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DNA photolyase repairs pyrimidine dimers in DNA in a reaction that requires visible light. Photolyase from Escherichia coli is normally isolated as a blue protein and contains 2 chromophores: a blue FAD radical plus a second chromophore that exhibits an absorption maximum at 360 nm when free in solution. Oxidation of the FAD radical is accompanied by a reversible loss of activity which is proportional to the fraction of the enzyme flavin converted to FADox. Quantitative reduction of the radical to fully reduced FAD causes a 3-fold increase in activity. The results show that a reduced flavin is required for activity and suggest that flavin may act as an electron donor in catalysis. Comparison of the absorption spectrum calculated for the protein-bound second chromophore (lambda max = 390 nm) with fluorescence data and with the relative action spectrum for dimer repair indicates that the second chromophore is the fluorophore in photolyase and that it does act as a sensitizer in catalysis. On the other hand, enzyme preparations containing diminished amounts of the second chromophore do not exhibit correspondingly lower activity. This suggests that reduced flavin may also act as a sensitizer in catalysis. The blue color of the enzyme is lost upon reduction of the FAD radical. The fully reduced E. coli enzyme exhibits absorption and fluorescence properties very similar to yeast photolyase. This indicates that the two enzymes probably contain similar chromophores but are isolated in different forms with respect to the redox state of the flavin.  相似文献   
We have recently characterized the major hydroperoxide-reducing enzyme of human plasma as a glutathione peroxidase (Maddipati, K. R., Gasparski, C., and Marnett, L. J. (1987) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 254, 9-17). We now report the purification and kinetic characterization of this enzyme. The purification steps involved ammonium sulfate precipitation, hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose, anion exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. The purified peroxidase has a specific activity of 26-29 mumol/min/mg with hydrogen peroxide as substrate. The human plasma glutathione peroxidase is a tetramer of identical subunits of 21.5 kDa molecular mass as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and is different from human erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase. The plasma peroxidase is a selenoprotein containing one selenium per subunit. Unlike several other glutathione peroxidases this enzyme exhibits saturation kinetics with respect to glutathione (Km for glutathione = 4.3 mM). The peroxidase exhibits high affinity for hydroperoxides with Km values ranging from 2.3 microM for 13-hydroperoxy-9,11-octadecadienoic acid to 13.3 microM for hydrogen peroxide at saturating glutathione concentration. These kinetic parameters are suggestive of the potential of human plasma glutathione peroxidase as an important regulator of plasma hydroperoxide levels.  相似文献   
The problem of sexual inversion in the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The incidence of sexual inversion in Phoxinus phoxinus has been studied by examining histologically (a) the gonads of 406 adult specimens caught from the wild during a period of 16 months, (b) the gonads of 168 adults kept in captivity in groups with an experimentally altered sex-ratio, and (c) the differentiation of the gonads in the fry.
All the adults had either testes or ovaries and no case of intersexuality was observed. For both testis and ovary, we recognized two phases, depending on the seasonal cycle: an active spring-summer phase, corresponding with the period of reproduction, and a quiescent autumn-winter phase. The ovaries showed an asynchrony in oocyte development, which is typical of species that spawn many times during the breeding season.
In P. phoxinus the ovaries are easily recognizable just one month after hatching and testes are well differentiated in 2-month-old fingerlings. Differentiation is, therefore, precocious and follows a pattern typical of gonochoristic species in which hermaphroditism never occurs.  相似文献   
The chicken oocyte receptor for low and very low density lipoproteins has been identified and characterized. Receptor activity present in octyl-beta-D-glucoside extracts of oocyte membranes was measured by a solid phase filtration assay, and the receptor was visualized by ligand blotting. The protein had an apparent Mr of 95,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels under nonreducing conditions and exhibited high affinity for apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, but not for high density lipoproteins or lipoproteins in which lysine residues had been reductively methylated. Binding of lipoproteins was sensitive to EDTA, suramin, and treatment with Pronase. In these aspects, the avian oocyte system was analogous to the mammalian low density lipoprotein receptor in somatic cells. Furthermore, a structural relationship between the mammalian and avian receptors was revealed by immunoblotting: polyclonal antibodies directed against the purified bovine low density lipoprotein receptor reacted selectively with the 95-kDa chicken receptor present in crude oocyte membrane extracts.  相似文献   
Exposure of macrophages to phorbol esters or the calcium ionophore A23187 increases the number of several surface receptors due to recruitment of receptors from internal pools (Buys, S. S., Keogh, E. A., and Kaplan, J. (1984) Cell 38, 569-576). We have examined the mechanism by which these agents increase surface receptor number. Cells which were preloaded with either fluid phase or receptor-mediated ligands did not lose ligand following exposure to ionophore or phorbol ester. The rate of movement of ligands to the lysosome was also unaffected. These results suggest that A23187 does not induce the fusion of ligand-containing compartments with the cell surface. Ionophore treatment did, however, produce a severalfold increase in the rate at which unoccupied receptors reappear on the cell surface. These results suggest that the compartment of receptors affected by the ionophore formed subsequent to the dissociation of ligand from receptor. The altered rate of receptor reappearance was transitory (90 s), and the increase in receptor number was subsequently maintained by a decrease in the rate of internalization. Changes in the rate of receptor internalization did not correlate with changes in the rate of fluid phase pinocytosis, suggesting that the effect on receptor internalization was selective.  相似文献   
Neutrophils undergo rapid morphological changes as well as metabolic perturbations when stimulated with certain phorbol esters. Stimulated cells initially exhibit pronounced projections emanating from the cell bodies, followed by rounding of the cells, reduction in granule number, and the appearance of intracellular vesicles. We show these vesicles to be derived, at least in part, from the plasmalemma. The experimental approach involved labeling stimulated and unstimulated cells with native ferritin and cationized ferritin, along with the cytochemical localization of ecto-5'-nucleotidase. The labeling patterns of the vesicles indicate that these structures are involved in both phorbol ester-stimulated adsorptive and fluid-phase endocytosis. Neutrophils stimulated with 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) exhibit two distinct rates of superoxide release in which the second, prolonged level is approximately 50% of the initial rate. All-trans-retinal, which we have recently shown to stimulate O2- release but not granule exocytosis or cell vesiculation, induces a single prolonged rate of maximal O2- release. Neutrophils treated with both all-trans-retinal and TPA exhibit only a single sustained rate of maximal O2- release similar to that observed with all-trans-retinal alone. Moreover, treatment of cells with all-trans-retinal blocks the vesiculation of neutrophils induced by TPA in a dose-dependent manner. This observation provides a possible explanation for the differences in the kinetics of superoxide release.  相似文献   
Analysis of the expression and assembly of the anion transporter by metabolic pulse-chase and steady-state protein and RNA measurements reveals that the extent of association of band 3 with the membrane cytoskeleton varies during chicken embryonic development. Pulse-chase studies have indicated that band 3 polypeptides do not associate with the membrane cytoskeleton until they have been transported to the plasma membrane. At this time, band 3 polypeptides are slowly recruited, over a period of hours, onto a preassembled membrane cytoskeletal network and the extent of this cytoskeletal assembly is developmentally regulated. Only 3% of the band 3 polypeptides are cytoskeletal-associated in 4-d erythroid cells vs. 93% in 10-d erythroid cells and 36% in 15-d erythroid cells. This observed variation appears to be regulated primarily at the level of recruitment onto the membrane cytoskeleton rather than by different transport kinetics to the membrane or differential turnover of the soluble and insoluble polypeptides and is not dependent upon the lineage or stage of differentiation of the erythroid cells. Steady-state protein and RNA analyses indicate that the low levels of cytoskeletal band 3 very early in development most likely result from limiting amounts of ankyrin and protein 4.1, the membrane cytoskeletal binding sites for band 3. As embryonic development proceeds, ankyrin and protein 4.1 levels increase with a concurrent rise in the level of cytoskeletal band 3 until, on day 10 of development, virtually all of the band 3 polypeptides are cytoskeletal bound. After day 10, the levels of total and cytoskeletal band 3 decline, whereas ankyrin and protein 4.1 continue to accumulate until day 18, indicating that the cytoskeletal association of band 3 is not regulated solely by the availability of membrane cytoskeletal binding sites at later stages of development. Thus, multiple mechanisms appear to regulate the recruitment of band 3 onto the erythroid membrane cytoskeleton during chicken embryonic development.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody to vacuolar H+ATPase isolated from bovine kidney medulla was produced and characterized by immunoprecipitation and immunocytochemistry. The antibody, immobilized on beads, specifically immunoprecipitated both solubilized N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive ATPase activity and proton-transporting vesicles from renal microsomes; control experiments with an "irrelevant" monoclonal antibody showed no immunoprecipitated activity. By fluorescent immunocytochemistry, the antibody stained the membranes of intracellular vacuolar compartments in LLC-PK1 cells. Immunocytochemical staining showed that the monoclonal antibody colocalized partially with N-(3-[2,4-dinitrophenyl)amino)propyl)-N-(3-amino-propyl)methylamine, a probe for acidic compartments, with the endocytic markers dextran and transferrin, with the lysosomal probe alpha 2-macroglobulin, and with clathrin. The anti-vacuolar H+ATPase antibody showed no colocalization with staining for mitochondrial H+ATPase. The anti-vacuolar H+ATPase antibody should serve as a specific probe for examining the distribution and dynamics of the vacuolar proton pump in renal epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Differentiation of 3T3-F442A adipocytes, monitored by accumulation of neutral lipid and by using the sensitive marker glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, is inhibited by incubation of confluent 3T3-F442A fibroblasts in medium containing retinoic acid or dexamethasone. When added together, dexamethasone (0.25 microM) potentiates about 50-fold the inhibitory effect of retinoic acid (10 microM). Insulin cannot counteract the retinoic acid blockade; however, it can overcome the inhibition of differentiation elicited by dexamethasone. These differential effects of insulin are used for characterizing the adipose conversion cycle. We describe cell culture conditions where terminal differentiation of 3T3-F442A preadipocytes is achieved by low, physiological levels of insulin. They include the switch from a high-serum medium containing isobutyl methyl xanthine and dexamethasone to a serum-free, hormone-supplemented medium. The data reported establish the existence of two successive states for commitment to adipogenic differentiation: a first commitment point (CA) to differentiation which requires serum adipogenic factors, and a second commitment point (CH) controlled by lipogenic hormones, namely insulin, after which terminal maturation can resume. We demonstrate that retinoic acid can prevent and interrupt differentiation by blocking the cells within the early differentiation phase.  相似文献   
Autostimulation of dihydrostreptomycin uptake in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Bacillus subtilis it was shown that the membrane potential (delta psi) has to reach a threshold value of -180 to -190 mV for efficient uptake of dihydrostreptomycin to occur. The magnitude of delta psi is raised above this threshold, and dihydrostreptomycin uptake greatly enhanced, not only by dihydrostreptomycin itself (autostimulation) and by other miscoding aminoglycoside antibiotics, but also by puromycin, bacitracin and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Stimulation of uptake by dihydrostreptomycin or puromycin was dependent on a specific interference with ongoing protein synthesis. Thus, chloramphenicol prevented the stimulating effect of puromycin by lowering the magnitude of delta psi. Although normally severely antagonizing streptomycin accumulation, K+, as well as spermidine and putrescine, which are known to stabilize ribosomes, consequently enhanced autostimulation of dihydrostreptomycin uptake in a K+-retention mutant with impaired protein synthesis. It is suggested that miscoding aminoglycosides and puromycin both enhance dihydrostreptomycin uptake by increasing delta psi due to ion fluxes, which are themselves caused by a dramatic stimulation of intracellular proteolysis of faulty proteins.  相似文献   
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