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Adenosine protects the myocardium of the heart by exerting an antiadrenergic action via the adenosine A1 receptor (A1R). Because beta 1-adrenergic receptor (beta 1R) stimulation elicits myocardial protein phosphorylation, the present study investigated whether protein kinase A (PKA) catalyzed rat heart ventricular membrane phosphorylation affects the beta 1R adrenergic and A1R adenosinergic actions on adenylyl cyclase activity. Membranes were either phosphorylated with PKA in the absence/presence of a protein kinase inhibitor (PKI) or dephosphorylated with alkaline phosphatase (AP) and assayed for adenylyl cyclase activity (AC) in the presence of the beta 1R agonist isoproterenol (ISO) and/or the A1R agonist 2-chloro-N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA). 32P incorporation into the protein substrates of 140-120, 43, and 29 kDa with PKA increased both the ISO-elicited activation of AC by 51-54% and the A1R-mediated reduction of the ISO-induced increase in AC by 29-50%, thereby yielding a total antiadrenergic effect of approximately 78%. These effects of PKA were prevented by PKI. AP reduced the ISO-induced increase in AC and eliminated the antiadrenergic effect of CCPA. Immunoprecipitation of the solubilized membrane adenylyl cyclase with the use of a polyclonal adenylyl cyclase VI antibody indicated that the enzyme is phosphorylated by PKA. These results indicate that the cardioprotective effect of adenosine afforded by its antiadrenergic action is facilitated by cardiac membrane phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Eleven (+/-)-5/6/7-acetoxy-4-aryl-3,4-dihydrocoumarins have been synthesised in two steps starting from the coupling of cinnamic acid/substituted cinnamic acid with appropriate phenols, followed by acetylation in 50-83% overall yields. All hydroxy- and acetoxycoumarins were unambiguously identified on the basis of their spectral data. Candida antarctica lipase-catalysed deacetylation of these racemic acetoxydihydrocoumarins in dioxane occurred with moderate enantioselectivity. This is one of the rare examples of resolution using phenolic ester moiety as a remote handle for chiral recognition by a lipase.  相似文献   
Hypercholesterolemia is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and also could contribute to impaired immune response. The National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel recommends a therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC) diet to reduce the risk for CHD. We investigated the effects of changing from a high-fat Western diet to a low-fat diet in accordance with a TLC diet on immune functions of older adults with hypercholesterolemia to determine whether improving the lipid profile via dietary intervention would have beneficial effects on immune functions. In a double-blind study, 18 subjects consumed both a Western diet (38% fat) and a TLC diet (28% fat) for 32 days in a randomized order. Measures of cellular immune responses, including delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response, in vitro lymphocyte proliferation, and interleukin (IL)-2 production, and production of proinflammatory mediators, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6, IL-1beta, and prostaglandin E2, were determined. DTH response and lymphocyte proliferative response increased significantly (29% and 27%, respectively) after consumption of a TLC diet. Our results indicate that consumption of a TLC diet enhances T cell-mediated immune functions in older adults with elevated cholesterol level. This might be a clinically important benefit, considering the decline of T cell-mediated immune functions with aging and evidence of impaired immune function associated with hypercholesterolemia.  相似文献   
The role of alveolar macrophages (AM) in host defense against pulmonary infection has been difficult to establish using in vivo models. This may reflect a reliance on models of fulminant infection. To establish a unique model of resolving infection, with which to address the function of AM, C57BL/6 mice received low-dose intratracheal administration of pneumococci. Administration of low doses of pneumococci produced a resolving model of pulmonary infection characterized by clearance of bacteria without features of pneumonia. AM depletion in this model significantly increased bacterial outgrowth in the lung. Interestingly, a significant increase in the number of apoptotic AM was noted with the low-dose infection as compared with mock infection. Caspase inhibition in this model decreased AM apoptosis and increased the number of bacteremic mice, indicating a novel role for caspase activation in pulmonary innate defense against pneumococci. These results suggest that AM play a key role in clearance of bacteria from the lung during subclinical infection and that induction of AM apoptosis contributes to the microbiologic host defense against pneumococci.  相似文献   
Various drugs that elevate cGMP levels and activate cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK) inhibit agonist-induced platelet activation. In the present study we identified the LIM and SH3 domain protein (LASP) that was recently cloned from human breast cancer cells (Tomasetto, C., Regnier, C., Moog-Lutz, C., Mattei, M. G., Chenard, M. P., Liderau, R., Basset, P., and Rio, M. C. (1995) Genomics 28, 367-376) as a novel substrate of cGK in human platelets. Recombinant human LASP was phosphorylated by cGMP- and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAK) in vitro. Cotransfection of PtK-2 cells with LASP and cGK confirmed phosphorylation of LASP in vivo. Studies with human LASP mutants identified serine 146 as a specific phosphorylation site for cGK and cAK in vivo. LASP is an actin-binding protein, and the phospho-LASP-mimicking mutant S146D showed reduced binding affinity for F-actin in cosedimentation experiments. Immunofluorescence of transfected PtK2 cells demonstrated the localization of LASP in the tips of cell membrane extensions and at cell-cell contacts. Expression of the human LASP mutant S146D resulted in nearly complete relocalization to the cytosol and reduced migration of the cells. Taken together, these data suggest that phosphorylation of LASP by cGK and cAK may be involved in cytoskeletal organization and cell motility.  相似文献   
Pl-nectin is an ECM protein located on the apical surface of ectoderm cells of Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin embryo. Inhibition of ECM-ectoderm cell interaction by the addition of McAb to Pl-nectin to the culture causes a dramatic impairment of skeletogenesis, offering a good model for the study of factor(s) involved in skeleton elongation and patterning. We showed that skeleton deficiency was not due to a reduction in the number of PMCs ingressing the blastocoel, but it was correlated with a reduction in the number of Pl-SM30-expressing PMCs. Here, we provide evidence on the involvement of growth factor(s) in skeleton morphogenesis. Skeleton-defective embryos showed a strong reduction in the levels of expression of Pl-univin, a growth factor of the TGF-beta superfamily, which was correlated with an equivalent strong reduction in the levels of Pl-SM30. In contrast, expression levels of Pl-BMP5-7 remained low and constant in both skeleton-defective and normal embryos. Microinjection of horse serum in the blastocoelic cavity of embryos cultured in the presence of the antibody rescued skeleton development. Finally, we found that misexpression of univin is also sufficient to rescue defects in skeleton elongation and SM30 expression caused by McAb to Pl-nectin, suggesting a key role for univin or closely related factor in sea urchin skeleton morphogenesis.  相似文献   
The Rab11 family of small GTPases is composed of three members, Rab11a, Rab11b, and Rab25. While recent work on Rab11a and Rab25 has yielded some insights into their function, Rab11b has received little attention. Therefore, we sought to examine the distribution of endogenous Rab11b in epithelial cells. In rabbit gastric parietal cells, unlike Rab11a, Rab11b did not colocalize or coisolate with H(+)/K(+)-ATPase. In MDCK cells, endogenous Rab11b localized to an apical pericentrisomal region distinct from Rab11a. The microtubule agents nocodazole and taxol dramatically alter Rab11a's localization in the cell, while effects on Rab11b's distribution were less apparent. These results indicate that in contrast to Rab11a, the Rab11b compartment in the apical region is not as dependent upon microtubules. While Rab11a is known to regulate transferrin trafficking in nonpolarized cells and IgA trafficking in polarized cells, Rab11b exhibited little colocalization with either of these cargoes. Thus, while Rab11a and Rab11b share high sequence homology, they appear to reside within distinct vesicle compartments.  相似文献   
The reduction of Pd(II) to Pd(0) was accelerated by using the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans NCIMB 8307 at the expense of formate or H(2) as electron donors at pH 2-7. With formate no reduction occurred at pH 2, but with H(2) 50% of the activity was retained at pH 2, with the maximum rate (1.3-1.4 micromol min(-1) mg dry cells(-1)) seen at pH 3-7, which was similar to the rate with formate at neutral pH. Excess nitrate was inhibitory to Pd(II) reduction using formate, but not H(2). Chloride ion was inhibitory as low as 100 mM using formate but with H(2) only ca. 25% inhibition was observed at 500 mM Cl(-) and H(2) was concluded to be the electron donor of choice for the potential remediation of industrial wastes. Deposited Pd was visible on the cells using transmission and scanning electron microscopy and analysis by energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDAX) identified the deposit as Pd, confirmed as Pd(0) by X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRD). The crystal size of the biodeposited Pd(0) was determined to be only 50% of the size of Pd(0) crystals manufactured chemically from Pd(II) at the expense of H(2) and, unlike the chemically manufactured material, the biocrystal size was independent of the pH. The "biological" Pd(0) functioned as a superior chemical catalyst in a test reaction which liberated hydrogen from hypophosphite. Pd, and also Pt and Rh, could be recovered by resting cell suspensions under H(2) from an industrial processing wastewater, suggesting a possible future application of bioprocessing technology for precious metals.  相似文献   
Direct experimental evidence implicates telomere erosion as a primary cause of cellular senescence. Using a well characterized model system for breast cancer, we define here the molecular and cellular consequences of adriamycin treatment in breast tumor cells. Cells acutely exposed to adriamycin exhibited an increase in p53 activity, a decline in telomerase activity, and a dramatic increase in beta-galactosidase, a marker of senescence. Inactivation of wild-type p53 resulted in a transition of the cellular response to adriamycin treatment from replicative senescence to delayed apoptosis, demonstrating that p53 plays an integral role in the fate of breast tumor cells treated with DNA-damaging agents. Stable introduction of hTERT, the catalytic protein component of telomerase, into MCF-7 cells caused an increase in telomerase activity and telomere length. Treatment of MCF-7-hTERT cells with adriamycin produced an identical senescence response as controls without signs of telomere shortening, indicating that the senescence after treatment is telomere length-independent. However, we found that exposure to adriamycin resulted in an overrepresentation of cytogenetic changes involving telomeres, showing an altered telomere state induced by adriamycin is probably a causal factor leading to the senescence phenotype. To our knowledge, these data are the first to demonstrate that the mechanism of adriamycin-induced senescence is dependent on both functional p53 and telomere dysfunction rather than overall shortening.  相似文献   
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