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The amplification of complete mitochondrial genomes by long PCR (polymerase chain reaction) has been a major contribution to the large‐scale sequencing of arthropodan mitochondrial genomes. In this work, we designed six conserved long‐PCR primers to successfully recover the entire mitochondrial genome of the horn fly Haematobia irritans (Diptera: Muscidae) in two overlapping fragments. The conservation and versatility of these primers were tested for 17 other species from four major insect orders: Diptera (14), Coleoptera (1), Lepidoptera (1) and Hymenoptera (1). The amplification of complete mitochondrial genomes in orders other than Diptera suggested an even broader application of these primers, especially within the Hexapoda.  相似文献   
The effect of hybridization on morphological variation was investigated in 120 western house mice, Mus musculus domesticus , from the hybrid zone between the Barcelona and standard chromosomal races. The incidence of 37 non-metric cranial traits was calculated for standard mice (2 n  = 40) and Barcelona-standard hybrids (2 n  = 27–39). Subsequent analyses were conducted on several karyological subgroups, established by grouping the animals according to either their diploid number or their degree of chromosomal heterozygosity. Results revealed no significant difference by sex, asymmetry, or geographical distance. Significant phenetic divergences were found between the karyotypes studied in relation to several variants. Differences were especially substantial between the standard race and hybrid mice, even with respect to those hybrids with karyotypes close to that of the standard race. Within the hybrids, the maximum divergence corresponded to the 28-chromosome homozygotes, chromosomally close to the Barcelona race, and to the heterozygotes with more than two fusions. Since differences in non-metric trait frequencies are generally considered a measure of genetic divergence, the results suggest the occurrence of a barrier to gene flow in the Barcelona hybrid zone. The decrease of genetic exchange between the chromosomally differentiated mice might be due to reduced fertility in hybrids, associated with chromosomal heterozygosity.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 313–322.  相似文献   
McNamara, M.E., Orr, P.J., Manzocchi, T., Alcalá, L., Anadón, P. & Peñalver, E. 2011: Biological controls upon the physical taphonomy of exceptionally preserved salamanders from the Miocene of Rubielos de Mora, northeast Spain. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 210–226. The middle Miocene Rubielos de Mora Konservat‐Lagerstätte of northeast Spain is hosted within profundal, finely laminated, lacustrine mudstones. The diverse biota includes abundant salamanders. Most individuals died during separate episodes and sank rapidly postmortem. Specimens are typically preserved in dorso‐ventral aspect, the most hydrodynamically stable orientation. The near‐cylindrical morphology of the body, however, allowed some carcasses to settle in or subsequently re‐orientate into, lateral orientations. Loss of skeletal elements (i.e. reduced completeness) reflects their location within the body and followed a distal to proximal trend. Two stages are identified: initial loss of a small number of phalanges, followed by loss of more proximal limb bones plus additional phalanges. Disarticulation is more complex: it occurred via several mechanisms (notably, abdominal rupture and re‐orientation of part of the body and limbs during decay) and shows no consistent pattern among specimens. The physical taphonomy of the salamanders is controlled predominantly by intrinsic biological factors, i.e. the geometry of the body and of individual skeletal elements, the orientation, inherent strength and location of specific joints and the extent to which soft tissues, particularly the skin, persist during decay. These biological factors probably control patterns of physical taphonomy of other fossil tetrapods with a similar skeletal configuration. □Articulation, completeness, Konservat‐Lagerstätten, orientation, quantitative taphonomy, salamanders.  相似文献   
Background: This article describes the types of community‐wide benefits provided by investigators conducting public health research in South Asia as well as their self‐reported reasons for providing such benefits. Methods: We conducted 52 in‐depth interviews to explore how public health investigators in low‐resource settings make decisions about the delivery of ancillary care to research subjects. In 39 of the interviews respondents described providing benefits to members of the community in which they conducted their study. We returned to our narrative dataset to find answers to two questions: What types of community‐wide benefits do researchers provide when conducting public health intervention studies in the community setting, and what reasons do researchers give when asked why they provided community‐wide benefits? Findings: The types of community‐wide benefits delivered were directed to the health and well‐being of the population. The most common types of benefits delivered were the facilitation of access to health care for individuals in acute medical need and emergency response to natural disasters. Respondents' self‐reported reasons when asked why they provided such benefits fell into 2 general categories: intrinsic importance and instrumental importance.  相似文献   
The majority of authors consider Festuca jubata Lowe as an endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores. Saint-Yves proposed that F. jubata was an Azorean endemic and described a geovicarious taxon in Madeira: F. filiformis C. Sm. ex Link in Buch ssp. mandonii St.-Yves. We undertook a complete bibliographical revision of the taxonomy, nomenclature, and chorology of F. jubata s.l. , and contrasted it with morphological and anatomical studies performed on samples from the Azores and Madeira. Azorean plants usually identified as F. jubata had a character combination distinct from that of those with a Madeiran provenance. Saint-Yves' proposal of two independent taxa was correct, but he erroneously considered F. jubata as an Azorean endemic because the name F. jubata was based on Madeiran plants. Consequently, F. jubata auct. pl. from the Azores belongs to a new species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 493–499.  相似文献   
One of the best examples of differentiation and hybridization among South American passerine birds is exhibited by Icterus cayanensis (Epaulet Oriole) and Icterus chrysocephalus (Moriche Oriole). Icterus chrysocephalus is a monotypic species restricted to northern South America. Icterus cayanensis is a polytypc species that ranges from Suriname and French Guyana to northern Argentina. Five subspecies are recognized to I. cayanensis. Hybrid zones are known between I. cayanensis and I. chrysocephalus as well as between subspecies of I. cayanenis, even though character variation has never been adequately assessed and mapped. Although molecular data support the hypothesis that I. cayanensis and I. chrysocephalus form a monophyletic group, they do not support the species limits currently recognized within this group. We analysed the geographic variation of plumage characters along the range of this group to map the geographic variation of individual plumage characters and identify the populations that have uniform phenotypic character expression and therefore represent genuine phylogenetic species. We also used molecular data to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among these species. Geographic variation of plumage characters, habitat preferences and molecular data identified four species within I. cayanensis–chrysocephalus clade: an Amazonian species group, formed by I. cayanensis and I. chrysocephalus and a Southern species group composed of I. pyrrhopterus and I. tibialis. The Amazonian species are separated by a relatively narrow hybrid zone along the Amazon valley, whereas the Southern species are separated by a hybrid zone that is larger than the ranges of the two species individually. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 583–597.  相似文献   
1. Similar constraints in distant, but climatically comparable, regions may be expected to yield biotic assemblages with similar attributes. Environmental factors that constrain communities at smaller scales, however, may be different between climatically similar regions. Thus, patterns observed at large scales may differ from those detected at small scales, and international comparisons should be focussed at multiple scales. 2. Mediterranean‐climate regions (MCRs) are characterized by remarkable seasonal variability in precipitation and temperature. Accordingly, rivers in these regions have seasonal and predictable floods and droughts, and temporary reaches are frequent. Present in six geographical regions of the world, MCRs have similar environmental constraints and are ideal for testing intercontinental similarities between macroinvertebrate communities. 3. We examined aquatic macroinvertebrate taxon richness and composition in MCRs at three scales: regional, reach and macrohabitat. At the regional scale, the Mediterranean Basin had the highest taxon richness at family level, and southwestern Australia the lowest. Taxonomic composition showed c. 85% similarity between the northern hemisphere MCRs of California and the Mediterranean Basin, which were followed in similarity by South Africa. The two Australian MCRs (South west and South) showed a similarity to each other of about 70% whereas the Chilean fauna was the most distinct. 4. At the reach scale, taxon richness was not significantly different between permanent and temporary reaches in any MCR, whereas taxonomic composition was significantly different among northern hemisphere MCRs. At the macrohabitat scale, taxon richness was not significantly different between lotic and lentic macrohabitats within any of the MCRs, but differences in macroinvertebrate communities were found between macrohabitats when considering regions. 5. Our results show that the strength of similarity between distant but climatically similar regions is scale‐dependent, being highest at the macrohabitat scale. Although the similarities in richness and composition at the macrohabitat scale are presumed to be universal, the seasonal predictability of drought in MCRs is expected to result in characteristic macroinvertebrate responses at the reach scale. We suggest, however, that regional evolutionary history and environmental characteristics may override this general pattern of a similar response of MCRs at different scales. The Mediterranean Basin and California, having similar historical and environmental condition, thus appeared as the most similar MCRs at all scales.  相似文献   
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