predator control for increasing yield of moose in these simple systems where moose are a primary prey of 3 effective predators. We found no substantive, contradictory results in these systems. However, to identify and administer feasible moose population objectives, recently established moose nutritional indices must be monitored, and regulatory bodies must accept nutrition-based management. In addition, the efficacy of techniques to reduce bear predation requires further study. Predicting precise results of predator control on subsequent harvest of moose will continue to be problematic because of a diversity of changing interactions among biological, environmental, and practical factors. In Alaska, the governor has the prerogative to influence regulations on predator control by appointing members to the Board of Game. At least annually, the Board of Game hears a wide spectrum of public opinions opposing and favoring predator control. We summarized these opinions as well as the societal and cultural values and expectations that are often the primary basis for debates. Advocates on both sides of the debate suggest they hold the higher conservation ethic, and both sides provide biased science. We recommend a more constructive and credible dialogue that focuses openly on values rather than on biased science and fabricated conspiracies. To be credible and to add substance in this divisive political arena, biologists must be well informed and provide complete information in an unbiased and respectful manner without exaggeration.  相似文献   
1. Completion of a large interbasin water transfer system in northern Texas (U.S.A.) provided the opportunity to test the effects of pre-planned, experimental increases (≈×30) in flow on the fish fauna of a small, low-gradient, natural stream that was included as part of the conveyance system. Water from Lake Texoma (Red River basin) was pumped via a 16-km pipeline to the headwaters of Sister Grove Creek (Trinity River basin), which then carried the donor water 50 km downstream to Lake Lavon.
2. Baseline (pre-transfer) data on the composition of fish assemblages at seven stations on the creek or at its confluence with the receiving reservoir were collected monthly for 3 years, and similar data were collected for 2 years during and after trial flows of Lake Texoma water to Sister Grove Creek. We also documented fish abundance at five creek stations immediately before and after three trial flow periods of 10–14 days each in summer and autumn.
3. Multivariate analysis of all routine monthly samples over the 5-year pre- and post-transfer period showed moderate changes in the fish fauna of the creek after initiation of the trial flows. Samples taken within a week before and after the artificial high flows showed little overall change in abundance of individual fish species, but at some stations the quantitative or qualitative change in composition of the local assemblage was substantial.
4. The trial flows lasted 2 weeks or less. Long-term effects of water transfer on the fish fauna of Sister Grove Creek can only be determined after the conveyance system goes into normal operation, with periods of artificial flow of longer duration.  相似文献   
Abstract The sugarbeet root maggot Tetanops myopaeformis (Röder) overwinters as a freeze‐tolerant third‐instar larva. Although most larvae are considered to overwinter for only 1 year, some may exhibit prolonged diapause in the field. In the laboratory, they can live for over 5 years using a combination of diapause and post‐diapause quiescence. In the present study, the cold survival strategies of these larvae during storage is investigated by measuring their supercooling points in combination with survival data. Supercooling points (SCPs) change significantly during storage, highlighted by a marked increase in the range of SCPs recorded, although the ability to tolerate freezing is not affected. Additionally, a freezing event ‘re‐focuses’ the SCPs of aged larvae to levels similar to those seen at diapause initiation. This change in SCPs is dependant not only on the initial freezing event, but also on the parameters of the incubation period between freezing events. Finally, the temperatures of larval overwintering microhabitats are monitored during the 2007–2008 boreal winter. The results indicate that, although overwintering larva are physiologically freeze‐tolerant, they may essentially be freeze avoidant during overwintering via microhabitat selection.  相似文献   
We studied the relationship between contaminant concentrations in livers, endohelminth prevalence and physiological indices of chronic stress (spleen size, heterophil/lymphocyte ratios) in Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis collected during the breeding season in Nunavut, Canada. No blood parasites were found, similar to reports for other petrel species elsewhere. However, 54% of Fulmars had gastrointestinal helminths, principally cestodes (52% prevalence, mean intensity of 11 worms), nematodes (34% prevalence, 3.6 worms) and acanthocephalans (3%, eight worms). Both prevalence and intensity of helminth infections were lower for Arctic Fulmars than for Fulmars and other petrels found in southern parts of the species' range. Spleen size was not significantly related to either contaminant concentration or presence of parasites, suggesting that Fulmar health was generally unaffected by contaminant and parasite levels at the colony. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that Fulmars with higher parasitaemias or contaminant loads were in poorer condition and did not attend the breeding colony.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Non-Mendelian maternal effects, the effects of maternal phenotype or environment on offspring phenotype, have been documented in numerous taxa. By affecting offspring vital rates (birth, death, and movement), maternal effects have the potential to influence population dynamics. However, relatively few studies have directly linked maternal phenotype or environment to offspring vital rates. Additionally, even fewer studies have compared the magnitude of across-generation effects (i.e. maternal effects) to within-generation effects.
2. Because of their telescoping generations, aphids can be strongly influenced by maternal effects. The effects of maternal density and maternal host-plant species on offspring survival, fecundity, and alate formation were investigated experimentally in Aphis nerii , the milkweed–oleander aphid.
3. Additionally, the relative strength of maternal effects were compared with those operating within a generation. Therefore, in another set of experiments, the effects of current density and host-plant species (within-generation effects) on aphid vital rates were examined.
4. While maternal effects were present, within-generation effects were much stronger and more strongly influenced aphid vital rates. Within a generation, aphids exhibited density-dependent survival, fecundity, and alate formation and these effects varied among host-plant species.
5. These results indicate that while maternal effects have the potential to affect population dynamics, this potential is not always met. Additionally, the current environment, not the environment of previous generations, more strongly impacts population dynamics.  相似文献   
Decomposition is a critical process in global carbon cycling. During decomposition, leaf and fine root litter may undergo a later, relatively slow phase; past long-term experiments indicate this phase occurs, but whether it is a general phenomenon has not been examined. Data from Long-term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team, representing 27 sites and nine litter types (for a total of 234 cases) was used to test the frequency of this later, slow phase of decomposition. Litter mass remaining after up to 10 years of decomposition was fit to models that included (dual exponential and asymptotic) or excluded (single exponential) a slow phase. The resultant regression equations were evaluated for goodness of fit as well as biological realism. Regression analysis indicated that while the dual exponential and asymptotic models statistically and biologically fit more of the litter type–site combinations than the single exponential model, the latter was biologically reasonable for 27–65% of the cases depending on the test used. This implies that a slow phase is common, but not universal. Moreover, estimates of the decomposition rate of the slowly decomposing component averaged 0.139–0.221 year−1 (depending on method), higher than generally observed for mineral soil organic matter, but one-third of the faster phase of litter decomposition. Thus, this material may be slower than the earlier phases of litter decomposition, but not as slow as mineral soil organic matter. Comparison of the long-term integrated decomposition rate (which included all phases of decomposition) to that for the first year of decomposition indicated the former was on average 75% that of the latter, consistent with the presence of a slow phase of decomposition. These results indicate that the global store of litter estimated using short-term decomposition rates would be underestimated by at least one-third.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In recent years the teaching of the religiously based philosophy of intelligent design (ID) has been proposed as an alternative to modern evolutionary theory. Advocates of ID are largely motivated by their opposition to naturalistic explanations of biological diversity, in accordance with their goal of challenging the philosophy of scientific materialism. Intelligent design has been embraced by a wide variety of creationists who promote highly questionable claims that purport to show the inadequacy of evolutionary theory, which they consider to be a threat to a theistic worldview. We find that examples from protistan biology are well suited for providing evidence of many key evolutionary concepts, and have often been misrepresented or roundly ignored by ID advocates. These include examples of adaptations and radiations that are said to be statistically impossible, as well as examples of speciation both in the laboratory and as documented in the fossil record. Because many biologists may not be familiar with the richness of the protist evolution dataset or with ID‐based criticisms of evolution, we provide examples of current ID arguments and specific protistan counter‐examples.  相似文献   
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