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Prior to the Holocene, the range of the saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) spanned from France to the Northwest Territories of Canada. Although its distribution subsequently contracted to the steppes of Central Asia, historical records indicate that it remained extremely abundant until the end of the Soviet Union, after which its populations were reduced by over 95%. We have analysed the mitochondrial control region sequence variation of 27 ancient and 38 modern specimens, to assay how the species’ genetic diversity has changed since the Pleistocene. Phylogenetic analyses reveal the existence of two well‐supported, and clearly distinct, clades of saiga. The first, spanning a time range from >49 500 14C ybp to the present, comprises all the modern specimens and ancient samples from the Northern Urals, Middle Urals and Northeast Yakutia. The second clade is exclusive to the Northern Urals and includes samples dating from between 40 400 to 10 250 14C ybp. Current genetic diversity is much lower than that present during the Pleistocene, an observation that data modelling using serial coalescent indicates cannot be explained by genetic drift in a population of constant size. Approximate Bayesian Computation analyses show the observed data is more compatible with a drastic population size reduction (c. 66–77%) following either a demographic bottleneck in the course of the Holocene or late Pleistocene, or a geographic fragmentation (followed by local extinction of one subpopulation) at the Holocene/Pleistocene transition.  相似文献   
Biometrics, plumage and bare-part colour of 87 Great Bitterns Botaurus stellaris from the UK, France, Italy, Poland and Belarus, of known sex (sexed by behaviour, DNA or dissection), were analysed to provide reliable sexing and ageing criteria for this little-known species, and to investigate geographical variation in biometrics. Four parameters were analysed: bill length, tarsus, wing length and body weight. We found little (though significant) geographical variation across Europe, but this was not clinal and we cannot exclude variation in measurement technique among observers. Males were significantly larger than females for all biometric parameters: a discriminant function based on these parameters was able to sex correctly all individuals. Body weight varied with season, especially for males. During the breeding period, lore colour was also a reliable sex-criterion. Ageing proved more difficult and required a combination of iris colour (which darkens with age) and flight-feather moult. From this, the largest sample size of known-age Great Bitterns, we conclude that most previously published criteria for age determination of this species were wrong.  相似文献   
Lead is one of the most present contaminants in the environment, and different species respond differently to this type of pollution. If combined with genomic stress, lead may act synergistically, causing significant decrease of fitness components. We used two genetically diverse Drosophila subobscura populations (regarding both putatively adaptive inversion and microsatellite loci polymorphisms) originating from two ecologically distinct habitats. To establish different levels of genome heterozygosity, series of intraline, intrapopulation and interpopulation crosses were made. The progeny were reared on a standard medium and a medium with 200 μg/mL of lead acetate. Development time was significantly extended to all groups reared on lead. The progeny of intraline crosses showed significantly extended development time compared to all other groups. The obtained results suggest that genome heterozygosity reduces the effect of lead pollution.  相似文献   
1. The impact of immigration on the recovery of diatom assemblages after chronic exposure to copper was investigated in laboratory microcosms. 2. We examined the recovery trajectories of copper‐contaminated biofilms after reducing copper stress and with or without the possibility of immigration from unimpaired communities. 3. The biofilms mixed with unimpaired communities returned to a ‘control’ assemblage structure within 6 weeks, with recovery patterns depending on the endpoint considered (i.e. 2 weeks for relative abundances of diatom species but 6 weeks for total diatom biomass). In contrast, no recovery was observed in assemblages placed under control conditions without external immigrants. 4. Immigration has important effects on the recovery of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of biofilms.  相似文献   
Lions were the most widespread carnivores in the late Pleistocene, ranging from southern Africa to the southern USA, but little is known about the evolutionary relationships among these Pleistocene populations or the dynamics that led to their extinction. Using ancient DNA techniques, we obtained mitochondrial sequences from 52 individuals sampled across the present and former range of lions. Phylogenetic analysis revealed three distinct clusters: (i) modern lions, Panthera leo ; (ii) extinct Pleistocene cave lions, which formed a homogeneous population extending from Europe across Beringia (Siberia, Alaska and western Canada); and (iii) extinct American lions, which formed a separate population south of the Pleistocene ice sheets. The American lion appears to have become genetically isolated around 340 000 years ago, despite the apparent lack of significant barriers to gene flow with Beringian populations through much of the late Pleistocene. We found potential evidence of a severe population bottleneck in the cave lion during the previous interstadial, sometime after 48 000 years, adding to evidence from bison, mammoths, horses and brown bears that megafaunal populations underwent major genetic alterations throughout the last interstadial, potentially presaging the processes involved in the subsequent end-Pleistocene mass extinctions.  相似文献   
1. Consumer–resource species interactions form complex, dynamic networks, which may exhibit structural heterogeneity at various scales. This study set out to address whether host–parasitoid food web size and topology vary across forest canopy strata, and to what extent foliar resources and species abundances account for vertical patterns in network structure. 2. The vertical stratification of leaf miner–parasitoid food webs was examined in two monotypic beech (Nothofagus pumilio) forests in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Quantitative food webs were constructed for separate canopy layers by sampling foliage from three tree‐height classes at 0.5–1, 2–3 and 5–6 m above ground. 3. Leaf miner abundance per unit leaf mass and foliar damage (%) did not differ across strata, although foliage quality and quantity increased from the understorey to the upper canopy. Parasitism rates and food web complexity decreased with canopy height, as reflected by reduced linkage richness, linkage density, mean interaction strength, and host vulnerability. 4. Null model analyses revealed that food web metrics, especially in the upper canopy, were often lower than expected when compared with randomly structured networks. Overall, these patterns held for two forests differing in vertical structure and in dominant miner morphotype and parasitoid species. 5. These results suggest that vertical declines in network complexity may be driven by the parasitoids' limited functional response to host abundance and dispersal from pupation sites in the forest floor. A broader constraint on food web structure seemed to be imposed by host–parasitoid trait matching, a reflection of large‐scale assembly processes.  相似文献   
Abstract Fusicoccin (FC)-stimulated K+ (86Rb) uptake and proton extrusion of maize (Zea mays) root apical segments were inhibited by pretreatment of 4-day-old seedlings with the herbicide Chlorsulfuron. In the range of Chlorsulfuron concentrations 0.01-10 mmol m?3, the percentage of inhibition was 15% at 0.01 mmol m?3 and progressively increased with Chlorsulfuron concentration up to 60% at 10 mmol m?3. At the maximum concentration tested (10 mmol m?3), the inhibition was evident after 1.5 h of pre-treatment. The binding of FC to microsomal fractions of root segments from Chlorsulfuron-pretreated seedlings was inhibited by 30%. It is suggested that Chlorsulfuron causes an alteration at the plasmalemma level involving the FC binding sites. The ineffectiveness of Chlorsulfuron in inhibiting FC-stimulaled K+ uptake when administered to excised segments, while inhibiting the enzyme acetolactate synthase, pointed out by Ray (1984) as the site of action of Chlorsulfuron in pea plants, suggests that the observed inhibition of K+ uptake and H+ extrusion is not induced by Chlorsulfuron inhibition of this enzyme. An alternative site of action of Chlorsulfuron is hypothesized in maize plants.  相似文献   
1. Biofoam in spittlebugs has traditionally been seen as a defence against predation and a microclimate that reduces the risks of overheating and drying out. This study addresses the possible role of the foam as a light attenuator. 2. Nymphs exhibit higher mortalities when reared under brighter light (1800–2000 lux) than under less bright light (600–800 lux). At all developmental stages, photoavoidance is strongest when the nymphs are depleted of foam covers. First‐ and second‐instar nymphs appear to be the most vulnerable to exposures by bright light. 3. Smaller bubbles are more effective as light attenuators than are larger ones. As younger instars possess smaller canals from which bubbles are released and, furthermore, exhibit higher concentrations of proteins in bubble liquid, they can produce smaller‐sized bubbles and their foams are more effective at reducing light than are those of older nymphs. 4. The findings of this study show that most of the visible and UV radiation is reflected by the foam: transmittance of visible light was 15% at 600 nm and 12% at 350 nm. 5. These results demonstrate that spittlebug foam also possesses properties that render it an effective barrier against potentially damaging solar radiation.  相似文献   
The population genetic structure of marine species lacking free-swimming larvae is expected to be strongly affected by random genetic drift among populations, resulting in genetic isolation by geographical distance. At the same time, ecological separation over microhabitats followed by direct selection on those parts of the genome that affect adaptation might also be strong. Here, we address the question of how the relative importance of stochastic vs. selective structuring forces varies at different geographical scales. We use microsatellite DNA and allozyme data from samples of the marine rocky shore snail Littorina saxatilis over distance scales ranging from metres to 1000 km, and we show that genetic drift is the most important structuring evolutionary force at distances > 1 km. On smaller geographical scales (< 1 km), divergent selection between contrasting habitats affects population genetic structure by impeding gene flow over microhabitat borders (microsatellite structure), or by directly favouring specific alleles of selected loci (allozyme structure). The results suggest that evolutionary drivers of population genetic structure cannot a priori be assumed to be equally important at different geographical scales. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 31–40.  相似文献   
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