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固氯螺菌(Azospirillum)是一类仅在限铵和微好氧条件下固氮的微生物,它可与许多禾本科作物联合共生⑴,具有较大的应用潜力。铵作为固氮作用的调节信号,在固氮螺菌的实际应用中是首要的限制因素。在固氯螺菌中,铵不但具有与肺炎克氏杆菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)相似的阻遏固氮酶合成的作用,而且还对已合成的固氮酶进行活性调节⑵。研究表明,其固氮酶翻译后活性调节的机制类似于深红红螺菌(Rhodospirillum rubrum)⑶,即在有铵条件下其固氮酶铁蛋白的一个亚基被共价修饰而丧失活性,这一过程是可逆的。由于铵在固氮螺菌中双水平地调节固氮作用,使得在野生菌株中研究其固氮基因表达水平上的调节较为困难。Zhang等⑷利用区域定位诱变技术获得了巴西固氮螺菌Sp7(A.Brasilense Sp7)的draT-突变株,在该突变株中铵不再影响固氮酶的活性,这为其固氮基因表达调节的研究提供了一个良好的材料。本文将组成型表达的肺炎克氏杆菌nifA基围引入该突变株中,通过分析讨论铵对巴西固氮螺菌固氮基固表达的调节作用方式。  相似文献   
耐热的木聚糖酶具有用于造纸、麻类脱胶和饲料生产等工业领域的巨大潜力,为了提高11家族碱性木聚糖酶Xyn11A-LC的热稳定性,通过理性设计在N-末端引入了芳香族氨基酸(T9Y和D14F)。测定野生型和突变体的性质表明,突变体的最适反应温度和热稳定性均获得了提高。突变体的最适反应温度比野生型提高了5℃。野生型在65℃的Tris/HCl缓冲液(pH 8.0)中的半衰期为22 min,而突变体在此条件下的半衰期为106 min。圆二色光谱测定结果显示野生型和突变体的Tm分别为55.3℃和67.9℃。因此,通过在N-末端引入芳香族氨基酸可以提高11家族木聚糖酶的热稳定性和在高温下的活性。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Current imaging techniques provide only limited information pertaining to the extent of infiltration of laryngeal carcinomas into vocal fold tissue layers. Therefore, it is needed to seek the contribute to the body of knowledge surrounding examination and characterization in laryngeal carcinoma infiltration. METHODS: Excised larynges were collected from 30 male laryngectomy patients with an average age of 43.5 years (ranging 36 to 55 years) and history of smoking ([GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO]10 years) exhibiting T1, T2, or subglottal (normal vocal fold) carcinomas. Vocal folds were preserved via freezing or immersion in paraffin. The depth of the mucosa, submucosa, and muscular layers in both normal vocal folds and tumor tissues of afflicted vocal folds was measured. RESULTS: The average depths of the mucosa, submucosa, and muscular layers in normal vocal folds were 0.15 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 0.06 mm, 2.30 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 0.59 mm, and 2.87 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 0.88 mm, respectively. Infiltration measurements of T1 tumors showed a depth of 1.62 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 0.51 mm and 1.32 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 0.49 mm in frozen sections and paraffin-embedded samples, respectively. Similarly, T2 tumors showed a depth of 2.87 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 0.68 mm and 2.58 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 0.67 mm in frozen sections and paraffin-embedded samples, respectively. T1 and T2 tumors occupied 24.8 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 10 and 48.5 [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] 15 percent of the normal vocal fold depth, respectively. CONCLUSION: This data provides a baseline for estimating infiltration of laryngeal carcinomas in vocal fold tissue layers, of particular interest to surgeons. This information may be used to assess typical depths of infiltration, thus allowing for more appropriate selection of surgical procedures based on individual patient assessment.  相似文献   
用PR方法克隆了巴西固氮螺菌Yu62 nifH的启动子片段,DNA序列分析表明菌株Yu62与标准菌株sp7之间的DNA序列差异很小。利用启动子探针质粒载体pcBl82,构建了3个不同的nifH::lacz转录融合质粒,在大肠杆菌中分别测定肺炎克氏杆菌NifA对它们的转录激活作用。结果表明巴西固氮螺菌nifH启动子的转录是依赖于NifA的,缺失了上游激活序列的启动子不能被NifA激活转录,肺炎克氏杆菌NifA对其自身nifH及巴西固氮螺菌nifH启动子的转录激活作用并无很大差异。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵区植被恢复对土壤可溶性氮组分的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探究黄土丘陵地区人工植被恢复对土壤氮素养分累积与有效性的影响,研究分析了植被恢复15年刺槐、柠条、刺槐侧柏混交、刺槐山桃混交以及荒草地土壤可溶性氮组分含量及其垂直分布特征。结果表明,与耕地相比,植被恢复显著提高了0—30 cm土壤可溶性氮组分含量,这也使0—30 cm土壤可溶性氮组分密度显著增加,可溶性有机氮密度增幅表现为柠条(262.2%)刺槐(232.8%)刺槐山桃混交、刺槐侧柏混交(34.5%)荒草地(-21.5%),硝态氮密度整体表现为柠条刺槐刺槐山桃混交荒草地刺槐侧柏混交,增幅为7.9%—182.8%,铵态氮密度以刺槐山桃混交增幅最大(110.3%),荒草地最小为2.6%。可溶性有机氮、硝态氮占全氮的比例以刺槐最高,分别提升了2.4倍和0.6倍,铵态氮占全氮的比例以刺槐山桃混交最高,提升了1.0倍。可溶性氮组分受微生物量碳氮的影响大于有机质和全氮,微生物量氮与可溶性氮组分的相关性优于微生物量碳,硝态氮对土壤有机质、全氮和微生物量碳氮的变化最为敏感。综上,植被恢复能够提高土壤可溶性氮组分含量、密度及其占全氮比例,增加土壤氮的有效性,以刺槐、柠条提升效果最好。  相似文献   
Clonally derived recombinant cell lines are highly desired to achieve consistent production of recombinant biotherapeutics. Despite repeated rounds of cloning by limiting dilution or single cell cloning, the resulting cell lines have often been observed to diverge, becoming a heterogeneous population and losing productivity over long-term sub-culturing. To understand the underlying molecular mechanisms, we developed quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays for the analysis of transgene copy number distribution in single recombinant cells isolated from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines. Single cells were obtained by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) technology and lysed directly in 96-well plates. qPCR assays were then applied to analyze the quantity and distribution of transgenes in those single cells. Results revealed multiple types of transgene copy number distribution profiles from those clonally derived CHO cell lines. The cell lines that maintained productivity over time displayed relatively constant and homogeneous transgene copy number distributions; while most of those cell lines exhibiting a loss of productivity over time showed varying degrees of transgene copy number heterogeneity and distribution drift with passaging. Some cell lines showed the existence of a significant portion of cells lacking the transgenes (referred to as negative cells in this study) and the percentage of those negative cells increased with subsequent generations. Criteria based on transgene copy number distribution profiles were developed to assess cell line suitability for clinical applications, which include (i) percentage of negative cells; (ii) standard deviation of qPCR threshold cycle (C(t) ) value, a measure of population heterogeneity; (iii) mean C(t) changes during aging, a measure of population drift. By implementing these criteria, undesirable cell lines were eliminated for further clinical and commercial applications.  相似文献   
聚合酶链反应(1)是最近几年分子生物学领域中一项重大的技术突破。典型的PCR引物内应含50%G+c,且没有自身互补序列,特别是在其3’-末端不应有内部二级结构。引物与靶DNA的退火温度一般为50℃,但当已有的引物不太符合要求时,就要调整退火温度。本文报道了用PCR方法扩增深红红螺菌draT基因,介绍了当引物Gc含量较低时,可采用适当降低退火温度,然后梯度升温的方法获得PCR产物。  相似文献   
稳定同位素技术广泛地用于描绘生态系统中食物网的食物来源和营养级关系,但是消费者不同组织转化率的研究相对较少。通过锦鲤摄食人工添加15N蓝藻的食性转化实验,研究不同组织N同位素转化率的差异,探讨组织生长和代谢对同位素转化的相对贡献,为不同时间尺度的稳定同位素研究取样奠定基础。结果表明,通过42d的加富蓝藻饲喂,各组织的N稳定同位素发生显著变化。肝的δ15N为(19.3±1.4)‰,显著高于其它组织,其次为鱼鳍((15.6±1.0)‰)和血液((12.6±0.4)‰),肌肉的δ15N‰最低,为(9.9±0.7)‰。在随后的同位素稀释实验中,锦鲤的体重增加,相对生长速率为0.011d-1,鳍肉的转化率最快,达到11.4%/d,半衰期仅为6.1d,其次是血液和肝,肌肉的转化率最低,仅有3.8%/d,半衰期最长,为18.4d。代谢衰减指数c和-1不存在显著差异,表明锦鲤各组织的N同位素转化主要由组织生长引起。结论显示,同位素富集-稀释法可以有效评价鱼类食性转变对不同组织同位素转化的差异,鳍肉和血液同位素分析可以作为锦鲤食性转变快速追踪的手段。  相似文献   
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