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Abstract. To determine the species of Diptera and Coleoptera that visit and breed in carrion, four experiments, one for each season, were conducted from November 1992 to October 1993 in the vicinity of Campinas city, Southeastern Brazil. For each experiment two pigs weighing c. 10 kg were killed with a blow to the head with a blunt metallic object and immediately exposed, one in the shade and the other under sunlight. Adult insects and larvae leaving the carcass to pupate were collected daily. In addition, female blowflies were dissected in order to determine the stage of ovarian development. Five species of Calliphoridae: Chrysomya albiceps, C.megacephala, C.putoria, Phaenicia eximia and Hemilucilia segmentaria; three of Sarcophagidae: Pattonella intermutans, Liopygia ruficornis and Adiscochaeta ingens , and three of beetles: Dermestes maculatus, D. peruvianus (Dermestidae) and Necrobia rufipes (Cleridae), were considered of potential forensic importance, for they were able to breed in carrion exposed to natural environmental conditions. In addition, several fly species showed a definite seasonal pattern, with the Calliphoridae breeding more frequently during the warmer months of the year, and the Sarcophagidae preferring the cooler periods.  相似文献   
Vibrational communication is important for successful mating in various stink bugs species. The vibrational signals from males and females of Dichelops melacanthus Dallas (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are recorded from a nonresonant substrate (i.e. a loudspeaker membrane) to characterize the temporal and spectral properties of these vibrational signals, as well as on a resonant substrate (i.e. bean plants) to obtain information about how these signals are altered when they are transmitted through the plants. On the loudspeaker membrane, D. melacanthus males and females emit only one male or one female song, respectively. However, when the insects are placed on bean leaves, a more complex repertoire is recorded, with three different songs for each sex. The first female and male songs appear to have calling functions and the third male and female songs are emitted during courtship. The second female and male songs are emitted after the first song, although their functions in mating behaviour are not clear. The identified repertoire is similar to those of other Neotropical stink bugs, starting with songs 1 and 2 and developing into song 3. Frequency modulation is observed in the female songs recorded from the loudspeaker membrane and the plants. The signals recorded from plants present higher harmonic peaks compared with the signals recorded from the loudspeaker membrane. The presence of species and sex‐specific songs during mating confirms the important role of vibrational communication in mate location and recognition. The temporal and spectral characteristic signals are influenced by the substrate used to record the songs emitted by D. melacanthus.  相似文献   
The effects of ectoparasites on the body mass of Sand Martin Riparia riparia nestlings were experimentally tested. Chicks from nests treated with a pesticide to kill arthropod ectoparasites were heavier than chicks from control nests, indicating that ectoparasitism may be a cost for Sand Martins.  相似文献   
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) (genus Closterovirus , family Closteroviridae ) causes some of the more important viral diseases of citrus worldwide. The ability to map disease-inducing determinants of CTV is needed to develop better diagnostic and disease control procedures. A distinctive phenotype of some isolates of CTV is the ability to induce seedling yellows (SY) in sour orange, lemon and grapefruit seedlings. In Florida, the decline isolate of CTV, T36, induces SY, whereas a widely distributed mild isolate, T30, does not. To delimit the viral sequences associated with the SY syndrome, we created a number of T36/T30 hybrids by substituting T30 sequences into different regions of the 3' half of the genome of an infectious cDNA of T36. Eleven T36/T30 hybrids replicated in Nicotiana benthamiana protoplasts. Five of these hybrids formed viable virions that were mechanically transmitted to Citrus macrophylla , a permissive host for CTV. All induced systemic infections, similar to that of the parental T36 clone. Tissues from these C. macrophylla source plants were then used to graft inoculate sour orange and grapefruit seedlings. Inoculation with three of the T30/T36 hybrid constructs induced SY symptoms identical to those of T36; however, two hybrids with T30 substitutions in the p23-3' nontranslated region (NTR) (nucleotides 18 394–19 296) failed to induce SY. Sour orange seedlings infected with a recombinant non-SY p23-3' NTR hybrid also remained symptomless when challenged with the parental virus (T36), demonstrating the potential feasibility of using engineered constructs of CTV to mitigate disease.  相似文献   
Abstract. The response specificity of males of two races, and hybrids, of the European corn borer moth, to a large series of doses/ratios of E- and Z11-14:OAc, was determined in a sustained-flight tunnel. For both races an area of peak response was determined, which included the natural ratio eliciting peak levels of source contact, and other treatments eliciting response profiles over the behavioural sequence not significantly different from the peak. Consistent with studies on other moth species response specificity was controlled by two threshold effects, one affecting locking-on to odour plumes of lower doses and off-ratios containing lower proportions of the E or Z isomer than the natural blend, and the other resulting in arrestment of upwind flight to higher doses and off-ratios containing higher proportions of the E or Z isomer man the natural blend. A comparison of the size of the areas of peak response showed that males of the univoltine Z race (UZ) using a 3:97 E:Z mix displayed greater specificity and sensitivity than did males of the bivoltine E race (BE) responding to a 99:1 E:Z pheromone mix. At doses higher than those eliciting peak response (<100 μg) response specificity was lower for both races, but especially for the BE race, with increased levels of upwind flight and source contact occurring to off-ratios. Finally, consistent with a previous behaviour/genetic study on this species, F1 hybrid males displayed peak levels of source contact not only to their natural isomer ratio (65:35 E:Z), but also to an expanded range of doses of ratios ranging from 2% to 98% E.  相似文献   
A combined cytochemical and electronmicroscopic study of feeding Tokophrya revealed that it has 2 sources of acid phosphatase. One is from the prey, Tetrahymena, supplying newly formed food vacuoles with large amounts of enzyme. The other source is in Tokophrya itself, the enzyme being found in small vesicles, small dense elongate bodies surrounded by a membrane, or in residue vacuoles. It seems that the 2 former small structures contain insignificantly small amounts of phosphatase; however, large deposits of lead phosphate are present in residue vacuoles, former food vacuoles. Since Tokophrya has no cytopyge these vacuoles are not excreted. On the contrary, when feeding is resumed, they merge with food vacuoles, presumably supplying them with acid phosphatase. Whether this enzyme ultimately is derived from the prey Tetrahymena and persists undegraded in the residue vacuoles, or whether it is synthesized by Tokophrya cannot be determined from present work.  相似文献   
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