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Burkholderia has only recently been recognized as a potential nitrogen-fixing symbiont of legumes, but we find that the origins of symbiosis in Burkholderia are much deeper than previously suspected. We sampled 143 symbionts from 47 native species of Mimosa across 1800 km in central Brazil and found that 98% were Burkholderia . Gene sequences defined seven distinct and divergent species complexes within the genus Burkholderia . The symbiosis-related genes formed deep Burkholderia -specific clades, each specific to a species complex, implying that these genes diverged over a long period within Burkholderia without substantial horizontal gene transfer between species complexes.  相似文献   
Internal secretory cells may be morphologically indistinguishable from their neighbours except for the presence of secreted material, or they may differ to such an extent that could be classified as secretory idioblasts. Several authors have reported the presence of glandular trichomes secreting essential oil in Verbenaceae, including Lantana . However, none have reported internal secretory cells. Anatomical and histochemical methods applied to Lantana camara leaves revealed the occurrence of internal secretory cells whose ontogenesis and chemical nature are described in this paper. According to leaf developmental analysis, L. camara secretory cells originated from the ground meristem, started to differentiate in the third node leaves, and were actively secreting in the fourth node leaves. The content of the secretory cells was of a lipidic nature, and a terpenoid essence of their secretion was also identified. Based upon differences in size and shape from neighbouring cells and on detection of nonvolatile terpenes, they were confirmed as true internal secretory idioblasts.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 427–431.  相似文献   
McNamara, M.E., Orr, P.J., Manzocchi, T., Alcalá, L., Anadón, P. & Peñalver, E. 2011: Biological controls upon the physical taphonomy of exceptionally preserved salamanders from the Miocene of Rubielos de Mora, northeast Spain. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 210–226. The middle Miocene Rubielos de Mora Konservat‐Lagerstätte of northeast Spain is hosted within profundal, finely laminated, lacustrine mudstones. The diverse biota includes abundant salamanders. Most individuals died during separate episodes and sank rapidly postmortem. Specimens are typically preserved in dorso‐ventral aspect, the most hydrodynamically stable orientation. The near‐cylindrical morphology of the body, however, allowed some carcasses to settle in or subsequently re‐orientate into, lateral orientations. Loss of skeletal elements (i.e. reduced completeness) reflects their location within the body and followed a distal to proximal trend. Two stages are identified: initial loss of a small number of phalanges, followed by loss of more proximal limb bones plus additional phalanges. Disarticulation is more complex: it occurred via several mechanisms (notably, abdominal rupture and re‐orientation of part of the body and limbs during decay) and shows no consistent pattern among specimens. The physical taphonomy of the salamanders is controlled predominantly by intrinsic biological factors, i.e. the geometry of the body and of individual skeletal elements, the orientation, inherent strength and location of specific joints and the extent to which soft tissues, particularly the skin, persist during decay. These biological factors probably control patterns of physical taphonomy of other fossil tetrapods with a similar skeletal configuration. □Articulation, completeness, Konservat‐Lagerstätten, orientation, quantitative taphonomy, salamanders.  相似文献   
Vibrational communication is important for successful mating in various stink bugs species. The vibrational signals from males and females of Dichelops melacanthus Dallas (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are recorded from a nonresonant substrate (i.e. a loudspeaker membrane) to characterize the temporal and spectral properties of these vibrational signals, as well as on a resonant substrate (i.e. bean plants) to obtain information about how these signals are altered when they are transmitted through the plants. On the loudspeaker membrane, D. melacanthus males and females emit only one male or one female song, respectively. However, when the insects are placed on bean leaves, a more complex repertoire is recorded, with three different songs for each sex. The first female and male songs appear to have calling functions and the third male and female songs are emitted during courtship. The second female and male songs are emitted after the first song, although their functions in mating behaviour are not clear. The identified repertoire is similar to those of other Neotropical stink bugs, starting with songs 1 and 2 and developing into song 3. Frequency modulation is observed in the female songs recorded from the loudspeaker membrane and the plants. The signals recorded from plants present higher harmonic peaks compared with the signals recorded from the loudspeaker membrane. The presence of species and sex‐specific songs during mating confirms the important role of vibrational communication in mate location and recognition. The temporal and spectral characteristic signals are influenced by the substrate used to record the songs emitted by D. melacanthus.  相似文献   
The aleocharine subtribe Homalotina Heer represents one of the most diverse lineages of Staphylinidae. Despite its wide distribution and diversity, the phylogenetic relationships of the subtribe remain poorly understood. Here, we present the first cladistic analysis of the Homalotina based on morphological data. The subtribe is hypothesized to be a monophyletic group consisting of seven genera (Anomognathus Solier, Cephaloxynum Bernhauer, Holisomimus Cameron, Homalota Mannerheim, Neomalota Cameron, Stenomastax Cameron, and Thecturota Casey). The dataset for phylogenetic analysis comprised 83 characters representing 245 character states derived from adult morphology. These data were analysed using equal weighting and implied weighting schemes (k = 1–6) and results support the monophyly of the subtribe based on two synapomorphic characters (complete postoccipital sutures on head, posterolateral margin of metacoxae with macrosetae) and three homoplastic characters (medial setae on prementum not extended to apex of ligula, medial setae on labium contiguous, posterolateral angle of elytron slightly sinuate). Generic relationships differ in each analysis within the Homalotina (EW, IW with k = 1, 2–4, 5–6) although there are some identical topologies among the IW trees. Clades A, B, C, D, H, J and G were resolved as monophyletic in all weighting regimes. The monophyly of the genera is relatively well supported except for the genera Homalota and Stenomastax. Homalota species were recovered in four independent clades (clade C, D, I, K) and the Stenomastax species were recovered in two independent lineages. Candidates for the possible new genera are discussed. We herein transfer Homalota flavomaculata Bernhauer to the genus Stenomastax, resulting in the new combination [Stenomastax flavomaculata (Bernhauer)]. Our preliminary character correlation tests using phylogenetic pairwise comparisons did not support the hypothesis of association between flattened body form, and subcortical habitat and anterior shift of antennal insertion in Homalotini.  相似文献   
A molecular phylogenetic study of Plantago L. (Plantaginaceae) analysed nucleotide variation in the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal and plastid trnL-F regions. Included are 57 Plantago species, with two Aragoa species as the ingroup and three Veronica species as the outgroup. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum parsimony identified five major clades, corresponding to the taxonomic groups Plantago subgenera Plantago, Coronopus, Psyllium, Littorella and Bougueria . Aragoa is sister to genus Plantago . Plantago subgenus Littorella is sister to the other subgenera of Plantago . The results are in general correlated with a morphological phylogenetic study and iridoid glucoside patterns, but Plantago subgenus Albicans is paraphyletic and should be included in Plantago subgenus Psyllium sensu lato to obtain a monophyletic clade with six sections. Plantago section Hymenopsyllium is more closely related to section Gnaphaloides than to section Albicans . Plantago subgenus Bougueria is sister to subgenus Psyllium s.l. section Coronopus in Plantago subgenus Coronopus is subdivided in two series. Only some of the sections can be resolved into series. DNA variation within genus Plantago is high, a result that would not have been predicted on the basis of morphology, which is relatively stereotyped. If we calibrate a molecular clock based on the divergence of P. stauntoni , endemic to New Amsterdam in the southern Indian Ocean, we calculate the time of the split between Plantago and Aragoa to be 7.1 million years ago, which is congruent with the fossil record.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 323–338.  相似文献   
Transfer of sediments from shallow shelf to basin usually implies vertical (stratigraphic) reworking of fossils, but in a few instances produces only lateral reworking (actually within the time span of a subzone). An Upper Devonian (Frasnian) pelagic carbonate sequence with allodapic intercalations and thick intraclast parabreccias triggered by seismic shocks and related tsunami and turbidity currents has been studied. Here, the standard biozone sequence is undisturbed at the zonal as well as the subzonal level. However, distribution of conodonts is discontinuous, and ranges of some important species are altered; mature specimens are commonly broken, whereas complete specimens are mostly juvenile forms. Maxima and minima of element frequency and anomalous thickening or thinning of subzones are recognized. Such distribution patterns of conodonts are compared with the four main facies distinguished and related to the environmental interpretation (a platform-basin system, the original gentle slope of which was fragmenting in fault-controlled blocks). The mean frequency of shallow-water, proximal conodonts is 10% whereas transitional to distal deeper-water genera dominate throughout the entire section. In the dominant biofacies, conodonts settled vertically, in the subordinate one they were transported laterally. The 'intraclast parabreccia' is interpreted as a peculiar type of seismitc. The anomalous thickness variation of biozones is related to the step topography of the slope in a fault-controlled carbonate basin.  相似文献   
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