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Y Li  J Kang    M S Horwitz 《Journal of virology》1997,71(2):1576-1582
The adenovirus (Ad) 14.7-kDa E3 protein (E3-14.7K), which can inhibit tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) cytolysis, was used to screen HeLa cell cDNA libraries for interacting proteins in the yeast two-hybrid system. A new member of the low-molecular-weight (LMW) GTP-binding protein family with Ras and ADP-ribosylation factor homology was discovered by this selection and has been named FIP-1 (14.7K-interacting protein). FIP-1 colocalized with Ad E3-14.7K in the cytoplasm especially near the nuclear membrane and in discrete foci on or near the plasma membrane. Its interaction with E3-14.7K was dependent on the FIP-1 GTP-binding domain. The stable expression of FIP-1 antisense message partially protected the cells from TNF-alpha cytolysis. FIP-1 was associated transiently with several unknown phosphorylated cellular proteins within 15 min after treatment with TNF-alpha. FIP-1 mRNA was expressed ubiquitously but at higher levels in human skeletal muscle, heart, and brain. In addition to homology to other LMW GTP-binding proteins, FIP-1 has regions of homology to two prokaryotic metalloproteases. However, there was no homology between FIP-1 and any of the recently isolated death proteins in the TNF-alpha or Fas/APO1 cytolytic pathway and no interaction with several members of the Bcl-2 family of inhibitors of apoptosis. These data suggest that FIP-1, as a cellular target for Ad E3-14.7K, is either a new intermediate on a previously described pathway or part of a novel TNF-alpha-induced cell death pathway. FIP-1 has two consensus sequences for myristoylation which would be expected to facilitate membrane association and also has sequences for Ser/Thr as well as Tyr phosphorylation that could affect its function.  相似文献   
L Zhou  X Lin  T J Green  H L Lipton    M Luo 《Journal of virology》1997,71(12):9701-9712
Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis viruses (TMEVs) belong to the Picornaviridae family and are divided into two groups, typified by strain GDVII virus and members of the TO (Theiler's original) group. The highly virulent GDVII group causes acute encephalitis in mice, while the TO group is less virulent and causes a chronic demyelinating disease which is associated with viral persistence in mice. This persistent central nervous system infection with demyelination resembles multiple sclerosis (MS) in humans and has thus become an important model for studying MS. It has been shown that some of the determinants associated with viral persistence are located on the capsid proteins of the TO group. Structural comparisons of two persistent strains (BeAn and DA) and a highly virulent strain (GDVII) showed that the most significant structural variations between these two groups of viruses are located on the sites that may influence virus binding to cellular receptors. Most animal viruses attach to specific cellular receptors that, in part, determine host range and tissue tropism. In this study, atomic models of TMEV chimeras were built with the known structures of GDVII, BeAn, and DA viruses. Comparisons among the known GDVII, BeAn, and DA structures as well as the predicted models for the TMEV chimeras suggested that a gap on the capsid surface next to the putative receptor binding site, composed of residues from VP1 and VP2, may be important in determining viral persistence by influencing virus attachment to cellular receptors, such as sialyloligosaccharides. Our results showed that sialyllactose, the first three sugar molecules of common oligosaccharides on the surface of mammalian cells, inhibits virus binding to the host cell and infection with the persistent BeAn virus but not the nonpersistent GDVII and chimera 39 viruses.  相似文献   
Q Li  K Gebhard  T Schacker  K Henry    A T Haase 《Journal of virology》1997,71(9):7080-7082
In tissue culture models of chronic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) activate viral gene expression. We sought evidence that TNF-alpha might similarly regulate viral gene expression in vivo in the major lymphoid tissue (LT) reservoir. We used in situ hybridization, quantitative image analysis, and double-label techniques to compare cytokine and HIV-1 RNA levels in sections of tonsil and lymph node tissues obtained from individuals in early and later stages of HIV-1 infection. The levels of TNF-alpha gene expression in LT from HIV-1-infected an uninfected individuals were indistinguishable, and we found no correlation between TNF-alpha gene expression in LT and the level of HIV-1 gene expression in LT. There is thus little evidence that in vivo TNF-alpha significantly influences HIV production in LT.  相似文献   
Cream, Carlos L., Aihua Li, and Eugene E. Nattie. RTNTRH causes prolonged respiratory stimulation. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 792-799, 1997.We injectedthyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; 10 nl; 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 10 mM),its inactive free acid form (TRHOH; 1 mM), or a metabolite with lowTRH-receptor binding affinity, histidine-proline diketopiperazine (cHP;1 mM), into the retrotrapezoid nucleus of anesthetized rats. Injectionlocation was verified by anatomic analysis. Lower doses (0.25-0.5mM) significantly increased both the product of integrated phrenicamplitude and frequency(Phr · f) and f for 20-30min compared with artificial cerebrospinal fluid control injections. Higher doses (1.0-10 mM) produced greater and long-lastingstimulation of Phr · f,Phr, and f and of blood pressure. Thisstimulation reached values 150% of baseline and durations of 270 minafter a single injection. TRHOH (1 mM ) or cHP (1 mM) had no effect onPhr but increased f, as did 1 mM TRH. We concludethat TRH has a very powerful stimulatory effect in the retrotrapezoidnucleus region on Phr · f, withthe Phr response seemingly specific for TRHreceptors. Similar responses of f to TRHOH and cHP suggest it may benonspecific.

甘蔗细平象的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
廖贻昌  李文凤 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):317-323
甘蔗细平象Trockorhopalus humeralis Chevrolat是云南甘蔗上的一种毁灭性地下害虫,以幼虫和成虫在地下蔗头内为害,为害期8-10个月。据1989年调查,受害蔗每亩损失500-3000kg,严重的无收。此虫1年发生1代,以成虫在蔗头内越冬,有喜湿性,不能飞翔,主要通过沟河流水传播。在河川坝地,沙壤土中虫口较多;宿根年限越长的甘蔗受害越重。建议蔗稻轮作;缩短甘蔗宿根年限;早春翻挖有虫蔗蔸烧毁;结合新植蔗下种,宿根蔗松蔸培土施用甲基异柳磷或铁灭克等颗粒杀虫剂进行防治。  相似文献   
九万山位于广西北部的中央(25°10’~25°25’N,108°27’E),界于泛北极植物区和古热带植物区的交汇处。其主要植被为亚热带常绿阔叶林。最高海拔为1693m,最低处仅170m。经对1850号标本的鉴定,共计有藓类植物35科、101属和189种。本文分析了九万山的藓类植物区系成分,将其划分为 10种类型。其中东亚成分最为丰富(39.33%),热带、亚热带成分次之(38.20%),而温带成分居第三位(18.54%)。本文选择了九万山临近的五个地区加以比较。其中,金佛山与九万山藓类植物的属和种的相似性系数分别为60.68%和36.87%,神农架为57.29%和33.13%。尖峰岭为48.83%和22.29%,西双版纳为57.29%和29.63%。而我国东部的武夷山则为69.86%和39.57%,其相似性系数在相比较的五个山区中为最高。九万山区有4个特有属并明显受喜马拉雅的影响。特别值得注意的是,在九万山区藓类区系中约有7%的种类是典型的热带成分。根据定量和定性的分析,笔者认为九万山的藓类区系表现出由热带向亚热带过渡的特性,其分界线可能位于九万山的南侧。  相似文献   
蚤数量与宿主数量和气象因子的关系   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
李仲来  张万荣 《昆虫学报》1995,38(4):442-447
根据内蒙古自治区鄂托克旗和鄂托克前旗1975一1989年长爪沙鼠密度、蚤指数监测数据和本地区气象站的,项气象因子资料,分别求出了蚤指数与鼠密度的直线和曲线的回归模型,与气象因子的最优回因子集模型和标准回归模型,给出了鼠蚤因子和气象因子间的典型棺关分析。结论:宿主数量变化导致蚤指数变化;气象因子综合影响蚤指数;相对湿度和地表温度是影响蚤数量变动的重要因子;气象因于对蚤指数的影响大于对鼠密度的影响。  相似文献   
帕里红景天的化学成分研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从帕里红景天根茎的石油醚和乙醇提取部分共分得14种结晶性化合物,经光谱分析和化学反应,分别鉴定为二十二醇、二十六酸、十九醇、β-谷甾醇、二十九醇、红景天甙、麦芽糖、棉皮素-8-葡萄糖甙、胡萝卜甙、酪醇、咖啡酸、没食子酸、形花内酯和新化合物帕里甙。  相似文献   
四个籼稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种幼苗经1℃黑暗或光照250 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1处理后,抗冷的“桂山矮选3”比不抗冷的“青华6 号”幼苗存活率高,其子代是以“桂山矮选3”为母本的比“青华6 号”为母本的存活率较高。抽穗期剑叶经光照低温处理12、24 和36 h 后,光合作用是“桂山矮选3”和以“桂山矮选3”为母本的子代比“青华6 号”和以“青华6 号”为母本的子代下降较少。呼吸作用是前者比后者在处理12 h 时有明显升高现象。荧光参数Fv/Fo和Fv/Fm比值在处理24 h 时前者比后者下降明显,但在常温下恢复则是前者比后者明显较快。自然低温(寒露风)对叶绿素荧光的影响亦有相似的规律。对水稻后代的抗冷性倾向于母本进行了讨论  相似文献   
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