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Females of the apple maggot fly,Rhagoletis pomonella, were allowed for 3 days to alight upon and oviposit in green or red 18- to 20-mm hawthorn host fruit (Crategus mollis) or green or red 45- to 55-mm apple host fruit (Malus pumila) hung from branches of potted host trees in field enclosures. Subsequently, when females were released individually on potted host trees harboring fruit of one of these types, their ability to find fruit of unfamiliar size proved unaffected by prior experience with fruit but their ability to find fruit of unfamiliar color was significantly affected. Specifically, females exposed to red hawthorns or red apples were less able to find green hawthorns or green apples than were females experienced with either of the latter fruit types. Fruit odor was found to have no effect on female ability to find familiar compared with unfamiliar green fruit. In contrast, a difference in size (or surface chemistry) between familiar and unfamiliar fruit but not a difference in fruit color had a significant negative influence on the propensity of alighting females to bore into unfamiliar fruit. Three bouts of experience with alighting upon and ovipositing into fruit over a period of about 1 h had no detectable effect on female ability to find unfamiliar fruit but did reduce propensity to bore into unfamiliar fruit. Our findings are discussed in relation to insect ability to learn visual and chemical stimuli of resources and insect propensity to form host races. We also discuss the potential impact of our findings on nonpesticidal, behavioral methods of managingR. pomonella in commercial apple orchards.  相似文献   
In sesquioxide-rich soils of tropical and subtropical areas and volcanic-ash soils with high levels of active Al(Fe), large amounts of phosphate fertilizers are needed to overcome their high P-fixation capacity (quenching strategy). A greenhouse pot experiment has been used to evaluate the effectiveness of city refuse compost (CRC) as a P-source for these variable-charge soils, compared to inorganic P. Mature CRC and K2HPO4 were applied at rates equivalent to 125, 250, 375, 500 and 625 kg P ha–1 to a ferrallitic soils from Tenerife Island (Andeptic Paleudult) with a high content in active Al+Fe (4.82%) and a high P-fixation capacity (87%). Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was grown in pots and plants were harvested at regular intervals after seedling emergence. CRC increases plant P concentration and soil labile-P proportional to the applied rate. The best results were obtained from a compost application of 30 t ha–1 equivalent-rate, after a residence time of at least three months. An important residual effect in the supply capacity of P in relation to the phosphate fertilizer was also observed. The relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) in comparison to K2HPO4 was 66% after 6 months, considering P uptake + soil labile-P. The soil P-fixation capacity was significantly reduced from a compost application of 40 t ha–1 equivalent-rate. Competition in adsorption between organic ligands and phosphate, in combination with net mineralization of organic P in compost, might account for the high RAE value obtained. The main conclusion is that the city refuse compost could be a suitable P-amendment for resquioxic soils due to its high RAE, and the residual effect on P-supply. ei]H. Lambers  相似文献   
We have used a combination of densimetric, calorimetric, and uv absorption techniques to obtain a complete thermodynamic characterization for the formation of nucleic acid homoduplexes of known sequence and conformation. The volume change ΔV accompanying the formation of four duplexes was interpreted to reflect changes in hydration based on the electrostriction phenomenon. In 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7, the magnitude of the measured ΔV's ranged from ?2.0 to +7.2 ml/mol base pair and followed the order of poly(rA) · poly(dT) ~ poly(dA) · poly(dT) < poly(rA) · poly(dU) ~ poly(rA) · poly(rU). Inclusion of 100 mM NaCl in the same buffer gave the range of ?17.4 to ?2.3 mL/mol base pair and the following order: poly(dA) · poly(dT) < poly(rA) · poly(dT) < poly(rA) · poly(rU) ~ poly(rA) ~ polyr(dU). Standard thermodynamic profiles of forming these duplexes from their corresponding complementary single strands indicated similar free energies that resulted from the compensation of favorable enthalpies with unfavorable entropies along with a similar counterion uptake at both ionic strengths. The differences in these compensating effects of entropy and enthalpy correlated very well with the volume change measurements in a manner suggesting that the homoduplexes in the B conformation are more hydrated than are those in the A conformation. Moreover, the increased thermal stability of these homoduplexes resulted from an increase in the salt concentration corresponding to larger hydration levels as reflected by the ΔV results. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Alcohol-induced pancreas damage remains as one of the main risk factors for pancreatitis development. This disorder is poorly understood, particularly the effect of acetaldehyde, the primary alcohol metabolite, in the endocrine pancreas. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a protective protein in many tissues, displaying antioxidant, antiapoptotic, and proliferative responses. In the present work, we were focused on characterizing the response induced by HGF and its protective mechanism in the RINm5F pancreatic cell line treated with ethanol and acetaldehyde. RINm5F cells were treated with ethanol or acetaldehyde for 12 h in the presence or not of HGF (50 ng/ml). Cells under HGF treatment decreased the content of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation induced by both toxics, improving cell viability. This effect was correlated to an improvement in insulin expression impaired by ethanol and acetaldehyde. Using a specific inhibitor of Erk1/2 abrogated the effects elicited by the growth factor. In conclusion, the work provides mechanistic evidence of the HGF-induced-protective response to the alcohol-induced damage in the main cellular component of the endocrine pancreas.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence (6138 bp) of a microaerobically inducible region (hupV/VI) from the Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae hydrogenase gene cluster has been determined. Six genes, arranged as a single operon, were identified, and designated hypA, B, F, C, D and E based on the sequence similarities of all of them, except hypF, to genes from the hydrogenase pleiotropic operon (hyp) from Escherichia coli. The gene products from hypBFCDE were identified by in vivo expression analysis in E. coli, and their molecular sizes were consistent with those predicted from the nucleotide sequence. Transposon Tn5 insertions into hypB, hypF, hypD and hypE resulted in R. leguminosarum mutants that lacked any hydrogenase activity in symbiosis with peas, but still were able to synthesize the polypeptide for the hydrogenase large subunit. The gene products HypA, HypB, HypF and HypD contained CX2C motifs characteristic of metal-binding proteins. In addition, HypB bore a long histidine-rich stretch of amino acids near the N-terminus, suggesting a possible role in nickel binding for this protein. The gene product HypF, which was translationally coupled to HypB, presented two cysteine motifs (CX2CX81CX2C) with a capacity to form zinc finger-like structures in the N-terminal third of the protein. A role in nickel metabolism in relation to hydrogenase synthesis is postulated for proteins HypB and HypF.  相似文献   
The pattern of RNA expression of the murine Dlx-2 (Tes-1) homeobox gene is described in embryos ranging in age from E8.5 through E11.5. Dlx-2 is a vertebrate homologue of the Drosophila Distal-less (Dll) gene. Dll expression in the Drosophila embryo is principally limited to the primordia of the brain, head and limbs. Dlx-2 is also expressed principally in the primordia of the forebrain, head and limbs. Within these regions it is expressed in spatially restricted domains. These include two discontinuous regions of the forebrain (basal telencephalon and ventral diencephalon), the branchial arches, facial ectoderm, cranial ganglia and limb ectoderm. Several mouse and human disorders have phenotypes which potentially are the result of mutations in the Dlx genes.  相似文献   
Using both chromosomal in situ hybridization and molecular techniques, we report the genetic localization of the gene coding for the alpha 1 subunit of the skeletal slow Ca2+ current channel/DHP receptor gene (Cchl1a3) on human Chromosome (Chr) 1 (1q31–1q32 region) and on mouse Chr 1 region (F-G). On the basis of single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP-PCR) analysis in an interspecific backcross, we have determined that the Cchl1a3=mdg (muscular dysgenesis) locus is very closely linked to the myogenin (Myog) locus.  相似文献   
Web surveys have replaced Face-to-Face and computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) as the main mode of data collection in most countries. This trend was reinforced as a consequence of COVID-19 pandemic-related restrictions. However, this mode still faces significant limitations in obtaining probability-based samples of the general population. For this reason, most web surveys rely on nonprobability survey designs. Whereas probability-based designs continue to be the gold standard in survey sampling, nonprobability web surveys may still prove useful in some situations. For instance, when small subpopulations are the group under study and probability sampling is unlikely to meet sample size requirements, complementing a small probability sample with a larger nonprobability one may improve the efficiency of the estimates. Nonprobability samples may also be designed as a mean for compensating for known biases in probability-based web survey samples by purposely targeting respondent profiles that tend to be underrepresented in these surveys. This is the case in the Survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain (ESPACOV) that motivates this paper. In this paper, we propose a methodology for combining probability and nonprobability web-based survey samples with the help of machine-learning techniques. We then assess the efficiency of the resulting estimates by comparing them with other strategies that have been used before. Our simulation study and the application of the proposed estimation method to the second wave of the ESPACOV Survey allow us to conclude that this is the best option for reducing the biases observed in our data.  相似文献   
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