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Persistent exposure to cognate Ag leads to the functional impairment and exhaustion of HIV-specific CD8 T cells. Ag withdrawal, attributable either to antiretroviral treatment or the emergence of epitope escape mutations, causes HIV-specific CD8 T cell responses to wane over time. However, this process does not continue to extinction, and residual CD8 T cells likely play an important role in the control of HIV replication. In this study, we conducted a longitudinal analysis of clonality, phenotype, and function to define the characteristics of HIV-specific CD8 T cell populations that persist under conditions of limited antigenic stimulation. Ag decay was associated with dynamic changes in the TCR repertoire, increased expression of CD45RA and CD127, decreased expression of programmed death-1, and the emergence of polyfunctional HIV-specific CD8 T cells. High-definition analysis of individual clonotypes revealed that the Ag loss-induced gain of function within HIV-specific CD8 T cell populations could be attributed to two nonexclusive mechanisms: 1) functional improvement of persisting clonotypes; and 2) recruitment of particular clonotypes endowed with superior functional capabilities.  相似文献   
Perisynaptic astrocytes express important glutamate transporters, especially excitatory amino acid transporter 2 (EAAT2, rodent analog GLT1) to regulate extracellular glutamate levels and modulate synaptic activation. In this study, we investigated an exciting new pathway, the exosome-mediated transfer of microRNA (in particular, miR-124a), in neuron-to-astrocyte signaling. Exosomes isolated from neuron-conditioned medium contain abundant microRNAs and small RNAs. These exosomes can be directly internalized into astrocytes and increase astrocyte miR-124a and GLT1 protein levels. Direct miR-124a transfection also significantly and selectively increases protein (but not mRNA) expression levels of GLT1 in cultured astrocytes. Consistent with our in vitro findings, intrastriatal injection of specific antisense against miR-124a into adult mice dramatically reduces GLT1 protein expression and glutamate uptake levels in striatum without reducing GLT1 mRNA levels. MiR-124a-mediated regulation of GLT1 expression appears to be indirect and is not mediated by its suppression of the putative GLT1 inhibitory ligand ephrinA3. Moreover, miR-124a is selectively reduced in the spinal cord tissue of end-stage SOD1 G93A mice, the mouse model of ALS. Subsequent exogenous delivery of miR-124a in vivo through stereotaxic injection significantly prevents further pathological loss of GLT1 proteins, as determined by GLT1 immunoreactivity in SOD1 G93A mice. Together, our study characterized a new neuron-to-astrocyte communication pathway and identified miRNAs that modulate GLT1 protein expression in astrocytes in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   
We have investigated the phagocytic properties of the macrophage-like cell line DCH-7, derived from fusion of mouse macrophages with a mouse T-lymphoma cell line. These cells phagocytosed opsonized bacteria. IgG appeared to be the major opsonin forStaphylococcus aureus Wood 46 as well as for threeEscherichia coli strains; complement components were not required as opsonins. Intracellular bacteria survived to a large extent. This model system should be a useful tool for studying the process of phagocytosis and phagocytic killing of bacteria.  相似文献   
Besides high-affinity IgE receptors (FcεRI), human basophils express activating (FcγRIIA) and inhibitory (FcγRIIB) low-affinity IgG receptors. IgG receptors (FcγR) were also found on mouse basophils, but not identified. We investigated in this study FcγR and the biological consequences of their engagement in basophils of the two species. We found the following: 1) that mouse basophils also express activating (FcγRIIIA) and inhibitory (FcγRIIB) low-affinity FcγR; 2) that activating FcγR can activate both human and mouse basophils, albeit with different efficacies; 3) that negative signals triggered by inhibitory FcγR are dominant over positive signals triggered by activating FcγR, thus preventing both human and mouse basophils from being activated by IgG immune complexes; 4) that the coengagement of FcεRI with inhibitory and activating FcγR results in a FcγRIIB-dependent inhibition of IgE-induced responses of both human and mouse basophils; 5) that FcγRIIB has a similar dominant inhibitory effect in basophils from virtually all normal donors; and 6) that IL-3 upregulates the expression of both activating and inhibitory FcγR on human basophils from normal donors, but further enhances FcγRIIB-dependent inhibition. FcγR therefore function as a regulatory module, made of two subunits with antagonistic properties, that prevents IgG-induced and controls IgE-induced basophil activation in both mice and humans.  相似文献   
Three new compounds of formula (1), (2), and (3) have been synthesised, and structurally and magnetically characterised (dmit2− = 1,3-dithiol-2-thione-4,5-dithiolato; dmid2− = 1,3-dithiol-2-one-4,5-dithiolato). Their structural features and magnetic behaviours are compared with those of and . The result of this is that the interactions between the Ni(dmit)2 units in 1 are of ferromagnetic-type, as suggested previously for . The change from acetonitrile to acetone when going from to 2 results in stronger ferromagnetic intermolecular interactions. This better cooperativity is due to a significant increase of the number of contacts between the various moieties within the . On the contrary, the inclusion of larger solvents such as benzonitrile in this type of complexes results in a totally different structural arrangement, which leads to an antiferromagnetic behaviour for 3.  相似文献   
The main avenue for the development of an HIV-1 vaccine remains the induction of protective antibodies. A rationale approach is to target antigen to specific receptors on dendritic cells (DC) via fused monoclonal antibodies (mAb). In mouse and non-human primate models, targeting of skin Langerhans cells (LC) with anti-Langerin mAbs fused with HIV-1 Gag antigen drives antigen-specific humoral responses. The development of these immunization strategies in humans requires a better understanding of early immune events driven by human LC. We therefore produced anti-Langerin mAbs fused with the HIV-1 gp140z Envelope (αLC.Env). First, we show that primary skin human LC and in vitro differentiated LC induce differentiation and expansion of naïve CD4+ T cells into T follicular helper (Tfh) cells. Second, when human LC are pre-treated with αLC.Env, differentiated Tfh cells significantly promote the production of specific IgG by B cells. Strikingly, HIV-Env-specific Ig are secreted by HIV-specific memory B cells. Consistently, we found that receptors and cytokines involved in Tfh differentiation and B cell functions are upregulated by LC during their maturation and after targeting Langerin. Finally, we show that subcutaneous immunization of mice by αLC.Env induces germinal center (GC) reaction in draining lymph nodes with higher numbers of Tfh cells, Env-specific B cells, as well as specific IgG serum levels compared to mice immunized with the non-targeting Env antigen. Altogether, we provide evidence that human LC properly targeted may be licensed to efficiently induce Tfh cell and B cell responses in GC.  相似文献   
PCR-based methods have been developed to rapidly screen for Legionella pneumophila in water as an alternative to time-consuming culture techniques. However, these methods fail to discriminate between live and dead bacteria. Here, we report a viability assay (viability PCR [v-PCR]) for L. pneumophila that combines ethidium monoazide bromide with quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The ability of v-PCR to differentiate viable from nonviable L. pneumophila cells was confirmed with permeabilizing agents, toluene, or isopropanol. v-PCR suppressed more than 99.9% of the L. pneumophila PCR signal in nonviable cultures and was able to discriminate viable cells in mixed samples. A wide range of physiological states, from culturable to dead cells, was observed with 64 domestic hot-water samples after simultaneous quantification of L. pneumophila cells by v-PCR, conventional qPCR, and culture methods. v-PCR counts were equal to or higher than those obtained by culture and lower than or equal to conventional qPCR counts. v-PCR was used to successfully monitor in vitro the disinfection efficacy of heating to 70°C and glutaraldehyde and chlorine curative treatments. The v-PCR method appears to be a promising and rapid technique for enumerating L. pneumophila bacteria in water and, in comparison with conventional qPCR techniques used to monitor Legionella, has the advantage of selectively amplifying only viable cells.Legionella organisms are ubiquitous bacteria found in many types of water sources in the environment. Their growth is especially favored in human-made warm water systems, including cooling towers, hot tubs, showerheads, and spas (3, 14, 15, 38). Legionella bacteria replicate as intracellular parasites of amoebae and persist in the environment as free-living microbes or in biofilms. In aerosol form, they enter the lungs and can cause an acute form of pneumonia known as Legionnaires'' disease or a milder form of pulmonary infection called Pontiac fever. The species Legionella pneumophila is responsible for the vast majority of the most severe form of this atypical pneumonia (52, 70). Legionellosis outbreaks are associated with high mortality rates (15 to 20%) (15, 16, 38, 46), which can reach up to 50% for people with weakened immune systems (immunocompromised patients) (69). Legionella surveillance programs include regular monitoring of environmental water samples (9, 13, 66). It is generally acknowledged that Legionella represents a health risk to humans when cell densities are greater than 104 to 105 CFU per liter of water, and epidemiological data show that outbreaks of legionellosis occur at these concentrations (36, 47).The evaluation of the risk associated with Legionella has traditionally been performed using culture-based methods (1, 24). Culture is essential for identifying and typing Legionella strains during epidemics. However, Legionella culture requires long incubation times (up to 10 days) before results can be scored. This problem makes culture unsuitable for preventive actions and rapid response in emergency situations. Moreover, under certain conditions (i.e., low-nutrient environments, oxidative or osmotic stress, etc.), Legionella cells can lose the ability to be cultured, although they are still viable (7, 17, 20, 22, 39, 45, 67). These viable but nonculturable (VBNC) Legionella cells may still represent a public health hazard because they can regain their ability to grow in new, more favorable conditions (12, 19, 23, 61).Molecular approaches, such as quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), are faster and can mitigate the main drawbacks of culture-based methods. qPCR is an alternative tool that offers rapid, sensitive, and specific detection of Legionella bacteria in environmental water samples (4, 5, 12, 26, 65, 68). PCR results can be obtained in hours instead of days, and VBNC Legionella cells can also be detected (12, 26). However, the major disadvantage of qPCR lies in its inability to evaluate viability due to the persistence of DNA in cells after death (27, 34). The monitoring of Legionella contamination levels by conventional qPCR may thus result in an overestimation of the risk of infection because false-positive results can be scored. However, the real risk from Legionella is limited to the live fraction of the total Legionella population. Only live or viable Legionella cells are able to replicate in pulmonary macrophages and cause severe pneumonia (14, 15). The development of more rapid, culture-independent methods capable of discriminating between live and dead cells is of major interest for measuring Legionella infection risks and preventing legionellosis. The nucleic acid-binding dye ethidium monoazide bromide (EMA), used in combination with qPCR, is an attractive alternative for selectively detecting and enumerating viable bacteria. EMA is particularly useful because it selectively penetrates cells with damaged membranes and covalently binds to DNA after photoactivation (21, 53). DNA-bound EMA molecules prevent PCR amplification and thereby lead to a strong signal reduction during qPCR. DNA from viable cells with intact cell membranes prevents EMA molecules from entering the cell and therefore can be amplified and quantified (56). Nocker et al. (41, 42) suggested that the signal reduction was due to a selective loss of genomic DNA from dead cells (rendered insoluble after cross-linkage) during the DNA extraction procedure rather than to PCR inhibition. However, Soejima et al. (59, 60) recently reported that treatment with EMA followed by visible light irradiation directly cleaves the chromosomal DNA of dead bacteria.In this study we optimized the EMA-staining procedure in conjunction with qPCR with pure cultures of L. pneumophila. We analyzed the potential for the EMA-qPCR method to discriminate Legionella cells with compromised or intact cell membranes. We optimized this EMA-qPCR technique, viability PCR, hereafter named v-PCR, and used it to quantify viable Legionella cells in environmental water samples. We compared our results with those obtained by conventional qPCR and culture methods. In addition, we evaluated the ability of v-PCR to monitor the efficacy of different disinfection strategies.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress of mitochondrial origin, i.e. elevated mitochondrial superoxide production, belongs to major factors determining aging and oxidative-stress-related diseases. Antioxidants, such as the mitochondria-targeted coenzyme Q, MitoQ10, may prevent or cure these pathological conditions. To elucidate pro- and anti-oxidant action of MitoQ10, we studied its effects on HepG2 cell respiration, mitochondrial network morphology, and rates of superoxide release (above that neutralized by superoxide dismutase) to the mitochondrial matrix (Jm). MitoSOX Red fluorescence confocal microscopy monitoring of Jm rates showed pro-oxidant effects of 3.5-fold increased Jm with MitoQ10. MitoQ10 induced fission of the mitochondrial network which was recovered after 24 h. In rotenone-inhibited HepG2 cells (i.e., already under oxidative stress) MitoQ10 sharply decreased rotenone-induced Jm, but not together with the Complex II inhibitor thenoyltrifluoroacetone. Respiration of HepG2 cells and isolated rat liver mitochondria with MitoQ10 increased independently of rotenone. The increase was prevented by thenoyltrifluoroacetone. These results suggest that MitoQ10 accepts electrons prior to the rotenone-bound Q-site, and the Complex II reverse mode oxidizes MitoQ10H2 to regenerate MitoQ10. Consequently, MitoQ10 has a pro-oxidant role in intact cells, whereas it serves as an antioxidant when Complex I-derived superoxide generation is already elevated due to electron flow retardation. Moreover, unlike mitochondrial uncoupling, MitoQ10 exerted its antioxidant role when Complex I proton pumping was retarded by a hydrophobic amiloride, 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride. Consequently, MitoQ10 may be useful in the treatment of diseases originating from impairment of respiratory chain Complex I due to oxidatively damaged mitochondrial DNA, when its targeted delivery to pathogenic tissues is ensured.  相似文献   
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