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Structural class characterizes the overall folding type of a protein or its domain. A number of computational methods have been proposed to predict structural class based on primary sequences; however, the accuracy of these methods is strongly affected by sequence homology. This paper proposes, an ensemble classification method and a compact feature-based sequence representation. This method improves prediction accuracy for the four main structural classes compared to competing methods, and provides highly accurate predictions for sequences of widely varying homologies. The experimental evaluation of the proposed method shows superior results across sequences that are characterized by entire homology spectrum, ranging from 25% to 90% homology. The error rates were reduced by over 20% when compared with using individual prediction methods and most commonly used composition vector representation of protein sequences. Comparisons with competing methods on three large benchmark datasets consistently show the superiority of the proposed method.  相似文献   
Risk alleles for complex diseases are widely spread throughout human populations. However, little is known about the geographic distribution and frequencies of risk alleles, which may contribute to differences in disease susceptibility and prevalence among populations. Here, we focus on Crohn's disease (CD) as a model for the evolutionary study of complex disease alleles. Recent genome-wide association studies and classical linkage analyses have identified more than 70 susceptible genomic regions for CD in Europeans, but only a few have been confirmed in non-European populations. Our analysis of eight European-specific susceptibility genes using HapMap data shows that at the NOD2 locus the CD-risk alleles are linked with a haplotype specific to CEU at a frequency that is significantly higher compared with the entire genome. We subsequently examined nine global populations and found that the CD-risk alleles spread through hitchhiking with a high-frequency haplotype (H1) exclusive to Europeans. To examine the neutrality of NOD2, we performed phylogenetic network analyses, coalescent simulation, protein structural prediction, characterization of mutation patterns, and estimations of population growth and time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA). We found that while H1 was significantly prevalent in European populations, the H1 TMRCA predated human migration out of Africa. H1 is likely to have undergone negative selection because 1) the root of H1 genealogy is defined by a preexisting amino acid substitution that causes serious conformational changes to the NOD2 protein, 2) the haplotype has almost become extinct in Africa, and 3) the haplotype has not been affected by the recent European expansion reflected in the other haplotypes. Nevertheless, H1 has survived in European populations, suggesting that the haplotype is advantageous to this group. We propose that several CD-risk alleles, which destabilize and disrupt the NOD2 protein, have been maintained by natural selection on standing variation because the deleterious haplotype of NOD2 is advantageous in diploid individuals due to heterozygote advantage and/or intergenic interactions.  相似文献   
The 8th International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis, chaired by Maurizio Del Poeta (Medical University of South Carolina), and organized together with June Kwon-Chung (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), Stuart Levitz (University of Massachusetts Medical School), and John Perfect (Duke University), occurred in May 2011. This meeting brought together the world's leading researchers on Cryptococcus and cryptococcosis, including basic scientists, epidemiologists, and clinicians, to discuss new developments in Cryptococcus biology. With more than 60 oral presentations and 180 posters, this meeting enhanced our understanding of pathogenicity of Cryptococcus and served as a robust forum that facilitated cross-disciplinary discussions, research, and clinical collaborations. Due to space constraints, this brief overview highlights only a few of the topics discussed in this meeting, focusing on the evolution of virulence, host and pathogen interactions, fungal and host signaling, new advances of genomics studies on Cryptococcus, and the current status of the outbreak caused by C. gattii. The 8th International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis brought together scientists from across the globe in the beautiful historical downtown setting of Charleston to share their latest findings and highlight advances in Cryptococcus research. With more than 250 participants, this meeting was the largest gathering of the Cryptococcus international community in the 24-year history. Here, we review the advances presented and the current state of knowledge in the field.  相似文献   
Proteins belonging to PD-(D/E)XK phosphodiesterases constitute a functionally diverse superfamily with representatives involved in replication, restriction, DNA repair and tRNA–intron splicing. Their malfunction in humans triggers severe diseases, such as Fanconi anemia and Xeroderma pigmentosum. To date there have been several attempts to identify and classify new PD-(D/E)KK phosphodiesterases using remote homology detection methods. Such efforts are complicated, because the superfamily exhibits extreme sequence and structural divergence. Using advanced homology detection methods supported with superfamily-wide domain architecture and horizontal gene transfer analyses, we provide a comprehensive reclassification of proteins containing a PD-(D/E)XK domain. The PD-(D/E)XK phosphodiesterases span over 21 900 proteins, which can be classified into 121 groups of various families. Eleven of them, including DUF4420, DUF3883, DUF4263, COG5482, COG1395, Tsp45I, HaeII, Eco47II, ScaI, HpaII and Replic_Relax, are newly assigned to the PD-(D/E)XK superfamily. Some groups of PD-(D/E)XK proteins are present in all domains of life, whereas others occur within small numbers of organisms. We observed multiple horizontal gene transfers even between human pathogenic bacteria or from Prokaryota to Eukaryota. Uncommon domain arrangements greatly elaborate the PD-(D/E)XK world. These include domain architectures suggesting regulatory roles in Eukaryotes, like stress sensing and cell-cycle regulation. Our results may inspire further experimental studies aimed at identification of exact biological functions, specific substrates and molecular mechanisms of reactions performed by these highly diverse proteins.  相似文献   
The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, is a worldwide pest of citrus, which vectors the putative causal pathogen of huanglongbing. Current management practices warrant continuous monitoring of field populations for insecticide resistance. Baseline activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), general esterase, and glutathione S-transferase as well as sensitivity of AChE to selected organophosphate and carbamate insecticides were established for a susceptible laboratory strain (Lab) and compared with several field populations of D. citri from Florida. The specific activity of AChE in various D. citri populations ranged from 0.77 to 1.29 microM min(-1) mg of protein(-1); the Lab strain was characterized by the highest activity. Although reduced AChE sensitivity was observed in the Lab strain compared with field populations, overlap of 95% confidence intervals of I50 values (concentration required for 50% AChE activity inhibition) suggests no significant difference in AChE sensitivity among all populations tested for a given insecticide. There was no significant evidence of target site insensitivity in field populations that were exposed to the selected organophosphate and carbamate insecticides tested. The specific activity of general esterase and glutathione S-transferase was lowest in the Lab strain and was generally comparable to that of the field populations evaluated. The current data provide a mode-of-action specific baseline for future monitoring of resistance to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides in populations of D. citri.  相似文献   
Effects of alkali metal chlorides on the properties of mixed negatively charged lipid bilayers are experimentally measured and numerically simulated. Addition of 20mol% of negatively charged phosphatidylserine to zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine strengthens adsorption of monovalent cations revealing their specificity, in the following order: Cs(+)相似文献   
Female preferences for specific male phenotypes have been documented across a wide range of animal taxa, including numerous species where males contribute only gametes to offspring production. Yet, selective pressures maintaining such preferences are among the major unknowns of evolutionary biology. Theoretical studies suggest that preferences can evolve if they confer genetic benefits in terms of increased attractiveness of sons ("Fisherian" models) or overall fitness of offspring ("good genes" models). These two types of models predict, respectively, that male attractiveness is heritable and genetically correlated with fitness. In this meta-analysis, we draw general conclusions from over two decades worth of empirical studies testing these predictions (90 studies on 55 species in total). We found evidence for heritability of male attractiveness. However, attractiveness showed no association with traits directly associated with fitness (life-history traits). Interestingly, it did show a positive correlation with physiological traits, which include immunocompetence and condition. In conclusion, our results support "Fisherian" models of preference evolution, while providing equivocal evidence for "good genes." We pinpoint research directions that should stimulate progress in our understanding of the evolution of female choice.  相似文献   
Genomic analyses have identified segments with high fiber-forming propensity in many proteins not known to form amyloid. Proteins are often protected from entering the amyloid state by molecular chaperones that permit them to fold in isolation from identical molecules; but, how do proteins self-chaperone their folding in the absence of chaperones? Here, we explore this question with the stable protein ribonuclease A (RNase A). We previously identified fiber-forming segments of amyloid-related proteins and demonstrated that insertion of these segments into the C-terminal hinge loop of nonfiber-forming RNase A can convert RNase A into the amyloid state through three-dimensional domain-swapping, where the inserted fiber-forming segments interact to create a steric zipper spine. In this study, we convert RNase A into amyloid-like fibers by increasing the loop length and hence conformational freedom of an endogenous fiber-forming segment, SSTSAASS, in the N-terminal hinge loop. This is accomplished by sandwiching SSTSAASS between inserted Gly residues. With these inserts, SSTSAASS is now able to form the steric zipper spine, allowing RNase A to form amyloid-like fibers. We show that these fibers contain RNase A molecules retaining their enzymatic activity and therefore native-like structure. Thus, RNase A appears to prevent fiber formation by limiting the conformational freedom of this fiber-forming segment from entering a steric zipper. Our observations suggest that proteins have evolved to self-chaperone by using similar protective mechanisms.  相似文献   
While the role of herbivore-induced volatiles in plant-herbivore-natural enemy interactions is well documented aboveground, new evidence suggests that belowground volatile emissions can protect plants by attracting entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs). However, due to methodological limitations, no study has previously detected belowground herbivore-induced volatiles in the field or quantified their impact on attraction of diverse EPN species. Here we show how a belowground herbivore-induced volatile can enhance mortality of agriculturally significant root pests. First, in real time, we identified pregeijerene (1,5-dimethylcyclodeca-1,5,7-triene) from citrus roots 9-12 hours after initiation of larval Diaprepes abbreviatus feeding. This compound was also detected in the root zone of mature citrus trees in the field. Application of collected volatiles from weevil-damaged citrus roots attracted native EPNs and increased mortality of beetle larvae (D. abbreviatus) compared to controls in a citrus orchard. In addition, field applications of isolated pregeijerene caused similar results. Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that pregeijerene increased pest mortality by attracting four species of naturally occurring EPNs in the field. Finally, we tested the generality of this root-zone signal by application of pregeijerene in blueberry fields; mortality of larvae (Galleria mellonella and Anomala orientalis) again increased by attracting naturally occurring populations of an EPN. Thus, this specific belowground signal attracts natural enemies of widespread root pests in distinct agricultural systems and may have broad potential in biological control of root pests.  相似文献   
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