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The reduction of Pd(II) to Pd(0) was accelerated by using the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans NCIMB 8307 at the expense of formate or H(2) as electron donors at pH 2-7. With formate no reduction occurred at pH 2, but with H(2) 50% of the activity was retained at pH 2, with the maximum rate (1.3-1.4 micromol min(-1) mg dry cells(-1)) seen at pH 3-7, which was similar to the rate with formate at neutral pH. Excess nitrate was inhibitory to Pd(II) reduction using formate, but not H(2). Chloride ion was inhibitory as low as 100 mM using formate but with H(2) only ca. 25% inhibition was observed at 500 mM Cl(-) and H(2) was concluded to be the electron donor of choice for the potential remediation of industrial wastes. Deposited Pd was visible on the cells using transmission and scanning electron microscopy and analysis by energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDAX) identified the deposit as Pd, confirmed as Pd(0) by X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRD). The crystal size of the biodeposited Pd(0) was determined to be only 50% of the size of Pd(0) crystals manufactured chemically from Pd(II) at the expense of H(2) and, unlike the chemically manufactured material, the biocrystal size was independent of the pH. The "biological" Pd(0) functioned as a superior chemical catalyst in a test reaction which liberated hydrogen from hypophosphite. Pd, and also Pt and Rh, could be recovered by resting cell suspensions under H(2) from an industrial processing wastewater, suggesting a possible future application of bioprocessing technology for precious metals.  相似文献   
Direct experimental evidence implicates telomere erosion as a primary cause of cellular senescence. Using a well characterized model system for breast cancer, we define here the molecular and cellular consequences of adriamycin treatment in breast tumor cells. Cells acutely exposed to adriamycin exhibited an increase in p53 activity, a decline in telomerase activity, and a dramatic increase in beta-galactosidase, a marker of senescence. Inactivation of wild-type p53 resulted in a transition of the cellular response to adriamycin treatment from replicative senescence to delayed apoptosis, demonstrating that p53 plays an integral role in the fate of breast tumor cells treated with DNA-damaging agents. Stable introduction of hTERT, the catalytic protein component of telomerase, into MCF-7 cells caused an increase in telomerase activity and telomere length. Treatment of MCF-7-hTERT cells with adriamycin produced an identical senescence response as controls without signs of telomere shortening, indicating that the senescence after treatment is telomere length-independent. However, we found that exposure to adriamycin resulted in an overrepresentation of cytogenetic changes involving telomeres, showing an altered telomere state induced by adriamycin is probably a causal factor leading to the senescence phenotype. To our knowledge, these data are the first to demonstrate that the mechanism of adriamycin-induced senescence is dependent on both functional p53 and telomere dysfunction rather than overall shortening.  相似文献   
Prion protein (PrP) is the major component of the partially protease-resistant aggregate that accumulates in mammals with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The two cysteines of the scrapie form, PrP(Sc), were found to be in their oxidized (i.e. disulfide) form (Turk, E., Teplow, D. B., Hood, L. E., and Prusiner, S. B. (1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 176, 21-30); however, uncertainty remains as to whether the disulfide bonds are intra- or intermolecular. It is demonstrated here that the monomers of PrP(Sc) are not linked by intermolecular disulfide bonds. Furthermore, evidence is provided that PrP(Sc) can induce the conversion of the oxidized, disulfide-intact form of the monomeric cellular prion protein to its protease-resistant form without the temporary breakage and subsequent re-formation of the disulfide bonds in cell-free reactions.  相似文献   
A new biomimetic route for the synthesis of a conducting molecular complex of polyaniline (Pani) and a natural polyelectrolyte, lignosulfonate (LGS) is presented. A poly(ethylene glycol) modified hematin (PEG-hematin) was used to catalyze the polymerization of aniline in the presence of LGS to form a Pani/LGS complex. UV-vis, FTIR, conductivity and TGA studies for the LGS-polyaniline complex indicate the presence of a thermally stable and electrically conductive form of polyaniline. Also the presence of LGS in this complex, an inexpensive byproduct from pulp processing, provides a unique combination of properties such as electronic conductivity, processability and biodegradability. The use of this conductive complex for corrosion protection is also proposed.  相似文献   
In the Ceramiaceae, one of the largest families of the red algae, there are from 1 to 4000 nuclei in each vegetative cell, but each tribe is homogeneous with respect to the uninucleate/multinucleate character state, except for the Callithamnieae. The goals of this study were to analyze rbcL gene sequences to clarify the evolution of taxa within the tribe Callithamnieae and to evaluate the potential evolutionary significance of the development of multinucleate cells in certain taxa. The genus Aglaothamnion, segregated from Callithamnion because it is uninucleate, was paraphyletic in all analyses. Callithamnion (including Aristothamnion) was monophyletic although not robustly so, apparently due to variations between taxa in rate of sequence evolution. Morphological synapomorphies were identified at different depths in the tree, supporting the molecular phylogenetic analysis. The uninucleate character state is ancestral in this tribe. The evolution of multinucleate cells has occurred once in the Callithamnieae. Multiple nuclei in each cell may combine the benefits of small C values (rapid cell cycle) with large cells (permitting morphological elaboration) while maintaining a constant ratio of nuclear volume: cytoplasmic volume.  相似文献   
Catecholamines stimulate cardiac contractility through beta(1)-adrenergic receptors (beta(1)-ARs), which in humans are polymorphic at amino acid residue 389 (Arg/Gly). We used cardiac-targeted transgenesis in a mouse model to delineate mechanisms accounting for the association of Arg389 with human heart failure phenotypes. Hearts from young Arg389 mice had enhanced receptor function and contractility compared with Gly389 hearts. Older Arg389 mice displayed a phenotypic switch, with decreased beta-agonist signaling to adenylyl cyclase and decreased cardiac contractility compared with Gly 389 hearts. Arg389 hearts had abnormal expression of fetal and hypertrophy genes and calcium-cycling proteins, decreased adenylyl cyclase and G alpha(s) expression, and fibrosis with heart failure This phenotype was recapitulated in homozygous, end-stage, failing human hearts. In addition, hemodynamic responses to beta-receptor blockade were greater in Arg389 mice, and homozygosity for Arg389 was associated with improvement in ventricular function during carvedilol treatment in heart failure patients. Thus the human Arg389 variant predisposes to heart failure by instigating hyperactive signaling programs leading to depressed receptor coupling and ventricular dysfunction, and influences the therapeutic response to beta-receptor blockade.  相似文献   


Cilia and flagella are often lost in anticipation of mitosis or in response to stress. There are two ways that a cell can lose its flagella: resorption or deflagellation. Deflagellation involves active severing of the axoneme at the base of the flagellum; this process is defective in Chlamydomonas fa mutants. In contrast, resorption has been thought to occur as a consequence of constitutive disassembly at the tip in the absence of continued assembly, which requires intraflagellar transport (IFT). Chlamydomonas fla mutants are unable to build and maintain flagella due to defects in IFT.


fla10 cells, which are defective in kinesin-II, the anterograde IFT motor, resorb their flagella at the restrictive temperature (33°C), as previously reported. We find that in standard media containing ~300 microM calcium, fla10 cells lose flagella by deflagellation at 33°C. This temperature-induced deflagellation of a fla mutant is not predicted by the IFT-based model for flagellar length control. Other fla mutants behave similarly, losing their flagella by deflagellation instead of resorption, if adequate calcium is available. These data suggest a new model whereby flagellar resorption involves active disassembly at the base of the flagellum via a mechanism with components in common with the severing machinery of deflagellation. As predicted by this model, we discovered that deflagellation stimuli induce resorption if deflagellation is blocked either by mutation in a FA gene or by lack of calcium. Further support for this model comes from our discovery that fla10-fa double mutants resorb their flagella more slowly than fla10 mutants.


Deflagellation of the fla10 mutant at the restrictive temperature is indicative of an active disassembly signal, which can manifest as either resorption or deflagellation. We propose that when IFT is halted by either an inactivating mutation or a cellular signal, active flagellar disassembly is initiated. This active disassembly is distinct from the constitutive disassembly which plays a role in flagellar length control.
Bile acids are cytoprotective in hepatocytes by activating phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3-K) and its downstream signal AKT. Our aim was to determine whether feeding taurocholate to CCl(4)-treated rats reduces cholangiocyte apoptosis and whether this cytoprotective effect is dependent on PI3-K. Cholangiocyte proliferation, secretion, and apoptosis were determined in cholangiocytes from bile duct ligation (BDL), CCl(4)-treated BDL rats, and CCl(4)-treated taurocholate-fed rats. In vitro, we tested whether CCl(4) induces apoptosis and whether loss of cholangiocyte proliferation and secretion is dependent on PI3-K. The CCl(4)-induced cholangiocyte apoptosis and loss of cholangiocyte proliferation and secretion were reduced in CCl(4)-treated rats fed taurocholate. CCl(4)-induced cholangiocyte apoptosis, loss of cholangiocytes secretion, and proliferation were prevented by preincubation with taurocholate. Taurocholate cytoprotective effects were ablated by wortmannin. Taurocholate prevented, in vitro, CCl(4)-induced decrease of phosphorylated AKT protein expression in cholangiocytes. The cytoprotective effects of taurocholate on CCl(4) effects on cholangiocyte proliferation and secretion were abolished by wortmannin. Taurocholate protects cholangiocytes from CCl(4)-induced apoptosis by a PI3-K-dependent mechanism. Bile acids are important in the prevention of drug-induced ductopenia in cholangiopathies.  相似文献   
Structure and function of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In mammals, S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (AdoHcyase) is the only known enzyme to catalyze the breakdown of S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) to homocysteine and adenosine. AdoHcy is the product of all adenosylmethionine (AdoMet)-dependent biological transmethylations. These reactions have a wide range of products, and are common in all facets of biometabolism. As a product inhibitor, elevated levels of AdoHcy suppress AdoMet-dependent transmethylations. Thus, AdoHcyase is a regulator of biological transmethylation in general. The three-dimensional structure of AdoHcyase complexed with reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADH) and the inhibitor (1′R, 2′S, 3′R)-9-(2′,3′-dihyroxycyclopenten-1-yl)adenine (DHCeA) was solved by a combination of the crystallographic direct methods program, SnB, to determine the selenium atom substructure and by treating the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction data as a special case of multiple isomorphous replacement. The enzyme architecture resembles that observed for NAD-dependent dehydrogenases, with the catalytic domain and the cofactor binding domain each containing a modified Rossmann fold. The two domains form a deep active site cleft containing the cofactor and bound inhibitor molecule. A comparison of the inhibitor complex of the human enzyme and the structure of the rat enzyme, solved without inhibitor, suggests that a 17° rigid body movement of the catalytic domain occurs upon inhibitor/substrate binding.  相似文献   
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