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We measured the Δ Ψ and ΔpH components of the transthylakoid proton motive force ( pmf ) in light-adapted, intact tobacco leaves in response to moderate heat. The Δ Ψ causes an electrochromic shift (ECS) in carotenoid absorbance spectra. The light–dark difference spectrum has a peak at 518 nm and the two components of the pmf were separated by following the ECS for 25 s after turning the light off. The ECS signal was deconvoluted by subtracting the effects of zeaxanthin formation (peak at 505 nm) and the qE-related absorbance changes (peak at 535 nm) from a signal measured at 520 nm. Heat reduced ΔpH while Δ Ψ slightly increased. Elevated temperature accelerated ECS decay kinetics likely reflecting heat-induced increases in proton conductance and ion movement. Energy-dependent quenching (qE) was reduced by heat. However, the reduction of qE was less than expected given the loss of ΔpH. Zeaxanthin did not increase with heat in light-adapted leaves but it was higher than would be predicted given the reduced ΔpH found at high temperature. The results indicate that moderate heat stress can have very large effects on thylakoid reactions.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS Asexual reproduction in Tokophrya infusionum is by internal budding, whereby a ciliated, motile embryo is formed inside the sessile, non-ciliated parent in a specialized structure, the brood pouch. The process of embryogenesis and brood pouch formation was studied with the electron microscope using synchronized cultures. Reproduction begins with invagination of the pellicle and plasma membrane in the apical region of the adult. Early invagination is characterized by the presence of numerous microtubules beneath the plasma membrane or epiplasmic layer of the invaginating membranes. These microtubules apparently are important in formation of the brood pouch for colchicine blocks embryogenesis during the early stages. When the embryo is completed, it is ejected from the brood pouch thru the birth pore, an opening which is the site of the initial invagination and is present thruout embryogenesis. Theories of brood pouch formation are reviewed and discussed in light of the present investigation.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. An electron microscope study of Plasmodium coatneyi in the rhesus monkey supplied information on the fine structure of trophozoites, gametocytes and of the host cell. The trophozoites resemble other mammalian malaria parasites. They do not have typical protozoan mitochondria, but instead a concentric double-membraned organelle, which, it is assumed, performs mitochondrial functions. They feed on the host cell by pinocytosis, engulfing droplets of erythrocytes thru invaginations of the plasma membranes at any region of the cell or thru the cytostome. Digestion of hemoglobin takes place in small vesicles pinched off from the food vacuole proper. Gametocytes can be clearly distinguished into macro- and microgametocytes. Macrogametocytes are covered by 2 plasma membranes, the inner one appearing thicker in some places. The cytoplasm is filled with Palade's particles and has numerous vesicles of endoplasmic reticulum and toxonemes. In microgametocytes most of the inner membrane is thickened, the cytoplasm has few Palade's particles and vesicles of the endoplasmic reticulum and does not have toxonemes. Erythrocytes with trophozoites are irregularly scallop-shaped and have elevated points with knob-like protrusions covered by a double membrane. If these protrusions are sticky they might be in part responsible for clumping and arresting the schizonts and segmenters in the capillaries. The host cell contains numerous Maurer's clefts which in some instances are continuous with the membranes of the parasite suggesting that they might originate from them.  相似文献   
A method is described for the determination of stevioside fromleaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bert. Separation upon non-activatedsilica gel impregnated with boric acid in a two-dimensionalchromatographic system followed by clution and colorimetricassay is reported. Recuperation from chromoplates is over 95%.The observed ratio of the optical density of glucose: steviosidematches that expected theoretically so that glucose may be employedas a standard where pure stevioside is not available. Effects of the plant growth retardant, ancymidol, on the growthand morphology of the shoot system of cucumber (Cucumis sativusL. ) were investigated. Ancymidol inhibited stem elongation,reducing both number and length of internodes. Reduction inleaf area, attributable to a reduction in both cell size andnumber, was accompanied by an increase in chlorophyll per unitarea. The retardant decreased apical dominance and delayed anthesis.Gibberellic acid fully reversed ancymidol-induced inhibitionof stem elongation, internode length and production, and leafexpansion. GA4/7 and ancymidol gave a synergistic promotionof stem elongation by increasing elongation of younger internodesand increasing internode production. Synergistic promotion ofpetiole elongation by this combination was also observed. Ancymidol,applied 7 d previously either to the shoot or root, severelyreduced the level of gibberellin-like activity in bleeding sapcollected from decapitated plants.  相似文献   
Certain structures, associated with the flagellum, and which had hitherto been described as appearing occasionally in some species of trypanosomes, were found very frequently in epimastigote forms of strain F of Trypanosoma cruzi: (a) a group of tubular elements in an electron-dense mass enclosed within a swelling of the flagellar membrane as the flagellum emerges from its reservoir; (b) an expansion of the flagellar membrane at the point of the above swelling, which in cross-sections appears as a ring; and (c) an electron dense band in the body of the organism alongside the border of the flagellar pocket. The possible significance of these structures and the fact that so far they have been found only in one strain of T. cruzi are discussed.  相似文献   
Processes affecting the toxicity of diazinon to a susceptible and a resistant strain of houseflies were examined. More evidence was obtained to show that slower penetration of diazinon through the integument of resistant flies is a cause of resistance. Small amounts of two decomposition products were found in both strains. The decomposition mechanisms, in these strains were differently distributed and, although detoxication of diazinon in the two strains is quantitatively similar and small, it may contribute to resistance. Traces of diazoxon were detected when diazinon was incubated with tissue extracts of either strain. Tissue extracts of resistant, but not of susceptible, flies decomposed significant amounts of diazinon in 1 hr. and the ability to decompose diazoxon seems to be an important cause of resistance. Tissues of both strains sorbed diazinon from aqueous solution similarly; the quantities sorbed were large and suggest that sorption may increase the amount of poison needed inside the insects to kill, by between five and forty times.  相似文献   
1. Contemporary species distributions are determined by a mixture of ecological and historical filters acting on several spatial and temporal scales. Mediterranean climate areas are one of the world's biodiversity hotspots with a high level of endemicity, which is linked to complex ecological and historical factors. 2. This paper explores the ecological and historical factors constraining the distribution of caddisfly species on a large regional scale. A total of 69 taxa were collected from 140 sampling sites in 10 Iberian Mediterranean river basins. Approximately 74% of taxa can be considered rare, with the southern basins (the Baetic–Riffian region) having greater endemicity. The greatest richness, involving a mixture of northern and southern species, was found in the transitional area between the Baetic–Riffian region and the Hesperic Massif. 3. The historical processes occurring during the Tertiary (i.e. the junction of the Eurasian and African plates) explained 3.1% of species distribution, whereas ecological factors accounted for 20.7%. Only 0.3% was explained by the interaction of history and ecology. A set of multi‐scale ecological variables (i.e. basin, reach and bedform characteristics) defined five river types with specific caddisfly assemblages. The commonest caddisfly species accounted for the regional distribution pattern, while rare taxa contributed to the explanation of subtle patterns not shown by common species. 4. Despite the importance of historical factors for biogeography and the large scale used in our study, ecological variables better explained caddisfly distribution. This may be explained by the length of time since the historical process we are considering, the high dispersion and colonisation capacity of many caddisfly species, and the strong environmental gradient in the area. Because of the historical and environmental complexity of Mediterranean areas, rare taxa should be included in ecological studies so that the singularity of these ecosystems is not missed.  相似文献   
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