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Water stress, induced by addition of polyethyleneglycol 600 to the nutrient solution, reduces the ribonucleic acid content of cotton leaves. The chloroplastic compartment, especially its ribosomal fraction, was most affected, even losing ribonucleic acid to the cytoplasmic compartment. Decrease of ribonucleic acid content on dehydration of leaf tissue is linked with an increase of ribonuclease.  相似文献   
1. Water abstraction strongly affects streams in arid and semiarid ecosystems, particularly where there is a Mediterranean climate. Excessive abstraction reduces the availability of water for human uses downstream and impairs the capacity of streams to support native biota. 2. We investigated the flow regime and related variables in six river basins of the Iberian Peninsula and show that they have been strongly altered, with declining flows (autoregressive models) and groundwater levels during the 20th century. These streams had lower flows and more frequent droughts than predicted by the official hydrological model used in this region. Three of these rivers were sometimes dry, whereas there were predicted by the model to be permanently flowing. Meanwhile, there has been no decrease in annual precipitation. 3. We also investigated the fish assemblage of a stream in one of these river basins (Tordera) for 6 years and show that sites more affected by water abstraction display significant differences in four fish metrics (catch per unit effort, number of benthic species, number of intolerant species and proportional abundance of intolerant individuals) commonly used to assess the biotic condition of streams. 4. We discuss the utility of these metrics in assessing impacts of water abstraction and point out the need for detailed characterisation of the natural flow regime (and hence drought events) prior to the application of biotic indices in streams severely affected by water abstraction. In particular, in cases of artificially dry streams, it is more appropriate for regulatory agencies to assign index scores that reflect biotic degradation than to assign ‘missing’ scores, as is presently customary in assessments of Iberian streams.  相似文献   
We describe the morphology and biology of a previously unknown form of branching annelid, Ramisyllis multicaudata gen. et sp. nov. , an endosymbiont of shallow‐water marine sponges (Petrosia sp., Demospongiae) in northern Australia. It belongs to the polychaete family Syllidae, as does Syllis ramosa McIntosh, 1879, the only other named branching annelid, which was collected from deep‐water hexactinellid sponges during the 1875 Challenger expedition. It differs from S. ramosa in parapodial and chaetal morphology. Ramisyllis multicaudata gen. et sp. nov. has segments of several types, including specialized posterior segments on the emergent portions of the worm, and simplified elongate segments that bridge larger cavities in the sponge interior. Aside from the obvious branching form, the new annelid is similar to Parahaplosyllis, differing from it in lacking pharyngeal armature and in the details of the parapodial chaetae and dorsal cirri. Molecular evidence from 16S and 18S rDNA supports a sister‐group relationship with Parahaplosyllis, with both being sister to Trypanosyllis and Eurysyllis. The phylogenetic position of R. multicaudata gen. et sp. nov. indicates that branching has evolved independently in Ramisyllis gen. nov. and Syllis. This is supported by differences in the branching process between the two taxa: in S. ramosa branching is initiated by segment addition at the parapodium, whereas in R. multicaudata gen. et sp. nov. segments are added from a region between parapodia. A model for branching in R. multicaudata gen. et sp. nov. is proposed and possible developmental processes underlying branching in Annelida, and body symmetry comparisons with other invertebrates, are also discussed. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 481–497.  相似文献   
Abstract Mediterranean representatives of the galling aphid tribe Fordini (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Eriosomatinae) are usually grouped under the subtribe term Fordina. Aphids within Fordina display two‐year life cycles, alternating between Pistacia shrubs, where they induce conspicuous galls, and roots of Poaceae species. The high number of morphs present in a given species, the lack of knowledge of the complete cycle in some species, and the similarity between homologous morphs observed in different species pose many taxonomic problems in this group. We present results of a survey to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among Fordini species present in the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands. Sequences from the nuclear long‐wavelength opsin (LWO) and translation elongation factor 1α (EF‐1α) genes and from a region of the mitochondrial DNA containing the genes encoding the subunits six and eight of the F‐ATPase were used to infer relationships among 10 Fordina species, namely Smynthurodes betae, Aploneura lentisci, Baizongia pistaciae, two Geoica species (G. utricularia and G. setulosa), three species of Forda and two of Paracletus. Relationships between and within representatives of the genera Forda and Paracletus, both exemplifying taxonomic and ecological problems, were investigated in greater depth through extensive sampling and morphometric analysis. A total of eight, six and six samples from F. formicaria, F. marginata and F. riccobonii, respectively, were included in the survey, along with 40 and 4 samples classified initially as P. cimiciformis and P. donisthorpei, respectively. Our results are relevant to current studies on the evolution of host selection by aphids and on the evolution of gall morphology. Our phylogeny suggests that the group can be divided into two main clades. One clade is composed of aphids inducing small, low‐capacity galls on either P. atlantica or P. terebinthus (Smynthurodes betae and genera Forda and Paracletus). The second clade is composed of species inducing larger galls on P. lentiscus and P. terebinthus (Aploneura lentisci, Baizongia pistaciae and Geoica species). Our results suggest that revision of diagnostic characters used in the taxonomy of Paracletus is needed, and suggest Forda rotunda as a new synonym of Paracletus cimiciformis syn.n.  相似文献   
Terrestrial ecosystems respond to an increased concentration of atmospheric CO2. While elevated atmospheric CO2 has been shown to alter plant growth and productivity, it also affects ecosystem structure and function by changing below-ground processes. Knowledge of how soil microbiota respond to elevated atmospheric CO2 is of paramount importance for understanding global carbon and nutrient cycling and for predicting changes at the ecosystem-level. An increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration not only alters the weight, length, and architecture of plant roots, but also affects the biotic and abiotic environment of the root system. Since the concentration of CO2 in soil is already 10–50 times higher than that in the atmosphere, it is unlikely that increasing atmospheric CO2 will directly influence the rhizosphere. Rather, it is more likely that elevated atmospheric CO2 will affect the microbe–soil–plant root system indirectly by increasing root growth and rhizodeposition rates, and decreasing soil water deficit. Consequently, the increased amounts and altered composition of rhizosphere-released materials will have the potential to alter both population and community structure, and activity of soil- and rhizosphere-associated microorganisms. This occurrence could in turn affect plant health and productivity and plant community structure. This review covers current knowledge about the response of soil microbes to elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
For mammals with a polygynous mating system, dispersal is expected to be male‐biased. However, with the increase in empirical studies, discrepancies are arising between the expected and observed direction/extent of the bias in dispersal. In this study, we assessed sex‐biased dispersal in red deer (Cervus elaphus) on 13 estates from the Scottish Highlands. A total of 568 adult individuals were genotyped at 21 microsatellite markers and sequenced for 821 bp of the mitochondrial control region. Estimates of population structure with mitochondrial sequences were eight times larger than that obtained with microsatellite data (Fst′‐mt DNA = 0.831; Fst′‐micros = 0.096) indicating overall male‐biased dispersal in the study area. Comparisons of microsatellite data between the sexes indicated a predominance of male‐biased dispersal in the study area but values of FST and relatedness were only slighter larger for females. Individual‐based spatial autocorrelation analysis generated a similar pattern of relatedness across geographical distances for both sexes, with differences only significant at two distance intervals (25–30 and 70–112 km). Patterns of relatedness differed between estates, male biased‐dispersal was detected in eight estates but no sex‐biased dispersal was found in the remaining five. Neither population density nor landscape cover was found to be associated with the patterns of relatedness found across the estates. Differences in management strategies that could influence age structure, sex ratio and dispersal behaviour are proposed as potential factors influencing the relatedness patterns observed. This study provides new insights on dispersal of a strongly polygynous mammal at geographical scales relevant for management and conservation.  相似文献   
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