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Main conclusion

Quantitative neutron imaging is a promising technique to investigate leaf water flow and transpiration in real time and has perspectives towards studies of plant response to environmental conditions and plant water stress. The leaf hydraulic architecture is a key determinant of plant sap transport and plant–atmosphere exchange processes. Non-destructive imaging with neutrons shows large potential for unveiling the complex internal features of the venation network and the transport therein. However, it was only used for two-dimensional imaging without addressing flow dynamics and was still unsuccessful in accurate quantification of the amount of water. Quantitative neutron imaging was used to investigate, for the first time, the water distribution in veins and lamina, the three-dimensional venation architecture and sap flow dynamics in leaves. The latter was visualised using D2O as a contrast liquid. A high dynamic resolution was obtained by using cold neutrons and imaging relied on radiography (2D) as well as tomography (3D). The principle of the technique was shown for detached leaves, but can be applied to in vivo leaves as well. The venation network architecture and the water distribution in the veins and lamina unveiled clear differences between plant species. The leaf water content could be successfully quantified, though still included the contribution of the leaf dry matter. The flow measurements exposed the hierarchical structure of the water transport pathways, and an accurate quantification of the absolute amount of water uptake in the leaf was possible. Particular advantages of neutron imaging, as compared to X-ray imaging, were identified. Quantitative neutron imaging is a promising technique to investigate leaf water flow and transpiration in real time and has perspectives towards studies of plant response to environmental conditions and plant water stress.  相似文献   
While the importance of personality in explaining individual dispersal strategies is increasingly recognized, limited information is still available on how patterns of personality-dependent dispersal may develop, hampering our understanding of the ecological significance of behavioural dispersal syndromes. Here, we examine the relative importance of personality at different stages of dispersal in the great tit, by analysing the sex-specific relationship between exploratory behaviour (EB; quantified in a novel environment) and dispersal distances in different seasons over the course of the first year of life (summer, autumn, winter, and until the first breeding attempt). In females, we found that EB was an important predictor of dispersal distances in summer and autumn, but only a weak to moderate correlation remained for females captured in winter or for natal dispersal distances based on first breeding records. We obtained a contrasting pattern at the population level, whereby male (but not female) immigrants captured in summer and autumn had higher EB scores than locally born birds, while this was not the case in birds captured in winter and those recruited as breeders into the population. In addition to providing further evidence for the existence of a behaviour dispersal syndrome in birds, our results show that correlations between EB and dispersal appear strongest at the early stages of the dispersal process, rather than being developed gradually. These findings show the importance of analysing the effect of phenotypic attributes on dispersal across different stages of the dispersal phenomenon and in each sex separately.  相似文献   
Feast and famine cycles are common in activated sludge wastewater treatment systems, and they select for bacteria that accumulate storage compounds, such as poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB). Previous studies have shown that variations in influent substrate concentrations force bacteria to accumulate high levels of rRNA compared to the levels in bacteria grown in chemostats. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that bacteria accumulate more rRNA when they are subjected to feast and famine cycles. However, PHB-accumulating bacteria can form biomass (grow) throughout a feast and famine cycle and thus have a lower peak biomass formation rate during the cycle. Consequently, PHB-accumulating bacteria may accumulate less rRNA when they are subjected to feast and famine cycles than bacteria that are not capable of PHB accumulation. These hypotheses were tested with Wautersia eutropha H16 (wild type) and W. eutropha PHB-4 (a mutant not capable of accumulating PHB) grown in chemostat and semibatch reactors. For both strains, the cellular RNA level was higher when the organism was grown in semibatch reactors than when it was grown in chemostats, and the specific biomass formation rates during the feast phase were linearly related to the cellular RNA levels for cultures. Although the two strains exhibited maximum uptake rates when they were grown in semibatch reactors, the wild-type strain responded much more rapidly to the addition of fresh medium than the mutant responded. Furthermore, the chemostat-grown mutant culture was unable to exhibit maximum substrate uptake rates when it was subjected to pulse-wise addition of fresh medium. These data show that the ability to accumulate PHB does not prevent bacteria from accumulating high levels of rRNA when they are subjected to feast and famine cycles. Our results also demonstrate that the ability to accumulate PHB makes the bacteria more responsive to sudden increases in substrate concentrations, which explains their ecological advantage.  相似文献   
Bacillus subtilis is a well-established cellular factory for proteins and fine chemicals. In particular, the direct secretion of proteinaceous products into the growth medium greatly facilitates their downstream processing, which is an important advantage of B. subtilis over other biotechnological production hosts, such as Escherichia coli. The application spectrum of B. subtilis is, however, often confined to proteins from Bacillus or closely related species. One of the major reasons for this (current) limitation is the inefficient formation of disulfide bonds, which are found in many, especially eukaryotic, proteins. Future exploitation of B. subtilis to fulfill the ever-growing demand for pharmaceutical and other high-value proteins will therefore depend on overcoming this particular hurdle. Recently, promising advances in this area have been achieved, which focus attention on the need to modulate the cellular levels and activity of thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases (TDORs). These TDORs are enzymes that control the cleavage or formation of disulfide bonds. This review will discuss readily applicable approaches for TDOR modulation and aims to provide leads for further improvement of the Bacillus cell factory for production of disulfide bond-containing proteins.  相似文献   
Plants close their stomata during drought to avoid excessive water loss, but species differ in respect to the drought severity at which stomata close. The stomatal closure point is related to xylem anatomy and vulnerability to embolism, but it also has implications for phloem transport and possibly phloem anatomy to allow sugar transport at low water potentials. Desiccation‐tolerant plants that close their stomata at severe drought should have smaller xylem conduits and/or fewer and smaller interconduit pits to reduce vulnerability to embolism but more phloem tissue and larger phloem conduits compared with plants that avoid desiccation. These anatomical differences could be expected to increase in response to long‐term reduction in precipitation. To test these hypotheses, we used tridimensional synchroton X‐ray microtomograph and light microscope imaging of combined xylem and phloem tissues of 2 coniferous species: one‐seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma) and piñon pine (Pinus edulis) subjected to precipitation manipulation treatments. These species show different xylem vulnerability to embolism, contrasting desiccation tolerance, and stomatal closure points. Our results support the hypothesis that desiccation tolerant plants require higher phloem transport capacity than desiccation avoiding plants, but this can be gained through various anatomical adaptations in addition to changing conduit or tissue size.  相似文献   
In eukaryotic and bacterial cells, spatial organization is dependent upon cytoskeletal filaments. Actin is a main eukaryotic cytoskeletal element, involved in key processes such as cell shape determination, mechanical force generation and cytokinesis. We describe an archaeal cytoskeleton which forms helical structures within Pyrobaculum calidifontis cells, as shown by in situ immunostaining. The core components include an archaeal actin homologue, Crenactin, closely related to the eukaryotic counterpart. The crenactin gene belongs to a conserved gene cluster denoted Arcade (actin-related cytoskeleton in Archaea involved in shape determination). The phylogenetic distribution of arcade genes is restricted to the crenarchaeal Thermoproteales lineage, and to Korarchaeota, and correlates with rod-shaped and filamentous cell morphologies. Whereas Arcadin-1, -3 and -4 form helical structures, suggesting cytoskeleton-associated functions, Arcadin-2 was found to be localized between segregated nucleoids in a cell subpopulation, in agreement with possible involvement in cytokinesis. The results support a crenarchaeal origin of the eukaryotic actin cytoskeleton and, as such, have implications for theories concerning the origin of the eukaryotic cell.  相似文献   
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