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Current models of the elastic properties and structural organization of fibrillin-containing microfibrils are based primarily on microscopic analyses of microfibrils liberated from connective tissues after digestion with crude collagenase. Results presented here demonstrate that this digestion resulted in the cleavage of fibrillin-1 and loss of specific immunoreactive epitopes. The proline-rich region and regions near the second 8-cysteine domain in fibrillin-1 were easily cleaved by crude collagenase. Other sites that may also be cleaved during microfibril digestion and extraction were identified. In contrast to collagenase-digested microfibrils, guanidine-extracted microfibrils contained all fibrillin-1 epitopes recognized by available antibodies. The ultrastructure of guanidine-extracted microfibrils differed markedly from that of collagenase-digested microfibrils. Fibrillin-1 filaments splayed out, extending beyond the width of the periodic globular beads. Both guanidine-extracted and collagenase-digested microfibrils were subjected to extensive digestion by crude collagenase. Collagenase digestion of guanidine-extracted microfibrils removed the outer filaments, revealing a core structure. In contrast to microfibrils extracted from tissues, cell culture microfibrils could be digested into short units containing just a few beads. These data suggest that additional cross-links stabilize the long beaded microfibrils in tissues. Based on the microfibril morphologies observed after these experiments, on the crude collagenase cleavage sites identified in fibrillin-1, and on known antibody binding sites in fibrillin-1, a model is proposed in which fibrillin-1 molecules are staggered in microfibrils. This model further suggests that the N-terminal half of fibrillin-1 is asymmetrically exposed in the outer filaments, whereas the C-terminal half of fibrillin-1 is present in the interior of the microfibril.  相似文献   


Mycolic acids are a complex mixture of branched, long-chain fatty acids, representing key components of the highly hydrophobic mycobacterial cell wall. Pathogenic mycobacteria carry mycolic acid sub-types that contain cyclopropane rings. Double bonds at specific sites on mycolic acid precursors are modified by the action of cyclopropane mycolic acid synthases (CMASs). The latter belong to a family of S-adenosyl-methionine-dependent methyl transferases, of which several have been well studied in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, namely, MmaA1 through A4, PcaA and CmaA2. Cyclopropanated mycolic acids are key factors participating in cell envelope permeability, host immunomodulation and persistence of M. tuberculosis. While several antitubercular agents inhibit mycolic acid synthesis, to date, the CMASs have not been shown to be drug targets.

Methodology/Principle Findings

We have employed various complementary approaches to show that the antitubercular drug, thiacetazone (TAC), and its chemical analogues, inhibit mycolic acid cyclopropanation. Dramatic changes in the content and ratio of mycolic acids in the vaccine strain Mycobacterium bovis BCG, as well as in the related pathogenic species Mycobacterium marinum were observed after treatment with the drugs. Combination of thin layer chromatography, mass spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analyses of mycolic acids purified from drug-treated mycobacteria showed a significant loss of cyclopropanation in both the α- and oxygenated mycolate sub-types. Additionally, High-Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR analyses on whole cells was used to detect cell wall-associated mycolates and to quantify the cyclopropanation status of the cell envelope. Further, overexpression of cmaA2, mmaA2 or pcaA in mycobacteria partially reversed the effects of TAC and its analogue on mycolic acid cyclopropanation, suggesting that the drugs act directly on CMASs.


This is a first report on the mechanism of action of TAC, demonstrating the CMASs as its cellular targets in mycobacteria. The implications of this study may be important for the design of alternative strategies for tuberculosis treatment.  相似文献   


In patients with acute respiratory failure, gas exchange is impaired due to the accumulation of fluid in the lung airspaces. This life-threatening syndrome is treated with mechanical ventilation, which is adjusted to maintain gas exchange, but can be associated with the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the lung. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a by-product of cellular energy utilization and its elimination is affected via alveolar epithelial cells. Signaling pathways sensitive to changes in CO2 levels were described in plants and neuronal mammalian cells. However, it has not been fully elucidated whether non-neuronal cells sense and respond to CO2. The Na,K-ATPase consumes ∼40% of the cellular metabolism to maintain cell homeostasis. Our study examines the effects of increased pCO2 on the epithelial Na,K-ATPase a major contributor to alveolar fluid reabsorption which is a marker of alveolar epithelial function.

Principal Findings

We found that short-term increases in pCO2 impaired alveolar fluid reabsorption in rats. Also, we provide evidence that non-excitable, alveolar epithelial cells sense and respond to high levels of CO2, independently of extracellular and intracellular pH, by inhibiting Na,K-ATPase function, via activation of PKCζ which phosphorylates the Na,K-ATPase, causing it to endocytose from the plasma membrane into intracellular pools.


Our data suggest that alveolar epithelial cells, through which CO2 is eliminated in mammals, are highly sensitive to hypercapnia. Elevated CO2 levels impair alveolar epithelial function, independently of pH, which is relevant in patients with lung diseases and altered alveolar gas exchange.  相似文献   
The role of transposable elements in sculpting the genome is well appreciated but remains poorly understood. Some organisms, such as humans, do not have active transposons; however, transposable elements were presumably active in their ancestral genomes. Of specific interest is whether the DNA surrounding the sites of transposon excision become recombinogenic, thus bringing about homologous recombination. Previous studies in maize and Drosophila have provided conflicting evidence on whether transposon excision is correlated with homologous recombination. Here we take advantage of an atypical Dissociation (Ds) element, a maize transposon that can be mobilized by the Ac transposase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana, to address questions on the mechanism of Ds excision. This atypical Ds element contains an adjacent 598 base pairs (bp) inverted repeat; the element was allowed to excise by the introduction of an unlinked Ac transposase source through mating. Footprints at the excision site suggest a micro-homology mediated non-homologous end joining reminiscent of V(D)J recombination involving the formation of intra-helix 3' to 5' trans-esterification as an intermediate, a mechanism consistent with previous observations in maize, Antirrhinum and in certain insects. The proposed mechanism suggests that the broken chromosome at the excision site should not allow recombinational interaction with the homologous chromosome, and that the linked inverted repeat should also be mobilizable. To test the first prediction, we measured recombination of flanking chromosomal arms selected for the excision of Ds. In congruence with the model, Ds excision did not influence crossover recombination. Furthermore, evidence for correlated movement of the adjacent inverted repeat sequence is presented; its origin and movement suggest a novel mechanism for the evolution of repeated elements. Taken together these results suggest that the movement of transposable elements themselves may not directly influence linkage. Possibility remains, however, for novel repeated DNA sequences produced as a consequence of transposon movement to influence crossover in subsequent generations.  相似文献   
Nucleic acid synthesis is precisely controlled in living organisms by highly evolved protein enzymes. The remarkable fidelity of information transfer realized between template and product strands is the result of both the spatial selectivity of the polymerase active site for Watson-Crick base pairs at the point of nucleotide coupling and subsequent proof-reading mechanisms. In the absence of naturally derived polymerases, in vitro template-directed synthesis by means of chemically activated mononucleotides has proven remarkably inefficient and error-prone. Nevertheless, the spontaneous emergence of RNA polymers and their protein-free replication is frequently taken as a prerequisite for the hypothetical 'RNA world'. We present two specific difficulties that face the de novo synthesis of RNA-like polymers in a prebiotic (enzyme-free) environment: nucleoside base selection and intramolecular strand cyclization. These two problems are inherent to the assumption that RNA formed de novo from pre-existing, chemically-activated mononucleotides in solution. As a possible resolution to these problems, we present arguments and experimental support for our hypothesis that small molecules (referred to as 'molecular midwives') and alternative backbone linkages (under equilibrium control) facilitated the emergence of the first RNA-like polymers of life.  相似文献   
Increased pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) can complicate the postoperative care of children undergoing surgical repair of congenital heart defects. Endogenous NO regulates PAP and is derived from arginine supplied by the urea cycle. The rate-limiting step in the urea cycle is catalyzed by a mitochondrial enzyme, carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase I (CPSI). A well-characterized polymorphism in the gene encoding CPSI (T1405N) has previously been implicated in neonatal pulmonary hypertension. A consecutive modeling cohort of children (N=131) with congenital heart defects requiring surgery was prospectively evaluated to determine key factors associated with increased postoperative PAP, defined as a mean PAP>20 mmHg for at least 1h during the 48h following surgery measured by an indwelling pulmonary artery catheter. Multiple dimensionality reduction (MDR) was used to both internally validate observations and develop optimal two-variable through five-variable models that were tested prospectively in a validation cohort (N=41). Unconditional logistic regression analysis of the modeling cohort revealed that age (OR=0.92, p=0.01), CPSI T1405N genotype (AC vs. AA: OR=4.08, p=0.04, CC vs. AA: OR=5.96, p=0.01), and Down syndrome (OR=5.25, p=0.04) were independent predictors of this complex phenotype. MDR predicted that the best two-variable model consisted of age and CPSI T1405N genotype (p<0.001). This two-variable model correctly predicted 73% of the outcomes from the validation cohort. A five-variable model that added race, gender and Down's syndrome was not significantly better than the two-variable model. In conclusion, the CPSI T1405N genotype appears to be an important new factor in predicting susceptibility to increased PAP following surgical repair of congenital cardiac defects in children.  相似文献   
The presence of affinity reagents such as immunoglobulin in preparations for sensitive mass spectrometry analyses can preclude the identification of low-abundance proteins of interest. We report a method whereby antisera are purified and biotinylated prior to use in immunoprecipitation that allows for its efficient removal from proteomic samples via streptavidin capture. This method can similarly be extended to other affinity reagents such as recombinant fusion proteins for enhanced identification of interacting proteins.  相似文献   
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