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Cucurbitacin F and the cyanogenetic compounds prunasin were isolated and identified from the seeds of Kageneckia angustifolia.  相似文献   
The incidence of cardiovascular disease is greater in men than in premenopausal women. Testosterone has been considered a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but testosterone's mechanism of action and its cellular site of action are still not clear. However, it is likely that non-genomic extracellular effects of the hormone are involved. With the aim of providing further information about this phenomenon, two membrane impermeant, macromolecular complexes of testosterone were synthesized and their cardiovascular effects were evaluated. We covalently bound testosterone (through carbon 3 or C-17 functional groups) to dextran (2 MDa) and evaluated its effects on isolated and perfused rat hearts (Langerdorff model). Our results showed that the macromolecular complexes increased vascular resistance similarly to free testosterone and blocked adenosine-induced vasodilatation. These effects were exerted rapidly and possibly through a non-genomic mechanism. Blockade of C-3 or C-17 functional groups by binding to macromolecular dextran induced no qualitative and/or quantitative changes in testosterone-induced effects.  相似文献   
钙离子不仅是植物生长发育所需的一种大量元素,而且起了偶联细胞外刺激与胞内反应第二信使的作用,是多种受体激动后信息传递过程的中心环节。近年的研究表明:高温、干旱、触摸、低渗、低温、风、机械刺激、病原菌感染等多种环境胁迫均能引起胞质Ca~(2+)水平的改变。这种变化被认为是植物细胞感受环境胁迫的原初反应之一,它通过启动基因表达和胞内一系列生理生化过程调节细胞对环境改变的适应反应。胞质Ca~(2+)水平的改变有两种来源:胞外Ca~(2+)跨膜内流和胞内钙库如内质网中的Ca~(2+)释放。其中由肌醇磷  相似文献   
We have previously reported that Catharanthus roseus transformed roots contain at least two phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-phospholipase C (PLC) activities, one soluble and the other membrane associated. Detergent, divalent cations, and neomycin differentially regulate these activities and pure protein is required for a greater understanding of the function and regulation of this enzyme. In this article we report a partia purification of membrane-associated PLC. We found that there are at least two forms of membrane-associated PLC in transformed roots of C. roseus. These forms were separated on the basis of their affinity for heparin. One form shows an affinity for heparin and elutes at approx 600 mM KCl. This form has a molecular mass of 67 kDa by size exclusion chromatography and Western blot analysis, whereas the other form does not bind to heparin and has a molecular mass of 57 kDa. Possible differential regulation of these forms during transformed root growth is discussed.  相似文献   
Digastric muscle (DGM) is a powerful jaw-opening muscle that participates in chewing, swallowing, breathing, and speech. For better understanding of its contractile properties, five pairs of adult human DGMs were obtained from autopsies and processed with immunocytochemistry and/or immunoblotting. Monoclonal antibodies against alpha-cardiac, slow tonic, neonatal, and embryonic myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms were employed to determine whether the DGM fibers contain these MHC isoforms, which have previously been demonstrated in restricted specialized craniocervical skeletal muscles but have not been reported in normal adult human trunk and limb muscles. The results showed expression of all these MHC isoforms in adult human DGMs. About half of the fibers reacted positively to the antibody specific for the alpha-cardiac MHC isoform in DGMs, and the number of these fibers decreased with age. Slow tonic MHC isoform containing fibers accounted for 19% of the total fiber population. Both the alpha-cardiac and slow tonic MHC isoforms were found to coexist mainly with the slow twitch MHC isoform in a fiber. A few DGM fibers expressed the embryonic or neonatal MHC isoform. The findings suggest that human DGM fibers may be specialized to facilitate performance of complex motor behaviors in the upper airway and digestive tract.  相似文献   
Aspergillus fumigatus is an inhaled fungal pathogen of human lungs, the developmental growth of which is reliant upon Ca2+-mediated signalling. Ca2+ signalling has regulatory significance in all eukaryotic cells but how A. fumigatus uses intracellular Ca2+ signals to respond to stresses imposed by the mammalian lung is poorly understood. In this work, A. fumigatus strains derived from the clinical isolate CEA10, and a non-homologous recombination mutant ΔakuB KU80, were engineered to express the bioluminescent Ca2+-reporter aequorin. An aequorin-mediated method for routine Ca2+ measurements during the early stages of colony initiation was successfully developed and dynamic changes in cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]c) in response to extracellular stimuli were measured. The response to extracellular challenges (hypo- and hyper-osmotic shock, mechanical perturbation, high extracellular Ca2+, oxidative stress or exposure to human serum) that the fungus might be exposed to during infection, were analysed in living conidial germlings. The ‘signatures’ of the transient [Ca2+]c responses to extracellular stimuli were found to be dose- and age-dependent. Moreover, Ca2+-signatures associated with each physico-chemical treatment were found to be unique, suggesting the involvement of heterogeneous combinations of Ca2+-signalling components in each stress response. Concordant with the involvement of Ca2+-calmodulin complexes in these Ca2+-mediated responses, the calmodulin inhibitor trifluoperazine (TFP) induced changes in the Ca2+-signatures to all the challenges. The Ca2+-chelator BAPTA potently inhibited the initial responses to most stressors in accordance with a critical role for extracellular Ca2+ in initiating the stress responses.  相似文献   
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