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1. While both arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and plant and insect genotype are well known to influence plant and herbivore growth and performance, information is lacking on how these factors jointly influence the relationship between plants and their natural herbivores. 2. The aim of the present study was to investigate how a natural community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affects the growth of the perennial herb Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae), as well as its interaction with the Glanville fritillary butterfly [Melitaea cinxia L. (Nymphalidae)]. For this, a multifactorial experiment was conducted using plant lines originating from multiple plant populations in the Åland Islands, Finland, grown either with or without mycorrhizal fungi. For a subset of plant lines, the impact of mycorrhizal inoculation, plant line, and larval family on the performance of M. cinxia larvae were tested. 3. Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation did not have a consistently positive or negative impact on plant growth or herbivore performance. Instead, plant genetic variation mediated the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth, and both plant genetic variation and herbivore genetic variation mediated the response of the herbivore. For both the plant and insect, the impact of the arbuscular mycorrhizal community ranged from mutualistic to antagonistic. Overall, the present findings illustrate that genetic variation in response to mycorrhizal fungi may play a key role in the ecology and evolution of plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   
Four Chinese Brassica napus lines, generated through a breeding programme to identify Sclerotinia sclerotiorum tolerant and susceptible lines, and three European varieties were analysed for changes in glucosinolates (qualitative and quantitative), and general host reactions, after localised inoculation with a UK S. sclerotiorum isolate. Plants at the fifth leaf stage were either singly inoculated (third leaf) or were inoculated once (third leaf) and then challenged a second time (seventh leaf) 7 days after the first inoculation. The results showed very distinct reactions in the different lines and cultivars to the fungus, both locally and systemically. Of the European lines B. napus cv. Bienvenu showed good resistance (small lesions and less host damage) both 3 and 7 days post-inoculation. Capricorn was the most susceptible followed by Cobra; the third leaves of these cultivars were showing strong chlorotic and necrotic reactions by day 3 and lesions were well developed. By day 7 the third leaves of Capricorn were completely rotten whilst Cobra still had a little healthy tissue. Inoculation of the four Chinese lines showed that two had moderate resistance (014 and 020 — slightly less resistant than Bienvenu) and two were very susceptible (016 and 024 — similar reactions to Capricorn and Cobra), based on lesion size and host tissue damage. Glucosinolate induction in line 014 was good both locally and systemically, with clear local and systemic induction of indolylglucosinolates and 2-phenylethylglucosinolate both 3 and 7 days post-inoculation. Line 020 did not show no particular increases in glucosinolates after inoculation either locally or systemically. In line 016 there was a small local increase and a large systemic reduction in total glucosinolates. Inoculation of line 024 caused no major local changes in glucosinolates and again a big reduction in glucosinolates systemically. The dual inoculation system, with lines 014 and 016, produced comparable results, with line 014 showing good local and systemic induction of glucosinolates (after the first inoculation) and a further local and systemic induction after the second inoculation. This induction in pre-inoculated line 014 plants was associated with a reduction in lesion size of the second inoculum. Line 016 responded poorly both locally and systemically, and there were no real decrease in the lesion size of the second inoculum. It appears that in line 014 glucosinolate induction may be an important part of resistance, whereas in line 020 there are clearly other non-glucosinolate factors involved. The poor local and systemic induction of glucosinolates in lines 016 and 024, and subsequent susceptibility, implies that glucosinolate induction may be an important marker of resistance to S. sclerotiorum in oilseed rape.  相似文献   
For their value as factors in the evaluation of pancreatoduodenectomy for carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater, the late results in three cases in which the Whipple operation was performed for this lesion are presented. At the time of the report, the time that had elapsed since operation was 12 years in one case, 11 in another and 10 in the third. After this article was written, one patient died of carcinoma of the body of the pancreas, but whether the lesion was a recurrence, a metastatic growth, or a second primary lesion could not be determined. There was no evidence of recurrence or metastasis in two of the patients. This report is based upon observation in recent surgical care of two of the patients and upon direct information of the other patient.  相似文献   
Yellow-brown, algal symbionts varying in diameter from approximately 5 μ m to 20 μ m, associated with solitary Radiolaria with spongiose skeletons (i.e. Spongodrymus sp.), exhibit fine structural features resembling the Prymnesiida (botanical class, Prymnesiophyceae). A large central vacuole is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm containing plastids with lamellae composed of three thylakoids and granular pyrenoids with internal tubules immersed between the thylakoids. The pyrenoids lack internal thylakoid membranes. The nucleus is surrounded by a dilated cisterna of the nuclear envelope that also encloses the plastids and gives rise to saccules of the endoplasmic reticulum. The algal symbionts appear coccoid; hence no flagella nor surface scales were observed. The symbiont fine structure is compared to similar yellow-brown symbionts associated with Acantharia. Thus far, three kinds of algal symbionts have been observed to be associated with solitary Radiolaria: dinoflagellate, prasinomonad, and this apparent prymnesiomonad.  相似文献   
Electron micrographs are presented of synaptic regions encountered in sections of frog sympathetic ganglia and earthworm nerve cord neuropile. Pre- and postsynaptic neuronal elements each appear to have a membrane 70 to 100 A thick, separated from each other over the synaptic area by an intermembranal space 100 to 150 A across. A granular or vesicular component, here designated the synaptic vesicles, is encountered on the presynaptic side of the synapse and consists of numerous oval or spherical bodies 200 to 500 A in diameter, with dense circumferences and lighter centers. Synaptic vesicles are encountered in close relationship to the synaptic membrane. In the earthworm neuropile elongated vesicles are found extending through perforations or gaps in the presynaptic membrane, with portions of vesicles appearing in the intermembranal space. Mitochondria are encountered in the vicinity of the synapse, and in the frog, a submicroscopic filamentary component can be seen in the presynaptic member extending up to the region where the vesicles are found, but terminating short of the synapse itself.  相似文献   
Nuclear or cell number, and the mitotic index, were recordedin endosperms of Triticum aestivum cv. Mardler to test if aparticular stage of endosperm development was critical in determiningthe final grain weight. The basal four florets of emasculatedspikelets (controls), and the third and fourth florets of spikeletswhere the two basal ovaries were removed (ovary-removed), weresampled at various times up to 360 h after hand-pollination.The coenocytic phase in endosperms ended about 84 h after pollinationregardless of both grain position and the treatment. The onsetof the cellular stage was characterized by the final large fluctuationsin the mitotic index reflecting the culmination of the synchronousnuclear division of the coenocytic stage. Thereafter, the mitoticindex fluctuated with smaller amplitudes and, by 216 h afterpollination, was < 1%. Neither floret position in the spikeletnor the treatment affected the pattern of alteration to themitotic index. However, ovary removal from first and secondflorets resulted in significantly heavier grains and higherendosperm cell number in the 3rd and 4th florets compared withthe controls. In all florets, mean endosperm cell number peakedat 280 h but decreased by 360 h after pollination. At this time,the mean cell numbers in endosperms of the 3rd and 4th floretsof ovary-removed spikelets were significantly higher than inthe corresponding endosperms in the controls. Thus, a key contributoryfactor in determining the final endosperm cell number may bethe number of cells which are lost during the late period ofthe cellular stage of endosperm development. Key words: Endosperm cell number, florets, grain weight, mitotic index, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   
Production of H-Y Antibody by Female Mice that Fail to Reject Male Skin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
WHEN inbred mice are grafted with skin from inbred donors that differ from the recipients only by a single minor histocompatibility antigen, it is commonly observed that some recipients will retain their skin grafts while others will reject them. This is true of incompatibility for H-Y antigen, which is responsible for the rejection of male grafts by otherwise histocompatible inbred females of the same inbred strain1. Thus in the DBA/2 (DBA) strain, male-to-female skin grafts are rejected by only some recipients; in the C57BL (B6) strain, females always reject male skin; and C3H/An (C3H) females usually accept male skin grafts indefinitely.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Culture forms and lumen-dwelling phases of the ameboflagellate Histomonas meleagridis, which are structurally indistinguishable from each other, have a single flagellum. Their well-developed pelta is connected to the anterior segment of the broad, spatulate axostylar capitulum, applied to the left-ventral surface of the nearly spheroid or somewhat ellipsoid or ovoid nucleus. The capitulum narrows into a very slender axostylar trunk that tapers to a fine point and does not project beyond the body surface. The parabasal apparatus consists of a V-shaped parabasal body and a large parabasal filament. A new flagellum appears early during division and soon approaches its full length. The 2 flagella persist thruout division and each becomes the locomotory organelle of a daughter histomonad. The arms of the parental parabasal body appear to separate, each going to 1 of the daughter mastigont systems; some parabasal material is lost early in division. The 2nd arm is regenerated in each daughter parabasal body. The large parabasal filament seems not to be retained in the parental mastigont system, and new filaments are seen at both poles before 2 daughter nuclei are formed. The old axostyle degenerates from the anterior toward the posterior end; at the same time lamellar primordia of the daughter pelta-axostyle complexes appear in the separating mastigont systems that are connected by an extranuclear spindle during the entire division process. The structure and taxonomic status of H. meleagridis are discussed in the light of this and previous studies.  相似文献   
The genus Pilgnmella , known from the medial Eocene of Pakistan and northwest India, is a primitive perissodactyl, not an artiodactyl as previously identified. Upper cheek teeth of Pilgrimella , when compared with those of primitive representatives of the Equoidea, Brontotherioidea, Chalicotherioidea, Tapirioidea and Rhinocerotoidea, suggest, however, that Pilgnmella cannot on present evidence be referred to any of the five accepted perissodactyl superfamilies. Pilgrimella may represent a short-lived and hitherto unknown perissodactyl lineage.  相似文献   
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