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Exposure of plants to mild chronic stress can cause induction of specific, stress-induced morphogenic responses (SIMRs). These responses are characterized by a blockage of cell division in the main meristematic tissues, an inhibition of elongation and a redirected outgrowth of lateral organs. Key elements in the ontogenesis of this phenotype appear to be stress-affected gradients of reactive oxygen species (ROS), antioxidants, auxin and ethylene. These gradients are present at the the organismal level, but are integrated on the cellular level, affecting cell division, cell elongation and/or cell differentiation. Our analysis of the literature indicates that stress-induced modulation of plant growth is mediated by a plethora of molecular interactions, whereby different environmental signals can trigger similar morphogenic responses. At least some of the molecular interactions that underlie morphogenic responses appear to be interchangeable. We speculate that this complexity can be viewed in terms of a thermodynamic model, in which not the specific pathway, but the achieved metabolic state is biologically conserved.  相似文献   
Major environmental events that fragment populations among multiple island habitats have potential to drive large-scale episodes of speciation and adaptive radiation. A recent palaeolimnological study of sediment cores indicated that Lake Malawi underwent major climate-driven desiccation events 75 000–135 000 years ago that lowered the water level to at least 580 m below the present state and severely reduced surface area. After this period, lake levels rose and stabilized, creating multiple discontinuous littoral rocky habitats. Here, we present evidence supporting the hypothesis that establishment and expansion of isolated philopatric rock cichlid populations occurred after this rise and stabilization of lake level. We studied the Pseudotropheus ( Maylandia ) species complex, a group with both allopatric and sympatric populations that differ in male nuptial colour traits and tend to mate assortatively. Using coalescent analyses based on mitochondrial DNA, we found evidence that populations throughout the lake started to expand and accumulate genetic diversity after the lake level rise. Moreover, most haplotypes were geographically restricted, and the greatest genetic similarities were typically among sympatric or neighbouring populations. This is indicative of limited dispersal and establishment of assortative mating among populations following the lake level rise. Together, this evidence is compatible with a single large-scale environmental event being central to evolution of spatial patterns of genetic and species diversity in P. ( Maylandia ) and perhaps other Lake Malawi rock cichlids. Equivalent climate-driven pulses of habitat formation and fragmentation may similarly have contributed to observed rapid and punctuated cladogenesis in other adaptive radiations.  相似文献   
In a recent study, Magnani et al. report how atmospheric nitrogen deposition drives stand-lifetime net ecosystem productivity (NEPav) for midlatitude forests, with an extremely high C to N response (725 kg C kg−1 wet-deposited N for their European sites). We present here a re-analysis of these data, which suggests a much smaller C : N response for total N inputs. Accounting for dry, as well as wet N deposition reduces the C : N response to 177 : 1. However, if covariance with intersite climatological differences is accounted for, the actual C : N response in this dataset may be <70 : 1. We then use a model analysis of 22 European forest stands to simulate the findings of Magnani et al. Multisite regression of simulated NEPav vs. total N deposition reproduces a high C : N response (149 : 1). However, once the effects of intersite climatological differences are accounted for, the value is again found to be much smaller, pointing to a real C : N response of about 50–75 : 1.  相似文献   
  • 1 The phytoseiid predator Amblyseius potentillae (Garman) responded to volatile kairomones emitted from leaves infested by the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch), the apple rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali (Nalepa)) or the thrips Frankliniella pallida (Uzel), only when the predators had been reared on a carotenoid-free diet. In contrast A.potentillae responded to the European red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi (Koch)) both when the predators had been reared on a carotenoid-containing and a carotenoid-free diet.
  • 2 Carotenoid-deficient predators did not respond to odour emitted from a host plant that was infested by larvae of the fruit-tree leaf roller (Adoxophyes orana (F.v.R)), a carotenoid-containing phytophage, that cannot be preyed upon by A.potentillae.
  • 3 Carotenoids are indispensable for diapause induction in A.potentillae. Hence, carotenoid-deficient predators can increase their fitness by feeding from a carotenoid source. This may explain the response of carotenoid-deficient predators to the kairomones of the two-spotted spider mite, F.pallida and the apple rust mite (all containing ingestible carotenoids). As the fruit-tree leaf roller cannot serve as prey and thus as a carotenoid source, it makes sense that the predators lacking carotenoids do not respond to the kairomone of this phytophagous insect.
  • 4 Two-choice experiments in a Y-tube olfactometer showed that the kairomone preference of A.potentillae has a hierarchical structure: the kairomone of the European red spider mite is the most preferred one, followed by that of apple rust mite, whereas the kairomone of the two-spotted spider mite is the least preferred of these three.
Single nuclei (germinal vesicles) manually isolated from large oocytes of the starfish Echinaster sepositus , as well as the complementary anucleated oocytes, were used to investigate the early changes of protein phosphorylation which occur from 1-MeAde addition to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Stimulation of protein phosphorylation was already evident in the nucleus shortly after 1-MeAde addition (18 min, thus about 0.40x the time required for GVBD), although it began first in the cytoplasm. No translocation of phosphoprotein across the nuclear envelope was detected before GVBD. Presence of the nucleus is not required for the hormone to stimulate protein phosphorylation in the remaining part of the oocytetin:fact the patterns of protein phosphorylation in enucleated oocytes were found to be identical, whether enucleation was performed after or before hormonal treatment. Cytoplasm taken at the time of GVBD from maturing Echinaster oocytes induces meiotic maturation when transferred in stage VI immature oocytes of the amphibian Xenopus laevis.  相似文献   
  • 1 The pay-off from an egg laid in a parasitized host is an important parameter in models on adaptive superparasitism in solitary insect parasitoids.
  • 2 For Leptopilina heterotoma, a parasitoid of larval Drosophila, the pay-off from a second egg laid in a host is 0.43 offspring when the interval between the two ovipositions is less than 3h. For longer intervals, this pay-off decreases to almost zero for an interval of 24 h.
  • 3 When a female encountering a parasitized host is able to estimate the interval since the first oviposition, it is expected that she will take this into account in her host selection decisions. This is, however, not in the direct interest of the female that lays the first egg, and marks the host.
  • 4 We studied whether superparasitism in hosts containing a young egg is more common than in hosts containing an older egg, when searching in a patch containing once-parasitized and unparasitized hosts.
  • 5 The acceptance/encounter ratio of parasitized hosts increased for intervals longer than 6h, as predicted when the interests of the marking female and the longevity of the mark are taken into account.
  • 6 Superparasitism occurred more often when parasitoids had previously searched a host patch 7 days before the experiment compared to when parasitoids had searched a patch 1 day before, a phenomenon predicted by dynamic optimal diet models.
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