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本文记述寄螨亚科(Parasitinae)三新种。模式标本保存于吉林省地方病第一防治研究所。文内测量单位为微米,括号内为测量平均值。  相似文献   
The secondary structure ofCerebratulus lacteus toxin B-IV, a neurotoxic polypeptide containing 55 amino acid residues and four disulfide bonds, was experimentally estimated by computer analyses of toxin circular dichroism (CD) and laser Raman spectra. The CD spectrum of the toxin displayed typical α-helical peaks at 191, 208, and 222 nm. At neutralpH, the α-helix estimates from CD varied between 49 and 55%, when nonrepresentative spectrum analytical methods were used. Analysis of the laser Raman spectrum obtained at a much higher toxin concentration yielded a 78% α-helix estimate. Both CD and Raman spectroscopic methods failed to detect any β-sheet structure. The spectroscopic analyses revealed significantly more α-helix and less β-sheet for toxin B-IV than was predicted from its sequence. To account for the difference between the 49–55% helix estimate from CD spectra and the 78% helix estimate from the Raman spectrum, we postulate that some terminal residues are unfolded at the low toxin concentrations used for CD measurements but form helix at the high toxin concentration used for Raman measurements. Our CD observations showing thatCerebatulus toxin B-IV helix content increases about 15% in trifluoroethanol or at highpH are consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   
Airborne particles and ammonia were monitored in horse stalls managed under four conditions. Two ventilation rates, high (27 air changes per h) and low (5 air changes per h) and two bedding types, paper and straw, were employed. At both ventilation rates, the number of airborne particles generated while the stalls were mucked out was higher with straw than with paper. Particles were more efficiently cleared at the higher ventilation rate in both the straw and paper stalls. Ammonia measurements reflected an accumulation over time. In the stalls with low ventilation, ammonia levels were significantly higher than in those stalls with high ventilation regardless of bedding type. Management decisions and their relationships to respiratory disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
We studied leaflet anatomy, emphasizing secretory structures, from herbarium specimens of 128 species of 44 genera of tribeCaesalpinieae, using clearings, resin sections, and scanning electron microscopy. These observations, combined with those from our three earlier papers, provide a survey of 210 species representing all genera. Seventy-three species had secretory structures: 21 had glands or gland-like trichomes, 40 had living mesophyll idioblasts, and nine had cavities (three species each had two different types). Five additional species, all inCercidium (Caesalpinia group), had paired or clustered large spheroidal, thick-walled, empty cells (veinlet idioblasts) interconnected by perforation plate-like gaps. Secretory structures have systematic significance at various taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
Hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) and hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP) are inherited disorders of erythrocyte shape that are frequently associated with abnormalities in alpha-spectrin, one of the principal structural proteins of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton. Five polymorphisms of the alpha-spectrin gene, located in a 6-kb interval of genomic DNA, were identified and analyzed in normal and mutant alpha-spectrin alleles. Three of these polymorphisms are due to single nucleotide substitutions in the alpha-spectrin gene coding region that lead to changes in the amino acid sequence. In combination, these three polymorphisms are responsible for the different peptide phenotypes of the alphaII domain previously observed following limited tryptic digestion of spectrin protein. The most common haplotype, type 1, was found predominantly in Caucasians and was the only haplotype identified in Asians. Haplotypes 2, 3, and 4 were identified predominantly in individuals of African ancestry and were commonly found in patients with HE or HPP. Analysis of coinheritance of alphaII domain polymorphisms with alpha-spectrin gene mutations causing HE or HPP in African-American patients with HE and HPP suggests that, with one exception, a given HE/HPP mutation is present in an alpha-spectrin gene of only one haplotype, indicating a founder effect. The other two polymorphisms located in this region of the alpha-spectrin gene do not change the amino acid sequence of the encoded alpha-spectrin chain and are not in linkage disequilibrium with three of the four alphaII domain haplotypes. A model is proposed for the evolutionary origin of the different haplotypes.  相似文献   
Deep-level diagnostic value of the rDNA-ITS region   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The similarity of certain reported angiosperm rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences to those of green algae prompted our analysis of the deep-level phylogenetic signal in the highly conserved but short 5.8S and hypervariable ITS2 sequences. We found that 5.8S sequences yield phylogenetic trees similar to but less well supported than those generated by a ca. 10-fold longer alignment from rDNA-18S sequences, as well as independent evidence. We attribute this result to our finding that, compared to 18S, the 5.8S has a higher proportion of sites subject to vary and greater among-site substitution rate homogeneity. We also determined that our phylogenetic results are not likely affected by intramolecular compensatory mutation to maintain RNA secondary structure nor by evident systematic biases in base composition. Despite historical homology, there appears to be no ITS2 primary sequence similarity shared sufficient similarity to cluster correctly on the basis of alignability. Our results indicate that groups, however, share sufficient similarity to cluster correctly on the basis of alignability. Our results indicate that ITS region sequences can diagnose organismal origins and phylogenetic relationships at many phylogenetic levels and provide a useful paradigm for molecular evolutionary study.   相似文献   
山西雏蝗属二新种:直翅目:网翅蝗科   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述山西省雁北地区雏蝗属Chorthipus Fieber1852二新种,即郑氏雏蝗Chorthippus zhengi,sp.nov.和宽带雏蝗Chorthippus amplilineatus,sp.nov。模式标本保存在山西省农牧厅植保植检总结。  相似文献   
MethodsforHandy,RapidIsolationofHighQualityRNAbyGuanadiumThioeyauateDuJianYuanYanhuaMaShenglinDongZhiwei(BeijingInstituteforCancerResearchBeijing100034)硫氰胍是一种有效的蛋白变性剂。早在1979年,Chirgwin等就利用氯化铯/硫氰胍超离心技术成功地从RNA酶富集的胰脏组织中提取出未降解的RNA分子[2],从而使它成为抑制RNA酶的首选药物并得到广泛使用,但受到超速离心设备的限制。1983年,Cathala报道了氯化锂/硫氰胍RNA提取法[1]。该方法操作简便,获得的RNA质量很高,但所需时间较长。为了能在短时间内更快…  相似文献   
The position of individual fruit on kiwifruit vines (Actinidiadeliciosa var. deliciosa) grown on a horizontal trellis (pergola)and on a T-bar trellis was determined using a theodolite. Thephysical, chemical, and postharvest attributes of the fruitwere related to their position on the vine during development. Fruit from the pergola vines were more numerous, of lesser weight,with lower concentrations of most mineral nutrients, but greaterconcentrations of soluble solids, and similar flesh firmnessafter 12 weeks of storage at 0 °C, than fruit from the T-barvines. The position on the vine accounted for most of the variationin the attributes of the fruit. Differences between fruit ona single lateral accounted for 43-56% of the variation. Variationbetween vines was relatively small (< 4% of the total variance). The heavier fruit were located at the apical ends of the laterals,while greater concentrations of soluble solids were associatedwith fruit located closer to the cordon. The larger fruit fromthe pergola vines developed from the early opening flowers.A similar relationship existed initially for the T-bar vines,but a reduction in growth of fruit from the early opening flowers8 weeks after anthesis resulted in a more even distributionof fruit size at harvest. The strongest relationship between mineral composition and postharvestattributes of the fruit was with soluble solids concentration(29-46% of the variance). The relationship with flesh firmnesswas weak (r = -0·14 to -0·32). Individual elementscould not be considered in isolation but rather in groups ofelements. Nitrogen was grouped strongly with phosphorus, sulphur,potassium, and copper, while calcium was linked with a secondgroup which included manganese and zinc. These two groups werenegatively related to one another. The greatest proportion of fruit with superior characteristicswas located in the denser parts of the canopy. Fruit with lessdesirable attributes were from the extremities of the canopywhere the leaf area index was low.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, fruit position, fruit quality, within-vine variation  相似文献   
Spartina alterniflora has recently been introduced to San Francisco Bay, California, and is rapidly invading open mud flats, growing in circular patches that we found to be individual genetic clones. We collected spikelet samples from more than 200 clones and observed germination rates ranging from 0% to 59%, indicating substantial variation in reproductive output among clones. Several experiments were performed to explore the cause of variation. Pollination manipulations showed that S. alterniflora is outcrossing, but pollen supplements did not increase spikelet germination rates. Exclusion of the only insect herbivore (a phloem feeder, Prokelisia marginata) from developing inflorescences increased the proportion of spikelets containing seed, but failed to increase germinations per spikelet. Spikelets from Willapa Bay, Washington, grown free of insect herbivores, had germination rates similar to San Francisco Bay. These results suggest herbivory is not limiting reproductive output of S. alterniflora. Spikelet viability was not related to clone size; however, clones located lower in the intertidal or far up a drainage slough averaged fewer germinations per spikelet, suggesting clones in areas with lower genet density may have lower spikelet viabilities. Spikelet samples from different sections of clones growing across wide environmental ranges had similar rates of germination, suggesting some genetic influence on spikelet viability. Differential reproductive output among clones and the novel selective environment of San Francisco Bay are expected to cause gene frequency changes in this rapidly expanding population.  相似文献   
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