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Summary A new case of ring chromosome 4 in a 2-day-old female child with multiple malformations is described. By means of the GTG-banding technique, a karyotype 46,XX,r(4), (p16q35) was determined. The characteristics of the child's karyotype and the relationship with the structure of the chromosome, especially the location of the deletion that produces the syndrome, are compared with previous reports.  相似文献   
Oxytocin (OT) and V1 vasopressin (VP) receptors are present simultaneously in several tissues, including the uterus. In myometrium these receptors mediate contractility, while in endometrium they mediate the release of other uterotonic substances as endothelin (ET). In rabbit myometrium, estrogens increase, while progesterone blunts neurohypophysial hormone receptors. However, the action of sex steroids on OT and V1 VP receptors differs in terms of the ED50 and maximal effect. Therefore, at parturition, only OT receptors show a dramatic rise, while V1 VP receptors do not change, suggesting a major role for OT in labor. ET is a potent stimulator of uterine activity acting through specific receptors present on myometrial cells. These receptors as well as the endometrial localization of ET are modulated by sex steroids, indicating that ET might represent a paracrine regulator of uterine activity. In humans, OT but not V1 VP receptors increase as pregnancy progresses, confirming the primary relevance of OT in timing delivery.  相似文献   
Summary Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of melanoma patients were sensitized in vitro with lymphocytes of a single donor or with a pool of lymphocytes of 5–20 different donors. After 6–7 days, the cytotoxic activity of the sensitized PBL was tested against cultured autologous tumor cells and lymphocytes in a 51Cr-release assay. Tumor lysis was observed in 13 of 16 cases in which patients' PBL (Pt-PBL) were stimulated by a pool of allogeneic lymphocytes and in five out of seven cases when single sensitization was performed. In no case was lysis of autologous normal lymphocytes or blasts seen. Cultivation of Pt-PBL with irradiated autologous tumor cells never led to the induction of lymphocytes cytotoxic to melanoma cells. Lysability by pool-activated autologous Pt-PBL of fresh cryopreserved tumor cells was compared to that of short-term cultured tumor cells, and no significant differences were observed. Cold-target inhibition experiments indicated that the cytotoxicity of Pt-PBL was tumor-restricted since only autologous melanoma cells but not lymphocytes were able to inhibit the reaction. These results indicate that activation of Pt-PBL is necessary in order to elicit or amplify their antitumor activity.  相似文献   
In liver cells recovering from reversible ischemia the increase in RNA synthesis by isolated nuclei is preceded by activation of ornithine decarboxylase, leading in turn to an increase in putrescine concentration. Treatment of the animals with 1,3-diaminopropane and putrescine prevents ornithine decarboxylase activation but does not hinder the enhancement of RNA synthesis in post-ischemic liver nuclei; therefore, ornithine decarboxylase activation does not seem to be a necessary prerequisite for the increase in RNA synthesis. Hypophysectomy does not prevent the post-ischemic increases of ornithine decarboxylase and RNA synthesis; but pre-treatment of the animals with cycloheximide—which has a dual effect on the activity of ornithine decarboxylase—abolishes the post-ischemic enhancement of RNA synthesis. In contrast with regenerating liver, changes in ornithine decarboxylase activity and putrescine concentrations in reversible ischemia are not associated to changes in S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase activity and in spermine and spermidine concentrations that seem to be characteristic of tissues where increases in RNA synthesis are followed by DNA synthesis and cell multiplication.  相似文献   
Summary Changes in the distribution of the in vitro uptake of 125I-HCG by the ovaries of adult rats were examined histochemically throughout the estrous cycle.Only in follicles wider than 500 m, occurring mainly at diestrus and proestrus, could granulosa cells bind the labelled hormone. The labelling increased with follicular size and decreased in intensity from the peripheral granulosa cells inwards. No uptake occurred in the oocytes, in the cells of the cumulus oophorus nor in the granulosa cells of the atretic follicles.The binding capacity of the newly-formed corpora lutea of estrus was less than that of preovulatory follicles. The uptake of 125I-HCG by corpora lutea during the first cycle reached its maximum at diestrus but fell sharply by proestrus. The uptake was patchy in the corpora lutea of the second cycle and not significant in the older ones.The uptake of 125I-HCG by thecae increased with follicular size and was greater in the thecae of atretic follicles than in the thecae of growing follicles of like size. There was a greater uptake in the last formed interstitial tissue than there was in older tissue.At proestrus, the uptake of 125I-HCG was unaffected by the LH surge at 18.00h but had decreased slightly at 24.00 h.The implications of these data in relation to the regulation of receptor sites, is discussed.  相似文献   
Genome editing with the CRISPR/Cas9 system allows mutations to be induced at any 20-bp target site in the genome preceded by the short protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) 5′-NGG-3′. The brevity and degeneracy of the PAM ensures that the motif occurs every ~10 bp in plant genomes, and all plant genes therefore contain many targetable sites. However, the CRISPR/Cas9 system tolerates up to three mismatches in the target site, so the ability to target genes in a specific manner requires the design of synthetic guide RNAs (sgRNAs) that do not bind off-target sites anywhere else in the genome. This is straightforward for single-copy genes but more challenging if a target gene has one or more paralogs because the principles that balance targeting efficiency (the frequency of on-target mutations) and accuracy (the absence of off-target mutations) are not fully understood and may be partially species-dependent. To investigate this phenomenon in rice, we targeted the rice starch branching enzyme IIb gene (OsBEIIb) with two sgRNAs designed to differ at two and six positions, respectively, from corresponding sites in the close paralog OsBEIIa. In each case, half of the mismatches were in the essential seed region immediately upstream of the PAM, where exact pairing is thought to be necessary, and the other half were in the distal part of the target. The sgRNAs also differed in predicted targeting efficiency (39 and 96 %, respectively). We found that the sgRNA with the low predicted efficiency was actually the most efficient in practice, achieving a mutation frequency of 5 % at the target site, whereas the sgRNA with the high predicted efficiency generated no mutations at the second target site. Furthermore, neither of the sgRNAs induced an off-target mutation in the OsBEIIa gene. Our data indicate that efficiency predictions should be tested empirically because they do not always reflect the experimental outcome and that a 1-bp mismatch in the seed region of a sgRNA is sufficient to avoid off-target effects even in closely related rice genes.  相似文献   
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