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Eight specimens of Devonian stromatoporoids with well visible latilaminae arrangement exposed on polished slabs were subjected to a detailed morphometric analysis. The studies have revealed that the so far used stromatoporoid parameterization method leaves a broad field of uncertainty concerning the exact definitions of particular parameters. The possible ways of making the measurements and the propositions of more precise definitions of the parameters used in the method, both of the growth form above the sea bottom and of the whole skeleton are therefore presented in this paper. The Bm - basal length of the skeleton, has been defined as a straight line joining the two ends of the basal surface, which have been pointed basing on the stromatoporoid's overall shape, latilaminae arrangement and angular relation to the main growth axis position in ontogenetical development, length. The Bn - basal length of the growth form above the sea bottom, is to be measured along a straight line joining the ends of the last visible latilamina. From among a number of possible definitions of the Vm - vertical height of the whole skeleton, a straight line joining the initial growth nucleus and the highest point on the specimen's surface above the Bm line has been selected. The Vn - vertical height of the growth form above the sea bottom is defined as the height of the point on the stromatoporoid surface highest above the Bn measured perpendicularly to it. A parameter of burial ratio, BR=(Vm-Vn)/Vm, is introduced.  相似文献   
Filipiak, P. & Zatoń, M. 2010: Plant and animal cuticle remains from the Lower Devonian of southern Poland and their palaeoenvironmental significance. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 397–409. Assemblages of plant and arthropod remains are reported from the Lower Devonian clastic deposits of the Upper Silesian and Ma?opolska blocks in southern Poland. Most of the plant and animal remains are palynologically dated as Pragian–Emsian/Eifelian. The plant material comprises higher plant cuticles with stomata classified as Drephanophycus and Sawdonia, and more enigmatic remains (nematophytes) classified as Nematothallus, Cosmochlaina and tubular banded tubes. They are associated with abundant and diverse miospores. Animal remains consist of eurypterid respiratory organs, the morphology of which may presumably point to their advance physiological properties, and cuticular remains of eurypterid and probably scorpion origin, as well as some remains of unknown affinity. The presence of such mixed assemblages in the Lower Devonian of Poland indicate marginal‐marine and/or alluvial environments spreading in the southern margin of the Old Red Continent. The dominance of land‐derived plant remains and simultaneous scarcity of marine acritarchs indicate that the environment was very weakly influenced by marine conditions. If nematophytes were really related to extant liverworts, as suggested by some workers, they, together with the other associated spore‐producing plants, may strongly indicate moist environmental conditions, which may have offered suitable habitats for temporary eurypterid migrations onto land. □Cuticles, eurypterids, Lower Devonian, nematophytes, Poland, spores.  相似文献   
Social insect workers usually participate first in intranidal tasks (i.e. act as nurses within the nest) and then switch to extranidal tasks and become foragers. However, foragers sometimes switch back again to brood care and become reverted nurses. Behavioural and physiological correlates of the transition nurse–forager (behavioural maturation) and forager–reverted nurse (behavioural reversion) are relatively well known in the honeybee, although they are less explored in ants. To understand better the role of biogenic amines in ant behavioural maturation and behavioural reversion, the levels of octopamine (OA), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5‐HT) are examined in the brains of nurses, foragers and reverted nurses of the red wood ant Formica polyctena Först. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Brain OA levels and the ratios OA : DA and OA : 5‐HT are higher in nurses than in foragers and reverted nurses. Reverted nurses and foragers do not differ significantly with respect to brain biogenic amine levels and amine ratios. Biogenic amine levels in brains of workers of F. polyctena are thus maturation‐related rather than task‐related. This is one of the first studies of neurochemical correlates of ant behavioural maturation and the first attempt to identify neurobiological correlates of ant behavioural reversion. The data obtained provide further evidence that neurobiological processes underlying honeybee and ant behavioural maturation and behavioural reversion reveal important differences.  相似文献   
The invasion of Solidago is one of the main threats to the biodiversity of natural meadows, leading to changes in animal and plant communities, as well as soil features. We compared effects of soil microclimatic conditions (temperature and moisture) and the availability of potential protein sources (dry mass of epigean invertebrates) on ants between meadows invaded by Solidago altissima and S. canadensis and those uninvaded. Our results showed that the ant communities were different between the uninvaded and invaded meadows, with reduction of ant abundance and species richness in the latter. Myrmica spp. were abundant in the uninvaded meadows, whereas Lasius niger was the dominant species in the invaded ones. We found that the lower moisture negatively influenced the abundance of Myrmica species in the Solidago‐invaded meadows. Moreover, the epigean invertebrate dry mass, as an estimation of the availability of protein sources, varied between the two types of meadows, with a higher abundance in the uninvaded ones. The abundance of Myrmica ants with narrower ecological requirements showed a positive correlation with the invertebrate biomass in the invaded meadows. In contrast, the abundance of L. niger with broad ecological requirements was negatively correlated with the invertebrate biomass in the invaded meadows, possibly as a strategy to reduce interspecific competition. Our study showed that the invasion of Solidago plants caused changes in the abundance and species composition of ant communities through modification in microhabitat conditions, that is, decreasing soil moisture, reducing biomass and changing distribution of prey invertebrates.  相似文献   
Summary Reciprocal crosses were performed between Rumex tuberosus and two other taxa belonging to the Acetosa group: R. acetosa and R. thyrsiflorus. All three taxa are dioecious with the same chromosome numbers, XX + 12A, XYY+12A, but they differ from one another in the morphology of some autosomes. R. tuberosus and R. thyrsiflorus are similar in external morphology, while R. acetosa differs greatly from the other two taxa in external morphology as well as ecological characteristics.The F 1 and F 2 hybrids were fully vigorous and viable but their fertility was greatly reduced. Meiotic irregularities were observed in hybrids derived from all crosses. The most remarkable meiotic irregularity was diad formation after first meiotic division. The unreduced gametes derived from diads were responsible for the high frequency of polyploidy observed among the F 2 hybrids. In the cross R. tuberosus × R. acetosa the whole F 2 generation was tetraploid.It is concluded from the analysis performed that R. tuberosus, R. acetosa and R. thyrsiflorus are separate species, closely related to one another but already isolated by genetic and ecological barriers.  相似文献   
We studied breeding success, chick growth, parental effort and chick behaviour in two groups of Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus whose chicks were provided with additional food until 7 days after hatching or until fledging. These data were compared with those from control pairs which we studied simultaneously to test the hypotheses that food was in short supply during the chick stage at the colony site and that in such circumstances the behaviour of adults and young is mainly responsible for the low success. Pairs whose chicks were fed with additional food until fledging showed a higher fledging success than control pairs (intermediate for pairs of first experimental group). During the first week after hatching, experimental adults of both groups were present together at the territory for longer than control pairs. In adult females of experimental pairs, the length of feeding trips was shorter than in females of control pairs, whilst the rate of chick feeding was more frequent in the experimental broods. After the chicks were 7 days old, differences were significant only for the experimental pairs whose chicks were provided with additional food until fledging. Chicks fed until fledging showed a higher daily mass and wing-length increments and reached a higher fledging mass at an earlier age than both control chicks and chicks which were provided with additional food until day 7. Starvation occurred only in control chicks and in chicks of the first experimental group after we had stopped providing food. When food was in short supply, fledging success of gulls was adversely affected as a result of both starvation (because of the lower feeding rates of chicks) and a higher predation rate (arising from changes in behaviour of both adults and chicks).  相似文献   
The lesser Egyptian jerboa Jaculus jaculus is a desert dwelling rodent that inhabits a broad Arabian–Saharan arid zone. Recently, two distant sympatric lineages were described in North‐West Africa, based on morphometric and molecular data, which may correspond to two cryptic species. In the current study, phylogenetic relationships and phylogeographical structure among those lineages and geographical populations from North Africa and the Middle East were investigated. The phylogeographical patterns and genetic diversity of the cytochrome b gene (1110 bp) were addressed on 111 jerboas from 41 localities. We found that the variation in Africa is partitioned into two divergent mitochondrial clades (10.5% divergence relating to 1.65–4.92 Mya) that corresponds to the two cryptic species: J. jaculus and J. deserti. Diversifications within those cryptic species/clades were dated to 0.23–1.13 Mya, suggesting that the Middle Pleistocene climatic change and its environmental consequences affected the evolutionary history of African jerboas. The third distant clade detected, found in the Middle East region, most likely represents a distinct evolutionary unit, independent of the two African lineages. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   
Selection for different fitness optima between sexes is supposed to operate on several traits. As fitness‐related traits are often energetically costly, selection should also act directly on the energetics of individuals. However, efforts to examine the relationship between fitness and components of the energy budget are surprisingly scarce. We investigated the effects of basal metabolic rate (BMR, the minimum energy required for basic life functions) and body condition on long‐term survival (8 winter months) with manipulated densities in enclosed populations of bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Here, we show that survival selection on BMR was clearly sex‐specific but density‐independent. Both the linear selection gradient and selection differential for BMR were positive in females, whereas survival did not correlate with male characteristics. Our findings emphasize the relative importance of individual physiology over ecological factors (e.g. intra‐specific competition). Most current models of the origin of endothermy underline the importance of metabolic optima in females, whose physiology evolved to fulfil demands of parental provisioning in mammals. Our novel findings of sex‐specific selection could be related to these life history differences between sexes.  相似文献   
We investigated the anatomical and ultrastructural featuresof transgenic tobacco plants that overexpressed a gene of histoneH1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. The overexpression of the heterologousgene resulted in more than a 2.5-fold increase over the physiologicallevel of the histone H1:DNA ratio in chromatin. H1-overexpressingplants had a distinct mutant phenotype characterized by dwarfappearance and severely hampered flowering. These changes wereaccompanied by extensive and unusual heterochromatinizationof nuclei occurring in all leaf parenchymal cells but not inleaf epidermal cells. The observed anomalies in the growth rateand size of the cells and in nuclei/chloroplast proportionsin histone H1-overexpressing plants suggest that the H1:DNAratio can influence some specialized cellular functions involvingthe cytoskeleton, and nuclear/organellar interactions whichare of importance for the normal development of a plant. Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Transgenic tobacco plant, histone H1 overexpression, heterochromatinization.  相似文献   
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