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1. van Duinen et al. (Freshwater Biol., 2006) raise an interesting point regarding Mazerolle et al.’s (Freshwater Biol., 2006, 51 , p. 333) conclusion on the ability of invertebrates, especially sedentary species, to colonise newly created bogs pools. We wish to clarify that Mazerolle et al. (2006) targeted large arthropods and the absence of smaller sedentary species was purely a result of sampling design. 2. van Duinen et al. (2006) postulate that colonisation rates by bog specialists should be higher in Canada than in the Netherlands, given the extensive amount of intact peatlands in Canada. Here, we emphasise the importance of taking the regional context into account when assessing restoration success as our study site occurs in a landscape where most bog pools have been drained. 3. An evaluation of restoration efforts should focus on both sedentary and vagile invertebrates, to resolve the importance of persistence and colonisation. Such patterns are difficult to interpret, however, when sampling designs and analyses do not account for the probability of detection: an absence may be due to non‐detection or true absence. We strongly urge investigators to directly estimate detection probability in addition to the parameters of interest (e.g. presence, abundance) to provide the best information possible regarding restoration success.  相似文献   
1. Peatlands have suffered great losses following drainage for agriculture, forestry, urbanisation, or peat mining, near inhabited areas. We evaluated the faunal and vegetation patterns after restoration of a peatland formerly mined for peat. We assessed whether bog pools created during restoration are similar to natural bog pools in terms of water chemistry, vegetation structure and composition, as well as amphibian and arthropod occurrence patterns. 2. Both avian species richness and peatland vegetation cover at the site increased following restoration. Within bog pools, however, the vegetation composition differed between natural and man‐made pools. The cover of low shrubs, Sphagnum moss, submerged, emergent and floating vegetation in man‐made pools was lower than in natural pools, whereas pH was higher than in typical bog pools. Dominant plant species also differed between man‐made and natural pools. 3. Amphibian tadpoles, juveniles and adults occurred more often in man‐made pools than natural bog pools. Although some arthropods, including Coleoptera bog specialists, readily colonised the pools, their abundance was two to 26 times lower than in natural bog pools. Plant introduction in bog pools, at the stocking densities we applied, had no effect on the occurrence of most groups. 4. We conclude that our restoration efforts were partially successful. Peatland‐wide vegetation patterns following restoration mimicked those of natural peatlands, but 4 years were not sufficient for man‐made pools to fully emulate the characteristics of natural bog pools.  相似文献   
1. Arthropod performance is a non‐linear function of temperature, and thus global climate change may impact arthropods in a variety of non‐obvious ways. 2. In this paper, the well‐known thermal performance curve is reviewed briefly and attention is drawn to the importance of variance in temperature, particularly major weather events such as cold snaps and heatwaves. 3. A model is developed that considers the asymmetry between cold and heat stress and, particularly, the different timescales of recovery from these stressors: near‐instantaneous for cold and lagged effects from heat. 4. Growth rate is evaluated as a function of weather‐event intensity and length. Including the timescale asymmetry exacerbates both heat stress and, to a much lesser degree, cold stress.  相似文献   
An improved understanding of the response of forest ecosystems to elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is crucial because atmospheric CO2 concentration continues to increase at an accelerating rate and forests are an important sink in the global carbon cycle. Several CO2‐enrichment experiments have now been running for more than 10 years, with highly variable short‐term results after the first decade. Responses to rising [CO2] over the next few decades will depend on several plant and ecosystem feedbacks that are inadequately understood. In this study, we conduct a sensitivity analysis, within the context of the simulated CO2 response, using a new version of the G'DAY ecosystem model, with an improved decomposition submodel, applied to a nitrogen‐limited Norway spruce forest site in the north of Sweden. The new decomposition model incorporates important modifications to soil processes, including some that constitute negative feedbacks on an ecosystem's growth response to elevated [CO2]. The sensitivity analysis reveals key parameters and processes that are important for the simulated CO2 response on the short term and others that are more important on the long term. A process that has a strong impact on the short‐term response is a change in decomposer composition, potentially in response to altered litter quality. Parameters that become increasingly important in the long term are carbon allocation to root exudates that are directly or indirectly associated with atmospheric N2 fixation, and the rate of humification of soil organic matter. We identify factors intrinsic to species and site (microbes and resources) and ecosystem nutrient supply that determine the duration of the enhanced simulated growth response to elevated [CO2].  相似文献   
1. Limited empirical support is available for mate‐encounter Allee effects in invasive insects due to the logistical challenges of studying demographic trends in low‐density populations. 2. Traps baited with pheromone and spruce volatiles were used to monitor the abundance of female Tetropium fuscum F. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) at multiple sites in Nova Scotia in 2011 and 2012. Each female was dissected to determine the presence or absence of sperm in its spermatheca (mated or virgin female, respectively). 3. Both male and total T. fuscum abundance declined with increasing distance to the focal point of T. fuscum's invasion. Female mating probability declined with male abundance and with distance from the invasion focus, and mating probabilities were very low at the most peripheral sites. Difficulty in encountering mates may thus contribute to limiting the spread of T. fuscum. 4. The approach outlined here could be integrated into existing surveys of wood borers using traps baited with semiochemicals to improve our understanding of the role of the mate‐encounter Allee effect in invasion dynamics.  相似文献   
Sweetpotato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV; genus Crinivirus , family Closteroviridae) is one of the most important pathogens of sweetpotato ( Ipomoea batatas L.). It can reduce yields by 50% by itself and cause various synergistic disease complexes when co-infecting with other viruses, including sweetpotato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV; genus Potyvirus , family Potyviridae). Because no sources of true resistance to SPCSV are available in sweetpotato germplasm, a pathogen-derived transgenic resistance strategy was tested as an alternative solution in this study. A Peruvian sweetpotato landrace 'Huachano' was transformed with an intron-spliced hairpin construct targeting the replicase encoding sequences of SPCSV and SPFMV using an improved genetic transformation procedure with reproducible efficiency. Twenty-eight independent transgenic events were obtained in three transformation experiments using a highly virulent Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain and regeneration through embryogenesis. Molecular analysis indicated that all regenerants were transgenic, with 1–7 transgene loci. Accumulation of transgene-specific siRNA was detected in most of them. None of the transgenic events was immune to SPCSV, but ten of the 20 tested transgenic events exhibited mild or no symptoms following infection, and accumulation of SPCSV was significantly reduced. There are few previous reports of RNA silencing-mediated transgenic resistance to viruses of Closteroviridae in cultivated plants. However, the high levels of resistance to accumulation of SPCSV could not prevent development of synergistic sweet potato virus disease in those transgenic plants also infected with SPFMV.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The association between the Lophopidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) and their host plants was studied within a phylogenetic framework. Host plant use was optimized on Lophopidae phylogeny and the most parsimonious hypothesis is presented. This hypothesis describes the evolution of host plant use by the Lophopidae, and postulates the ancestral plant family used. This scenario is discussed within the biogeographical evolutionary context of the fulgoromorphan families, and is corroborated by information from both insect and host plant fossils. The association of the Lophopidae and their host plants is made by comparing the angiosperms and Lophopidae phylogenies, demonstrating at this level of comparison that the insects show 'taxonomic conservatism' for their host plants.  相似文献   
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