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Summary The localization of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), a key enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis and thus in cell growth, was determined in the 4.5-day-old chick embryo, using two independent methods of analysis. ODC protein was identified by indirect immunofluorescence with a monospecific ODC antibody, and catalytically active ODC was identified by autoradiography with -(5-3H) difluoromethylornithine. Both methods revealed a basically similar distribution of ODC within the embryo. Among the organs, the brain exhibited the highest ODC levels. ODC levels were also high in spinal cord, mesonephric tubules and heart. Similar levels, but confined to limited areas, were found in liver tissue, head mesenchyme, and the oral and pharyngeal regions. Organs that exhibited high ODC levels are all engaged in rapid growth, as well as in extensive tissue remodeling and differentiation.  相似文献   
Sulfate reduction and S-oxidation in a moorland pool sediment   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
In an oligotrophic moorland pool in The Netherlands, S cycling near the sediment/water boundary was investigated by measuring (1) SO4 2– reduction rates in the sediment, (2) depletion of SO4 2– in the overlying water column and (3) release of35S from the sediment into the water column. Two locations differing in sediment type (highly organic and sandy) were compared, with respect to reduction rates and depletion of SO4 2– in the overlying water.Sulfate reduction rates in sediments of an oligotrophic moorland pool were estimated by diagenetic modelling and whole core35SO4 2– injection. Rates of SO4 2– consumption in the overlying water were estimated by changes in SO4 2– concentration over time in in situ enclosures. Reduction rates ranged from 0.27–11.2 mmol m–2 d–1. Rates of SO4 2– uptake from the enclosed water column varied from –0.5, –0.3 mmol m–2 d–1 (November) to 0.43–1.81 mmol m–2 d–1 (July, August and April). Maximum rates of oxidation to SO4 2– in July 1990 estimated by combination of SO4 2– reduction rates and rates of in situ SO4 2– uptake in the enclosed water column were 10.3 and 10.5 mmol m–2 d–1 at an organic rich and at a sandy site respectively.Experiments with35S2– and35SO4 2– tracer suggested (1) a rapid formation of organically bound S from dissimilatory reduced SO4 2– and (2) the presence of mainly non SO4 2–-S derived from reduced S transported from the sediment into the overlying water. A35S2– tracer experiment showed that about 7% of35S2– injected at 1 cm depth in a sediment core was recovered in the overlying water column.Sulfate reduction rates in sediments with higher volumetric mass fraction of organic matter did not significantly differ from those in sediments with a lower mass fraction of organic matter.Corresponding author  相似文献   
hb(hunchback)基因是昆虫胚胎前后轴模式形成的关键基因.对东亚飞蝗(Locusta migratoria manilensis,Meyen)hb基因的功能已有报道,但其表达模式还不清楚.为了研究胁基因在东亚飞蝗卵子形成和胚胎发育过程中的时空表达情况,本研究采用免疫组化方法在蛋白质水平上检测了hb基因的时空表达模式.在卵子形成过程中,hb基因局限在卵细胞核区中表达,随着卵子的发育逐渐移至卵细胞的后端;卵受精后,核区里的Hb蛋白向外扩散,在卵后端形成浓度梯度;胚盘期,hb基因在胚盘中央呈带状表达;胚盘分化为原头和原躯干后,表达条带变宽,并呈现出梯度表达,该表达区域将形成颌、胸部的部分体节;随着腹节开始形成,hb基因在颌胸部的表达逐渐减弱,而在腹部后端的“生长区”表达,并呈现出不连续性.经比较,hb易基因在昆虫颌胸部的表达较为保守,而在卵子形成过程中和腹部的表达具有较大的变异性.与黑腹果蝇等长胚带昆虫相比,东亚飞蝗hb基因在体节形成的基因级联调控中具有更重要、更直接的调控作用.  相似文献   
The present study examined the effects of exogenous insulin on C-peptide release in relation to islet activities of neural constitutive nitric oxide synthase (ncNOS) and inducible NOS (iNOS). The dose-response curves for glucose-stimulated insulin and C-peptide release from isolated islets were practically identical: 0.05-0.1 nmol/l insulin stimulated, 1-100 nmol/l had no effect, whereas concentrations >/=250 nmol/l ("high insulin"), inhibited C-peptide release. Both the stimulatory and inhibitory effects were abolished by the phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase inhibitor wortmannin. Addition of a NOS inhibitor partially reversed the inhibitory action of high insulin, but had no effect on the stimulatory action of low insulin (0.1 nmol/l). Moreover, high insulin markedly increased islet ncNOS activity and induced a strong iNOS activity. As shown biochemically and with confocal microscopy, the stimulatory action of high insulin on NOS activities and the associated inhibition of C-peptide release were reversed by raising cyclic AMP through addition of either glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) or dibutyryl cyclic AMP (Bt(2)cAMP) to the incubated islets. We conclude that the positive feedback mechanisms of action of insulin are independent of islet NOS activities and remain unclear. The negative feedback action of insulin, however, can be explained by its ability to stimulate both islet ncNOS activity and the expression and activity of iNOS. The effects on iNOS are most likely transduced through phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase and are counteracted by raising islet cyclic AMP levels.  相似文献   
The accessory protein Nef plays a crucial role in primate lentivirus pathogenesis. Nef enhances human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infectivity in culture and stimulates viral replication in primary T cells. In this study, we investigated the relationship between HIV-1 replication efficiency in CD4(+) T cells purified from human blood and two various known activities of Nef, CD4 downregulation and single-cycle infectivity enhancement. Using a battery of reporter viruses containing point mutations in nef, we observed a strong genetic correlation between CD4 downregulation by Nef during acute HIV-1 infection of activated T cells and HIV-1 replication efficiency in T cells. In contrast, HIV-1 replication ability was not significantly correlated with the ability of Nef to enhance single-cycle virion infectivity, as determined by using viruses produced in cells lacking CD4. These results demonstrate that CD4 downregulation by Nef plays a crucial role in HIV-1 replication in activated T cells and underscore the potential for the development of therapies targeting this conserved activity of Nef.  相似文献   
A key question for understanding the mechanisms of pulsatile insulin release is how the underlying beta-cell oscillations of the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) are synchronized within and among the islets in the pancreas. Nitric oxide has been proposed to coordinate the activity of the beta-cells by precipitating transients of [Ca2+]i. Comparing ob/ob mice and lean controls, we have now studied the action of carbon monoxide (CO), another neurotransmitter with stimulatory effects on cGMP production. A strong immunoreactivity for the CO-producing constitutive heme oxygenase (HO-2) was found in ganglionic cells located in the periphery of the islets and in almost all islet endocrine cells. Islets from ob/ob mice had sixfold higher generation of CO (1 nmol.min-1.mg protein-1) than the lean controls. This is 100-fold the rate for their constitutive production of NO. Moreover, islets from ob/ob mice showed a threefold increase in HO-2 expression and expressed inducible HO (HO-1). The presence of an excessive islet production of CO in the ob/ob mouse had its counterpart in a pronounced suppression of the glucose-stimulated insulin release from islets exposed to the HO inhibitor Zn-protoporhyrin (10 microM) and in a 16 times higher frequency of [Ca2+]i transients in their beta-cells. Hemin (0.1 and 1.0 microM), the natural substrate for HO, promoted the appearance of [Ca2+]i transients, and 10 microM of the HO inhibitors Zn-protoporphyrin and Cr-mesoporphyrin had a suppressive action both on the firing of transients and their synchronization. It is concluded that the increased islet production of CO contributes to the hyperinsulinemia in ob/ob mice. In addition to serving as a positive modulator of glucose-stimulated insulin release, CO acts as a messenger propagating Ca2+ signals with coordinating effects on the beta-cell rhythmicity.  相似文献   
Rac GTPases control cell shape by regulating downstream effectors that influence the actin cytoskeleton. UNC-115, a putative actin-binding protein similar to human abLIM/limatin, has previously been implicated in axon pathfinding. We have discovered the role of UNC-115 as a downstream cytoskeletal effector of Rac signaling in axon pathfinding. We show that unc-115 double mutants with ced-10 Rac, mig-2 Rac or unc-73 GEF but not with rac-2/3 Rac displayed synthetic axon pathfinding defects, and that loss of unc-115 function suppressed the formation of ectopic plasma membrane extensions induced by constitutively-active rac-2 in neurons. Furthermore, we show that UNC-115 can bind to actin filaments. Thus, UNC-115 is an actin-binding protein that acts downstream of Rac signaling in axon pathfinding.  相似文献   
We examined the relation between nutrient-stimulated insulin secretion and the islet lysosome acid glucan-1,4-alpha-glucosidase system in rats undergoing total parenteral nutrition (TPN). During TPN treatment, serum glucose was normal, but free fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol were elevated. Islets from TPN-infused rats showed increased basal insulin release, a normal insulin response to cholinergic stimulation but a greatly impaired response when stimulated by glucose or alpha-ketoisocaproic acid. This impairment of glucose-stimulated insulin release was only slightly ameliorated by the carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 inhibitor etomoxir. However, in parallel with the impaired insulin response to glucose, islets from TPN-infused animals displayed reduced activities of islet lysosomal enzymes including the acid glucan-1,4-alpha-glucosidase, a putative key enzyme in nutrient-stimulated insulin release. By comparison, the same lysosomal enzymes were increased in liver tissue. Furthermore, in intact control islets, the pseudotetrasaccharide acarbose, a selective inhibitor of acid alpha-glucosidehydrolases, dose dependently suppressed islet acid glucan-1,4-alpha-glucosidase and acid alpha-glucosidase activities in parallel with an inhibitory action on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. By contrast, when incubated with intact TPN islets, acarbose had no effect on either enzyme activity or glucose-induced insulin release. Moreover, when acarbose was added directly to TPN islet homogenates, the dose-response effect on the catalytic activity of the acid alpha-glucosidehydrolases was shifted to the right compared with control homogenates. We suggest that a general dysfunction of the islet lysosomal/vacuolar system and reduced catalytic activities of acid glucan-1,4-alpha-glucosidase and acid alpha-glucosidase may be important defects behind the impairment of the transduction mechanisms for nutrient-stimulated insulin release in islets from TPN-infused rats.  相似文献   


Pseudorabies virus (PRV) is an alphaherpesviruses whose native host is pig. PRV infection mainly causes signs of central nervous system disorder in young pigs, and respiratory system diseases in the adult.  相似文献   
Molecular phylogeny and divergence times of drosophilid species   总被引:17,自引:15,他引:17  
The phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of 39 drosophilid species were studied by using the coding region of the Adh gene. Four genera--Scaptodrosophila, Zaprionus, Drosophila, and Scaptomyza (from Hawaii)--and three Drosophila subgenera--Drosophila, Engiscaptomyza, and Sophophora--were included. After conducting statistical analyses of the nucleotide sequences of the Adh, Adhr (Adh-related gene), and nuclear rRNA genes and a 905-bp segment of mitochondrial DNA, we used Scaptodrosophila as the outgroup. The phylogenetic tree obtained showed that the first major division of drosophilid species occurs between subgenus Sophophora (genus Drosophila) and the group including subgenera Drosophila and Engiscaptomyza plus the genera Zaprionus and Scaptomyza. Subgenus Sophophora is then divided into D. willistoni and the clade of D. obscura and D. melanogaster species groups. In the other major drosophilid group, Zaprionus first separates from the other species, and then D. immigrans leaves the remaining group of species. This remaining group then splits into the D. repleta group and the Hawaiian drosophilid cluster (Hawaiian Drosophila, Engiscaptomyza, and Scaptomyza). Engiscaptomyza and Scaptomyza are tightly clustered. Each of the D. repleta, D. obscura, and D. melanogaster groups is monophyletic. The splitting of subgenera Drosophila and Sophophora apparently occurred about 40 Mya, whereas the D. repleta group and the Hawaiian drosophilid cluster separated about 32 Mya. By contrast, the splitting of Engiscaptomyza and Scaptomyza occurred only about 11 Mya, suggesting that Scaptomyza experienced a rapid morphological evolution. The D. obscura and D. melanogaster groups apparently diverged about 25 Mya. Many of the D. repleta group species studied here have two functional Adh genes (Adh-1 and Adh-2), and these duplicated genes can be explained by two duplication events.   相似文献   
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