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Transfer of sediments from shallow shelf to basin usually implies vertical (stratigraphic) reworking of fossils, but in a few instances produces only lateral reworking (actually within the time span of a subzone). An Upper Devonian (Frasnian) pelagic carbonate sequence with allodapic intercalations and thick intraclast parabreccias triggered by seismic shocks and related tsunami and turbidity currents has been studied. Here, the standard biozone sequence is undisturbed at the zonal as well as the subzonal level. However, distribution of conodonts is discontinuous, and ranges of some important species are altered; mature specimens are commonly broken, whereas complete specimens are mostly juvenile forms. Maxima and minima of element frequency and anomalous thickening or thinning of subzones are recognized. Such distribution patterns of conodonts are compared with the four main facies distinguished and related to the environmental interpretation (a platform-basin system, the original gentle slope of which was fragmenting in fault-controlled blocks). The mean frequency of shallow-water, proximal conodonts is 10% whereas transitional to distal deeper-water genera dominate throughout the entire section. In the dominant biofacies, conodonts settled vertically, in the subordinate one they were transported laterally. The 'intraclast parabreccia' is interpreted as a peculiar type of seismitc. The anomalous thickness variation of biozones is related to the step topography of the slope in a fault-controlled carbonate basin.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The protargol technic was used in a study of the development of oral, cirral, and dorsal primordia of Urostyla weissei fixed during division, reorganization, and regeneration following transection at different levels. While the course of development is similar in all situations, differences were observed in the way in which some primordia are initiaily formed. The primordium of the new AZM always appears posterior to the old AZM. It develops into an entire new membranellar band in dividing cells and in opimers (posterior fragments from equatorial transections), while it eventually joins with a portion of the old AZM in reorganizers, promers (anterior fragments from equatorial transections) and “large opimers” (cells whose anterior tip has been cut off). The UM-primordium of proters is derived from disaggregation of the kinetosomes of the 2 old UM's, that of opisthes and opimers is formed “de novo” to the right of the AZM-primordium, while the UM-primordium of reorganizers, promers, and “large opimers” is of composite origin, partly “de novo” and partly from the old UM's. The UM primordium differentiates into the new UM's and the 1st frontal cirrus. The primordia of the remaining frontal, ventral, transversal (F-V-T) and marginal cirri originate as “streaks” of cilia, most of which are derived from re-alignment of the constituent cilia of certain pre-existing cirri. New cirri differendiate from the streaks, and replace the remaining old cirri. The streaks are formed similarly in all developmental situations, except for the 1st 3 F-V-T streaks. In proters, reorganizers, and promers, these originate from the posterior 3 frontal cirri, while in opisthes and opimers they are formed “de novo” to the right of the UM-primordium. In the “large opimers” these streaks are formed “de novo” behind the 1st 3 frontal cirri, in spite of the continued presence of these cirri at the anterior tip of the fragments. The site of formation of these streaks thus appears to be determined by an anteriorposterior gradient, rather than by any preformed cortical structure. The new dorsal bristle rows I to III develop from the proliferation of portions of the old rows, while rows IV and V originate from short kineties formed “de novo” on the right margin. New caudal cirri differentiate at the posterior ends of the new rows I to III. The numbers of ventral cirral rows and transversal cirri are variable; these variations are correlated, and related to variations in numbers of developing streaks. A survey of hypotrich developmental patterns revealed extensive parallels, especially in the sites of appearance of primordia. The primordium site appears to be a more constant feature of cortical development than is the “source” of ciliary units. It is concluded that sites of primordia are determined by cellular gradients, with competent preformed structures being utilized if they are appropriately positioned within these gradients.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS Food intake in Tokophrya infusionum is preceded by penetration of the knob of the tentacle into the cytoplasm of the prey, Tetrahymena. Immediately thereafter, the membrane of the knob starts to invaginate into the lumen of the inner tube of the tentacle carrying with it the cytoplasm of the prey. At the proximal end of the tentacle, the invaginating membrane inflates, pinches off and forms a food vacuole. The mechanism is similar to that in amoebae during pinocytosis. The first few food vacuoles contain broken-up membranes, an indication that predigestion of prey cytoplasm takes place. This process is limited, however, to the part of cytoplasm around the knob since all food vacuoles formed later are composed of intact cytoplasmic organelles of Tetrahymena. Among them the most abundant and at the same time the most resistant to digestion are mitochondria and mucocysts. The ultrastructure of mitochondria is preserved very well during processing for electron microscopy and changes in their fine structure therefore serve conveniently as markers of the stage of digestion and of the age of food vacuoles. Digestion of mitochondria progresses over a period of several hours. They finally seem to degrade into glycogen-like particles. All components of the food vacuole reach this stage much earlier. Digestion proceeds further until the food vacuole is filled with a watery content of very low density. Digestion in such food vacuoles is completed. The complete digestion of the content of food vacuoles is of primary importance for Tokophrya, since this organism does not have a cytopyge thru which waste products could be eliminated.  相似文献   
Macaca mulatta with multilead electrodes permanently implantedin the brain were electrically stimulated, either under restraint,or by radio while moving freely as part of a colony, in whichcase individual and social behavior were recorded, analyzed,and quantified with the aid of time-lapse photography. Somecerebral radio stimulations evoked complex sequences of wellorganized responses. Increase in running and in offensive behaviorwas produced by excitation of midline thalamus, while even fasterrunning without changes in aggressiveness was produced by stimulationof the fimbria of the fornix. Conditioning was absent in thefirst case, but it was easily established in the latter. Increasein aggressive behavior was also produced by stimulation of Forel'sfield, the nucleus ventralis posterior lateralis of the thalamus,and the central gray matter. Increase in aggressiveness wasoriented by the animal according to past experience, likes anddislikes, and was adapted to the changing strategies of itsopponent, indicating an excellent processing of sensory information,and demonstrating that brain stimulation had induced a "drive"and not a stereotyped motor response. As a working hypothesis it is proposed that cerebral mechanismsfor perception of pain and for aggressive behavior have differentanatomical and physiological systems closely interrelated byuse, disuse, and conditioning.  相似文献   
Adventitious roots arise naturally on petioles of Pereskia grandifoliaHaw. held in light. At about the 12th day after the beginningof the experiment, the root primordia arise in a callus tissuedeveloped from the basal portion of the petiole. Associatedwith the development of the callus, noticeable structural changesoccur in the originating organ. Petioles maintained in darkalso form callus; however, they die in a few days. On the otherhand, petioles treated with GA,, maintained in light, developcallus and survive; but they do not give rise to roots. Someaspects are discussed, such as: the kind of origin observedfor the roots, and the possible physiological basis for theirformation, as wdl as for the inhibition of their appearance Pereskia grandifolia, adventitious root formation, gibberelljc acid, petiole structure, rooting  相似文献   
A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol, previously designed for amplification of a DNA fragment from aster yellows mycoplasmalike organism (MLO), was employed to investigate the detection of MLO DNA in field-collected and in vitro micropropagated plants. PCR with template DNA extracted from symptomatic, naturally-infected samples of Brassica, Chrysanthemum and Hydrangea, each yielded a DNA band corresponding to 1.0 Kbp. However, no DNA product was observed when either infected Ranunculus (with phyllody disease) or Gladiolus with (symptoms of ‘germs fins’) was used as source of template nucleic acid for PCR; further experiments indicated absence of target DNA in the case of Ranunculus and the presence of substances in Gladiolus which inhibited the PCR. The MLO-specific DNA was detected by PCR using less than 95 pg of total nucleic acid (equivalent to total nucleic acid from 1.9, ug tissue) in the case of field-collected Hydrangea and less than 11.4 pg of nucleic acid (equivalent to total nucleic acid from 19 ng of tissue) in the case of field-collected Brassica. The findings illustrate highly sensitive detection of MLOs in both field-grown and in vitro micropropagated infected plants.  相似文献   
Norepinephrine (NE) and phenylephrine (Phe) were employed to study the ionic requirements for alpha adrenoceptor activation in the teleost Poecilia reticulata melanophores. As expected the beta adrenoceptor blocker, propranolol, increased the sensitivity of the preparation to NE (5.8 times), and was therefore employed in all the experimental procedures. Neither cocaine (a neuronal uptake blocker) nor dexamethasone (an extraneuronal uptake blocker) enhanced the sensitivity of the preparation to NE, suggesting that these inactivating mechanisms would not play a role in P. reticulata pigmentary system. However, in the absence of calcium, the dose-response curve (DRC) to NE was displaced to the left about 3.5 times, whereas the DRC to Phe was not affected. These results indicate that a neuronal uptake is active, but was not demonstrated by the classical pharmacological tools, probably due to an assymmetric display of the nervous endings. The DRC to NE was rightward displaced (14.1 times) in the presence of the calcium channel blocker Verapamil, whereas the DRC to Phe was not affected. These data suggest that P. reticulata melanophores possess a mixed population of alpha1 and alpha2 adrenoceptors, the activation of the latter eliciting an extracellular calcium influx. In sodium-free saline, the DRC to NE was rightward shifted (6.6 times) and the response to Phe was impaired in such a way that the maximal response was not achieved. The DRC to both NE and Phe were rightward displaced (7.9 and 2.7 times respectively) in the presence of the sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX) 10?7M. In potassium-free saline, the melanophore sensitivity to Phe was increased, whereas the responses to NE were not affected, suggesting a differential sensitivity of the two alpha adrenoceptor subtypes to the resulting membrane hyperpolarization. Based on the literature and on our data we propose that P. reticulata melanophores possess a mixed population of alpha1 and alpha2 receptors. The activation of both subtypes of alpha adrenoceptors elicits a Na+ ion influx through TTX-sensitive sodium channels. The stimulation of alpha2 adrenoceptors also requires an extracellular calcium influx, through the opening of slow calcium channels.  相似文献   
Cultured mouse Cloudman melanoma cells, EMT6 breast carcinoma cells, and 3T3 fibroblasts all accumulated in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle when exposed to UVB radiation. The effects of UVB were maximal at 20–30 mJ/cm2 for all three cell lines, and could be observed by flow cytometry as early as 12 hr post irradiation. It has been known since the mid-1970s that MSH receptor binding activity is highest on Cloudman melanoma cells when they are in the G2/M phase of their cycle. Here we show that either UVB irradiation or synchronization of Cloudman cells with colchicine results in a stimulation of MSH binding within 24 hr following treatment, a time when both treatments have resulted in accumulation of cells in the G2/M phase of the cycle. Furthermore, the two treatments performed together on the melanoma cells stimulated MSH receptor activity to the same extent as either treatment performed separately, suggesting that each may be influencing MSH receptor activity solely through a G2/M accumulation of cells. Together, these results raise the possibility that an increase in the number of cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle is a generalized cellular response to injury, such as UV irradiation. However, in the case of pigment cells this response includes a mechanism for increasing melanin formation, i.e., increased MSH receptor activity. Should this be the case, similar G2/M “injury responses” of other cell types might be expected, consistent with their differentiated phenotypes.  相似文献   
This review of Hippidion is based on a multivariate analysis of the foot, and some morphological characteristics of the skull and dentition. We recognize only one genus ( Hippidion ) including all the hippidiform horses, with three different species: H. principale, H. devillei and H. saldiasi. The latter species is stratigraphically and geographically restricted to the period from 13000 to 8000 years BP in the southern part of South America. Hippidion principale and H. devillei have a large geographical distribution (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Perú, Uruguay, Brazil) through the Upper Pliocene-Upper Pleistocene. Both species show some morphometric variations across their geographic range; these features may result from the environmental characteristics.  相似文献   
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