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Summary Two-cell mouse ova, which were centrifuged for l h at 70 000–90 000xg, showed a precise stratification of the cytoplasm and an elongation of the nucleus. The ova were fixed at different times and observed by light and electron microscopy using cytochemical methods and detergent extractions. Within 40 min after centrifugation the normal-looking morphology was recovered except for the persisting lipid caps at the centripetal poles of the blastomeres. Cleavage, compaction and blastulation were not prevented by centrifugation. Treatments with colcemid or cytochalasin D delayed but did not impair recovery. These results suggest that a resilient cytoskeletal structure may be involved in this kind of embryonic regulation.  相似文献   
Summary Phenotypic analyses of genetic combinations involving the gene extramacrochaetae (emc) reveal its participation in the differentiation of both sensory elements and wing veins. The study of near-amorphic alleles of emc in mitotitc recombination clones indicates that it also affects cell proliferation. These clones show abnormal sizes, shapes and spatial distribution. They differentiate extra sensory elements as well as extra veins. A gain of function mutation in the gene causes opposite phenotypes in both differentiation systems. The effects of the mutant on proliferation and patterning are consistent with the emc gene being involved in the transfer of information between neighbouring cells, which leads to the spatial expression of the achaetescute gene complex and genes involved in vein formation.  相似文献   
Summary By means of an experimental factorial design the role of several culture conditions is described and its values determined for the maximum yeast production in mixed cultures ofAspergillus oryzae andRhodotorula glutinis.  相似文献   
Résumé Cinquante deux souches deB. thuringiensis appartenant à 13 sérovars ont été testées sur des chenilles néonates deSpodoptera frugiperda en contaminant la surface du milieu semi-synthétique d'élevage. Deux souches du sérovarkenyae et une autre du sérovartolworthi provoquent le plus de mortalité, suivies par les souches des sérovarsaizawai etkurstaki. Les souches les moins actives appartiennent aux sérotypesalesti, dendrolimus, sotto etcolmeri. L'action des souches sur le développement larvaire a aussi été abordée. Les souches des sérovarskenyae, aizawai etkurstaki ont ralenti le développement des chenilles, tandis que les souches des sérovarsalesti, sotto etcolmeri n'ont eu aucun effet.   相似文献   
Using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical technique, a morphometric study of the magnocellular neurons of the Paraventricular nucleus of the rat hypothalamus, reactive to specific anti-vasopressin rabbit serum, was made. Following systemic and chronic administration of met-enkephalin the number of immunoreactive neurons was higher, especially in females. Additionally, in the females, it was possible to observe an increase in the immunoreactivity and the presence of well-stained fibres. These findings suggest, especially in females, a blockage in the release of vasopressin, facilitating its immunocytochemical visualization.  相似文献   
The cerebral cortex of Squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes) may be regarded as an archicortex or "reptilian hippocampus". In lizards, one cortical area, the medial cortex, may be considered as a true "fascia dentata" on grounds of its anatomy, connectivity and cyto- chemo-architectonics of its main zinc-rich axonal projection. Moreover, its late ontogenesis and postnatal development support this view. In normal conditions, it shows delayed postnatal neurogenesis and growth during the lizard's life span. Remnant neuroblasts in the medial cortical ependyma of adult lizards seasonally proliferate. The late-produced immature neurocytes migrate to the medial cortex cell layer where they differentiate and give off zinc-containing axons directed to the rest of cortical areas. This results in a continuous growth of the medial cortex and its zinc-rich axonal projection. Perhaps the most important characteristic of the lizard medial cortex is that it can regenerate after having been almost completely destroyed. Recent experiments in our laboratory have shown that chemical lesion of its neurons (up to 95%) results in a cascade of events; first, those related with massive neuronal death and axonal-dendritic retraction and, secondly, those related with a triggered neuroblast proliferation and subsequent neo-histogenesis, and the regeneration of an almost new medial cortex that shows itself undistinguishable from a normal undamaged one. This is the only report to our knowledge that an amniote central nervous centre may regenerate by new neuron production and neo-histogenesis. Perhaps the medial cortex of lizards may be used as a model for neuronal regeneration and/or transplant experiments in mammals or even in primates.  相似文献   
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a potent mitogen for parenchymal liver, epithelial and endothelial cells. Structurally, it has similarities to kringle-containing serine proteases, although it does not possess proteolytic activity. A structure-activity relationship study of human HGF was performed by functional analysis of HGF substitution and deletion variants. Analysis of HGF variants was accomplished by defining their ability to induce DNA synthesis on hepatocytes in primary culture and to compete with wild-type HGF for binding to a soluble form of the HGF receptor. Three groups of variants were made: (i) substitutions at the cleavage site, (ii) substitutions within the protease-like domain and (iii) deletions of the beta-chain and/or kringle domains. Our results show that: (i) single-chain HGF is a zymogen-like promitogen in that cleavage into a two-chain form is required for biological activity, however, the single chain form of HGF still retains substantial receptor binding capacity; (ii) certain mutations in the protease-like domain result in variants that are completely defective for mitogenic activity, yet exhibit apparent receptor binding affinities similar to wild-type HGF (Kd approximately 50-70 pM); and (iii) a variant containing the N-terminal 272 residues of mature HGF showed only a 4-fold increase in Kd when compared with wild-type HGF indicating that a primary receptor binding determinant is located within this sequence.  相似文献   
Seventeen strains of Penicillium spp. have been isolated from Poa huecu Parodi from the Zapala zone, exhibiting toxicity to sheet. The following strains have been identified: P. crustosum, cyclopium, notatum, palitans, puberulum, verrucosum, viridicatum and Penicillium spp. The toxigenic capacity of the strains was studied after growing them under suitable conditions. Toxins produced were analysed by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Penitrem A (PA) and Penitrem B (PB) neurotoxins were identified and quantitated in twelve strains; verruculogen (VERR) and fumitremorgen B (FTB) being present in one of them. The effect of these mycotoxins was studied in mice. Neurological symptoms characteristic of the intoxication by tremorgenic toxins and similar to those observed in sheep suffering from huecu's disease were observed. The possible role of these toxins as causative agents of huecu's disease is discussed.  相似文献   
A protocol for the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tomatillo was developed. Up to 40 transgenic plants could be obtained in experiments using 60 cotyledon expiants. The transformed nature of the regenerated plants was confirmed by NPT II and Southern blot hybridization analysis. Using the b-glucuronidase system the tissue specific and developmental patterns of expression of the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter were determined in transgenic tomatillo plants. It was found that this promoter is developmentally regulated during fruit and seed formation.  相似文献   
Summary The abundance and depth distribution of zooplankton faeces in spring to early summer were investigated along meridional transects (47°W and 49°W) that extended from the Scotia Sea (57°S) across the Weddell-Scotia Confluence and into the Weddell Gyre (62°S). The sea ice edge retreated from 59°30S to 61°S during the study. Faeces were sampled with nets, Niskin bottles and sediment traps and subsequently analysed by light and electron (SEM) microscopy. Krill faecal strings and oval faecal pellets of unknown origin were by far the most important zooplankton faeces and highest concentrations were always found in the Confluence often close to the ice border. Krill faeces were usually more abundant in the uppermost layer (0–50m) where they contributed an average of 130 g dry weight m–3. There was an exponential decrease with depth, with a minimum of 0.6 g dry weight m–3 in the 500–1000 m stratum. Oval pellets were more evenly distributed in the upper 1000 m of the water column, with an average of 9 g dry weight m –3, although there was a small peak (20 g dry weight m–3) in the subsurface layer (50–150 m depth). Consecutive collections (day-night) of krill faeces using drifting sediment traps showed that only the larger strings sank from 50 to 150 m depth. Peritrophic membranes appeared to deteriorate during sinking. Diatoms (in particular Nitzschia and Thalassiosira spp.) contributed by far the bulk of material in krill and oval faeces. In samples collected near or under the pack ice, remains of crustaceans in both krill- and oval faeces were also found.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   
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