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Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), in combination with CRISPR associated (cas) genes, constitute CRISPR-Cas bacterial adaptive immune systems. To generate immunity, these systems acquire short sequences of nucleic acids from foreign invaders and incorporate these into their CRISPR arrays as spacers. This adaptation process is the least characterized step in CRISPR-Cas immunity. Here, we used Pectobacterium atrosepticum to investigate adaptation in Type I-F CRISPR-Cas systems. Pre-existing spacers that matched plasmids stimulated hyperactive primed acquisition and resulted in the incorporation of up to nine new spacers across all three native CRISPR arrays. Endogenous expression of the cas genes was sufficient, yet required, for priming. The new spacers inhibited conjugation and transformation, and interference was enhanced with increasing numbers of new spacers. We analyzed ∼350 new spacers acquired in priming events and identified a 5′-protospacer-GG-3′ protospacer adjacent motif. In contrast to priming in Type I-E systems, new spacers matched either plasmid strand and a biased distribution, including clustering near the primed protospacer, suggested a bi-directional translocation model for the Cas1:Cas2–3 adaptation machinery. Taken together these results indicate priming adaptation occurs in different CRISPR-Cas systems, that it can be highly active in wild-type strains and that the underlying mechanisms vary.  相似文献   
Rabbit antiserum raised against the isolated native epsilon subunit of the chloroplast coupling factor 1 activated the ATPase activity of coupling factor 1 in solution by removing the epsilon subunit. Incubation of thylakoid membranes with the antiserum in the dark had no effect on photophosphorylation or on the dithiothreitol-induced Mg2+-ATPase activity. Incubation with the antiserum during illumination, however, strongly inhibited both activities and caused the membranes to become leaky to protons. The results indicate that the formation of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane induces a change in conformation of the epsilon subunit of the ATP synthase such that it becomes susceptible to attack and removal by the antibodies. This change may be a part of the mechanism that results in energy-dependent activation of the ATP synthase.  相似文献   
Plant transformation has had a deep impact on several aspects of basic and applied research. Genetic transformation has offered new opportunities compared to traditional breeding practises since it allows the integration into a host genome of specific sequences leading to a strong reduction of the casualness of gene transfer. One of the first target areas was plant protection against pests, pathogens and environmental stresses while the recent plant engineering programs are aimed at increasing food quality, in particular at increasing nutritional characteristics of food crops. Moreover, transgenic plants, tissue or cell cultures represent an attractive biological system for producing heterologous proteins since they offer economic and qualitative benefits. High yield production can be obtained and large-scale commercial production will take advantage of the existing infrastructure for crop cultivation, processing and storage. There are also qualitative benefits since protein synthesis secretion and post-translational modifications are similar in plants and animal cells. There are no human viral pathogens harboured by plants: thus, especially for pharmaceuticals, plants represent the safer production system. Plant transformation has become an essential instrument also for basic research, in particular for the functional characterisation of genes identified by sequencing of whole genomes. Large collections of insertion mutants have been obtained in the model plant Arabidopsis to provide a high level of genome saturation that means 95% chance of inactivating any gene at least once. To instil greater public confidence in modern plant biotechnology recent advances have already been made to overcome the potential risks for human health and environment.  相似文献   
Arthropods and in particular crustaceans show a great diversity concerning their limb morphology. This makes the homologization of limbs and their parts and our understanding of evolutionary transformations of these limb types problematical. To address these problems we undertook a comparative study of the limb development of two representatives of branchiopod crustaceans, one with phyllopodous the other with stenopodous trunk limbs. The trunk limb ontogeny of a 'larger branchiopod', Cyclestheria hislopi ('Conchostraca') and the raptorial cladoceran Leptodora kindtii (Haplopoda) has been examined by various methods such as SEM, Hoechst fluorescent stain and expression of the Distal-less gene. The early ontogeny of the trunk limbs in C. hislopi and L. kindtii is similar. In both species the limbs are formed as ventrally placed, elongate, subdivided limb buds. However, in C. hislopi, the portions of the early limb bud end up constituting the endites and the endopod of the phyllopodous filtratory limb in the adult, whereas in L. kindtii, similar limb bud portions end up constituting the actual segments in the segmented, stenopodous, and raptorial trunk limbs of the adults. Hence, the portions of the limbs corresponding to the endites of the phyllopodous trunk limbs in C. hislopi (and other 'larger branchiopods') are homologous to the segments of the stenopodous trunk limbs in L. kindtii. It is most parsimonious to assume that the segmented trunk limbs in L. kindtii have developed from phyllopodous limbs with endites and not vice versa. This study has demonstrated at least one way in which segmented limbs have been derived from phyllopodous, multi-lobate limbs during evolution. Similar pathways can be assumed for the evolution of stenopodous, segmented and uniramous limbs in other crustaceans. Irrespective of the differences in the adult limb morphology, the early patterning of arthropod limbs seems to follow a similar principle.  相似文献   
Summary A point mutation in the -35 region of the promoter of the primer for initiation of DNA replication in the plasmid pMB1 was characterized. This base change causes a promoter up phenotype. The analysis of a second mutant obtained by site-directed mutagenesis allowed the exclusion of a role in the phenotype for the potential intrastrand secondary structure as well as for the methylation state of the DNA in the promoter region. The promoter up phenotype is concluded to be due to a change in the primary structure of the — 35 element with the consequent production of a better cluster of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors for the RNA polymerase.  相似文献   
The reactivity of two monoclonal antibodies recognizing NCA-95 and NCA-55 (MAb 47 and MAb 192, respectively) with a polyclonal anti-NCA serum in myeloid leukemic cells isolated by density gradient centrifugation was compared using an immunofluorescence test (IF). It was observed that the blood myeloid cells in 78.8% of the patients with different types of myelocytic leukemias and all granulocytes of 15 normal donors showed similar expression of the NCA species studied. The leukocytes of the remaining patients did not synthesize the NCA-95 species regardless of the maturation stage of the cells studied. In two patients, synthesis of this NCA form was limited to the fractions containing myelocytes and metamyelocytes. We have found that all anti-NCA antibodies studied recognized different antigenic epitopes in a myeloid cell series. A relationship between the patient's survival and the proportion of NCA-containing cells was also observed.  相似文献   
Bovine chromaffin granules undergo irreversible structural changes during osmotic shrinkage in hypertonic sucrose and salt solutions, such that, on reexposure to isoosmotic conditions they do not regain their original morphology, but undergo lysis ('hyperosmotic relaxation lysis'). Irreversible alterations of granules were induced by hypertonic incubations lasting for as little as 1 min. Fluorescence and EPR membrane labelling experiments showed that hypertonicity did not induce membrane loss for instance by inwardly or outwardly directed pinching off of membrane material. The mean sizes of chromaffin granules as a function of increasing and subsequently decreasing osmotic pressure were measured by photon correlation spectroscopy; there was no significant difference in sizes of hyperosmotically pretreated granules as compared with controls. Freeze-fracture electron micrographs showed the formation of 'twins' and 'triplets' under hypertonic conditions. They also revealed intragranular vesicles of 50-200 nm in diameter in both hypertonically and isotonically suspended granules. 'Twin' and 'triplet' granules were formed by the attachment of intragranular vesicles to the granule membranes. We suggest that hyperosmotic relaxation lysis is caused by the fact that this adhesion partly prevents the granule membrane from reexpanding, thus, leading to its rupture.  相似文献   
Auditory evoked brain potentials (AEP) were recorded from nine healthy male subjects during three types of condition: A - subject and visual field stationary; B - subject vibrated (z-axis, 0.6 Hz, 1.85 ms-2 rms), visual field stationary; C - subject stationary, visual field vibrated (as for B). The visual surround was confined to a checkerboard pattern in front of the subject. Auditory stimuli (1000 Hz, 86 dB, interstimulus interval 7 s) were delivered via headphones to evoke AEP. Vibration-synchronous activity in the EEG was eliminated by a subtraction technique. In comparison with condition A, conditions B and C caused an attenuation of P2 and N1P2 components of AEP together with an increased latency of N1. Effects of conditions B and C did not differ. Direct vestibular stimulation and mechanisms specific for whole-body vibration were rejected as modes of action. The AEP-changes and the subjective evaluation of experimental conditions, arousal and performance, as well as symptoms of kinetosis (motion sickness) suggest a sensory mismatch, leading to a "latent kinetosis" with de-arousal, as the dominating mechanism by which the processing of information was affected. This suggestion was supported by an additional pilot study. Under real working conditions a similar effect can be expected during relative motion between the driver and his visual surround, i.e. even with perfect vibro-isolation of the driver's seat.  相似文献   
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