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1. Headwater stream ecosystems are primarily heterotrophic, with allochthonous organic matter being the dominant energy. However, sunlight indirectly influences ecosystem structure and functioning, affecting microbial and invertebrate consumers and, ultimately, leaf litter breakdown. We tested the effects of artificial shading on litter breakdown rates in an open‐canopy stream (high ambient light) and a closed‐canopy stream (low ambient light). We further examined the responses of invertebrate shredders and aquatic hyphomycetes to shading to disentangle the underlying effects of light availability on litter breakdown. 2. Litter breakdown was substantially slower for both fast‐decomposing (alder, Alnus glutinosa) and slow‐decomposing (beech, Fagus sylvatica) leaf litters in artificially shaded stream reaches relative to control (no artificial shading) reaches, regardless of stream type (open or closed canopy). 3. Shredder densities were higher on A. glutinosa than on F. sylvatica litter, and shading had a greater effect on reducing shredder densities associated with A. glutinosa than those associated with F. sylvatica litter in both stream types. Fungal biomass was also negatively affected by shading. Results suggest that the effects of light availability on litter breakdown rates are mediated by resource quality and consumer density. 4. Results from feeding experiments, where A. glutinosa litter incubated under ambient light or artificial shade was offered to the shredder Gammarus fossarum, suggest that experimental shading and riparian canopy openness influenced litter palatability interactively. Rates of litter consumption by G. fossarum were decreased by experimental shading in the open‐canopy stream only. 5. The results suggest that even small variations in light availability in streams can mediate substantial within‐stream heterogeneity in litter breakdown. This study provides further evidence that changes in riparian vegetation, and thus light availability, influence organic matter processing in heterotrophic stream ecosystems through multiple trophic levels.  相似文献   
Detecting coherent signals of climate change is best achieved by conducting expansive, long‐term studies. Here, using counts of waders (Charadrii) collected from ca. 3500 sites over 30 years and covering a major portion of western Europe, we present the largest‐scale study to show that faunal abundance is influenced by climate in winter. We demonstrate that the ‘weighted centroids’ of populations of seven species of wader occurring in internationally important numbers have undergone substantial shifts of up to 115 km, generally in a northeasterly direction. To our knowledge, this shift is greater than that recorded in any other study, but closer to what would be expected as a result of the spatial distribution of ecological zones. We establish that year‐to‐year changes in site abundance have been positively correlated with concurrent changes in temperature, but that this relationship is most marked towards the colder extremities of the birds' range, suggesting that shifts have occurred as a result of range expansion and that responses to climate change are temperature dependent. Many attempts to model the future impacts of climate change on the distribution of organisms, assume uniform responses or shifts throughout a species' range or with temperature, but our results suggest that this may not be a valid approach. We propose that, with warming temperatures, hitherto unsuitable sites in northeastern Europe will host increasingly important wader numbers, but that this may not be matched by declines elsewhere within the study area. The need to establish that such changes are occurring is accentuated by the statutory importance of this taxon in the designation of protected areas.  相似文献   
The tumor promoter 12–0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) dramatically modifies the differentiative program of myotubes, developed in culture from chick embryo skeletal myogenic cells. In fact TPA selectively decreases the expression of differentiative parameters with a lag of 8–10 h from its administration to the cultures. We have tested whether the reported effect of TPA depends on the synthesis of specific products during the lag phase of TPA action. The data presented indicate that inhibition of protein synthesis by the use of cycloheximide prevents the appearance of TPA induced inhibition of the expression of differentiative products, such as creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity and acetylcholine receptors (AChR). Following removal of cycloheximide and reinitiation of normal protein synthesis, the TPA induced inhibitory effect on CPK and AChR appears after a delay of about the same length as the time lag of TPA action. Our results indicate that inhibition of protein synthesis during the lag phase of TPA action prevents the effect of this tumor promoter on myotube differentiative parameters, and suggest that the expression of differentiative traits in cultured myotubes is affected by TPA via a regulatory step implying protein synthesis.  相似文献   
A new method for rapidly evaluating the effects of drugs on receptors that regulate intracellular cAMP in a cell line derived from Xenopus laevis melanophores has been developed. Melanophores were plated into sterile 96 well microtiter plates, and 3 days later the cells were treated with melatonin for 30 min to induce melanosome aggregation. Subsequent exposure to MSH or adrenergic agonists caused dose dependent pigment dispersion that peaked within 30 min. The cumulative pigment displacement from cells could be quantitated by using a microplate reader to measure changes in transmittance of light through the wells. The acquired data enabled detailed and reproducible dose response curves and time course analyses to be generated. In addition, the assay followed for the rapid characterization of the effects of antagonists upon the (β adrenergic receptor (β AR). The assay has the potential to test the effects of ligands upon any receptor capable of mediating pigment translocation in the melanophore cell line.  相似文献   
This review of the genus Dichopteris De Zigno is based on the original fossil specimens collected from the Lower Jurassic of the Grey Limestones of Veneto (Northern Italy). The cuticular diagnosis of the genus is emended and only Dichopteris visianica De Zigno is retained within the genus. In addition, transverse and longitudinal sections of cuticles examined using a transmission electron microscope (TEM) indicate close similarities between D. visianica and other pteridosperm cuticles, especially the occurrence of granules arranged in areas of different densities in the epidermal cells and stomatal apparatus. Moreover, the dichotomy and the impressive size of the frond of D. visianica imply a specific architecture with a typical arrangement of the pinnae and pinnules. They preclude an herbaceous habit for the plant. Finally, architectural, microstructural and ultrastructural observations are consistent with palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental data, and most probably support an understorey habit for D. visianica .  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 313–332.  相似文献   
Soil carbon turnover models generally divide soil carbon into pools with varying intrinsic decomposition rates. Although these decomposition rates are modified by factors such as temperature, texture, and moisture, they are rationalized by assuming chemical structure is a primary controller of decomposition. In the current work, we use near edge X‐ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy in combination with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and alkaline cupric oxide (CuO) oxidation to explore this assumption. Specifically, we examined material from the 2.3–2.6 kg L?1 density fraction of three soils of different type (Oxisol, Alfisol, Inceptisol). The density fraction with the youngest 14C age (Oxisol, 107 years) showed the highest relative abundance of aromatic groups and the lowest O‐alkyl C/aromatic C ratio as determined by NEXAFS. Conversely, the fraction with the oldest C (Inceptisol, 680 years) had the lowest relative abundance of aromatic groups and highest O‐alkyl C/aromatic C ratio. This sample also had the highest proportion of thermally labile materials as measured by DSC, and the highest ratio of substituted fatty acids to lignin phenols as indicated by CuO oxidation. Therefore, the organic matter of the Inceptisol sample, with a 14C age associated with ‘passive’ pools of carbon (680 years), had the largest proportion of easily metabolizable organic molecules with low thermodynamic stability, whereas the organic matter of the much younger Oxisol sample (107 years) had the highest proportion of supposedly stable organic structures considered more difficult to metabolize. Our results demonstrate that C age is not necessarily related to molecular structure or thermodynamic stability, and we suggest that soil carbon models would benefit from viewing turnover rate as codetermined by the interaction between substrates, microbial actors, and abiotic driving variables. Furthermore, assuming that old carbon is composed of complex or ‘recalcitrant’ compounds will erroneously attribute a greater temperature sensitivity to those materials than they may actually possess.  相似文献   
This report describes a set of 21 polymerase chain reaction primers and amplification conditions developed to barcode practically any teleost fish species according to their mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear rhodopsin gene sequences. The method was successfully tested in more than 200 marine fish species comprising the main Actinopterygii family groups. When used in phylogenetic analyses, its combination of two genes with different evolutionary rates serves to identify fish at the species level. We provide a flow diagram indicating our validated polymerase chain reaction amplification conditions for barcoding and species identification applications as well as population structure or haplotyping analyses, adaptable to high‐throughput analyses.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of reproductive isolation were studied in two species of Arum , A. italicum and A. maculatum , growing in England and the south of France. The study focused on three potential mechanisms for reproductive isolation: the effectiveness of dichogamy as a barrier to autogamy; the ability of self and outcrossed pollen to germinate on stigmas at different stages of anthesis and to effect pollination; and postzygotic barriers to selfing. Dichogamy was found to provide a very effective barrier to within-inflorescence selfing in these species, as no seeds were produced by spontaneous self-pollination (i.e. autogamy) in any population of either species. However, the study found that geitonogamy (cross-pollination between inflorescences of a same individual or clone) was possible, as genotypes frequently produced several inflorescences and stigmas were found to be receptive to pollen from before anthesis until their contraction at the end of the female phase of flowering. Hand pollination with self pollen from clone inflorescences produced as numerous and heavy seeds as outcross pollination. In addition, the germination and growth of geitonogamously produced seed was similar to that of outcrossed seed, suggesting that this potential postzygotic barrier is absent or weak. These findings suggest that geitonogamous seed production may be unrestricted by significant pre- or postzygotic barriers. The possible advantages of geitonogamy in Arum are discussed.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 323–328.  相似文献   
Pilot whales (Globicephala spp.) provide an interesting example of recently diverged oceanic species with a complex evolutionary history. The two species have wide but largely non‐overlapping ranges. Globicephala melas (long‐finned pilot whale; LFPW) has an antitropical distribution and is found in the cold‐temperate waters of the North Atlantic and Southern Hemisphere, whereas Globicephala macrorhynchus (short‐finned pilot whale; SFPW) has a circumglobal distribution and is found mainly in the tropics and subtropics. To investigate pilot whale evolution and biogeography, we analysed worldwide population structure using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences (up to 620 bp) from a variety of sources (LFPW = 643; SFPW = 150), including strandings in New Zealand and Tasmania, and whale‐meat products purchased on the markets of Japan and Korea. Phylogenetic reconstructions failed to support a reciprocal monophyly of the two species, despite six diagnostic substitutions, possibly because of incomplete lineage sorting or inadequate phylogenetic information. Both species had low haplotype and nucleotide diversity compared to other abundant widespread cetaceans (LFPW, π = 0.35%; SFPW, π = 0.87%) but showed strong mtDNA differentiation between oceanic basins. Strong levels of structuring were also found at the regional level. In LFPW, phylogeographic patterns were suggestive either of a recent demographic expansion or selective sweep acting on the mtDNA. For SFPW, the waters around Japan appear to represent a centre of diversity, with two genetically‐distinct forms, as well as a third population of unknown origin. The presence of multiple unique haplotypes among SFPW from South Japan, together with previously documented morphological and ecological differences, suggests that the southern form represents a distinct subspecies and/or evolutionary significant unit. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 729–744.  相似文献   
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