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Lipoxygenases (LOXs) consist of a class of enzymes that catalyze the regio- and stereospecific dioxygenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Current reports propose that a conserved glycine residue in the active site of R-lipoxygenases and an alanine residue at the corresponding position in S-lipoxygenases play a crucial role in determining the stereochemistry of the product. Recently, a bifunctional lipoxygenase with a linoleate diol synthase activity from Nostoc sp. PCC7120 with R stereospecificity and the so far unique feature of carrying an alanine instead of the conserved glycine in the position of the sequence determinant for chiral specificity was identified. The recombinant carboxy-terminal domain was purified after expression in Escherichia coli. The ability of the enzyme to use linoleic acid esterified to a bulky phosphatidylcholine molecule as a substrate suggested a tail-fist binding orientation of the substrate. Site directed mutagenesis of the alanine to glycine did not cause alterations in the stereospecificity of the products, while mutation of the alanine to valine or isoleucine modified both regio- and enantioselectivity of the enzyme. Kinetic measurements revealed that substitution of Ala by Gly or Val did not significantly influence the reaction characteristics, while the A162I mutant showed a reduced vmax. Based on the mutagenesis data obtained, we suggest that the existing model for stereocontrol of the lipoxygenase reaction may be expanded to include enzymes that seem to have in general a smaller amino acid in R and a bulkier one in S lipoxygenases at the position that controls stereospecificity.  相似文献   
When considering all trees irrespective of their species, natural tropical rain forests typically exhibit spatial patterns that range from random to regular. The regularity is often interpreted as a footprint of tree competition. Using 23 permanent sample plots totalling 61 ha in the rain forests of central Africa, we characterized their spatial patterns and modelled those that exhibited regularity by a Strauss point process. This Strauss process is obtained as a Markov point process whose interaction function is an exponential function of a competition index commonly used in forestry. The parameter of this Strauss process characterizes the strength of competition. The 23 plots in central Africa differed in tree density and basal area, and could be discriminated depending on the type of spatial patterns: plots having a large basal area with respect to their density had a non regular pattern, whereas those having a small basal area with respect to their density had a regular pattern. For those plots that exhibited regularity, average tree size could be used to predict the strength of competition. The parameter of the Strauss process was significantly related to the average size by a linear relationship, such that competition decreases as average tree size increases. This relationship extrapolated to a null value of the Strauss parameter when average tree size reaches 32 cm in diameter. This relationship between average tree size and spatial pattern is a testable feature for future studies on the relationship between competition and spatial pattern in natural forests.  相似文献   
Several 2-keto acid decarboxylases catalyse an acyloin condensation-like carboligase reaction beside their physiological decarboxylase activity. Although many data concerning stability and catalytic potential of these enzymes are available, a standard evaluation under similar reaction conditions is lacking. In this comprehensive survey we assemble already published data combined with new studies of three bacterial pyruvate decarboxylases, yeast pyruvate decarboxylase, benzoylformate decarboxylase from Pseudomonas putida (BFD) and the branched-chain 2-keto acid decarboxylase from Lactococcus lactis (KdcA). The obtained results proof that the optima for activity and stability are rather similar if comparable reaction conditions are used. Although the substrate ranges of the decarboxylase reaction of the various pyruvate decarboxylases are similar as well, they differ remarkably from those of BFD and KdcA. We further show that the range of acceptable donor aldehydes for the carboligase reaction of a respective enzyme can be reliably predicted from the substrate range of decarboxylase reaction.  相似文献   
The beneficial effects of probiotic Enterococcus spp. in different hosts, such as mice and humans, have previously been reported in several studies. However, studies of large domestic animals, as well as challenge studies with pathogenic microorganisms, are very rare. Here, we investigated the influence of oral treatment of pigs with the probiotic bacterium Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 on Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 infections in weaning piglets. Clinical symptoms, fecal excretion, the organ distribution of Salmonella, and the humoral immune response (immunoglobulin G [IgG], IgM, and IgA levels) in serum were examined. A pool of 89 piglets was randomly divided into probiotic and control groups. The probiotic group received a feed supplement containing E. faecium starting on day 14 postpartum prior to challenge with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104 at 28 days postpartum. After challenge with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104, piglets in both groups showed no severe clinical signs of salmonellosis. However, fecal excretion and colonization of Salmonella in organs were significantly greater in piglets fed E. faecium. Likewise, the humoral immune response against Salmonella (serum IgM and IgA levels) was significantly greater in the probiotic group animals than in control animals. The results of this study suggest that E. faecium NCIMB 10415 treatment enhanced the course of infection in weaning piglets challenged with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104. However, the probiotic treatment also appeared to result in greater production of specific antibodies against Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104.The problem of increasing microbial resistance to antibiotics resulting from years of overuse and the resulting ban on the use of antibiotics in animal production have led to increased interest in alternatives to antibiotics in animal production. In recent years, probiotic bacteria have been considered as an alternative means of reducing pathogen loads in animal breeding and production units. However, while a number of studies have focused on the mode of action of probiotics, the mode of action these bacteria is not fully understood yet.A recent interdisciplinary research study of the modes of action of probiotics in swine showed that Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 reduced the pathogenic bacterial load of healthy piglets (20, 26, 30, 36). In vitro studies further demonstrated that this E. faecium probiotic strain decreased the rate of invasion of a porcine intestinal epithelial cell line by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. To determine whether probiotics also provide a measure of protection during infections, experimental challenge studies with pathogenic bacteria at a defined infectious dose and under comparable conditions seem to be necessary. Field studies could be more representative of the real situation; however, the infection pressure is too low and difficult to define, and systematic sampling cannot be done.Studies of larger domestic and production animals are rare. Most such studies deal with the mode of action of probiotics in the healthy host, and only a few studies have investigated the mode of action in the context of infections with pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella.In a related study, weaned piglets were fed a mixture of five probiotic strains (one Pediococcus strain and four Lactobacillus strains) and challenged with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium (7). In that study, reduced incidence, severity, and duration of diarrhea and a reduced microbiological load of Salmonella were observed. Fedorka-Cray et al. (11) observed reduced numbers of Salmonella bacteria in cecal contents and at the ileocolic junction in S. enterica serovar Choleraesuis-challenged weaning piglets fed a competitive exclusion culture. In vitro investigations showed that Enterococcus strains have inhibitory effects on the growth of S. enterica serovar Enteritidis, and these effects were explained by both enterotoxin and nonenterotoxin factors (37). Other studies showed that E. faecium may be beneficial to the adhesion and colonization of Clostridium jejuni in the canine intestine (29) and reduced the rate of carryover infections with obligate intracellular pathogens from infected sows in piglets (26). E. faecium has also been shown to influence the composition of the bacterial community in the avian, swine, and canine gastrointestinal tracts (25, 29, 36).Infections with S. enterica are some of the most important sources of human gastroenteritis (39). In Germany, 52,563 human salmonellosis cases were reported in 2006 (http://www3.rki.de/SurvStat). The consumption of contaminated pork and pork products was found to be associated with 20% of human salmonellosis cases in Germany (33), indicating the importance of meat or meat products as a potential source of infection for consumers. Salmonella serovar Typhimurium, especially phage type DT104, is the Salmonella serotype most frequently isolated from pork (27), and it is of particular concern because of its acquisition of multiple antibiotic resistance (1, 38).In this study, we investigated the effect of E. faecium NCIMB 10415 on the infection dynamics of Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104, fecal shedding, and the patterns of Salmonella distribution in internal organs, as well as on the humoral immune response to Salmonella in weaning piglets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first experimental study of the mode of action of a probiotic strain of E. faecium in which dissemination to different internal organs was investigated using weaned piglets experimentally infected with Salmonella.  相似文献   
With the emerging obesity pandemic, identifying those who appear to be protected from adverse consequences such as type 2 diabetes and certain malignancies will become important. We propose that the circulating immune system plays a role in the development of these comorbidities. Clinical data and blood samples were collected from 52 patients with severe obesity attending a hospital weight‐management clinic and 11 lean healthy controls. Patients were classified into metabolically “healthy obese” (n = 26; mean age 42.6 years, mean BMI 46.8 kg/m2) or “unhealthy obese” (n = 26; mean age 45 years, mean BMI 47.5 kg/m2) groups, based upon standard cutoff points for blood pressure, lipid profile, and fasting glucose. Circulating lymphoid populations and phenotypes were assessed by flow cytometry. Obese patients had significantly less circulating natural killer (NK) and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) compared to lean controls. There were significantly higher levels of NK cells and CTLs in the healthy obese group compared to the unhealthy obese group (NK: 11.7% vs. 6.5%, P < 0.0001, CD8 13.4% vs. 9.3%, P = 0.04), independent of age and BMI and these NK cells were also less activated in the healthy compared to the unhealthy group (CD69, 4.1% vs. 11.8%, P = 0.03). This is the first time that quantitative differences in the circulating immune system of obese patients with similar BMI but different metabolic profiles have been described. The significantly higher levels of CTLs and NK cells, which express fewer inhibitory molecules, could protect against malignancy, infection, and metabolic disease seen in obesity.  相似文献   
In the present study, we investigated the effect of naturally occurring and synthetic peroxides on K+-depolarization-evoked release of [3H]D-aspartate from bovine isolated retinae. Furthermore, effect of peroxides on endogenous glutamate concentrations were measured by HPLC in bovine neural retinae and vitreous humor of eyes treated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) ex vivo. Both naturally occurring H2O2 (1-100 microM) and synthetic (cumene hydroperoxide, cuOOH; 1-100 microM) peroxides caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of K+-evoked [3H]D-aspartate release without affecting basal tritium efflux. The antioxidant, trolox (2 mM) prevented the inhibition of evoked [3H]D-aspartate overflow elicited by both H2O2 (30 microM) and cuOOH (10 microM). Inhibition of catalase by 3-amino-triazole (3- AT 100 mM) enhanced an inhibitory effect of a low concentration of H2O2 (1 microM) but antagonized the effect of H2O2 (30 microM) on K+-induced [3H]D-aspartate release. In ex vivo experiments, exogenously applied H2O2 (1-100 microM) also caused a concentration-related decrease in glutamate levels in the bovine retina. We conclude that peroxides can inhibit K+-evoked release of [3H]D-aspartate and also decrease endogenous glutamate concentrations in the bovine retina.  相似文献   
Assessing the importance of deterministic processes in structuring ecological communities is a central focus of community ecology. Typically, community ecologists study a single taxonomic group, which precludes detection of potentially important biotic interactions between distantly related species, and inherently assumes competition is strongest between closely related species. We examined distribution patterns of vertebrate species across the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia to assess the extent to which inter-specific competition may have shaped ecological communities on the island and whether the intensity of inter-specific competition in present-day communities varies as a function of evolutionary relatedness. We investigated the relative extent of competition within and between species of primates, birds, bats and squirrels using species presence–absence and attribute data compiled for 21 forested sites across Borneo. We calculated for each species pair the checkerboard unit value (CU), a statistic that is often interpreted as indicating the importance of interspecific competition. The percentage of species pairs with significant CUs was lowest in within-taxon comparisons. Moreover, for invertebrate-eating species the percentage of significantly checkerboarded species pairs was highest in comparisons between primates and other taxa, particularly birds and squirrels. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that competitive interactions between distantly related species may have shaped the distribution of species and thus the composition of Bornean vertebrate communities. This research highlights the importance of taking into account the broad mammalian and avian communities in which species occur for understanding the factors that structure biodiversity.  相似文献   


Agonistic antibodies targeting TRAIL-receptors 1 and 2 (TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2) are being developed as a novel therapeutic approach in cancer therapy including pancreatic cancer. However, the cellular distribution of these receptors in primary pancreatic cancer samples has not been sufficiently investigated and no study has yet addressed the issue of their prognostic significance in this tumor entity.

Aims and Methods

Applying tissue microarray (TMA) analysis, we performed an immunohistochemical assessment of TRAIL-receptors in surgical samples from 84 consecutive patients affected by pancreatic adenocarcinoma and in 26 additional selected specimens from patients with no lymph nodes metastasis at the time of surgery. The prognostic significance of membrane staining and staining intensity for TRAIL-receptors was evaluated.


The fraction of pancreatic cancer samples with positive membrane staining for TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 was lower than that of cells from surrounding non-tumor tissues (TRAIL-R1: p<0.001, TRAIL-R2: p = 0.006). In addition, subgroup analyses showed that loss of membrane staining for TRAIL-R2 was associated with poorer prognosis in patients without nodal metastases (multivariate Cox regression analysis, Hazard Ratio: 0.44 [95% confidence interval: 0.22−0.87]; p = 0.019). In contrast, analysis of decoy receptors TRAIL-R3 and -R4 in tumor samples showed an exclusively cytoplasmatic staining pattern and no prognostic relevance.


This is a first report on the prognostic significance of TRAIL-receptors expression in pancreatic cancer showing that TRAIL-R2 might represent a prognostic marker for patients with early stage disease. In addition, our data suggest that loss of membrane-bound TRAIL-receptors could represent a molecular mechanism for therapeutic failure upon administration of TRAIL-receptors-targeting antibodies in pancreatic cancer. This hypothesis should be evaluated in future clinical trials.  相似文献   
Migratory behaviors such as the timing and duration of migration are genetically inherited and can be under strong natural selection, yet we still know very little about the specific genes or molecular pathways that control these behaviors. Studies in candidate genes Clock and Adcyap1 have revealed that both of these loci can be significantly correlated with migratory behaviors in birds, though observed relationships appear to vary across species. We investigated geographic genetic structure of Clock and Adcyap1 in four populations of blackpoll warblers (Setophaga striata), a Neotropical–Nearctic migrant that exhibits geographic variation in migratory timing and duration across its boreal breeding distribution. Further, we used data on migratory timing and duration, obtained from light‐level geolocator trackers to investigate candidate genotype–phenotype relationships at the individual level. While we found no geographic structure in either candidate gene, we did find evidence that candidate gene lengths are correlated with five of the six migratory traits. Maximum Clock allele length was significantly and negatively associated with spring arrival date. Minimum Adcyap1 allele length was significantly and negatively associated with spring departure date and positively associated with fall arrival date at the wintering grounds. Additionally, we found a significant interaction between Clock and Adcyap1 allele lengths on both spring and fall migratory duration. Adcyap1 heterozygotes also had significantly shorter migration duration in both spring and fall compared to homozygotes. Our results support the growing body of evidence that Clock and Adcyap1 allele lengths are correlated with migratory behaviors in birds.  相似文献   
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