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Polymorphism of four enzymatic loci has been examined in 27 populations of Tetranychus urticae in relation to their geographical distribution and to two ecological parameters: open field vs. greenhouse habitats, and species of the colonized host plant. Genetic differentiation was significantly correlated to geographical distance in both types of habitat. Mite density and distribution of infested plants appear to be important factors for the population structure of T. urticae . In open field, T. urticae specimens from citrus trees were genetically more similar to other 'citrus' samples collected in different localities than they were from mites collected in the same locality on other plant species.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Growth by serial transfers of the trypanosomatid Crithidia deanei in culture medium containing 1 mg/ml of the β-lactam antibiotics ampicillin or cephalexin resulted in shape distortion of its endosymbiont. The endosymbiont first appeared as filamentous structures with restricted areas of membrane damage. An increase of electron lucid areas was also observed in the endosymbiont matrix. The continuous treatment with β-lactam antibiotics, resulted in endosymbiont membranes fragmentation; and later on the space previously occupied by the symbiont was identified as an electron lucid area in the host cytoplasm. The putative targets of β-lactam antibiotic were two membrane-bound penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) detected in the Sarkosyl-soluble fraction of purified symbionts labeled with [3H]-benzylpenicillin. The apparent molecular weight of the proteins were 90 kDa (PBP1) and 45 kDa (PBP2). PBP2 represented 85% of the total PBP content in the membrane fraction of the endosymbionts. Competition experiments using the tested antibiotics and [3H]-benzylpenicillin showed that ampicillin and cephalexin have half saturating concentrations considerably higher than [3H]-benzylpenicillin and indicated that PBP1 is the probable lethal target of the antibiotics tested. These results suggest that a physiologically active PBP is present in the cell envelope of C. deanei endosymbionts and may play important roles in the control of processes such as cell division and shape determination.  相似文献   
Large miliolid foraminifers bear various types of algal endosymbionts including chlorophytes, dinoflagellates, rhodophytes, and diatoms. Symbiosis plays a key role in the adaptation of large foraminifera to survival and growth in oligotrophic seas. The identity and diversity of foraminiferal symbionts, however, remain largely unknown. In the present work we use ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences to identify chlorophyte endosymbionts in large miliolid foraminifera of the superfamily Soritacea. Partial 18S and complete Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences were obtained from symbionts of eight species representing all genera of extant chlorophyte-bearing Soritacea. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences confirms the previous fine structure-based identification of these endosymbionts as belonging to the genus Chlamydomonas. All foraminiferal symbionts form a monophyletic group closely related to Chlamydomonas noctigama. The group is composed of seven types identified in this study, including one previously morphologically described species, Chlamydomonas hedleyi. Each of these types can be considered as a separate species, based on the comparison of genetic differences observed between other established Chlamydomonas species. Several foraminiferal species share the same symbiont type, but only one species, Archaias angulatus, was found to bear more than one type.  相似文献   
Caesalpinia echinata and C. ferrea var. ferrea have different seed behaviours and seed and fruit types. Comparison of the seed ontogeny and anatomy partly explained the differences in seed behaviour between these two species of Brazilian legumes; some differences were also related to fruit development. The seed coat in C. ferrea consisted of two layers of osteosclereids, as well as macrosclereids and fibres, to form a typical legume seed coat, whereas C. echinata had only macrosclereids and fibres. In C. echinata , the developing seed coat had paracytic stomata, a feature rarely found in legume seeds. These seed coat features may account for the low longevity of C. echinata seeds. The embryogeny was similar in both species, with no differences in the relationship between embryo growth and seed growth. The seeds of both species behaved as typical endospermic seeds, despite their different morphological classification (exendospermic orthodox seeds were described for C. echinata and endospermic orthodox seeds for C. ferrea ). Embryo growth in C. ferrea accelerated when the sclerenchyma of the pericarp was developing, whereas embryonic growth in C. echinata was associated with the conclusion of spine and secretory reservoir development in the pericarp. Other features observed included an endothelial layer that secreted mucilage in both species, a nucellar summit, which grew up into the micropyle, and a placental obturator that connected the ovarian tissue to the ovule in C. ferrea . © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 57–70.  相似文献   
To examine morphological differences among queens, workers and males, 14 external body characters were measured in two colonies of the Taiwanese stingless bee Trigona ventralis hoozana. Queens were largest in all of the body parts measured except eye width and mesoscutum length, and values for most variables in queens did not overlap with those of workers and males. In contrast, the worker : male size ratios for 11 variables were close to 1.0, showing that overall body size and shape of workers resembled that of males rather than of queens. Males had the largest eyes and their mesoscutum length was comparable to that of queens. ancova between 14 morphometric variables and mesoscutum width chosen as standard body size showed that allometric growth in most variables was not linear. Plotting of some variables on mesoscutum width showed that queens had a proportionally wider first metasomal tergum and longer antennal scape, but a proportionally narrower head and eye than workers and males. These tests suggest that the morphological caste differences in this species belong to a category of complete dimorphism.  相似文献   
We developed methods for characterizing semiochemicals in the cuticles of the sea-skater Halobates (Gerridae). Such substances may be involved in chemical communication at the sea surface and have been shown to act as sexual pheromones for a related marine insect Trochopus plumbeus (Veliidae). We identified 86 volatile compounds in extracts from three Halobates species ( H. micans Eschscholtz, H. hawaiiensis Usinger and H. sobrinus White) and used them to reconstruct the phylogeny of the clade. Sixty-seven of the compounds were found to be parsimony-informative. Suspected semiochemicals appear to be specific autapomorphies in the phylogram, and our results indicated that chemical profiles may be used to predict the phylogenetic history of Halobates . Moreover, the phylogenetic tree derived from our data is congruent with a previously published one based on morphology and mitochondrial DNA sequence (780 bp in the COI gene). The potential role of each compound to be used for chemical communication was also reviewed. At appropriate concentrations, some of the cuticular compounds, being partly hydrophobic and partly hydrophilic, could disperse on the sea surface and thereby play an energetically efficient role in chemical communication, e.g. mate location. Less dispersible components might act as 'sun-screens' and provide protection from UV-irradiation during daylight hours.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 671–688.  相似文献   
Original chromosome determinations are presented for 20 American Lupinus taxa, including, for the first time, unifoliolate species, together with first data on meiotic behaviour and pollen fertility for some South American species. Most of the Brazilian multifoliolate L. lanatus, L. rubriflorus, L. multiflorus, L. paranensis, L. bracteolaris and L. reitzii and unifoliolate L. crotalarioides, L. guaraniticus and L. velutinus accessions analysed presented regular chromosome pairing. Meiotic indexes and estimations of pollen viability were higher than 90% for all species and accessions analysed, reflecting the generally regular meiotic behaviour of these plants. Chromosome numbers were determined for the first time for the eastern South‐American species L. guaraniticus, L. crotalarioides, L. paranensis, L. paraguariensis and L. velutinus (n = 18 or 2n = 36) and for the Andean L. ballianus, L. eanophyllus, L. huaronensis, L. semperflorens, plus another eight taxa (2n = 48) from Peru and Bolivia, and L. bandelierae (2n = 36) from Bolivia. Chromosome numbers were confirmed for L. lanatus, L. rubriflorus (2n = 36), L. bracteolaris (2n = 34) and L. microphyllus (2n = 48). In the three accessions of the North American unifoliolate species, L. cumulicola and L. villosus, a chromosome number (2n = 52) previously unknown among American taxa was found. The results of the study, plus published data, support the suggestions that south‐eastern South American species are a group cytologically differentiated from the Andean as well as from most other American ones, and that the Brazilian and the North American unifoliolate Lupinus had independent origins. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 150 , 229–240.  相似文献   
Latitudinal gradients of life-history traits in animals are thought to be shaped by environmental variables. For example, it has been suggested that the increase in avian clutch size from the tropics towards the northern temperate regions is caused by a reduced survival of adult birds in the north due to increasing environmental seasonality. However, the tropical savannahs of East Africa show pronounced seasonality in resources caused by distinct rainy and dry seasons. This raises the question of whether survival and other life-history traits of birds living in these tropical savannahs are influenced by this seasonality, making them more similar to northern temperate species. We used 2-year monthly resighting data, a multistate modelling approach and the program MARK to test whether survival, transition probabilities between breeding states and other life-history traits of two resident Kenyan Sylvia species (Aves: Passeriformes: Sylviidae) are shaped by seasonality of rainfall in their environment. Contradicting our hypotheses, the two species showed only very slight influence of seasonality of rainfall on their survival. Survival in the dry months was hardly lower than in the rainy months. The species in the more seasonal environment ( S. boehmi , annual survival 71%) survived as well as the one in the more constant environment ( S. lugens , 56%). The observed survival rates correspond well to other life-history traits of the two species and are of similar magnitude to survival rates of other tropical passerines. This implies that either seasonality is not the driving force behind the life-history traits of the two species or the birds do not experience their environment as seasonal, as might be suggested by fluctuations in rainfall.  相似文献   
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