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Antioxidant capacity and phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and anthocyanins) of four berry fruits (strawberry, Saskatoon berry, raspberry and wild blueberry), chokecherry and seabuckthorn were compared in the present study. Total phenolic content and total anthocyanin content ranged from 22.83 to 131.88 g/kg and 3.51 to 13.13 g/kg, respectively. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picryhydrazyl free radical scavenging activity ranged from 29.97 to 78.86%. Chokecherry had the highest antioxidant capacity when compared with berry fruits and seabuckthorn. The highest caffeic acid, gallic acid and trans-cinnamic acid levels were found in chokecherry (6455 mg/kg), raspberry (1129 mg/kg) and strawberry (566 mg/kg), respectively. Caffeic acid was also the major phenolic acid in Saskatoon berry (2088 mg/kg) and wild blueberry (1473 mg/kg). The findings that chokecherry has very high antioxidant capacity and caffeic acid levels, are useful for developing novel value-added antioxidant products and also provide evidence essential for breeding novel cultivars of fruit plants with strong natural antioxidants.  相似文献   


The ovulatory gonadotropin surge increases synthesis of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) by the periovulatory follicle. PGE2 actions on granulosa cells are essential for successful ovulation. The aim of the present study is to determine if PGE2 also acts directly at the oocyte to regulate periovulatory events.  相似文献   
Numbers of four duck species present within a study area in a tidal embayment (Corner Inlet, south-eastern Australia) were obtained between 1977 and 2002. The species involved were Chestnut (Anas castanea) and Grey (A. gracilis) Teal, Pacific Black Duck (A. superciliosa) and Australian Shelduck (Tadorna tadornoides) and counts are compared with local and distant meteorological data. Chestnut and Grey Teal were most, and Australian Shelduck least, abundant. There was considerable monthly and annual variation; generally, teal and Pacific Black Duck were most numerous in summer and autumn, whereas Shelduck peaked somewhat earlier. Peak abundance corresponded to times of higher inter-annual variation and, apart from Shelduck, abundance had significant, usually weak, negative associations with rainfall though not beyond a one season lag. Pacific Black Duck numbers showed larger, more persistent and positive association with streamflows, particularly in south-eastern Australia, whereas associations for Chestnut Teal were negative and included lags of up to seven seasons. Grey Teal counts showed few significant correlations with streamflow, and Australian Shelduck numbers showed none. Abundance in some species was negatively related to the Southern Oscillation Index in the season of the count, but for Australian Shelduck there was a positive correlation for two seasons previously. Few significant relationships occurred between abundance in Corner Inlet and other Australian waterfowl abundance measures, although annual counts at Corner Inlet were positively correlated with Victorian Summer Waterfowl Counts and negatively with wetland area obtained during East Australia Counts. To an extent, results reflect current views on species’ biologies, with birds moving into and out of a saline habitat determined by breeding conditions elsewhere. As found elsewhere, there were some relationships with meteorological variables, though strength and direction varied, perhaps reflecting species’ plasticity in responses to rain events at local or distant scale and time.  相似文献   
Harvey JB  Goff LJ 《Fungal biology》2010,114(1):82-95
The fungal endophyte Haloguignardia irritans induces gall formation on the brown algal genera Cystoseira and Halidrys occurring from Oregon to Baja California, Mexico. Here we examine genetic covariation and compare rDNA phylogenies to investigate the coevolutionary histories of H. irritans and its algal hosts. Despite recognition of H. irritans as a single morphological species, internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequences representative of its geographic range are characterized by sequence variation at the intraspecific to intrageneric levels. An assessment of parallel cladogenesis between endophyte and host phylogenies provides evidence for a combination of independent fungal divergence and host jumping, similar to that observed in terrestrial lichens. Our results suggest that reduced gene flow due to geographic isolation is a major contributing factor to more concerted covariation observed at one island site, rather than to differences among algal host species alone. Because geography and its effects on gene flow can create heterogeneous mosaics of coevolution for symbioses in terrestrial environments, our results support the notion that conservation efforts toward the maintenance of genetic diversity in marine environments should likewise consider geographic complexity and its effects on coevolving marine species.  相似文献   
Visceral fat (VF) increases with the menopause and is an independent predictor of the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women. Little is known about how hormonal changes during the menopausal transition are related to the increase in VF. We aimed to determine the relationship between bioavailable testosterone and VF in middle‐aged women at various stages of the menopausal transition and whether this relationship is independent of age and other CVD risk factors. The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN) is a longitudinal, community‐based study. This report uses baseline data from a population‐based longitudinal ancillary study at the Chicago site to examine the cross‐sectional relationship between testosterone and computed tomography (CT)–assessed VF in women at different stages of the menopausal transition. Included are 359 women (47.2% black), aged 42–60 years, who were randomly selected from a complete community census in which a 72% participation rate was achieved. In multivariate models, bioavailable testosterone was associated with VF independent of age, race, percent total body fat, and other cardiovascular risk factors. Bioavailable testosterone was a stronger predictor than estradiol and was interchangeable in its strength of association with sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG). As bioavailable testosterone was associated with VF even after adjusting for insulin resistance, this suggests that it plays an important role in regional fat distribution. Our findings may have direct implications in explaining the effect of menopause‐related testosterone predominance on VF accumulation and subsequent cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   
Conditional Cre-mediated recombination has emerged as a robust method of introducing somatic genetic alterations in an organ-specific manner in the mouse. Here, we generated and characterized mice harboring a 4-hydroxytamoxifen (OHT)-inducible Cre recombinase-estrogen receptor fusion transgene under the control of the melanocyte-specific tyrosinase promoter, designated Tyr::CreER(T2). Cre-mediated recombination was induced in melanocytes in a spatially and temporally controlled manner upon administration of OHT and was documented in embryonic melanoblasts, follicular bulb melanocytes, dermal dendritic melanocytes, epidermal melanocytes of tail skin, and in putative melanocyte stem cells located within the follicular bulge. Functional evidence suggestive of recombination in follicular melanocyte stem cells included the presence of Cre-mediated recombination in follicular bulb melanocytes 1 year after topical OHT administration, by which time several hair cycles have elapsed and the melanocytes residing in this location have undergone multiple rounds of apoptosis and replenishment. These Tyr:: CreER(T2) transgenic mice represent a useful resource for the evaluation of melanocyte developmental genetics, the characterization of melanocyte stem cell function and dynamics, and the construction of refined mouse models of malignant melanoma.  相似文献   
5-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD), an early enzyme of the tetrapyrrole biosynthesis pathway, catalyzes the dimerization of 5-aminolevulinic acid to form the pyrrole, porphobilinogen. ALAD from Escherichia coli is shown to form a homo-octameric structure with 422 symmetry in which each subunit adopts the TIM barrel fold with a 30-residue N-terminal arm. Pairs of monomers associate with their arms wrapped around each other. Four of these dimers interact, principally via their arm regions, to form octamers in which each active site is located on the surface. The active site contains two lysine residues (195 and 247), one of which (Lys 247) forms a Schiff base link with the bound substrate analogue, levulinic acid. Of the two substrate binding sites (referred to as A and P), our analysis defines the residues forming the P-site, which is where the first ALA molecule to associate with the enzyme binds. The carboxyl group of the levulinic acid moiety forms hydrogen bonds with the side chains of Ser 273 and Tyr 312. In proximity to the levulinic acid is a zinc binding site formed by three cysteines (Cys 120, 122, and 130) and a solvent molecule. We infer that the second substrate binding site (or A-site) is located between the triple-cysteine zinc site and the bound levulinic acid moiety. Two invariant arginine residues in a loop covering the active site (Arg 205 and Arg 216) appear to be appropriately placed to bind the carboxylate of the A-site substrate. Another metal binding site, close to the active site flap, in which a putative zinc ion is coordinated by a carboxyl and five solvent molecules may account for the activating properties of magnesium ions.  相似文献   
Ovariectomized rats were hormonally primed with various doses of estradiol benzoate (EB; 0.5-10 microg) in combination with various doses of progesterone (2.5-500 microg) to induce sexual receptivity. Females were then subjected to 5 min restraint and the effect on lordosis behavior was monitored for the next 30 min. Such mild stress has been previously shown to transiently reduce lordosis behavior of ovariectomized females hormonally primed only with 10 microg EB. In the current study, doses of progesterone of 25 microg or more in combination with 10 microg EB reduced the effects of restraint. Also priming doses of EB from 4.0 to 10 microg in combination with 250 microg progesterone prevented the lordosis-inhibiting effects of restraint. These findings reinforce prior observations of the dose-dependency of both estrogen and progesterone in the facilitation of lordosis behavior and introduce the female's lordosis response to mild restraint as a potentially useful index of the female's response to stress.  相似文献   
A c-Myc epitope-tagged N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor NR1-2a subunit was generated, NR1-2a(c-Myc), where the tag was inserted after amino acid 81. NR1-2a(c-Myc) /NR2A receptors when expressed in mammalian cells are not trafficked to the cell surface nor do they yield cell cytotoxicity post-transfection. NR1-2a(c-Myc) was, however, shown to assemble with NR2A subunits by immunoprecipitation and [(3)H]MK801 radioligand binding assays. Immunoblots of cells co-transfected with wild-type NR1-2a/NR2A subunits yielded two NR1-2a immunoreactive species with molecular masses of 115 and 226 kDa. Two-dimensional electrophoresis under non-reducing and reducing conditions revealed that the 226-kDa band contained disulfide-linked NR1-2a subunits. Only the 115-kDa NR1-2a species was detected for NR1-2a(c-Myc)/NR2A. The c-Myc epitope is inserted adjacent to cysteine 79 of the NR1-2a subunit; therefore, it is possible that the tag may prevent the formation of NR1 disulfide bridges. A series of cysteine --> alanine NR1-2a mutants was generated, and the NR1-2a mutants were co-expressed with NR2A or NR2B subunits in mammalian cells and characterized with respect to cell surface expression, cell cytotoxicity post-transfection, co-association by immunoprecipitation, and immunoblotting following SDS-PAGE under both reducing and non-reducing conditions. When co-expressed with NR2A in mammalian cells, NR1-2a(C79A)/NR2A displayed similar properties to NR1-2a(c-Myc)/NR2A in that the 226-kDa NR1 immunoreactive species was not detectable, and trafficking to the cell surface was impaired compared with wild-type NR1/NR2 receptors. These results provide the first biochemical evidence for the formation of NR1-NR1 intersubunit disulfide-linked homodimers involving cysteine 79. They suggest that disulfide bridging and structural integrity within the NR1 N-terminal domain is requisite for cell surface N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor expression.  相似文献   
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