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暗黑菌门包括OP9和JS1两大分支,成员大多为未培养微生物,在自然环境中广泛分布,并且在部分环境如厌氧海洋沉积物、地热环境以及油藏中为优势微生物。基于基因组信息的研究表明,暗黑菌为严格的厌氧微生物,同时具有降解糖类、小分子酸、短链正构烷烃的能力,在地球碳循环过程中可能扮演着重要的角色。然而,由于缺乏相应代表性的纯培养菌株,对于暗黑菌的生理生化功能推测仍有待验证。文章概述了暗黑菌的发现及发展历史,分析了其环境分布和多样性,简述了目前提出的三种代谢方式,提出了未来暗黑菌的研究发展方向。 相似文献
Abstract We have performed NPT molecular dynamics simulations (Langevin Piston Method) on two types of solvated proteins-‘denaturation-unfavorable’ protein (insulin) and ‘denaturation-favorable protein’ (ribonuclease A) at high pressure (from 1 bar up to 20 kbar). The method is based on the extended system formalism introduced by Andersen, where the deterministic equations of motion for the piston degree of freedom are replaced by Langevin equation. We report the structural changes of proteins (ribonuclease A and insulin) and water molecules through radius of gyration, solvent accessible surface area, hydrogen bond pattern, and the topology of water clusters connected by the hydrogen bonded circular network. The solvent accessibility of ribonuclease A is mainly decreased by hydrophilic residues rather than hydrophobic residues under high pressure. From the results of hydrogen bond analysis, we have found that α-helix is more stable than β-sheet under high pressure. In addition, from the analysis of the water cluster, we have observed that for ribonuclease A, 5-membered ring structure is more favorable than 6-membered ring at higher pressure. However, for insulin, the ratio of 5 to 6-ring is constant over the pressure ranges for which we have performed MD simulation. This indicates that the water structure around insulin does not change under high pressure. 相似文献
古丸菌纲(Archaeoglobi)是广古菌门下的纲级分类单元,包含古丸菌(Archaeoglobus)、地丸菌(Geoglobus)和铁丸菌(Ferroglobus)三个属,所属菌株均是严格嗜热厌氧菌,主要分布于海洋、陆地热液系统和油田环境中。Archaeoglobus属下的微生物是一类以硫酸盐、亚硫酸盐或硫代硫酸盐为电子受体代谢生成硫化氢(H2S)的化能自养或氢营养型微生物;而Geoglobus和Ferroglobus的成员则主要还原硝酸盐和铁离子。Archaeoglobi地理分布广泛,在元素生物地球化学循环过程中发挥着重要作用,是目前微生物生态学研究的一个热点。在进化方面,Archaeoglobi菌和产甲烷古菌具有较高的亲缘关系;同时,Archaeoglobi基因组中保留着部分产甲烷途径上的功能基因,最新研究表明部分未培养的Archaeoglobi基因组中含有完整的产甲烷通路。这些证据都表明Archaeoglobi菌的基因组特征可能是产甲烷古菌向硫酸盐还原菌进化的活化石。本文梳理了目前发现的11株Archaeoglobi菌株的生理生化特征和基因组分析结果,从化能自养、化能异养、硫化物呼吸、产乙酸、产甲烷等方面综述了已分离的Archaeoglobi菌的代谢特征,并基于宏基因组信息分析了未培养的Archaeoglobi菌基因组中的潜在代谢功能,为进一步分离培养此类未培养厌氧微生物提供理论指导。 相似文献
Grijota Francisco Javier Muñoz Diego Bartolomé Ignacio Siquier-Coll Jesús Robles María Concepción Maynar Marcos 《Biological trace element research》2020,195(1):39-45
Biological Trace Element Research - The aim of the present study was to determine changes occurring in the erythrocyte concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in highly trained... 相似文献
Gabriella Galatà Andrés C. García-Montero Thomas Kristensen Ahmed A.Z. Dawoud Javier I. Muñoz-González Manja Meggendorfer Paola Guglielmelli Yvette Hoade Ivan Alvarez-Twose Christian Gieger Konstantin Strauch Luigi Ferrucci Toshiko Tanaka Stefania Bandinelli Theresia M. Schnurr Torsten Haferlach Sigurd Broesby-Olsen Hanne Vestergaard William J. Tapper 《American journal of human genetics》2021,108(2):284-294