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We examined the morphological variability (23 morphometric traits) among individual Galaxias platei ( N  = 380) collected from 20 postglacial lakes in the southern Andes. The lakes were chosen to cover the latitudinal range of the species in Patagonia. Diet examined for a subset of these fish ( N  = 261) collected during the summer months (January through March), differed among river basins but there were no clear latitudinal trends in the consumption of any prey type. Diet may, however, have partially shaped morphology, as pelvic measures were negatively correlated with consumption of amphipods. Substantial differentiation among populations was observed, primarily in the shape and dimensions of the head, in caudal morphology and in fin length. Our results indicate that the morphology of G. platei varies with latitude, and may be related to risk of predation and diet.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 69–82.  相似文献   
1. The distribution and abundance of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, were investigated in the Mondego River, a strongly modified river in central Portugal. Nine freshwater sites, located below the first impassable obstacle to eel migration, were surveyed for 2 years. The study was conducted monthly during the first year and seasonally during the second year. Fish were caught by electric fishing and, physical and biotic variables potentially influencing eel length distribution and abundance were determined at each sampling session. 2. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to explain the relationships between abiotic and biotic habitat variables, and eel length distribution. Spatial variation was strongly associated with distance from the sea, number of obstacles, river width and percentage of instream cover. Depth, river flow, water temperature and cannibalism had weaker effects on the longitudinal distribution, but contributed as explanatory variables for the model. The influence of spatial variables outweighed the importance of temporal variables as predictors in this model. 3. Length distribution changed in space from a dominance of small eels (<100 mm) closer to the sea to larger eels (≥250 mm) in the upper reaches of the river. The smallest length class (eels <100 mm) was strongly associated with wider stretches where instream cover, mainly composed of aquatic submerged macrophytes, was abundant (>75% area coverage). On the contrary, larger eels (≥250 mm) preferred deeper stretches with stronger river flow and less instream cover. 4. The effect of biotic interactions with conspecifics as well as with the non‐native red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii, in sites with poor instream cover, modified this general pattern of distribution leading to fewer eels <100 mm at some sites closer to the sea. Therefore, despite the ubiquity and plasticity shown by this species, there were clear ontogenetic variations in habitat use such that the first two canonical axes of a CCA accounted for 58.4% of the spatial variability in size structure.  相似文献   
Twelve isolates of beet necrotic yellow vein virus, agent of rhizomania in sugar beet, have been obtained from five European countries and the USA. The isolates were cloned and multiplied in the local lesion host Chenopodium quinoa. By ELISA, a close serological relationship was observed among all the isolates. The isolates differed, however, in the number of viral RNA species present (2, 3 or 4) and in the lengths of RNAs 3 and 4, the two smallest RNAs. A comparison of the symptoms induced by the different isolates in C. quinoa revealed a correlation between the presence of a full-length RNA 3 (about 1850 nucleotides) and the appearance of severe chlorotic local lesions.  相似文献   
Toial RNA from Pneumocystis carinii obtained directly from the rat lung and from short term culture on A549 cells was evaluated for size and purity. An isolation procedure using guanidine isothiocyanate and lithium chloride was preferable to a hot phenol method. Host cells were eliminated by hypotonic lysis and a series of microfiltrations. Pneumocystis carinii were pretreated with Zymolyase for increased susceptibility to chaotropic agents. The major ribosomal species of P. carinii RNA migrated similarly to Saccharomyces cerevisiae rRNA. The 28s-like species migrated well ahead of rat and A549 cell rRNA and weli behind the prokaryotic large rRNA species.  相似文献   
Following a discussion of the rationale underlying the selection of human melanoma to test the usefulness of anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies in the therapy of solid tumors, the development of the anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody MoAb) MF11–30 is described. This antibody recognizes a private idiotope within the antigen-combining site of the immunizing antihuman high molecular weight melanoma-associated antigen MoAb 225.28. The results of a phase I clinical trial with the MoAb MF11–30 in patients with advanced melanoma are described. The lack of toxic effects and the minor responses in six patients suggest that these studies should be extended to a larger number of patients with an emphasis on the analysis of the mechanisms underlying the clinical response.  相似文献   
Long-day conditions increase internode length, leaf area, anddry weight and reduce the interval between the appearance ofsuccessive leaf pairs in S. rebaudiana as compared with shortdays. Total soluble leaf sugars, protein, and stevioside contentare also augmented in both absolute and relative terms and thebiosynthesis of steviol, the aglucone present in stevioside,is increased by 45%. The interaction between dry matter, steviosidecontent, and day length is discussed and a theory for the biologicalrole of stevioside as a possible defence mechanism against insectherbivory is proposed: as such this is the first known caseof a tetracyclic diterpene glycoside assuming this function.  相似文献   
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