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Statins effectively lower low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) and reduce cardiovascular risk in people with dyslipidemia and cardiometabolic diseases such as Metabolic syndrome (MetS) or type 2 diabetes (T2D). In addition to elevated levels of LDL-C, people with these conditions often have other lipid-related risk factors, such as high levels of triglycerides, low levels of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), and a preponderance of highly atherogenic, small, dense low-density lipoprotein particles. The optimal management of dyslipidemia in people with MetS or T2D should therefore address each of these risk factors in addition to LDL-C. Although statins typically have similar effects on LDL-C levels, differences in chemical structure and pharmacokinetic profile can lead to variations in pleiotropic effects, adverse event profiles and drug-drug interactions. The choice of statin should therefore depend on the characteristics and needs of the individual patient. Compared with other statins, pitavastatin has distinct pharmacological features that translate into a broad range of actions on both apolipoprotein-B-containing and apolipoprotein-A-containing lipoproteins. Studies show that pitavastatin 1 to 4 mg is well tolerated and significantly improves LDL-C and triglyceride levels to a similar or greater degree than comparable doses of atorvastatin, simvastatin or pravastatin, irrespective of diabetic status. Moreover, whereas most statins show inconsistent effects on HDL-C levels, pitavastatin-treated patients routinely experience clinically significant elevations in HDL-C that are maintained and even increased over the long term. In addition to increasing high-density lipoprotein quantity, pitavastatin appears to improve high-density lipoprotein function and to slow the progression of atherosclerotic plaques by modifying high-density lipoprotein-related inflammation and oxidation, both of which are common in patients with MetS and T2D. When choosing a statin, it is important to note that patients with MetS have an increased risk of developing T2D and that some statins can exacerbate this risk via adverse effects on glucose regulation. Unlike many statins, pitavastatin appears to have a neutral and even beneficial effect on glucose regulation, making it a useful treatment option in this high-risk group of patients. Together with pitavastatin’s beneficial effects on the cardiometabolic lipid profile and its low potential for drug-drug interactions, this suggests that pitavastatin might be a useful lipid-lowering option for people with cardiometabolic disease.  相似文献   
Summary A cDNA encoding trypsin inhibitor CMe from barley endosperm has been cloned and characterized. The longest open reading frame of the cloned cDNA codes for a typical signal peptide of 24 residues followed by a sequence which is identical to the known amino acid sequence of the inhibitor, except for an Ile/Leu substitution at position 59. Southern blot analysis of wheat-barley addition lines has shown that chromosome 3H of barley carries the gene for CMe. This protein is present at less than 2%–3% of the wild-type amount in the mature endosperm of the mutant Risø 1508 with respect to Bomi barley, from which it has been derived, and the corresponding steady state levels of the CMe mRNA are about I%. One or two copies of the CMe gene (synonym Itc1) per haploid genome have been estimated both in the wild type and in the mutant, and DNA restriction patterns are identical in both stocks, so neither a change in copy number nor a major rearrangement of the structural gene account for the markedly decreased expression. The mutation at the lys 3a locus in Risø 1508 has been previously mapped in chromosome 7 (synonym 5H). A single dose of the wild-type allele at this locus (Lys 3a) restores the expression of gene CMe (allele CMe-1) in chromosome 3H to normal levels.  相似文献   
Exoglucanase (exo-1,3-β-D-glucan glycohydrolase, EC activity secreted by Saccharomyces cerevisiae into the culture medium was separated by ion exchange chromatography into two glycoprotein isoenzymes which contributed 10% (exoglucanase I) and 90% (exoglucanase II) towards the total activity. Analysis of the “in vitro” deglycosylated products by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under native or denaturing conditions indicated that the protein portions of both exoglucanases exhibited identical mobility, each one consisting of two polypeptides with M r of 47000 and 48000. The same profile was shown by the exoglucanase secreted in the presence of tunicamycin. Antibodies raised against the protein portion of exoglucanase II did react with both native exoglucanases and their deglycosylated products with a pattern indicative of immunological identity. Digestion of the “in vitro” deglycosylated products of both exoglucanases with Staphylococcus aureus V-8 protease or trypsin generated the same proteolytic fragments in each case. Only exoglucanase II was secreted by protoplasts. These and previously reported results indicate that the protein portions of both isoenzymes may be the product of the same gene (or a family of related genes), and that exoglucanase I is a product of enzyme II, modified by a process occurring beyond the permeability barrier of the cell.  相似文献   
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) stimulated in a dose-dependent manner the accumulation of cAMP in human melanoma-derived cell line IGR39. The maximal effect (about 100 times the basal level) was observed with 10 nM VIP. Half-maximum cAMP production was obtained at 0.78 nM VIP. VIP-related peptides were also potent in stimulating the cAMP production in IGR39 cells. The order of potency was VIP much greater than peptide histidine-methioninamide greater than human growth-hormone-releasing factor(1-44) greater than secretin greater than glucagon. Using the same conditions, IGR37 cells, a metastasic counterpart of IGR39 cells, displayed a weak stimulation of cAMP production. After exposure of IGR39 cells to 10 nM VIP, the cAMP response to a new stimulation by VIP was strongly reduced. This desensitization of IGR39 cells to VIP was rapid (t1/2 less than 2 min) and homologous. Preincubation of IGR39 cells in the presence of native VIP induced disappearance of the VIP-binding sites at the cell surface. This phenomenon was dependent on time and VIP concentration. Maximum effect (loss of 80% of binding capacity) was obtained after exposure of the cells at 37 degrees C with a VIP concentration of 1 microM. The t1/2 of maximum disappearance was less than 2 min and the concentration of VIP giving half-maximum decrease in binding of mono[125I]iodinated VIP (125I-VIP) was 8 nM. This phenomenon was also reversible since 85% of the VIP-binding capacity could be restored in less than 1 h by incubating IGR39 cells in a VIP-free medium. The IGR39 cell line should be a useful model for further study of the structure and function of the human VIP receptor.  相似文献   
Changes in F1-ATPase and UCP protein contents and in the activity of respiratory complexes I, II and IV of brown adipose tissue mitochondria are reported during the first 0-6 hours of life in the rat. Mitochondrial UCP/F1-ATPase protein ratio is used to define the onset of thermogenic differentiation of brown adipose tissue mitochondria. It is concluded that mitochondrial differentiation occurs soon after birth and that the process is accelerated by hypothermic conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Two-cell mouse ova, which were centrifuged for l h at 70 000–90 000xg, showed a precise stratification of the cytoplasm and an elongation of the nucleus. The ova were fixed at different times and observed by light and electron microscopy using cytochemical methods and detergent extractions. Within 40 min after centrifugation the normal-looking morphology was recovered except for the persisting lipid caps at the centripetal poles of the blastomeres. Cleavage, compaction and blastulation were not prevented by centrifugation. Treatments with colcemid or cytochalasin D delayed but did not impair recovery. These results suggest that a resilient cytoskeletal structure may be involved in this kind of embryonic regulation.  相似文献   
Summary Phenotypic analyses of genetic combinations involving the gene extramacrochaetae (emc) reveal its participation in the differentiation of both sensory elements and wing veins. The study of near-amorphic alleles of emc in mitotitc recombination clones indicates that it also affects cell proliferation. These clones show abnormal sizes, shapes and spatial distribution. They differentiate extra sensory elements as well as extra veins. A gain of function mutation in the gene causes opposite phenotypes in both differentiation systems. The effects of the mutant on proliferation and patterning are consistent with the emc gene being involved in the transfer of information between neighbouring cells, which leads to the spatial expression of the achaetescute gene complex and genes involved in vein formation.  相似文献   
Résumé Cinquante deux souches deB. thuringiensis appartenant à 13 sérovars ont été testées sur des chenilles néonates deSpodoptera frugiperda en contaminant la surface du milieu semi-synthétique d'élevage. Deux souches du sérovarkenyae et une autre du sérovartolworthi provoquent le plus de mortalité, suivies par les souches des sérovarsaizawai etkurstaki. Les souches les moins actives appartiennent aux sérotypesalesti, dendrolimus, sotto etcolmeri. L'action des souches sur le développement larvaire a aussi été abordée. Les souches des sérovarskenyae, aizawai etkurstaki ont ralenti le développement des chenilles, tandis que les souches des sérovarsalesti, sotto etcolmeri n'ont eu aucun effet.   相似文献   
Two protein factors binding to the regulatory region of the pea chlorophyl a/b binding protein gene AB80 have been identified. One of these factors is found only in green tissue but not in etiolated or root tissue. The second factor (denominated ABF-2) binds to a DNA sequence element that contains a direct heptamer repeat TCTCAAA. It was found that presence of both of the repeats is essential for binding. ABF-2 is present in both green and etiolated tissue and in roots and factors analogous to ABF-2 are present in several plant species. Computer analysis showed that the TCTCAAA motif is present in the regulatory region of several plant genes.  相似文献   
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