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Perennial energy crops (PECs) can reduce the negative impacts of intensive silage maize cultivation on agroecosystems in Central Europe. Furthermore, the remaining vegetation of PECs after harvest may provide suitable habitat and more beneficial overwintering conditions for arthropods than maize. It was hypothesized that after harvest and in winter, arthropod abundance and biomass are higher in PECs than in silage maize. In a field experiment arranged in a factorial split-plot design of eight main plots (plot size: 240 m2), the two PECs cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) and field grass were compared with silage maize (Zea mays L.) regarding their suitability as autumn (post-harvest) and overwintering habitats for arthropods. Soil temperature, moisture as well as biomass and abundance of autumn-active and overwintering arthropods were analyzed for these three crops. Suction sampling was used during autumn and emerging arthropods were sampled with emergence trap sets in spring. In PEC plots, soils were moister and less exposed to cold temperatures than in silage maize. Compared with silage maize, total arthropod abundance and biomass were higher in PEC plots for both sampling periods. Results were similar for most examined arthropod taxa. The results of this study demonstrate that, compared with silage maize, PECs provide suitable post-harvest habitats and constitute more suitable overwintering habitats for arthropods. Differences are likely to be based on lack of disturbance and the provision of vegetation structures after harvest that function as overwintering habitats for arthropods. It can be concluded that the positive effects of PECs on ground arthropods are not limited to their growing time but continue to a certain extend after harvest and during winter.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of the complex between Trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase (TR) (EC and the antiparasitic drug mepacrine (quinacrine) has been solved at 2.9 Å resolution. Mepacrine is a competitive inhibitor of TR but does not affect human glutathione reductase (GR), a closely related host enzyme. Of particular importance for inhibitor binding are four amino acid residues in the disulfide substrate-binding site of TR that are not conserved in human GR, namely, Glu-18 (Ala-34 in GR), Trp-21 (Arg-37), Ser-109 (Ile-113), and Met-113 (Asn-117). The acridine ring of mepacrine is fixed at the active site close to the hydrophobic wall formed by Trp-21 and Met-113. Specific pairwise interactions between functional groups of the drug and amino acid side chains include the ring nitrogen and Met-113, the chlorine atom and Trp-21, and the oxymethyl group and Ser-109. The alkylamino chain of mepacrine points into the inner region of the active site and is held in position by a solvent-mediated hydrogen bond to Glu-18. The structure of the complex shows for the first time the atomic interactions between TR and an inhibitory ligand. This is a crucial step towards the rational design of inhibitors that might be suited as drugs against Chagas' disease. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The effect of alpha-interferon (alpha-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) treatment on oxidative status in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is unknown. AIM: To study the time course of oxidative status in patients with CHC during alpha-IFN and RBV administration, and to evaluate the role of oxidative status in order to predict the therapeutic response. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty one patients with CHC were studied. All received a combination of alpha-IFN and RBV for 6 or 12 months in relation to the type of response. The hydroperoxides concentration in serum test samples by D-ROM test was measured in all of the patients before therapy. In 27 patients, hydroperoxides were also measured during the treatment and during the 12 subsequent months. RESULTS: Cross-sectional analysis demonstrates that patients with a successive long-term response had a lower basal serum hydroperoxide concentration than non-responders (280 +/- 40.8 vs 337 +/- 83 CARR Units, p < 0.05). This resulted to be an independent factor predictive of long-term response in the multi-varied analysis. Longitudinal observation on 27 patients showed that the mean hydroperoxide concentration decreased significantly during treatment (T0 329 +/- 79.2 vs T12 272 +/- 34.5 CARR Units) and that the decrease in the mean values was mainly due to variations in the relapsers group. CONCLUSIONS: Normal basal hydroperoxide concentration helps to predict long-term response to combination therapy. The D-ROM test may be used for screening patients before treatment.  相似文献   
African trypanosomes express three virtually identical non-selenium glutathione peroxidase (Px)-type enzymes which preferably detoxify lipid-derived hydroperoxides. As shown previously, bloodstream Trypanosoma brucei lacking the mitochondrial Px III display only a weak and transient proliferation defect whereas parasites that lack the cytosolic Px I and Px II undergo extremely fast lipid peroxidation and cell lysis. The phenotype can completely be rescued by supplementing the medium with the α-tocopherol derivative Trolox. The mechanism underlying the rapid cell death remained however elusive. Here we show that the lysosome is the origin of the cellular injury. Feeding the px I–II knockout parasites with Alexa Fluor-conjugated dextran or LysoTracker in the presence of Trolox yielded a discrete lysosomal staining. Yet upon withdrawal of the antioxidant, the signal became progressively spread over the whole cell body and was completely lost, respectively. T. brucei acquire iron by endocytosis of host transferrin. Supplementing the medium with iron or transferrin induced, whereas the iron chelator deferoxamine and apo-transferrin attenuated lysis of the px I–II knockout cells. Immunofluorescence microscopy with MitoTracker and antibodies against the lysosomal marker protein p67 revealed that disintegration of the lysosome precedes mitochondrial damage. In vivo experiments confirmed the negligible role of the mitochondrial peroxidase: Mice infected with px III knockout cells displayed only a slightly delayed disease development compared to wild-type parasites. Our data demonstrate that in bloodstream African trypanosomes, the lysosome, not the mitochondrion, is the primary site of oxidative damage and cytosolic trypanothione/tryparedoxin-dependent peroxidases protect the lysosome from iron-induced membrane peroxidation. This process appears to be closely linked to the high endocytic rate and distinct iron acquisition mechanisms of the infective stage of T. brucei. The respective knockout of the cytosolic px I–II in the procyclic insect form resulted in cells that were fully viable in Trolox-free medium.  相似文献   
The Red Queen hypothesis proposes that coevolving parasites select for outcrossing in the host. Outcrossing relies on males, which often show lower immune investment due to, for example, sexual selection. Here, we demonstrate that such sex differences in immunity interfere with parasite‐mediated selection for outcrossing. Two independent coevolution experiments with Caenorhabditis elegans and its microparasite Bacillus thuringiensis produced decreased yet stable frequencies of outcrossing male hosts. A subsequent systematic analysis verified that male C. elegans suffered from a direct selective disadvantage under parasite pressure (i.e. lower resistance, decreased sexual activity, increased escape behaviour), which can reduce outcrossing and thus male frequencies. At the same time, males offered an indirect selective benefit, because male‐mediated outcrossing increased offspring resistance, thus favouring male persistence in the evolving populations. As sex differences in immunity are widespread, such interference of opposing selective constraints is likely of central importance during host adaptation to a coevolving parasite.  相似文献   
Climate warming alters plant composition and population dynamics of arctic ecosystems. In particular, an increase in relative abundance and cover of deciduous shrub species (shrubification) has been recorded. We inferred genetic variation of common shrub species (Alnus alnobetula, Betula nana, Salix sp.) through time. Chloroplast genomes were assembled from modern plants (n = 15) from the Siberian forest‐tundra ecotone. Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA; n = 4) was retrieved from a lake on the southern Taymyr Peninsula and analyzed by metagenomics shotgun sequencing and a hybridization capture approach. For A. alnobetula, analyses of modern DNA showed low intraspecies genetic variability and a clear geographical structure in haplotype distribution. In contrast, B. nana showed high intraspecies genetic diversity and weak geographical structure. Analyses of sedaDNA revealed a decreasing relative abundance of Alnus since 5,400 cal yr BP, whereas Betula and Salix increased. A comparison between genetic variations identified in modern DNA and sedaDNA showed that Alnus variants were maintained over the last 6,700 years in the Taymyr region. In accordance with modern individuals, the variants retrieved from Betula and Salix sedaDNA showed higher genetic diversity. The success of the hybridization capture in retrieving diverged sequences demonstrates the high potential for future studies of plant biodiversity as well as specific genetic variation on ancient DNA from lake sediments. Overall, our results suggest that shrubification has species‐specific trajectories. The low genetic diversity in Aalnobetula suggests a local population recruitment and growth response of the already present communities, whereas the higher genetic variability and lack of geographical structure in B. nana may indicate a recruitment from different populations due to more efficient seed dispersal, increasing the genetic connectivity over long distances.  相似文献   
Here we show that expression of a constitutively activated RasA allele, as the sole source of Ras activity, revealed novel Ras-induced phenotypes, including excessive vacuolar expansion and spontaneous lysis of hyphal compartments. These findings highlight the requirement for balanced Ras activity in the establishment and maintenance of polarized growth in filamentous fungi.  相似文献   
In pathogenic trypanosomes, trypanothione synthetase (TryS) catalyzes the synthesis of both glutathionylspermidine (Gsp) and trypanothione (bis(glutathionyl)spermidine (T(SH)2)). Here we present a thorough kinetic analysis of Trypanosoma brucei TryS in a newly developed phosphate buffer system at pH 7.0 and 37 °C, mimicking the physiological environment of the enzyme in the cytosol of bloodstream parasites. Under these conditions, TryS displays Km values for GSH, ATP, spermidine, and Gsp of 34, 18, 687, and 32 μm, respectively, as well as Ki values for GSH and T(SH)2 of 1 mm and 360 μm, respectively. As Gsp hydrolysis has a Km value of 5.6 mm, the in vivo amidase activity is probably negligible. To obtain deeper insight in the molecular mechanism of TryS, we have formulated alternative kinetic models, with elementary reaction steps represented by linear kinetic equations. The model parameters were fitted to the extensive matrix of steady-state data obtained for different substrate/product combinations under the in vivo-like conditions. The best model describes the full kinetic profile and is able to predict time course data that were not used for fitting. This system''s biology approach to enzyme kinetics led us to conclude that (i) TryS follows a ter-reactant mechanism, (ii) the intermediate Gsp dissociates from the enzyme between the two catalytic steps, and (iii) T(SH)2 inhibits the enzyme by remaining bound at its product site and, as does the inhibitory GSH, by binding to the activated enzyme complex. The newly detected concerted substrate and product inhibition suggests that TryS activity is tightly regulated.  相似文献   
The purpose of our study was to investigate underlying basic mechanisms of hypothermia-induced cardioprotection during oxidative stress in a cardiomyocyte cell culture model. For hypothermic treatment we cooled H9c2 cardiomyocytes to 20 °C, maintained 20 min at 20 °C during which short-term oxidative damage was inflicted with 2 mM H2O2, followed by rewarming to 37 °C. Later on, we analyzed lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), caspase-3 cleavage, reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondrial activity, intracellular ATP production, cytoprotective signal molecules as well as DNA damage. Hypothermia decreased H2O2 damage in cardiomyocytes as demonstrated in a lower LDH release, less caspase-3 cleavage and less M30 CytoDeath staining. After rewarming H2O2 damaged cells demonstrated a significantly higher reduction rate of intracellular ROS compared to normothermic H2O2 damaged cardiomyocytes. This was in line with a significantly greater mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity and higher intracellular ATP content in cooled and rewarmed cells. Moreover, hypothermia preserved cell viability by up-regulation of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and a reduction of p53 phosphorylation. DNA damage, proven by PARP-1 cleavage and H2AX phosphorylation, was significantly reduced by hypothermia. In conclusion, we could demonstrate that hypothermia protects cardiomyocytes during oxidative stress by preventing apoptosis via inhibiting mitochondrial dysfunction and DNA damage.  相似文献   
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