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Abstract. Modifications in plasma membrane structure and permeability were observed in Chlorella sorokiniana following exposure to 0.2 gm−3(140 p.p.m.) O3 for 30 min. Sixty-eight per cent of the cells were plasmolysed after 15 min O3 exposure with disruption of organelles similar to that previously described in higher plants. Freeze-fracture exposed large areas of plasma membrane in 90% of the control cells and those exposed to O3for short periods. After 20 min O3 90% of the cells cross-fracture, which indicates a change in molecular interactions in the membrane exposed to O3 The earliest observed ultraslructural alteration is an aggregation of particles on the plasma membrane P face, statistically significant after 10 min O3 Changes in 86Rb influx occur during a similar time. After more extended exposure to O3 the plasma membrane P face shows regions of lipid phase transition to the crystalline state.  相似文献   
Mitotic or meiotic chromosome numbers for 42 accessions belonging to 39 species of different genera of Asteraceae were determined. First chromosome counts are reported for one genus ( Gymnocoronis ), 14 species, and one variety. These are as follows: Solidago chilensis var. megapotamica (2 n  = 2 x  = 18), Chromolaena barbacensis (2 n  = 3 x  = 30), Chromolaena christieana (2 n  = 3 x  = 30), Chromolaena hirsuta (2 n  = 4 x  = 40), Chromolaena verbenacea ( n  = 20 II, 2 n  = 4 x  = 40), Disynaphia multicrenulata (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), Gymnocoronis spilanthoides var. subcordata (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), Mikania thapsoides (2 n  = 4 x  = 68), Stevia commixta (2 n  = 2 x  = 22), Porophyllum brevifolium (2 n  = 4 x  = 44), Viguiera rojasii (2 n  = 2 x  = 34), Pterocaulon angustifolium (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), Gochnatia haumaniana (2 n  = 4 x  = 44), Senecio ostenii (2 n  = 4 x  = 40), Senecio pinnatus (2 n  = 8 x  = 80), and Lepidaploa amambaia (2 n  = 2 x  = 28). Chromosome numbers differing from those reported previously in the literature were found in Campuloclinium macrocephalum (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), Melanthera latifolia (2 n  = 4 x  = 60), Chrysolaena flexuosa (2 n  = 2 x  = 20), and Cyrtocymura cincta (2 n  = 4 x  = 40). The relevance of the results is discussed in relation to the available data for each of the analysed taxa. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 153 , 221–230.  相似文献   
Using transmission electron microscopy, immuno-electron microscopy, and biochemical techniques such as 2-D electrophoresis and immunoblotting, actin was found in all biological stages of the microsporidia Encephalitozoon hellem and Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  相似文献   
Mayoral, M. L., Plaut, Z. and Reinhold, L. 1985. Effect of sink-sourcemanipulations on the photosynthetic rate and carbohydrate contentof cucumber cotyledons.-J. exp. Bot. 36 1551–1558. The photosynthetic rate of cucumber cotyledons (Cucumis sativuscv. Dahla) reached a maximum value of 12 mg dm–2 h–1,10 d after emergence. In 12-d-old seedlings removal of one cotyledondoubled the CO2 fixation rate of the other, as observed 3 dafter treatment. When the primary leaf was removed, the photosyntheticrate of the cotyledons was decreased by 33%. At this stage ofgrowth elimination of the roots as a sink for assimilates bygirdling the hypocotyl affected neither the photosynthetic ratenor the carbohydrate content of the cotyledons. By contrast,in 18-d-old seedlings removal of the first leaf brought abouta 42% increase in the photosynthetic rate of the cotyledons.The simultaneous removal of the first leaf and one cotyledondoubled the rate of CO2 fixation of the remaining cotyledon.Girdling the hypocotyl lowered the photosynthetic rate of thecotyledons by 73%. In both 12- and 18-d-old seedlings a decreaseor increase in the sink-source ratio was correlated with anincrease or a decrease respectively in the carbohydrate contentof the cotyledons. The stomatal resistance of the cotyledonswas not affected by any of the treatments. The effect of sink-sourcemanipulations on photosynthesis and on the level of carbohydratespresent in the cotyledons was more evident in those seedlingsgrowing under high light intensity (580 µE m–2 s–1),than in those exposed to 300 µE m–2 s–1 Key words: Sink-source relationship, cotyledons, photosynthesis  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The protargol technic was used in a study of the development of oral, cirral, and dorsal primordia of Urostyla weissei fixed during division, reorganization, and regeneration following transection at different levels. While the course of development is similar in all situations, differences were observed in the way in which some primordia are initiaily formed. The primordium of the new AZM always appears posterior to the old AZM. It develops into an entire new membranellar band in dividing cells and in opimers (posterior fragments from equatorial transections), while it eventually joins with a portion of the old AZM in reorganizers, promers (anterior fragments from equatorial transections) and “large opimers” (cells whose anterior tip has been cut off). The UM-primordium of proters is derived from disaggregation of the kinetosomes of the 2 old UM's, that of opisthes and opimers is formed “de novo” to the right of the AZM-primordium, while the UM-primordium of reorganizers, promers, and “large opimers” is of composite origin, partly “de novo” and partly from the old UM's. The UM primordium differentiates into the new UM's and the 1st frontal cirrus. The primordia of the remaining frontal, ventral, transversal (F-V-T) and marginal cirri originate as “streaks” of cilia, most of which are derived from re-alignment of the constituent cilia of certain pre-existing cirri. New cirri differendiate from the streaks, and replace the remaining old cirri. The streaks are formed similarly in all developmental situations, except for the 1st 3 F-V-T streaks. In proters, reorganizers, and promers, these originate from the posterior 3 frontal cirri, while in opisthes and opimers they are formed “de novo” to the right of the UM-primordium. In the “large opimers” these streaks are formed “de novo” behind the 1st 3 frontal cirri, in spite of the continued presence of these cirri at the anterior tip of the fragments. The site of formation of these streaks thus appears to be determined by an anteriorposterior gradient, rather than by any preformed cortical structure. The new dorsal bristle rows I to III develop from the proliferation of portions of the old rows, while rows IV and V originate from short kineties formed “de novo” on the right margin. New caudal cirri differentiate at the posterior ends of the new rows I to III. The numbers of ventral cirral rows and transversal cirri are variable; these variations are correlated, and related to variations in numbers of developing streaks. A survey of hypotrich developmental patterns revealed extensive parallels, especially in the sites of appearance of primordia. The primordium site appears to be a more constant feature of cortical development than is the “source” of ciliary units. It is concluded that sites of primordia are determined by cellular gradients, with competent preformed structures being utilized if they are appropriately positioned within these gradients.  相似文献   
1. In ant–hemipteran mutualisms, ants receive carbohydrates in the form of honeydew, while hemipterans receive protection from natural enemies. In the absence of natural enemies, however, the direct effects of tending are generally less well known. We hypothesised that with increasing tending intensity (ant to aphid ratio), aphid performance would increase initially, then decrease at high tending levels due to the metabolic cost of producing high quality honeydew. 2. We tested our hypothesis in a greenhouse experiment by manipulating Argentine ant (Linepithema humile Mayr) colony size while holding constant the initial size of aphid (Chaitophorus populicola Thomas) aggregations. The two parameters associated with survival, aphid survivorship to maturity and longevity, declined with increasing tending intensity, whereas per capita birth rate and time to first reproduction showed no relationship to attendance. The intrinsic rate of increase declined only at relatively high tending levels, suggesting a nonlinearity in the effect of tending intensity. 3. Tending intensity measured in the experiment was similar to that observed in free‐living aggregations of C. populicola. Furthermore, the per capita recruitment rate of ants to free‐living aphid aggregations was negatively density‐dependent, indicating that small aggregations tend to experience the highest levels of tending intensity. This finding suggests that the aphid's intrinsic rate of increase may be positively density‐dependent, mediated by the aphid's mutualistic interaction with the ant. 4. In the Argentine ant–C. populicola interaction, experimental manipulation of colony size revealed a direct cost of ant attendance that was conditional upon tending intensity. Experiments that manipulate only ant presence or absence may yield an incomplete understanding of the mutualistic interaction if underlying nonlinearities exist.  相似文献   
在15只麻醉开胸犬中,用在体器官恒流灌注法研究了骨胳肌、皮肤、肾和心脏的血管在5-HT 诱发的主动脉区化学感受性升血压反射中的反应,同时还观察了5-HT 对这些器官血管的直接效应。左心房注入5-HT(200μg)后,在动脉血压急剧上升的同时,股薄肌、皮肤(后爪)和肾脏的灌流压明显增加,其增值分别为43±8.47±5和56±27mmHg(P<0.01),而冠脉灌流压无明显改变。用阿托品和/或心得安阻断骨胳肌、皮肤和心脏灌流区域的 m 和同β-受体后,上述效应无进一步变动。向灌流环路直接注入5-HT(10—50μg),可引起皮肤和肾脏的血管收缩,而股薄肌和心肌的血管则扩张;后一效应不被心得安阻断。以上结果提示:1.在5-HT 诱发的主动脉区化学感受性升血压反射中,骨胳肌、皮肤和肾脏呈现明显的交感性缩血管反应,而并不伴有交感性扩血管活动;2.在外周血管可能存在两种不同的5-HT 受体,一种主要分布在皮肤和肾脏,引起缩血管效应;另一种主要分布于骨胳肌和冠状血管,引起扩血管效应。  相似文献   
Changes in the obturator of the peach (Prunus persica) havebeen investigated and related to pollen tube growth in thisregion. At anthesis, the cells of the obturator are active andrich in starch reserves. Twelve days after anthesis these cellsproduce a secretion that stains for carbohydrates and for proteins.As the secretion is produced, starch vanishes from these cellsand they degenerate and collapse as callose is accumulated.Secretion is independent of pollination as it takes place ina similar fashion both in pollinated and in unpollinated flowers. Pollen tube growth along the obturator surface depends on thissecretion for, although pollen tubes reach the base of the styleseven days after pollination, they cannot grow on the obturatoruntil five days later, when the secretion is produced. Thisdiscontinuous secretion taking place at the obturator may providea mechanism that controls the entrance of pollen tubes intothe ovary in the peach. Prunus persica, peach, obturator, pollen tube  相似文献   
In this study we examined ecosystem respiration (RECO) data from 104 sites belonging to FLUXNET, the global network of eddy covariance flux measurements. The goal was to identify the main factors involved in the variability of RECO: temporally and between sites as affected by climate, vegetation structure and plant functional type (PFT) (evergreen needleleaf, grasslands, etc.). We demonstrated that a model using only climate drivers as predictors of RECO failed to describe part of the temporal variability in the data and that the dependency on gross primary production (GPP) needed to be included as an additional driver of RECO. The maximum seasonal leaf area index (LAIMAX) had an additional effect that explained the spatial variability of reference respiration (the respiration at reference temperature Tref=15 °C, without stimulation introduced by photosynthetic activity and without water limitations), with a statistically significant linear relationship (r2=0.52, P<0.001, n=104) even within each PFT. Besides LAIMAX, we found that reference respiration may be explained partially by total soil carbon content (SoilC). For undisturbed temperate and boreal forests a negative control of total nitrogen deposition (Ndepo) on reference respiration was also identified. We developed a new semiempirical model incorporating abiotic factors (climate), recent productivity (daily GPP), general site productivity and canopy structure (LAIMAX) which performed well in predicting the spatio‐temporal variability of RECO, explaining >70% of the variance for most vegetation types. Exceptions include tropical and Mediterranean broadleaf forests and deciduous broadleaf forests. Part of the variability in respiration that could not be described by our model may be attributed to a series of factors, including phenology in deciduous broadleaf forests and management practices in grasslands and croplands.  相似文献   
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