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Formation of nuclear envelopes during the last cleavage mitosis and the formation of the cell membranes during the cellularization of the blastoderm have been studied ultrastructurally in the blowfly egg. Dense bodies arising from yolk granules by budding could contain membrane material destined to be incorporated into the new membranes of the blastoderm. The presence of transitional structures indicates that these bodies can be converted into dark multivesicular bodies. Large amounts of endoplasmic reticulum are found around the mitotic nuclei. Clusters or branched chains of vesicles associated with this are interpreted as evidence for the formation of endoplasmic reticulum by the breakdown of dark multivesicular bodies. Nuclear envelopes of mitotic daughter nuclei probably originate from endoplasmic reticulum. The egg contains both intranuclear and extranuclear annulate lamellae. The main events of cytokinesis are furrow initiation and cell membrane growth during the slow first phase, but probably only cytokinetic movement during the rapid second phase. On the assumption that cell membrane growth occurs by incorporation of complete membrane pieces, the addition of coated vesicles and/or light multivesicular bodies is definitely most probable. Some intermediate profiles indicate that light and dark multivesicular bodies are related. The membrane needed for second phase cytokinesis could well be provided by the unfolding of surface microvilli and protuberances of the furrow canal.  相似文献   
Transitory Derepression and the Maintenance of Conjugative Plasmids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been proposed that bacterial plasmids cannot be maintained by infectious transfer alone and that their persistence requires positive selection for plasmid-borne genes. To test this hypothesis, the population dynamics of two laboratory and five naturally occurring conjugative plasmids were examined in chemostat cultures of E. coli K-12. Both laboratory plasmids and three of the five wild plasmids failed to increase in frequency when introduced at low frequencies. However, two of the naturally occurring plasmids rapidly increased in frequency, and bacteria carrying them achieved dominance in the absence of selection for known plasmid-borne genes. Three hypotheses for the invasion and persistence of these two plasmids were examined. It is concluded that although these two extrachromosomal genetic elements are repressed for conjugative pili synthesis, as a consequence of high rates of transfer during periods of transitory derepression in newly formed transconjugants, they become established and are maintained by infectious transfer alone. The implications of these observations to the theory of plasmid maintenance and the evolution of repressible conjugative pili synthesis are discussed.  相似文献   
The localization of porcine galanin (pGAL) binding sites in the brain of the blowfly Phormia terraenovae was investigated by autoradiography using the following radioiodinated ligands: pGAL 1-29 (two isoforms), pGAL 15-29 and rat (r) GAL 1-29. The different porcine radioligands bound specifically with the following intensity: 125I-[Tyr26]-pGAL15-29 > > 125I-[Tyr26]-pGAL1-29 > > 125I-[Tyr9]-pGAL1-29. With rat galanin 125I-[Tyr9]-rGAL1-29 no specific binding could be shown. In addition, displacement of 125I-[Tyr26]-pGAL1-29 was tested with pGAL 1-29, pGAL 1-22 and pGAL 15-29 (at 0.1 nM-1 microM). A gradual displacement was achieved with increasing concentrations of pGAL 1-29 and pGAL15-29, whereas no displacement with pGAL 1-22 was detected. The results indicate that the C-terminal portion of pGAL is important for binding in the blowfly. The pGAL binding sites were localized in synaptic neuropils of the central body, the antennal lobes, the optic lobes, the pars intercerebralis and the subesophageal ganglion, all of which contain GAL-like immunoreactive neural processes.  相似文献   
The glucagon-like immunoreactivity of the gastrointestinal tract is heterogeneous, probably including several different peptides. One of these peptides, glicentine, has recently been extracted and highly purified. Furthermore, by immunocytochemistry a glicentine-like peptide has been reported to occur in the glucagon cell of the pancreatic islets. In the present study we investigated the effects of pure glicentine on insulin release in vivo in mice. The effects were compared with effects of two other peptides, glucagon and GIP. It was found that glicentine had no influence on basal insulin secretion. This was in contrast to equimolar doses of glucagon and GIP, which both stimulated the secretion of insulin. Glucose-induced insulin release was partially inhibited by glicentine. D-glucose, in a dose selected to give a response of 25% of its maximal, raised the plasma insulin concentrations by 44.0 +/- 5.9 microU/ml. The corresponding rise for glicentine plus D-glucose was 22.3 +/- 3.7 microU/ml, i.e. glicentine inhibited glucose-induced insulin released by about 50% (p < 0.01). GIP, on the other hand, enhanced glucose-induced insulin release. This enhancement was diminished by glicentine, a reflection of the inhibition by glicentine of the glucose-induced insulin release. Neither glicentine nor GIP in the doses tested had any effect on insulin secretion induced by cholinergic stimulation. In conclusion, glicentine seems to have no effect on basal insulin release in the mouse, but it partially inhibits glucose-induced insulin secretion. Thus, if the recently demonstrated glicentine-like peptide in the glucagon cell is authentic glicentine, the glucagon cell of the pancreatic islets may contain peptides with stimulatory (glucagon) as well as inhibitory (glicentine) effects on insulin secretion induced by glucose.  相似文献   
High frequency of natural autoantibodies in normal newborn mice   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Spleen cells from 6-day-old nonimmunized BALB/c and BALB.B10 mice were fused with the nonsecreting hybridoma cell line Sp2/0. Three hundred and eighty-four immunoglobulin-secreting hybrids were screened for antibody activity against mouse actin, tubulin, and myosin, and against TNP, peroxidase, renin, DNA, and neurofilaments. At least 24 hybridomas in the collection (6.25%) exhibited antibody activity against this panel of antigens. Ten of these hybrids were cloned, were propagated, and the corresponding monoclonal IgM protein was isolated from ascitic fluids and was further characterized. At least four groups of antibody specificities were identified: 1) one clone reacting with TNP only; 2) one clone reacting with both actin and tubulin; 3) two clones which bound to both TNP and actin; and 4) a fourth group, comprising the six other clones, which all exhibited widespread reactivity and bound to actin, tubulin, myosin, and TNP. These results indicate: 1) B cell clones directed against self antigens are activated in the internal environment and are recovered consequently by somatic cell hybridization; 2) the widespread antibody specificities found for these newborn mouse antibodies are very similar to those previously characterized with human natural antibodies and human monoclonal Ig; and 3) the frequency of B cells binding to cytoskeletal proteins and TNP is very high (at least 6.25%).  相似文献   
We present a balanced model of organic carbon flows through a temperate coastal ecosystem in New Zealand. The Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve is a 2452 ha no-take area including both rocky reef platforms and soft sediment, and covering the intertidal and subtidal communities to depths of approximately 50 m. The model includes 22 trophic groups, including birds, predatory and grazing invertebrates, detritivores, five groups of fish, microphytes, macroalgae, zooplankton, phytoplankton, bacteria and detritus. Initial parameterisations of the model were developed from video, diver and quadrat surveys in the study area, augmented by parameters derived from simple population models and scientific literature. A novel two stage balancing methodology is presented which adjusts biomasses, diet fractions, and energetic parameters of all trophic groups simultaneously, taking into account estimated parameter uncertainties and the highly variable magnitudes of flows through different groups (6 orders of magnitude). Most adjustments to the initial parameters necessary to balance the trophic model were < 20%, but large adjustments were needed for poorly observed groups such as bacteria, sponge, and phytoplankton. The balanced model is recognised as being one solution amongst many. In the model, 94% of the primary production remained ungrazed and formed particulate and dissolved organic detritus. The balanced model indicated that the reserve is relatively impoverished in terms of grazers and predators relative to New Zealand rocky reefs to the north. The model suggests that lobsters, which have increased in numbers since the reserve was established, are responsible for substantial predation on invertebrate groups which make up their prey (grazing, predatory, phytal/infaunal invertebrates). The level of predation on invertebrates by lobster in the model depends significantly on the extent to which lobsters in TTMR are consuming macroalgae.  相似文献   
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