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Studies on the high-molecular-weight immunoreactive calcitonin produced ectopically in culture by an epidermoid bronchial carcinoma cell line are reported. In cell-exposed medium, the principal component has a molecular weight of 40000 and molecules of mol.wts. 13000 and 10000 also occur. Only a trace amount of material co-eluting with 35000-mol.wt. human calcitonin is detectable. None of the calcitonins show cross-reactivity with anti-corticotropin serum. The 40000-mol.wt. immunoreactive calcitonin is readily proteolysed to the 13000- and 10000-mol.wt. components, but the 10000-mol.wt. component behaves as a comparatively stable 'core' molecule. By using immunoprecipitation and high-pressure liquid chromatography (h.p.l.c.), it is possible to prepare radiochemically homogeneous 10000-mol.wt. immunoreactive calcitonin from cells grown in the presence of individual 35S- or 3H-labelled amino acids. Peptide mapping of enzymic digests of this material by h.p.l.c. shows that it contains peptides in common with synthetic human calcitonin.  相似文献   
Although invertebrate drift is an important ecological process in lotic ecosystems, very little is known about it in Kenyan rivers. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the effect of driftnet mesh size and exposure duration on drift density in 2017. Drift samples were dominated by Chironomidae, Baetidae, Simuliidae, Caenidae and Culicidae. The 100 µm mesh driftnet had the highest mean invertebrate density, followed by the 250 µm and 500 µm nets. Invertebrate drift densities decreased with increased exposure time. This study demonstrates that sampler mesh size and exposure time should be taken into account when characterising invertebrate drift in streams. Future studies should consider sampling different biotopes and during different seasons.  相似文献   
Colonies of the honey ant Myrmecocystus mimicus engage each other in elaborate display tournaments. Hundreds of ants are often involved, but almost no physical fights occur. Instead, opponents confront one another in highly aggressive displays, during which they walk on stilt legs while raising their abdomens and heads. The tournaments serve as temporary spatial borders within which food gathering occurs. In this study we develop the hypothesis that tournaments are a mechanism of intercolony communication, which opposing colonies use to gauge each other's strength. Models are proposed for the behaviorial procedures that seem most likely to underly this capacity. For the first time it is possible to ascertain and compare the properties of such models in relation to a body of test data. It appears probable to us that intercolony communication in this species of ant may depend upon a novel capacity for integrative information harvesting by individual workers.  相似文献   
The adhesion and locomotion of mouse peripheral lymph node lymphocytes on 2-D protein- coated substrata and in 3-D matrices were compared. Lymphocytes did not adhere to, or migrate on, 2-D substrata suck as serum- or fibronectin-coated glass. They did attach to and migrate in hydrated 3-D collagen lattices. When the collagen was dehydrated to form a 2-D surface, lymphocyte attachment to it was reduced. We propose that lymphocytes, which are poorly adhesive, are able to attach to and migrate in 3-D matrices by a nonadhesive mechanism such as the extension and expansion of pseudopodia through gaps in the matrix, which could provide purchase for movement in the absence of discrete intermolecular adhesions. This was supported by studies using serum-coated micropore filters, since lymphocytes attached to and migrated into filters with pore sizes large enough (3 or 8 mum) to allow pseudopod penetration but did not attach to filters made of an identical material (cellulose esters) but of narrow pore size (0.22 or 0.45 mum). Cinematographic studies of lymphocyte locomotion in collagen gels were also consistent with the above hypothesis, since lymphocytes showed a more variable morphology than is typically seen on plane surfaces, with formation of many small pseudopodia expanded to give a marked constriction between the cell and the pseudopod. These extensions often remained fixed with respect to the environment as the lymphocyte moved away from or past them. This suggests that the pseudopodia were inserted into gaps in the gel matrix and acted as anchorage points for locomotion.  相似文献   
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