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ARA267-α is a newly identified androgen receptor coactivator. In order to further elucidate its precise role in cells, using the ARA267-α fragment containing four PHD and one SET conserved domains as bait we revealed an ARA267-α-PHD-SET-interacting protein, death receptor-6 (DR6), in the yeast two-hybrid screening. DR6 is the member of TNF receptor family and has a death domain in its intracellular cytoplasmic portion (DR6cp) to mediate the cell apoptosis. The interaction between ARA267-α-PHD-SET and DR6cp was confirmed in vitro and in vivo. Our finding implied that androgen signaling pathway might cross talk with apoptosis signaling pathway through the interaction between ARA267-α and DR6.  相似文献   
目的:探讨海马CA3区神经元微管相关蛋白-2(MAP-2)表达变化与学习记忆功能的关系.方法:采用大白鼠大脑中动脉线栓法(MCAO)缺血再灌模型,分为缺血2h再灌(I/R)1d、7d、14d、30d、90d组和假手术组,免疫组织化学方法观察海马CA3区MAP-2表达,并用图像分析系统作定量分析;同时用Morris水迷宫检测再灌7d、14d、30d、90d组大鼠行为学变化.结果:缺血再灌1d海马CA3区MAP-2呈高表达突起断裂不均匀,再灌7d和14d表达最高,突起出现螺旋样变,再灌30d后MAP-2的表达开始恢复,突起依然断裂,再灌90d后突起形态基本恢复正常.行为学检测发现,大白鼠缺血再灌7d和14d组定位航行试验潜伏期明显延长,空间探索试验中跨平台次数减少,再灌30d开始恢复,再灌90d与假手术组无差别.结论:缺血再灌后,海马CA3区神经元处于高度可塑性状态,可能是神经元新的突触连接形成的结构基础之一,可部分代偿缺血敏感区CA1神经元丧失引起的学习记忆功能的下降.  相似文献   
昆明地区滇蛙与昭觉林蛙同域分布种群的生境利用比较   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
周伟  李明会  麦紫  李伟 《动物学研究》2006,27(4):389-395
现有两栖类生境研究报道多局限于定性描述,缺乏定量数据和统计分析支撑。以蛙的发现点为圆心,作半径1m的样圆,测量12个生态因子。调查共记录滇蛙(Ranapleuraden)133只和昭觉林蛙(Ranachaochiaoensis)62只。采用两独立样本t-检验和非参数Mann-WhitneyU-检验比较两种蛙对同一生境的利用,结果表明,在干燥草地生境仅最高植物高度差异显著;湿润草地生境至水源距离和水百分比差异极显著,水草百分比和湿泥百分比差异显著;水体生境各种生态因子的差异均不显著。主成分分析结果显示,在不同生境中滇蛙和昭觉林蛙所选择的因子往往相同或者顺序颠倒,但这些因子的值几乎均是反向分离的,即小生境不相同。两种蛙的生境利用各有偏好。滇蛙日间活动主要在水体,而昭觉林蛙则在湿润草地和干燥草地。两种蛙对泥地生境利用都少。不同体长的滇蛙对水体生境利用度均较高。昭觉林蛙随着体长增加,对隐蔽条件好的湿润草地和干燥草地生境利用度增加,对水体的利用度减少。  相似文献   
目的 应用实时三维超声心动图(RT-3DE)研究房间隔缺损(ASD)患者行内科介入手术前后左、右室心肌收缩变化的相关关系.方法 应用RT-3DE技术对34例ASD患者术前、术后1周以及35例正常受检者(对照组)的左、右室舒张末期容量(LVEDV/RVEDV),左、右室收缩末期容量(LVESV/RVESV),左、右室每搏量(LVSV/RVSV)及左、右室射血分数(LVEF/RVEF)进行统计分析.结果 术前,ASD患者LVEDV、LVSV、LVEF均小于对照组(均P<0.05),RVEDV、RVESV、RVSV、RVEF均大于对照组(均P<0.05);术后1周内,ASD患者LVEDV、LVSV、LVEF均较术前增大(均P<0.05),RVEDV、RVSV、RVEF均较术前减小(均P<0.05);ASD患者术后的LVEDV、LVESV、LVSV、LVEF与对照组比较均无统计学意义(均P>0.05),而RVEDV、RVESV、RVSV均大于对照组(P<0.05);ASD患者术后左、右室的射血分数变化之间均无相关性.结论 行内科介入的ASD患者术后初期左、右室收缩功能即恢复到正常水平,术后左、右室射血分数的变化之间均无相关性.  相似文献   
栖稻假单胞菌(Pseudomonas oryzihabitans,P.oryzihabitans)作为条件致病菌和院内感染菌,多见于免疫力低下合并基础疾病患者,其抗感染预后良好,甚少出现多器官功能衰竭病例.本例患者无明显诱因出现双下肢水肿半月余,后全身乏力、气短、尿少3d,继而出现多器官功能衰竭.患者的血培养中检出1株...  相似文献   
2019年对南通市中央创新区新建湖泊紫琅湖的浮游植物进行了4个季度的调查,旨在研究典型城市新建景观湖泊的浮游植物群落结构特征及其与环境因子关系。紫琅湖全年共鉴定出浮游植物种类7门186种,春季种类数最多,共6门113种,其中蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)占17.7%,绿藻门(Chlorophyta)占19.5%,硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)占39.8%;夏季种类数最少,共7门43种,其中蓝藻门占32.6%,绿藻门占30.2%,硅藻门占16.3%;冬季和春季则硅藻种类多。从丰度来看,各季节浮游植物组成均以蓝藻为主,冬、夏、秋季蓝藻的丰度分别为(26.81±6.70)×106 ind./L、(12.77±1.02)×106 ind./L和(31.99±10.23)×106 ind./L,显著高于其他藻类(P<0.05)。典范对应分析(CCA)表明透明度、pH、总磷和浊度是与浮游植物群落相关性较强的4个环境因子,其中透明度是最主要的环境因子。冬季和春季浮游植物主要与透明度正相关,夏季主要与总磷和浊度呈正相关,秋季主要与pH呈正相关。紫琅湖的浮游植物优势类群以蓝藻门为主,其中伪鱼腥藻(Pseudoanabaena sp.)为全年唯一的优势藻类(优势度指数分别为Y=0.66,Y=0.10,Y=0.16,Y=0.26)。综合营养指数表明湖泊处于轻度富营养水平,浮游植物多样性水质评价表明夏季水体污染相对严重。城市新建景观湖泊紫琅湖营养水平较高、透明度低、浮游植物群落结构波动大,暴发蓝藻水华的可能性较高,研究结果可为城市新建景观湖泊水质改善和健康生态系统的构建提供科学依据。  相似文献   
We attempted to determine natural agonists of GPR39 in fetal bovine serum (FBS). FBS was conditioned to extract peptides and fractionated by two types of HPLC. The activity of each fraction was monitored by intracellular calcium mobilization. Then the purified active ingredient was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In this fashion, Zn2 + ion was identified as an agonist of GPR39, though no peptidergic molecules were found. The calcium-mobilizing activity of Zn2 + was not abolished by pertussis toxin but was by a phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, U73122, indicating that the activity of GPR39 is mediated through the Gqα -PLC pathway. In addition, Zn2 + also activated mouse and rat GPR39, showing that the function of GPR39 as a Zn2 + receptor is conserved across species. This study is the first exploration of GPR39 agonists in FBS and indicates that GPR39 functions as a Gq-coupled Zn2 +-sensing receptor.  相似文献   
1. If fungivorous insect diversity is maintained by host specialisation on particular fungi, it should be higher in the tropics than in temperate or boreal regions owing to high macrofungus species diversity. 2. To reveal the community and food web structure of fungivorous insects on bracket fungi, fungivorous insects were collected from 427 fruiting bodies belonging to 22 genera throughout the development and deterioration process in a 3‐ha plot of lowland dipterocarp tropical rain forest on Borneo Island. 3. Eight hundred and twenty‐nine individuals of 82 coleopteran species in 13 families from 111 fruiting bodies of 15 fungal genera were collected. Tenebrionidae and Staphylinidae were most common. Fifty‐three and 19 insect species were observed on Ganoderma and Phellinus, respectively. The numbers of insect species and individuals on a particular fungal genus were positively correlated with the abundance of that fungal genus. 4. Quantitative food web analysis revealed a high degree of specialisation at the whole‐community level. At least 65% of insect individuals were observed on Ganoderma at every stage of development and deterioration. Diverse insects coexist on one dominant fungal genus, Ganoderma, in contrast to our hypothesis. 5. The high abundance of Ganoderma fruiting bodies, which lack obvious defences against insect feeding, probably influences the bracket fungus–insect food web in this tropical rainforest.  相似文献   
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