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Sex differences in immune function are relatively well studied in vertebrate animals, although the patterns are not always clear in birds. The study of immune responses in nestlings of wild bird populations may constitute an appropriate way to investigate inherent intersexual differences while controlling for environmental conditions such as parasitism that affect male and female individuals growing in the same nest. We studied whether the cell‐mediated immune response, as measured by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) injection, and the levels of circulating antibodies differ between sexes of Pied Flycatcher nestlings Ficedula hypoleuca. No sex differences in nestling cell‐mediated immune response were found, but females showed significantly higher levels of plasma immunoglobulins than males did. Although nestling birds may not have a fully functional humoral immune defence, our study indicates that sex differences in the humoral component exist at this early stage of life. Given the importance of antibodies in the fight against parasite, bacterial and viral infections, the intrinsic sex disparity in circulating antibodies may have important implications for the life history of each sex.  相似文献   
The existence of two seasonally distinct breeding populations of Oceanodroma storm‐petrels in the Azores islands was first documented in 1996. The discovery of morphological differences between the populations led to the suggestion that they may represent cryptic sibling species. Recent mtDNA and microsatellite analysis from storm‐petrel populations has considerably advanced our understanding of their taxonomic relationships. Here we present new information on the timing of breeding and moult of the two Azores populations, the extent of exchange of individuals between seasons, and diet from feather isotopes. We conclude that the hot‐season Azores population should be considered a new species for which we propose the name Oceanodroma monteiroi, Monteiro's Storm‐petrel. The species is both genetically distinct and genetically isolated from the sympatric cool‐season population of Madeiran Storm‐petrel Oceanodroma castro, and from all other populations of Oceanodroma castro in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans examined to date. Differences in the vocalizations permit species recognition, and the extent of primary feather wear and stage of moult aids separation of the two species in the Azores, which is especially valuable during August when both attend the breeding colonies in large numbers. Feather carbon and nitrogen isotopes reveal that the diet of Monteiro's Storm‐petrel differs from that of the sympatric Madeiran Storm‐petrel during both breeding and non‐breeding seasons, and unlike the Madeiran Storm‐petrel, Monteiro's Storm‐petrel appears to maintain the same foraging environment during the summer and winter months, though it shows a dietary shift to higher trophic levels during the non‐breeding season. Monteiro's Storm‐petrel is thought to be confined to the Azores archipelago, where it is currently known to nest on just two small neighbouring islets. The total population size was estimated at 250–300 pairs in 1999.  相似文献   
Occasional observations of Black‐shouldered Kites Elanus caeruleus in Europe date back to the mid‐19th century, but it was only recorded as a breeding species in the early 1960s in Portugal and a few years later in neighbouring Spain. This recent colonization, possibly from Africa where the species is abundant, may be due to climate change, land‐use changes in southern Europe, or both. As a first step to understanding this range expansion process we have developed a habitat selection model using data from the current strongholds of its European distribution. Comparing the proportion of different habitat types around 46 breeding sites and 45 randomly chosen plots, we have found that the area of cultivated parklands known as dehesas in Spain is a strong predictor of the current distribution range of breeding pairs of Black‐shouldered Kites. Specifically, the percentage of dehesas with planted cereal and a low density of trees (i.e. < 7 trees/ha and thus a savannah‐like habitat) within the study plots explained 44.6% of the residual deviance in our model. The minimal adequate model classified 81.3% of breeding sites and random plots correctly. Our results suggest that Black‐shouldered Kites may have taken advantage of the gradual increase of cultivated dehesas in the second half of the 20th century to expand its range in Europe. This particular type of dehesa is structurally similar to the African savannahs where the species thrives and may offer a higher density of rodents than traditional dehesas, which primarily contain pastureland for livestock ranching.  相似文献   
The male call of Capnioneura mitis, produced by drumming, is recorded and analyzed for the first time. It also represents the first known signal for the genus. It consists of a highly variable number of beats (2–32) with inter‐beat duration approximately constant along the call, but inter‐beat duration is temperature dependent. Thus, at 13°C the mean inter‐beat duration is 1.397 s (SD = 0.050) while at 21°C it is 1.139 s (SD = 0.093). The call pattern exhibited by this species, as those of the majority of previously studied Capniidae species, can be catalogued as an ancestral or near‐ancestral percussive monophasic signal.  相似文献   
Adaptations to overcrowding of individual plants result in density dependant control of growth and development. There is little information on how anthropogenic stresses modify these responses. We investigated whether combinations of diclofop‐methyl herbicide and tropospheric ozone alter the pattern of expected growth compensation with density changes resulting from intraspecific competition in Lolium multiforum Lam (Poacea) plants. Individual plant vegetative parameters and total seed production were assessed for plants growing under various densities and different herbicide rates and ozone treatments. The stressors differently changed the frequency distribution for average individual plant weight resulting from increasing densities. Only herbicide affected seedling mortality. Plants were able to compensate during grain filling maintaining similar seed production – density relationships in all treatments. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the impact of stress factors on the demographic changes in plant populations. Important ecological implications arise: (i) contrasting responses to ozone and herbicide, alone and in combination of individual plants resulted in different biomass – density relationships; (ii) stress effects on plant populations could not be predicted from individual responses; and (iii) changes in competitive outcome by single or combined stress factors may alter the expected genotype frequency in a crowded population with few dominant individuals.  相似文献   
We investigated whether domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) influenced the use of space by chilla foxes (Lycalopex griseus) in southern Chile and tested the hypothesis that dogs interfere with chillas. We used scent stations and occurrence of scats within systematically placed plots to assess habitat use by both species and to test whether dogs were associated to the use of space by chillas. Activity data were obtained from captures for both species, and telemetry for foxes. Diet of both species was analysed in order to tease out the potential existence of exploitation competition. We found that, when active, chillas used prairies more and native forest less than expected according to availability, whereas inactive chillas (during the day) preferred native forest, the only habitat type that dogs did not use. The odds of dog occurrence increased at shorter distance to human houses, whereas the inverse pattern was observed for chillas. Poisson models showed that the number of chilla visits to scent stations was negatively correlated with the number of dog visits. We observed dogs persecuting and/or killing chillas which was also corroborated by local people that used dogs to prevent chilla‐related poultry losses, supporting the idea that dogs harass foxes actively. The analysis of scats showed that dogs fed mainly on house food and domestic ruminant carcasses whereas foxes fed on hare, hens, mice and wild birds, thus suggesting that exploitation competition is not a strong alternative hypothesis as a proximate cause for the patterns observed. We conclude that dogs seem to constrain the use of space by wild carnivores via interference.  相似文献   
Tropical forests will experience relatively large changes in temperature and rainfall towards the end of this century. Little is known about how tropical trees will respond to these changes. We used tree rings to establish climate‐growth relations of a pioneer tree, Mimosa acantholoba, occurring in tropical dry secondary forests in southern Mexico. The role of large‐scale climatic drivers in determining interannual growth variation was studied by correlating growth to sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, including the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Annual growth varied eightfold over 1970–2007, and was correlated with wet season rainfall (r=0.75). Temperature, cloud cover and solar variation did not affect growth, although these climate variables correlated with growth due to their relations with rainfall. Strong positive correlations between growth and SSTA occurred in the North tropical Atlantic during the first half of the year, and in the Pacific during the second half of the year. The Pacific influence corresponded closely to ENSO‐like influences with negative effects of high SSTA in the eastern Pacific Niño3.4 region on growth due to decreases in rainfall. During El Niño years growth was reduced by 37%. We estimated how growth would be affected by the predicted trend of decreasing rainfall in Central America towards the end of this century. Using rainfall predictions of two sets of climate models, we estimated that growth at the end of this century will be reduced by 12% under a medium (A1B) and 21% under a high (A2) emission scenario. These results suggest that climate change may have repercussions for the carbon sequestration capacity of tropical dry forests in the region.  相似文献   
Two accessions of Brachiaria brizantha under cytological analysis showed 2 n  = 5x = 45 chromosomes. Pentaploidy probably resulted from natural hybridization between two species that were not closely related: an apomictic tetraploid male (2 n  = 4x = 36), and a sexual diploid female (2 n  = 2x = 18). The lack of affinity between genomes was clearly indicated by asynchrony during meiosis. The haploid genome ( n  = 9) showed unique behaviour, remaining univalent during prophase I and metaphase I, and undergoing sister-chromatid segregation and lagging at anaphase I. The laggard genome did not always reach the poles in time to be included in the telophase nucleus. However, when the inclusion was effective, this genome was distributed peripherally, changing the otherwise spherical nucleus shape. In the second division, the haploid genome behaved similarly, but as there was sister-chromatid segregation during the first division, the chromatids were slow to reach the poles, forming several micronuclei at telophase II. The two accessions were characterized as allo-autopentaploids, with the tetraploid genome (2 n  = 4x = 36) designated as B (from B. brizantha ) and the haploid genome as X, representing a species with a distinct genome having little affinity with the B genome. Thus, the hybrids' genome composition is represented by BBBBX. By comparing their meiotic behaviour with that observed in synthetic hybrids between B. brizantha and B. ruziziensis analysed previously, B. ruziziensis is the putative diploid sexual parent species in these pentaploid accessions.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 441–446.  相似文献   
In colonial species, first‐time breeders may use the number of settled conspecifics in colony selection, but such a relationship is confused by the correlation between colony size and nest‐site availability. To distinguish conspecific attraction from neutral colony selection, we experimentally increased nest availability for first‐year Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni, allowing us to dissociate the number of vacant nest‐sites from colony size at the arrival time of first‐year birds. Under natural conditions, the number of first‐year birds settling was positively correlated with both the number of philopatric and the total number of breeding pairs (colony size) already settled. However, the probability of occupation of experimentally manipulated nests by first‐year birds was independent of colony size. In experimental colonies, the number of first‐year birds settling was positively correlated with the number of manipulated nest‐sites but not with the number of conspecifics. Overall, these results support a neutral colony selection by first‐year Lesser Kestrels based on nest‐site availability.  相似文献   
A species distribution may be determined by its responses to patterns of human disturbance as well as by its habitat preferences. Here we investigate the distribution of the Upland Goose Chloephaga picta, which has been historically persecuted by farmers and ranchers in Patagonia because it feeds on crops and pastures and is assumed to compete with sheep for forage. We assess whether its current breeding distribution is shaped by persecution by ranchers or whether it can be better explained by differences in habitat primary productivity and preference for wetlands, or by other anthropogenic disturbances not associated with ranching. We built species distribution models to examine the relative effect of environmental and anthropogenic predictors on the regional distribution of Upland Goose. We performed vehicle surveys in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, in two years, surveying 8000 km of roads and recording 6492 Geese. Generalized additive models were used to model the presence/absence of Geese in 1‐km cells. The models suggested that Upland Goose distribution is not currently affected by rancher control, as the species is more abundant in areas with high sheep stocking levels, but it is positively influenced by primary productivity and negatively influenced by urban areas. Anthropogenic disturbance caused by urban areas and oil extraction camps had a greater impact in limiting the species distribution than sheep ranching.  相似文献   
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